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Reports until 07:39, Wednesday 08 January 2025
LHO General
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:39, Wednesday 08 January 2025 (82175)
Ops Day Shift Start

TITLE: 01/08 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 158Mpc
    SEI_ENV state: USEISM
    Wind: 8mph Gusts, 5mph 3min avg
    Primary useism: 0.04 μm/s
    Secondary useism: 0.51 μm/s
QUICK SUMMARY: Locked for almost 10 hours, just had an event candidate. We are just on the threshold for the seismic environment to be in Calm or Useism, so it has switched back and forth a few times over the night. No other alarms or other notables.

LHO General
ryan.short@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:00, Tuesday 07 January 2025 (82173)
Ops Eve Shift Summary

TITLE: 01/08 Eve Shift: 0030-0600 UTC (1630-2200 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 160Mpc
SHIFT SUMMARY: One lockloss this shift with an automated relock other than opting for an initial alignment once at DRMI. I also adjusted the OPO temp while relocking. H1 has been locked and observing for about 15 minutes.

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H1 General (Lockloss)
ryan.short@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:38, Tuesday 07 January 2025 - last comment - 21:56, Tuesday 07 January 2025(82172)
Lockloss @ 04:09 UTC

Lockloss @ 04:09 UTC - online lockloss tool is down as of 16:07 PST (currently broken link: 1420344601)

No obvious cause. No real sign of an ETM glitch either.

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Comments related to this report
ryan.short@LIGO.ORG - 21:56, Tuesday 07 January 2025 (82174)

H1 back to observing at 05:46 UTC.

ryan.short@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:18, Tuesday 07 January 2025 (82169)
PSL 10-Day Trends

FAMIS 31067

PMC Refl is back on the rise again after having been steady for about a week. The ISS diffracted power has been slowly dropping also; if it gets worse in the coming days I can bring it back up with a RefSignal adjustment.

No other major events of note.

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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:18, Tuesday 07 January 2025 - last comment - 17:33, Tuesday 07 January 2025(82166)
ALSY PDH acquire gain was super low (and the sensing gain was about 12dB or so smaller than ALSX to start with)

Since I had some time, I quickly measured the OLTF of ALS PDH at X and Y using LSC EXTRA channels I connected some time ago (alog 80826). I enabled the IN2 and made sure that OUT2 is connected to IN1 (1st attachment). With this setting, H1:LSC-[XY]_EXTRA_AI_2/H1:ALS-[XY]_REFL_ERR_OUT_DQ is 40dB smaller than the OLTF, see the circuit diagram of the CM board (D040180 especially page 5) and an overview (D1002416/005).

It turns out that the PDH OLTF (2nd attachment, note that there's a factor of 100 in the denominator so you have to add 40dB) is about 10dB smaller in ALSY with the nominal setting (red) than ALSX (black dashed) despite that H1:ALS-Y_REFL_LOCK_LOCKEDGAIN (6dB) is 2dB larger than H1:ALS-X_REFL_LOCK_LOCKEDGAIN (4dB). So there's a total of 12dB gain difference somewhere upstream of the common mode board.

That shouldn't be such a big deal once it's locked, but it could be problematic for acquisition as H1:ALS-Y_REFL_LOCK_ACQUIREGAIN was -20dB while  H1:ALS-X_REFL_LOCK_ACQUIREGAIN was and is -6dB. In other words, the electronics gain is 14dB smaller for Y than X and the sensing gain upstream of the common mode board is 12dB smaller for Y. It's 26dB difference in total.

I wanted to adjust the demod phase in Y but was distracted by something else, so I just increased the gain setting for Y: H1:ALS-Y_REFL_LOCK_ACQUIREGAIN is -12 (originally -20),  H1:ALS-Y_REFL_LOCK_LOCKEDGAIN is 10 (was 6).

For LOCKEDGAIN, I tried 14dB and it started dropping lock for unknown reasons, 12dB was OK (brown trace) but I just didn't want to get close to 14dB.

I'm pretty sure ACQ gain could be increased further but -12dB is the gain I tested first and it locked quickly, and I didn't have time.

