Displaying reports 71941-71960 of 77031.Go to page Start 3594 3595 3596 3597 3598 3599 3600 3601 3602 End
Reports until 15:37, Thursday 24 January 2013
LHO General
bubba.gateley@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:37, Thursday 24 January 2013 (5249)
The crossover platform and ladders over the X-arm were removed from the LVEA, and 9 of the cable tray supports installed along the X-arm. The Apollo crew also started assembly of the  (terra universal) clean room intended for fiber welding. Disassembly was started and halted on the garbing room near the north end of the south bay. Reassembly of said garbing room is ongoing.
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:22, Thursday 24 January 2013 (5248)
New Fiber Welding Cleanroom Assembly
The Apollo crew uncrated and wiped down parts of the cleanroom donated to LHO by CIT AOS. (This cleanroom will replace the cleanroom used for Fiber Welding near the Test Stands in the West Bay.)The parts were transported to the West Bay and frame assembly started. The cleanroom will fit into the space occupied by the previous cleanroom with about a foot to spare. Tomorrow, work will continue with ceiling assembly.
LHO General
dale.ingram@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:13, Thursday 24 January 2013 (5247)
The LVEA will enter laser hazard this afternoon

Measurement of the mode cleaner power budget this afternoon will cause beams to exit the viewports on the top and the east side of HAM 2.  Access along the east side of the mode cleaner tube will be restricted.

mark.lubinski@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:28, Thursday 24 January 2013 (5246)
FMCS computer down
The FMCS computer in the Control Room was down from 12:48 till 13:08 today for maint.  The system is back up and running again
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:06, Thursday 24 January 2013 (5245)
WHAM2 HEPI is ***Locked***
Got the go head from IMC folks and SEI.  Locked up the HAM3 HEPI.
The largest displacement see from unlocked to locked condition is 300 cts or 0.0005".  The runout of the vertical shift is only 140cts so max tilting of the table is only a couple urads.  I see a similar change in the yaw position.  In conclusion, alignment should be very little affected.
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:43, Thursday 24 January 2013 (5243)
restarts Wednesday afternoon

late entry for wed afternoon restarts

h1peml0 was restarted to test the Id revision string substitution when the mdl file is committed to SVN.

h1ascimc model was changed to remove the WFS A,B WHITEN GAIN parts as these channels are now controlled by the Beckhoff slow controls system.

DAQ was restarted because of the ASC IMC change, it then used the modified ini files for the BSC HEPI systems. So h1hpiitmy and h1hpietmy models were restarted to load the latest code from Vincent.

hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:28, Thursday 24 January 2013 (5241)
WBSC1-ITMY Optical Level Checked--***ISI Locked***
We went in chamber this AM, locked up the ISI and did a level check with the Optical Level.
The run out 0.2mm over the 1.5M Optical Table gives a level of 133urad.  The numbers would suggest though that we are at the limits of the Optical Table Flatness.  That is, the SE and NW corners of the Optical Table are low and the opposite corners are high.
SUS is going in now to confirm no rubbing to insure the YAW evaluation is not suspect.

***The ISI Remains Locked***
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:00, Thursday 24 January 2013 - last comment - 10:39, Thursday 24 January 2013(5240)
h1seih23 stopped running early Thursday morning.
At 9:22:13 UTC Jan. 24, the models on the h1seih23 computer stopped running.  All models reported ADC timeout.  Checked I/O chassis, power switch was on but found no indication of life.  The I/O chassis refuses to power up, even after disconnecting the DC power and reconnecting.  Suspect I/O chassis power supply is bad.  h1seih23 is powered off for now.
Comments related to this report
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - 10:39, Thursday 24 January 2013 (5242)
Power supply for I/O chassis replaced, h1seih23 restarted at 18:38 UTC.
dale.ingram@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:53, Thursday 24 January 2013 (5239)
Thursday morning Praxair

Praxair arrived at 8:00 to make a delivery to MX.

hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:53, Thursday 24 January 2013 (5238)
WHAM2 HEPI L4Cs All Leveled HEPI Remains Unlocked---Late Entry
Forgot this what with the BSC1 work.
Yesterday between ~10M & Noon, I locked down the SW HEPI Foot and leveled the two L4Cs.  This concludes the L4C leveling on the HAM.  When done, after releasing the Foot, the largest change to the Inductive Position Sensor readings was ~400 cts or ~0.0007".  This was a horizontal.  I doubt it will be noticeable.
SEI would like to lock up this HEPI.  Since there is no HEPI operation at this point, the unlocked HEPI shows resonances that would nominally be suppressed.  With approval, SEI will lock this today.  WHAM3 remains locked but there are still three corners to level there which will mean it will be unlocked, again, when the IMC crew can tolerate the mild disruption.
lisa.barsotti@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:10, Wednesday 23 January 2013 - last comment - 12:10, Thursday 24 January 2013(5237)
IMC is locked again

The repaired LSC RFPD has been re-installed on IOT2, and we could relock the IMC easily. We measured the OLTF of the fast loop: we have a 60 kHz UGF and 40 degrees of phase margin (measured with the  730 kHz notch ). Details will follow. 
Comments related to this report
lisa.barsotti@LIGO.ORG - 12:10, Thursday 24 January 2013 (5244)
The first picture shows a comparison of the OLTF with and without the notch. At 60 kHz we lose 7 degrees of phase with the notch in.  The second picture shows where the notch box is, and the third picture shows the MEDM screens with the standard gain settings. 
Images attached to this comment
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:50, Wednesday 23 January 2013 (5235)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .3 microns and > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot from approximately 5 PM Jan. 22 to 5 PM Jan. 23. Also attached are plots of the modes to show when they were running/acquiring data. Dust monitor 10 in the H1 PSL enclosure is still indicating a calibration failure.
Non-image files attached to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:52, Wednesday 23 January 2013 - last comment - 21:09, Wednesday 23 January 2013(5233)
IMC WFS, cont'd

We checked the grounding of WFS and LSC cables to the table.

Disconnected the cable from the DC interface and checked if the ground pin on the cable was connected to the ground pin of the DC interface, and they were not.

Then we went to the table, disconnected the WFS cable from the feedthrough panel of the table, connected a DB15 cable to the feedthrough and locally supplied +-18V from a power supply.

No oscillation was observed, but none of the channels in WFSA was responding to the light. For WFSB, segment 1 and 2 (pin4-12 and pin3-11)  were good, positive output of the segment 3 (pin2) was dead but the negative output (pin 10) was fine, and the segment4 (pin1-9) was dead.

We removed the heads from the table and opened them to find that:

For WFSA, in 3 segments AD8599 (U1 in D1101614, that's the dual opamp for the differential output stage) was blown up, and the remaining one segment had a fried AD8597 (U2, that's the trans impedance amp before the differential stage).

For WFSB, only one segment had what seems to be a fried AD8597.

Pictures will be posted by Lisa or Giacomo.

We don't know how these things were broken.

Comments related to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 19:08, Wednesday 23 January 2013 (5234)

Don't do this:

I repeatedly connected the positive output of the differential output stage to the core of the BNC and the negative to the sheild, and connected it to an oscilloscope. This means that the negative output is short-circuited to the mains ground. It was also connected to the DC ground of the demod board as the same scope was connected to the single ended monitor output of the demod board.

This doesn't explain why the opamps were burnt (the absolute maximum rating of the opamp, AD8599, for short circuit is specified as "indefinite"), but it's simply a bad practice so don't do it.

giacomo.ciani@LIGO.ORG - 21:09, Wednesday 23 January 2013 (5236)

Images attached to this comment
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:30, Wednesday 23 January 2013 (5232)
fixing IMC length PD --- two chips replaced

Keita K., Giacomo C., Richard M., Filiberto C., Kiwamu I.

The resonant RF PD [1][2] that has been used for the length sensing of the IMC, was found to have two broken amps on the circuit board. This PD is the one which showed a sudden big offset in the DC signal as reported in [3]. We further investigated and fixed it. After fixing we tested the DC path and no big offset was observed, which is good.

