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Reports until 13:21, Monday 04 March 2013
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:21, Monday 04 March 2013 - last comment - 17:29, Monday 04 March 2013(5641)
PSL shutdown/restart

The laser shut off over the weekend due to the power watchdog tripping. It looks like I had set the watchdog on the laser when the humidity was relatively high, and once the weather changed the humidity dropped back down and tripped the laser. We really need to look into this since the majority of shutdowns have been due to this humidity issue.

I took the opportunity to increase the current on the pump diodes to get us back to nominal power. The changes made are as follows:

I found that I could increase the power from the diodes by decreasing the temperature, but there was a point where increasing the diode power actually decreased the output of the laser. Instead of trying to maximize power from the diodes I watched the output of the laser and brought it up to 33 W. This is where we were back when the laser was installed.
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michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - 17:29, Monday 04 March 2013 (5651)

I lowered the current on diodes 3/4 to 53 A after I got a bit more power out of diode 3, by decreasing its temperature to 20 C.

Also decreased the AC units to 20 C (unrelated) to try and stabilize room temperature for IO.

jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:13, Monday 04 March 2013 - last comment - 13:28, Monday 04 March 2013(5644)
SEI vacuuming at BSC2 ISI

This is from Friday morning.

With Jodi's help, I vacuumed the upper surfaces of the ISI. I found a fair amount of particulate, most of which appeared to be metallic flakes, though there was the occasional black fleck.I didn't think to get samples, but there are probably still specks to be collected, there's a lot of ground to cover. Most of what I found was collected in up-facing recesses in the plates, especially around the vertical L4C's. I also wiped down the keel and the larger exposed upper surfaces of the stages. Additionally, I found a bug that had crawled into the vent for a dowel pin and died, which I extracted by flushing with a large quantity of isopropyl.

Comments related to this report
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - 13:28, Monday 04 March 2013 (5645)
Wow! Did you save the carcass so that we can ID the bug?
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:02, Monday 04 March 2013 - last comment - 14:22, Monday 04 March 2013(5642)
MC1 and MC3 pitched
Cheryl reported that MC1 and MC3 were badly pitched relative to the last time she worked with them. Trending the M3 level signals shows that it went bad at about 20:30 UTC (12:30 PST) on Tue 2/19, possibly in connection with the removal of dummy masses in preparation for installation of PR3 and PRM (alog 5527).

Travis looked and didn't find anything obviously touching, so Cheryl is going to check the table levelness. Then we'll do another round of TFs to confirm that it's fixed or provide further clues.
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cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - 13:12, Monday 04 March 2013 (5643)
I looked into the HAM ISI sensors and found that they also show changes from before the temporary weights were removed to after both PR3 and PRM were installed, which does indicate that changes to MC1 and MC3 could be caused by ISI changes.

The plot shows the March 18, 6AM to March 22, 6PM, so covers all the HAM2 weight changes during the week.
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hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - 14:01, Monday 04 March 2013 (5647)

Attached are HEPI trends showing maximum excusion during the unweighting/reweighting period.  None exceed 200 counts (.0003").  After reloading the table with the suspensions, the largest change is ,0.0001"

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jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - 14:22, Monday 04 March 2013 (5648)

Just for future reference, the conversion for the HAM cps's is about 800cts/.001", according to the HAM Integration Testing Procedure. The biggest shift is ~1000cts, so about 1.25 milli-inches, which is basically the slop in the lockers.

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:35, Monday 04 March 2013 (5640)
LVEA dust monitor 4
The dust monitor in the clean room over the test stand with the beam splitter had a low battery alarm and had stopped counting. I replaced the fuse and restarted it.
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:13, Monday 04 March 2013 (5639)
LVEA HEPI Plumbing is Leak Free

The pressure in the HEPI Hardlines have been constant at 125psi since Wednesday afternoon after repairing the small leak at HAM4.  I did not check the gauge over the weekend but today it remains at 125.  The hardlines will be vented next and a few changes made: add pressure transducers at BSC2 and a drain valve under BSC1.  Then let the filling begin!

cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:51, Monday 04 March 2013 (5637)
IO HAM2 Status:
- all baffles are on the table in a position that will only change slightly to align to the beam
- all dog clamps are swapped/added on all components, except
- IM1-3 dog clamps have been OK'd by Guido, but Calum wants to,see BK hammering test data, however
- IM1-3 sus vs sys dog clamps are likely about the same weight, and IMs aren't moving

To Do:
- vet sus dog clamps with BK hammering test

Desired work:
- if possible, float and ballance the table and relock, to vet the table alignment and elliminate it as a block to locking the IMC in air 
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:24, Saturday 02 March 2013 - last comment - 11:10, Saturday 02 March 2013(5634)
IO alignment irises on the PSL - beams were centered, but are not centered now
I installed irises on the PSL in January, and looked at them yesterday. I found that the beam coming from the PMC is about a beam diameter from center on it's alignment iris, and the transmitted beam from the bottom periscope mirror was also about a beam diameter from center.  Attached is a drawing of the beam paths for these two irises, and where I found the beams.
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Comments related to this report
john.worden@LIGO.ORG - 11:10, Saturday 02 March 2013 (5636)

A possible explanation for the alignment drift might be that the shutdown of the PSL chilled water has caused some thermal motion either of the PSL table or some components on the table. I would expect some watercooled components are thermally anchored to the table so even small changes in termperature might cause some local deformation of the table surface. There may be large time constants associated with this.

cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:23, Friday 01 March 2013 (5633)
IMC / HAM2 work today - baffles, dog clamps, and IMC not really flashing
- Deepak, Jeff K, Keita, Cheryl

A lot of activity around HAM2 today, working toward locking the IMC in air.

The IMC is ready to go, in HAM2 and ISCT2L, but we have an alignment issue from the PSL that will require the PSL top periscope mirror and the HAM2 Pico Motor actuated mirror to correct, before we can resume IMC flashing and locking.

When we went to laser hazard, I saw that the beam from the PSL was misaligned to the HAM2 periscope.  Iterations of aligning the PSL beam to the IMC alignment irises were unsuccessful, in that there is no way to align the input beam with just the top periscope mirror, and get a beam through the IMC that is centered on all the irises.  Many different attempts to rectify this were all unsuccessful, including significant realignment of IMC mirrors.  While in the PSL, I checked my alignment irises and found that two of the irises on the PSL no longer have a centered beams,, both by about a beam diameter, so there has been some significant beam pointing change. This means that aligning the PSL beam to the IMC will require the use of the top periscope mirror in the PSL, and the pico motor mirror in HAM2.

Other details on HAM2/IMC work:

IOT2L electronics were reattached and signals are coming through.  The table is sitting further from HAM2 than normal, since it gives us more room in the clean room, and REFL PD is not adversely effected by the additional distance.  The IMC REFL beam is aligned to the table, and we have a beam on REFL PD and can see the beam on the camera.

The semi-end of baffle installation/rework was today.  Jeff K, at my OK, used iLigo dog clamps on two baffles, HA1 and some other one he alogged - pictures to come.  Deepak and I installed the IM4 baffle.  There were a couple issues with the IM4 baffle, which are that it cannot be installed without loosening the EQ stop brackets, and when the EQ stop brackets are retightened, they are in direct contact with the baffle.  Picture attached.

IMC alignment irises were assembled and installed in HAM2, back to their locations from Dec. 2012, in front of MC1 and MC3, and behind MC3.  This fully defines the input beam used for the alignment of the IMC in air.

LVEA is back to laser safe.

HAM2 West door is rocking a 4-door-cover look to allow the IMC REFL to escape the vacuum system without exposing more of the chamber than necessary.