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Comments related to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 17:31, Tuesday 07 January 2025 (82170)

And this is where I was distracted.

I changed the CM board offset while PDH was locked and confirmed that it still has a measurable effect on the green transmission but it's not as drastic as before, this time it's only a few per cent effect. I saw no apparent mode hopping behavior either (i.e. the transmission didn't change shape from 00 to HOM), things were very stable. Not sure if the only difference was the alignment.

As per previous experiences, I went all the way up to -10V (which is attenuated by 0.28/100 in the CM board) but could not get past the true maxima of the transmission (i.e. "the other side of the slope"). Also the IN1 gain seemed to have an effect on the transmission when the offset was constant, i.e. the higher the gain the smaller the transmission.

We know that the error signal (in volts) is not drastically smaller at EY than EX.

After making sure that the demod phase is good, in another maintenance day we could e.g. slightly misalign the arm or TMS and observe the error signal when the arm is free swinging. If this is via HOM, that would make things different, probably for worse.

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jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:56, Tuesday 07 January 2025 (82168)
HAM-ISI coupling to DARM

On Monday I used some templates that Sheila pointed me toward to get some data on HAM ISI coupling to DARM, to see if any of HAMs 2,3 and 6 are close to be a limiting noise anywhere. I did the injections using the templates Sheila gave me, I then used a script from Arnaud based on some of the pem scripts used to estimate couplings. For each table I got excitations in the vertical(Z), beamline (X or Y) and pitch (RY or RX) dofs. This was a first attempt, I think I will probably want to try doing some of this measurement again, but I'll wait to talk to Arnaud a bit about the data.

For each attached image, top subplot shows the quiet ISI dof in black, the injection is red. Bottom plot shows DARM and the estimated couplings for the dof.

None of these are really stand out to me, but maybe my injection could use some tuning.

Templates for each measurement are in /ligo/gitcommon/NoiseBudget/aligoNB/aligoNB/H1/couplings/ISI.

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LHO General
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:30, Tuesday 07 January 2025 (82150)
Ops Day Shift End

TITLE: 01/08 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 156Mpc
SHIFT SUMMARY: Maintenance day today, with autoamted relocking aside from some testing of SRY locking and ALS during initial alignment. Keita worked on the ALS X&Y and some changes were made to ALSY that seemed to help relocking. We've been locked for 2.5 hours

Start Time System Name Location Lazer_Haz Task Time End
15:43 FAC Eric Mech room n Reheat wire fix 16:06
15:56 FAC Chris Xarm n Tumbleweed clearing 20:10
15:57 FAC Kim, Nelly FCES n Tech clean 16:41
16:26 TCS Camilla CR/LVEA n CO2 PWM tests 17:19
16:34 VAC Travis LVEA n Inspect HAM6 gauge 16:37
16:34 VAC Jordan, Gerardo FCES n Removing gauge for use at HAM6 18:52
17:04 FAC Tyler LVEA, Mids n 3IFO checks 17:49
17:24 FAC Richard, Ken Mids n - 18:11
17:39 CC RyanC LVEA n Dust monitor testing 18:19
17:55 SQZ Camilla, Jennie LVEA LOCAL SQZ homodyne meas 19:28
18:15 FAC Kim, Nelly LVEA n Tech clean 18:16
18:15 FAC Kim EY n Tech clean 19:37
18:18 CC RyanC EY n Dust monitor testing 18:49
18:19 SEI Jim, Mitchell Ends n Wind fence, HEPI, dust pump checks 18:52
18:21 ISC Keita CR n TMS measurements 20:13
18:50 IAS RyanC LVEA N Setup FARO for next week 19:08
18:54 VAC Jordan, Gerardo, Marc EY n Fixing cables 20:13
19:20 VAC Travis EX n Prep for clean air replacement 19:21
19:21 VAC Travis LVEA n Grab parts 19:29
19:23 PCAL Tony PCAL lab local Check on lab 19:34
20:05 SQZ Sheila, Camilla LVEA LOCAL Homodyne meas rd2 20:40
21:50 VAC Gerardo, Travis EX n Clean air prep 22:40
23:33 CAL Tony PCal Lab LOCAL Software updates 00:33
23:33 TCS TJ MER n Check TCS chillers 23:43