 The differential output was insane. The positive pin showed -2.2 V and the negative one showed -0.8 V with respect to the ground when no light is on the diode, resulting in an offset of -1.4 V in total. Though this number is not really what we got yesterday [3], the symptom remains the same --- a big offset and somehow magically the PD responds to light.

The repair
 We removed the PD from the IOT2L table and brought it to the EE shop to have a close look. It seemed that
 (1) one of two amplifiers for the differential output (U3 : at the very last stage of the DC path) seemed blown, resulting in such unbalance at the outputs.
 (2) the trans-impedance amplifier (U2) was not closing the feedback loop at all. In the same trans-impedance loop there was a current buffer (U5) and this was also suspicious initially.

 Filiberto replaced U3 and U2 with a new AD8672 and OP27 respectively. After the repair, it started working OK. We have tested the DC path by illuminating the diode with a visible laser pointer. It responded to the light, which tells us not only the DC path is OK but also the diode is still alive. Note that U2 was an AD8675 before the repair and interestingly it looked it had been replaced once as the foot prints were clearly dirtier than everyone else.

[1] D1101124-v6 
[2] SN:1203396
LHO alog #5219

kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:11, Wednesday 23 January 2013 (5231)
HAM6 bellows leak testing
Each HAM6 support tube bellows bagged (hermetically sealed) to encompass the large conflat joint and bellow's convolutions but not the small conflat joint -> 3/8" i.d. x 5' long exhaust tube (penetrating bottom of bag) -> Supply of helium to the top of the bag -> Applied 90 seconds of helium pressurization/flow per bag such that each bag remained inflated (like a balloon) and with confirmed/noticeable flow out of the exhaust tube -> Leak detector backing HAM6 turbo via series combo of (4) each 1.5" x 3' flex hoses

HAM6 volume = ~7,500L  
Net pump speed for helium > 500 L/sec  
Indicated helium baseline at start of testing < 1 x 10-10 torr*L/sec

SW bellows and big CF joint -> OK 
NW bellows and big CF joint -> OK 
SE bellows and big CF joint -> OK 
NE bellows and big CF joint -> inconclusive -> large signal response -> need to reverse order of testing and pressurize this bag with air while applying low flow of helium the corresponding small conflat to rule it out then test bellows convolutions separate from the big conflat joint

Will continue tomorrow
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:30, Wednesday 23 January 2013 - last comment - 16:51, Wednesday 23 January 2013(5228)
WBSC1 HEPI moves for IAS
After SUS made sure everything was clear and not biasing the measurements, IAS gave us direction.  We moved the ITMy HEPI down 1.3mm, & 0.8mm North and tried to do no Yaw.  After this we locked the ISI and looked at the level of the Optical Table.  We saw a runout of 0.019" on the Optical Table.  We did a tilt correction, down on the SE corner and up on the NW of ~0.2mm each.  This put our runout on the Optical Table measurements at 0.12mm.
Then, wouldn't ya know it, IAS says we have to Yaw 577urad CW.  So we turned the HEPI Springs 1/2turn each for CW yaw and that got us under 100urad.  Have to say after doing that I do want to confirm the Optical Table is still level.
Comments related to this report
jason.oberling@LIGO.ORG - 16:51, Wednesday 23 January 2013 (5230)
Here are the final position/angle error numbers for the ITMy after today's moves:
  • Lateral Position: -0.67 mm (South)
    • Tolerance: ±1.0 mm
  • Vertical Position: 0.0 mm
    • Tolerance: ±1.0 mm
  • Axial Position: -0.2 mm (East)
    • Tolerance: ±3.0 mm
  • Pitch: ~1.4 mrad down
    • This measurement is approximate.  The pitch was too far out to get a measurement on the autocollimator
    • Target: 12.5 µrad down
    • Tolerance: ±160 µrad
  • Yaw: ~85 µrad CCW
    • This was also approximate, as the pitch was too far out to get a measurement on the autocollimator
    • Target: 0.0 µrad
    • Tolerance: ±160 µrad
Displaying reports 71941-71960 of 77031.Go to page Start 3594 3595 3596 3597 3598 3599 3600 3601 3602 End