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Reports until 17:15, Tuesday 22 January 2013
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:15, Tuesday 22 January 2013 - last comment - 19:43, Tuesday 22 January 2013(5209)
IMC WFS DC trouble

Something is really only marginaly stable.

Attached is an example of low frequency oscillation of IMC WFS DC measured by using a DB15 break out board on the front panel of the DC interface (i.e. the breakout board is inserted between WFS head and the WFS DC interface).

This is easily triggered by disconnecting the WFS DC cable from the front panel of the WFS DC interface and then plugging in again. In this case it was WFSA, segment 4 (i.e. between pin1 and pin9, why is this not the segment 1, I don't know), and it's oscillating at about 100Hz. When this happens, all the quadrants show similar symptom, and it doesn't go away spontaneously. Sometimes this goes away by wiggling the cable or touching some of the pins on the breakout board.

It's not exactly easy to make things accidentally oscillate at such a low frequency, I'm suspicious about power problem, maybe weak grounding of big capacitors e.g. power capacitor on the WFS head.

Interestingly, when the breakout board is not there, when you look at the fact channels for WFS DC, the oscillation dies down on its own within 10 or 20 seconds for WFSA.

I was curious to do the same measurement for WFSB, and with the breakout board it does something similar (second picture, in this specific  case it was slower). Without breakout board, I didn't see any craziness. Also, when this was going on, the +-18V power that are passed through to the WFSB head were also showing something similar (third picture, in this case the WFSB was oscillating faster than when the second picture was taken) . I haven't measured WFSA power (see the entry attached to this one).

When they're not oscillating, things look OK-ish in that nothing is outrageously wrong.

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Comments related to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 16:34, Tuesday 22 January 2013 (5210)

And the WFS DC interface board broke in the middle of the above measurement for WFSB.

Circuit  breaker switch of the board was triggered, I disconnected WFSA and WFSB from the board and switched the board on again, +15V LED came back but -15V didn't. 

I brought the DC interface chassis back to the EE shop, and Filiberto thinks that one of the FETs on the protection board inside the chassis (the one that provides -18V to the -15V voltage regulator as well as to the WFS heads) is dead.

Since we don't have spares, I removed the WFS DC interface that was originally intended for IFO REFL WFS (i.e. HAM1) and put it in place of IOO WFS DC interface. We are not going to use REFL WFS for a long time.


Anyway, after we replaced the WFS DC interface, the DC power came back but we still don't know if there is any damage in the WFS heads themselves.

lisa.barsotti@LIGO.ORG - 19:43, Tuesday 22 January 2013 (5215)
We noticed very large dark offsets after the new WFS interface was installed. Looking more closely, we saw the same type of oscillations as with the other board. This time, we couldn't stop the bad behavior by unplugging/touching/rebooting, so we turned off the WFS interface board for tonight.
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:45, Tuesday 22 January 2013 (5211)
h1fw1 running again, SATABOY controller had died

The SATABOY RAID unit associated with the h1fw1 system suffered a controller board failure at 1:30am Sunday. Dan (LDAS) diagnosed the problem and for now removed the failed controller card and moved everything over to the second controller card. A replacement card is on order, we will schedule a h1fw1 outage when this arrives.

h1fw1 resumed writing frames at 15:30 this afternoon local time.

greg.grabeel@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:15, Tuesday 22 January 2013 (5208)
Optics Airbake Oven Moved
The optics airbake oven that had been located in the LSB optics lab has been re-re-located (delocated?) to the OSB optics lab. There should be no competing issues with bonding now.
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LHO General
gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:01, Tuesday 22 January 2013 (5206)
Ops Shift Summary

Events/work, that I was notified to take place:
- 8:30 am, UniFirst to change mats
- 9:20 am, Paradise water, water delivery.
- 10:28 am, Travis heading into the LVEA, BSC01 work, unlocking quad.
- 10:50 am, ITMY watchdogs trip, Travis working in chamber.
- 11:10 am, Jim B. move power for fiber rack, per WP3675.
- 11:34 am, Praxair, LN2 delivery to Y-End.
- 12:00 pm, Hugh has unlocked BSC01 HEPI.
- 12:00 pm, Mark making ITMY measurements.
- 2:44 pm, Travis checking ITMY for interference, bad transfer function, Travis out.  TF start again.
- 3:03 pm, CP7 starts alarming, delivery symptom, curve in DV appears to slow down, now at 99.3.

mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:45, Tuesday 22 January 2013 - last comment - 08:06, Wednesday 23 January 2013(5205)
Mark B.