H1 OpsInfo
ryan.short@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:24, Tuesday 07 January 2025 - last comment - 12:33, Monday 27 January 2025(82167)
Automatic Tuesday Morning Injections and Stand Down Alerts

I've updated the PEM_MAG_INJ and SUS_CHARGE Guardian nodes to not run their associated injections and drop H1 from observing if there is an active stand down alert from SNEWS, Fermi, Swift, or KamLAND (for supernova, GRB, and neutrino alerts). As a reminder, these normally start at 7:20am local time on Tuesdays if H1 is locked.

Comments related to this report
ryan.short@LIGO.ORG - 12:33, Monday 27 January 2025 (82485)OpsInfo

Due to a typo in the SUS_CHARGE Guardian (my fault), the in-lock charge measurements have not run since I implemented this change. I've fixed this and reloaded the node, so in-lock charge measurements should be back to running as usual at 7:45am Tuesday mornings if H1 is locked.

LHO General
ryan.short@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:05, Tuesday 07 January 2025 (82165)
Ops Eve Shift Start

TITLE: 01/08 Eve Shift: 0030-0600 UTC (1630-2200 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 158Mpc
    SEI_ENV state: USEISM
    Wind: 3mph Gusts, 2mph 3min avg
    Primary useism: 0.05 μm/s
    Secondary useism: 0.46 μm/s
QUICK SUMMARY: H1 has been locked and observing for over 2 hours.

thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:56, Tuesday 07 January 2025 (82164)
TCS Chiller Water Level Top-Off


No water was added to either chiller as both were near the max. All filters looked okay for now and there was no water in the leak detection Dixie cup.

T2200289 was updated with these values.

camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:50, Tuesday 07 January 2025 - last comment - 12:19, Tuesday 21 January 2025(82151)
RIN of CO2 Lasers with PWM

In 81863 we looked a the RIN of the CO2 lasers on vs off. Today we repeated with PWM (from Synrad UC-2000), the noise level is considerably higher when PWM is on. Note that this isn't really the RIN as we're not dividing by the DC power.

Data saved to camilla.compton/Documents/tcs/templates/dtt/20250107_CO2_RIN.xml and 20250107_CO2Y_RIN.xml

The CO2Y plots also show the dark noise as there is no photo detector plugged into CO2Y_ISS_IN.

For some of the CO2X data, the CO2 guardian was relocking (sweeping PZT), noted above.

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Comments related to this report
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - 09:18, Wednesday 08 January 2025 (82178)

These channels are calibrated in Volts as the detector would output, before the gain of PD's amplifier D1201111 .

DC levels of power on the ISS PDs at the different powers are:

    • 100% CW power = 4.86mV
    • 50% PWM power = 3.95mV
    • 100% CW power = 7.06mV
    • 50% PWM power = 4.94mV
    • 25% PWM power = 2.39mV
    • 95% PWM power = 6.83mV
    • 100% CW power = 8.00mV
    • 50% PWM power = 5.45mV
    • 25% PWM power = 2.60mV
    • 95% PWM power = 7.56mV

With PWM on, the noise level increases by around a factor of 10. Unsure why the AC channel sees this increase less than the DC channels.

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camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - 13:12, Wednesday 08 January 2025 (82182)