Images attached to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:45, Friday 01 March 2013 (5632)
MEDM behave better in KDE

When you press some button in any MEDM window to open another MEDM window, and if that screen is already open somewhere but behind another window, in KDE the correct window pops up to the front.

robert.schofield@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:53, Friday 01 March 2013 (5631)
Mode Cleaner Offsets (MC Offsets)

Cheryl V, Jeff K, Keita, Deepak K

The offsets of the Mode Cleaner Suspensions are currently at

MC1 Pitch  : -360
MC1 Yaw   : 420


MC2 Pitch : -9.8
MC2 Yaw  : 367.9

MC3 Pitch : 710
MC3 Yaw  : 220

LHO General
thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:50, Friday 01 March 2013 (5630)
03/01/2013 Ops Summary
- Clean room moved from BSC10 to BSC6
- Feed throughs being installed
- Transition to laser hazard by IO
- PEM timing fix requires reboot of H1OAF
- Dust monitor vendor on site
- EY transfer function on SUS in BSC6
arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:32, Friday 01 March 2013 (5628)
ITMY/ETMY L1/L2 OSEM Actuator Signs

Mark B. (posted under Arnaud's name by mistake)

In response to a question by Dennis and Norna, I set out to confirm that the magnets for the L1 and L2 OSEMs on the ITMy and ETMy were installed with the proper checkerboard pattern called out in E1000617. The sensing at these levels has had some attention from Szymon but the actuation less so.

I set up some DTT jobs that applied 0-6 Hz uniform excitation to the EXC test points in the COILOUTF filter blocks (H1:SUS-ITMY_L1_COILOUTF_UL_EXC etc) and looked at the phase, magnitude and coherence to the IN1 test points of the OSEMINF blocks (H1:SUS-ITMY_L_OSEMINF_UL_IN1_DQ etc):





The four OSEMs at each level were done in parallel. To get good coherence given the weakness of the lower actuators I had to use large excitation levels and increase the WD actuation thresholds temporarily from 25000 to 50000. Damping was off, but preliminary runs showed that it didn't make much difference.

When I found a good combination of settings, the phase below about 0.3 Hz was near either 0 or 180 degrees and tracked the sign of the gain field in the COILOUTF block.

For both ITMY and ETMY the L1 signs to give 0 degrees phase at low frequency (i.e., actuation and sensing with the same sign in the spring-constant dominated regime) were UL=LR=-1, LL=UR=+1. This is consistent with E1000617 with N=+1.

For both ITMY and ETMY the L2 signs to give 0 degrees phase at low frequency were UL=LR=+1, LL=UR=-1. This is consistent with E1000617 with S=+1. Apparently the AOSEMs are wound the opposite direction from the BOSEMs, or there is some similar consistent sign swap. This is _not_ the way the gain had been set - all L2 OSEMs had been configured as pullers rather than pushers as intended. I left the corrected settings in place and updated the safe.snap files.

The only case where the conclusion is marginal is for ETMY:L2:UR, where the OSEM is indpendently suspected to be badly aligned, so the response is weak and the coherence is not as good. We hope to align this OSEM better when the ETMY is reinstalled in the H1 tank.

This study does not constrain the second magnet in each flag assembly, which is supposed to be installed oppositely so that each flag assembly has zero net dipole.

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david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:00, Friday 01 March 2013 (5629)

h1oaf0 restarted with new IOP model to match the new IO Chassis (the correct one for H1OAF). The temporary chassis had a 16bit DAC card, the new one has a 18bit DAC.

I started the new IOP models for h1sush56, h1susauxh56 and h1seih45. But this took the GDS system over a 128 node limit, so these IOP models were stopped and we will upgrade the GDS next tuesday.

jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:56, Friday 01 March 2013 (5627)
BSC6 Entry
Cleanroom moved from BSC10 to BSC6. Door removal equipment staged by north door.
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:54, Friday 01 March 2013 (5626)
Final door returned to chamber. All door and dome bolts torqued and checked. Feedthrough and blank installation started. ICC items continue to be collected and returned to the corner station for storage.
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:50, Friday 01 March 2013 (5625)
BSC2 Install Prep Checklist
Clean chamber and cleanroom X 2-1 clean completed
Test leg jacks
Move cleanroom from HAM aux optics table to BSC2-HAM3 for garbing/staging
Check cleanroom function
Stage garbing/staging cleanrooms
Baffle assembly-Solid stack moved to test stand today
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:44, Friday 01 March 2013 (5624)
LVEA HEPI Leak Check Update

Pressure appears to be holding steady.  If it holds through Monday, we'll transition to fluid filling.

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