Commencing another round of Matlab TFs on PR3.
Comments related to this report
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 08:06, Wednesday 23 January 2013 (5222)
Mark B.

Data taking finished at around 2:50 am. Log file shows one failure to get data for H1:SUS-PR3_M1_OSEMINF_T3_OUT_DQ after maximum number of attempts, but otherwise OK.

Undamped: /ligo/svncommon/SusSVN/sus/trunk/HLTS/H1/PR3/SAGM1/Data/2013-01-22-1042933717_H1SUSPR3_M1_0p01to50Hz_tf.mat
Damped: /ligo/svncommon/SusSVN/sus/trunk/HLTS/H1/PR3/SAGM1/Data/2013-01-22-1042953606_H1SUSPR3_M1_0p01to50Hz_tf.mat

Analysis is underway.
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:44, Tuesday 22 January 2013 (5202)
Utility for SUS safe.snap files
Mark B.

I committed a handy Matlab script to the SUS SVN that automates the process of creating safe.snap files for SUS: 


Typical usage is 


It backs up the current state to a temp file in /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/sus/${ifo}/burtfiles/, puts the suspension into the safe state by switching off the master switch, test filters, damping filters, lock filters and alignment offsets, makes the safe.snap file, restores the suspension to the saved original state, and deletes the temp file. It's fairly verbose and describes in detail what it's doing, so if it should hit an unexpected condition and stop it should be fairly obvious how far it got and how to recover.

At the end of its output it supplies the text of an svn commit command that can be copied and pasted into the Matlab command line to commit the new file.

It supports QUAD, BSFM, HLTS, HSTS and HAUX, and has been tested on all of those on H1. For HAUX, you can specify a single optic, e.g., 'IM1' but since there's only one model for IM1-4, it necessarily does them all.

It assumes that the safe.snap files are symlinks pointing into the userapps SVN, according to the scheme imposed on H1 by Jeff K in alog 5133.  If/when LLO adopts the same layout, the script should work there as well. 
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:52, Tuesday 22 January 2013 (5195)
Mark B.

The PR3 TFs that failed before (5191) ran fine when restarted with the typo fixed (the call to Matlab_TFs() had invoked model hsts_metal, not hlts metal):

Undamped: ^/trunk/HLTS/H1/PR3/SAGM1/Data/2013-01-21-1042830122_H1SUSPR3_M1_0p01to50Hz_tf.mat
Damped: ^/trunk/HLTS/H1/PR3/SAGM1/Data/2013-01-21-1042852645_H1SUSPR3_M1_0p01to50Hz_tf.mat

The damped plots are all fine. The undamped plots are rather noisy in L, P and Y, and the fundamental pitch mode (0.66 Hz) has pretty much disappeared in P and L. Probably needs a look over and another round of TFs.
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mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:56, Tuesday 22 January 2013 - last comment - 15:24, Tuesday 22 January 2013(5201)
Mark B.

Per alog 5200, starting DTT TFs on ITMy. Will do M0 and R0 in parallel.
Comments related to this report
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 14:47, Tuesday 22 January 2013 (5203)
Mark B.

Plots for both chains were very messy, especially in pitch, so Travis has gone out to hunt for interferences, with particular attention to the flags between the chains.
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mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 15:24, Tuesday 22 January 2013 (5204)
Mark B.