Gabriele, Camilla

  • DC value:
    • Expect ~250mW on each the ISS PD (50W out of laser x 99/1 BS x 50/50 BS) but DC levels show 30-50mW on PDs:
      • Measured 5 to 8mV / 66Ohm (measured 565) / 0.0025A/W (spec sheet) = 30-50mW. Factor of 5-10 below expected but the PD could be saturating. 
      • At 25% laser power, 2.60mV measured / 66Ohm (measured 565) / 0.0025A/W (spec sheet) = 16mW. Expect ~62mW.
    • This a factor of ~5-10 from what we expect but we need to measure the power on the PD with a power meter and check for edge clipping with an iris to confirm what power is incident on the PDs. 
  • Electronics noise (labeled as "dark noise" in plot): 
    • <10e-10 for AC, <10e-8 for DC. This noise dominates the dark noise and 100% CW signals for the DC channel.
  • Dark noise (labeled as "laser off" in plots):
    •  Around 10-9 for AC output.
    • 10-9V / 66Ohm (measured 565) / 0.0025A/W (spec sheet) = 6e-9W/rtHz This is similar to 541 measurement of 4e-7 V/rHz  /66Ohm /0.0025A/W / 255 DC gain = 9.5e-9W/rtHz
  • RIN with laser on 50% PWM:
    • Looking at AC channel (CO2Y): 7e-9V/4e-3V(DC level) = 2e-6/rtHz. Want 10-7/rtHz so factor of 20 too high. 
    • Looking at DC channel (CO2Y): 2e-7V/4e-3V(DC level) = 5e-5/rtHz. Want 10-7/rtHz so factor of 500 too high. 
    • Similar results when using CO2X data.
    • We don't understand why these is a difference between the AC and DC channels, both channels should be showing the same signal: 82181. We can try to sample channels at a higher rate to see if something strange is happening.
camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - 15:34, Wednesday 08 January 2025 (82187)

Erik showed me that we can look to higher frequencies using H1:IOP-OAF_L0_MADC{2,3}_TP_CH{10-13} channels at 65kHz. Can repeat 50% PWM next week. 

Note that these are before the filtering (listed in 81868), we could filters back in with python... but it's mainly gains and some shaping of the AC channel below 20Hz and above 10kHz, a DC roll of is expected around 100kHz as in D1201111. DC values:

  • CO2X IN DC: 5800
  • CO2X OUT DC: 6600
  • CO2Y IN DC: Unplugged
  • CO2Y OUT DC: 3900
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camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - 12:19, Tuesday 21 January 2025 (82382)

Matt Todd and I measured the powers before the CO2X ISS PDs today:

  • Before BS: 425mW
  • ISS Out path: 230mW (7.7e-3 on ITMX_CO2_ISS_IN_DC)
  • (Inferred) ISS In path: 195mW (8.5e-3 on ITMX_CO2_ISS_OUT_DC)

In 82182 using specs of PDs we think we are measuring 30-50mW. We didn't have time to check for clipping with an iris or alignment, both beams looked small but the PD's are also small ~1mmx1mm. 

ryan.short@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:43, Tuesday 07 January 2025 (82163)
Weekly In-Lock SUS Charge Measurements

FAMIS 28387, last run in alog81957 (Dec 17th)

ETMY looks to have had the greatest changes since last measurement, other test masses look close to nominal.

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marc.pirello@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:14, Tuesday 07 January 2025 - last comment - 17:32, Wednesday 08 January 2025(82162)
EY Ion Pump 17 Cable Check


We investigated the SHV cable connectivity between the Ion Pump Controller at EY and the Ion Pump at Y2-8 checking for faults.  We did not detect any obvious faults, we did detect the prior splice which was installed back in 2016.  We used the Fieldfox in TDR mode with a 1.2 meter launch cable in low pass mode. I have attached scans of these findings:

First photo is a shot from the Controller, there is a large impedance change at 19 meters from the connection point, this is the same location of the splice made in 2016, the repair looks like we would expect a splice to look.

Second photo is a shot from the Ion Pump back to the end station.  There is a very small bump at 20 meters from the ion pump that is real, but is very very tiny, could be a kinked cable, but not enough to cause issues.

Otherwise, the cable looks fine.  Future testing is warranted.

M. Pirello, G. Moreno, J. Vanosky

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gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - 17:32, Wednesday 08 January 2025 (82190)VE

After the cable was deemed good, we took a look at the controller, and found some "events" recorded on the log, see attached photo, one such events pertains to the glitch noticed here.  All events recorded were kept on the controller.  We are going to look further into this.