Travis found a UIM flag that wasn't clearly touching but was a bit close for comfort and corrected it, so I'm starting another round of TFs. I probably won't finish before quitting time in which case I'll continue in the morning.
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:34, Tuesday 22 January 2013 (5200)
BSC1 ITMy suspended

ITMy in BSC1 is now suspended. Mark is running a set of quick TFs to check for rubbing, and once deemed healthy, we are back to alignment for both SEI and SUS.

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:03, Tuesday 22 January 2013 (5199)
MSR Sataboy is down, no frames on h1fw1

The H1 DAQ SATABOY disk raid system in the MSR failed at 01:27 local time Sunday morning (the Sunday gremlin?). From that time onwards h1fw1 has not been able to write frames. We will leave the system in its broken state for LDAS to do some forensics. This is the system that was upgraded to Sol11 on Thursday, we are investigating if that had anything to do with the failure.

giacomo.ciani@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:49, Tuesday 22 January 2013 (5197)
Change in MC2 M2 Lock filters

Yesterday we measured again the MC2/MC3 crossover frequency. Again, tecnical problems prevented us from going all the way to the actual crossover frequency, but we were close enough to estimate confidently it to be close to 100 mHz.  See attached plot.

Because of the peak right above 1 Hz and the observed instability if we try to increase the MC2 path gain, Matt designed a new filter to replace the elliptical one and roll off the gain before the offending peak (basically a LP filter at 1 Hz with at attenuation of at least 20 dB at 1.2 Hz, where the peak is). We then increased the MC2 loop gain by a factor to (0.005->0.01)

Images attached to this report
jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:46, Tuesday 22 January 2013 (5198)
BSC1 CPS trends before and after ITMY move
As a follow up to Hugh's post on Friday, I am posting some numbers to substantiate our claim that the BSC has not moved much from it's pre-move position. The attached DTT trends show the vertical CPS readouts from Jan 8th, after the chamber was vented, but prior to the initial ISI lock-up, up to our work on the 18th. Final cps numbers are kind of lost in the noise at the end, so final numbers are noted on the right side of each plot.
Images attached to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:38, Monday 21 January 2013 (5196)
PR3 Optic Prisms - Status

This weekend, I glued the second primary prism to the PR3 optic (the 3rd of its 4 prisms).  I'll note here that the temperature of the room was higher than normal due to the fact that the original air bake oven was moved into the cleanroom and started for a 200 deg bake load over the weekend (Greg/TCS, see alog below).  I used the Fluke probe and measured the RT to be 26.6 degC.  Our optic bonds specify a 6 hour 34 degC air bake in the new custom oven, so we'll need to watch dor dualing air bake ovens in the future.  I think we should start pulling work permits for this (and probably should have been in the past.)

H1 General
rainer.weiss@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:24, Monday 21 January 2013 (5192)
Report on Hydrocarbon Measureemnts at the y end
The document contains a report on the recent measurements of hydrocarbons at the y
end. The principal results are the attenuation of the hydrocarbon pressure with time
and their significance for the future.
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Logbook Admin General
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:35, Monday 21 January 2013 - last comment - 14:42, Monday 21 January 2013(5189)
Test of a log

Test of an alog submission, reports of full disk problems.

Comments related to this report
jonathan.hanks@LIGO.ORG - 14:42, Monday 21 January 2013 (5190)
Too many backups had accumulated.  This has been rectified and a new backup routine will be implemented.
giacomo.ciani@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:45, Saturday 19 January 2013 - last comment - 17:10, Monday 21 January 2013(5168)
Problem with WFS_A

[Paul, Cheryl, Giacomo]

Yesterday (Friday) evening the reading from WFS_A and WFS_B didn't quite seem to make sense, despite them having been aligned a few hours before by Cheryl. Paul and I went back to the IO table to do some more systematic testing. Bottom line is that quadrant 3 of WFS_A seems defective. It has a large offset and possibly a reduced sensitivity (although the fact that it has some sensitivity might be partially good news).

Note that this is the same unit that showed the anomalous heating described in entry 5131. The tests performed in that occasion were too superficial to notice the defect.