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ryan.short@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:13, Tuesday 07 January 2025 (82161)
PSL Cooling Water pH Test

FAMIS 22015

pH of PSL chiller water was measured to be just above 10.0 according to the color of the test strip.

camilla.compton@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:01, Tuesday 07 January 2025 (82153)
SQZ Homodyne Measurement in New OPO Crystal Spot Location

Sheila, Jennie, Camilla. Last done in 76040. Want to get a homodyne measurement in our new OPO crystal spot location 82134, would plan to then repeat this a few months later to see any difference.

Aligned the homodyne but ran out of time before taking any data. May try to repeat on Thursday during commissioning.

Sheila offloaded the IFO ASC and edited the guardian code for clearing the ASC so that it now includes clearing the integrators that we moved into the ZMs.

Turned up SEED injected power from 0.7mW to 72mW to match the power from the LO (0.544mW on HDA and B). We later turned the LO power down with the pico HWP to match the SEED power.

Jennie adjusted the LO beam with SEED beam blocked to improve the subtraction: Checked we were centered on PDA/B using the steering mirrors downstream of the HD BS and then measured the HD DIFF spectrum. Adjusted BS, re centered on HD PDs and re-checked if DIFF spectrum shot noise had improved.

Sheila and Jennie aligned the SEED beam onto the LO beam. We expected to be able to see fringing on HD A/B at this point but couldn't, tried adjusting the alignment with ZM4, didn't help. It turned out tat the fringing was there, clear when using an oscilloscope just unclear on ndscope. Sheila further tuned the SEED alignment to minimize fringing. We measured peaks at 1.85V, bottom of fringes at 29mV with 2mV dark noise, giving visibility of 97.1%.

Then went back to the control room and measured NLG like normal (OPO to LOCKED SEED NLG), NLG = 10.3. Sheila turned down the SEED beam back to 0.7mW. 

Then could start to take HD SQZ measurements, Using SQZ_MANAGER to SQZ READY HD (takes LO to LOCKED HD) and OPO to LOCKED_CLF_DUAL. We needed to increase SHG power from 10mW to ~16mW to allow 80uW on OPO Trans.

Plot attached: Dark noise was the same as original plot, LO shot noise (ref10), With NLG 10.3,  ASQZ was 13.8dB (ref2), this seems similar to last measurements.

We planned to take ASQZ/SQZ data at different NLG's, however I was having some issues with the OPO GRD unlocking and ran out of time. May continue on Thursday during commissioning time.

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sheila.dwyer@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:00, Tuesday 07 January 2025 (82160)
SQZ ASC reset edit

Sheila, Camilla

Following up on 82039, where Vicky remotely helped Oli to recover the squeezer alignment.

We have a state called RESET_SQZ_ASC (FDS or FIS), which can be used after something goes wrong with the ASC and someone wants to get rid of what the ASC has done.  This state hadn't been edited since we moved the ASC integrators to the suspension lock filters, so when Vicky and Oli tried it the ASC wasn't really reset making it more difficult to recover from that situation. 

Today we added the LOCK filters to this state, and loaded and ran it.  This should make things a little bit less confusing to debug next time.


H1 OpsInfo
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:16, Tuesday 07 January 2025 (82158)
Increased timer in PREP_FOR_SRY to help with SRY locking issues

Recently we've been having some issues with SRY locking in initial alignment where even though flashes at AS_A are good, it wouldn't catch the resonant cavity. My thought was that the suspensions are moving too much to catch, and then it would run through the DOWN state after failing to hold it, moving the suspensions again. During initial alignment today this happened to me, so I waited in down for a bit and then tried to lock. It locked straight away, possibly confirming my suspicions. From this, I bumped up a timer in Prep_For_SRY in the ALIGN_IFO node to allow SRM to settle a bit more before trying to acquire. Hopefully this will help with the SRY locking issues we've been having, but I'll keep an eye on it.

Code changes have been loaded and committed.

H1 General
thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:30, Tuesday 07 January 2025 - last comment - 13:59, Tuesday 07 January 2025(82156)
Maintenance has completed

All maintenance activities have completed for the day except for squeezer work which will continue while I finish initial alignment.

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thomas.shaffer@LIGO.ORG - 13:59, Tuesday 07 January 2025 (82159)

Observing at 2154 UTC.

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