Although it might be initially possible to still use this sensor for some ASC test (by compensating for the offset and sensitivity in software), we will eventually need to remove WFS_A from the table and test it. To our knowledge, no spare is readily available.

This is the set of measurements we performed (values are in adc counts). We first (column 2) measured the dark current (note that for some reason the single quadrants have a sign inversion wrt the sum), then centered the beam on the WFS witht he IMC locked (column 3), then intentionally unlocked the IMC (column 4), then realigned the beam again (column 5) and finally re-locked the IMC (column 6). Note that the change in reading between IMC locked/unlocked in not necessarily due to beam wondering, as the shape of the beam itself is very different between the unlocked (mostly gaussian) and locked (mostly junk) states.

  Dark IMC Locked, centered IMC Unlocked IMC Unlocked, centerd IMC locked
WFSA_SUM -1215 500 9700 9350 750
WFSA_Q1 -0.5 -450 -1200 -2750 -650
WFSA_Q2 -3.75 -450 -6600 -3000 -225
WFSA_Q3 1220 875 -1200 -1000 925
WFSA_Q4 -0.3 -400 -600 -2600 -900
WFSB_SUM 21 2000 11250 11250 2250
WFSB_Q1 -10.75 -500 -2750 -3350 -550
WFSB_Q2 -5.5 -500 -5050 -2300 -300
WFSB_Q3 -3 -475 -2650 -3050 -650
WFSB_Q4 -1.75 -475 -725 -2350 -750
Comments related to this report
giacomo.ciani@LIGO.ORG - 17:10, Monday 21 January 2013 (5194)

I measured the noise spectra of both DC and RF channels with no light on the sensors (IOT1 enclosure closed and lightpipe shutter closed). The defective channel doesn't show any noticeable excess noise (although some other wierdness is going on in the RF channels of WFS_B).

Also, we found the test document of the "defective" WFS_A unit (LIGO-S1203264-v2) and realized that it shows a dark current of quadrant 3 much higher (~45 mA) than all the others quadrants of both this and its twin (~1 mA). This is not quiet the factor ~1000 difference wrt the other quadrants that we observe now, but I guess a small offset somewhere could easily change that ratio.

The question at this point is if this offset has been deemed acceptable at some point, and we should just consider the unit as "normal"...

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mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:08, Friday 18 January 2013 - last comment - 14:50, Monday 21 January 2013(5163)
PRM and PR3 TFs
Mark B.

Deepak centered the OSEMs on PRM and PR3 so I rechecked settings and got the damping working. I noticed that the WD thresholds had not been set nor the filters enabled, so I fixed that and redid the safe.snap files.

Damped and undamped TFs for both will commence shortly and continue through the night. The respective Measurement Status indicators will light when a measurement is in progress.
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mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 14:50, Monday 21 January 2013 (5191)
Mark B.

The PRM TFs went fine:
Undamped: 2013-01-18-1042586592_H1SUSPRM_M1_0p01to50Hz_tf.mat
Damped: 2013-01-18-1042606494_H1SUSPRM_M1_0p01to50Hz_tf.mat

Plots look good.

The PR3 TFs aborted due to a dumb typo of mine in the top-level script and were restarted at 11:01 am on 1/21.
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giacomo.ciani@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:05, Friday 18 January 2013 - last comment - 16:18, Monday 21 January 2013(5155)
IMC working again

The IMC lost lock tonight at about 4:00 AM local time. It is not clear why (no big drift in the control channels).

We had trouble recovering lock this morning, unitl we discovered that there were problems with the windows machine controlling the slow digital system.

After we reset the system, restore the working settings on the common mode board and readjusted the delay line value (I'm stressing this as the default setting after a reset of the system results in almost all the signal being in the Q quadrature, with a consequently unusable error signal... good to keep in mind!), we were able to reacquire lock very easily.

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giacomo.ciani@LIGO.ORG - 16:18, Monday 21 January 2013 (5193)

For future reference, the delay line pahse is set to 243.42 Deg (and can be read by the H1:IMC-REFL_A_PHASE_PHASEDEG channel)

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