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Reports until 18:22, Wednesday 16 January 2013
rainer.weiss@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:22, Wednesday 16 January 2013 (5130)
Hydrocarbon test at the yend
Gate valve 18 was closed at 11:45AM and then open again at 3:45PM

Hydrocarbons were still elevated at the y end and easy to measure without 
accumulation on a liquid nitrogen trap. Although water has come down as 1/t,
it seems that the hydrocarbons are not attenuating as quickly. The analysis
of the runs made over the last two days will be available within the next week 
and posted both in this log and in the DCC.
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hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:13, Wednesday 16 January 2013 (5129)
IMC: HAM2 HAM3 controls progress


Preliminary work:

Input/Output filters: Installed, enabled on both ISIs

Symmetrization filters: Installed, enabled on both ISIs

Damping loops: Installed, running on both ISIs

Blend Filters:   


Isolation loops:

Level 1 (UGF=10Hz, simplest): 


Level 2 (UGF=25Hz, Intermediate): 

-> We will leave HAM2/3-ISIs in this known configuration for the night.


Level 3 (UGF=35Hz, Most sophisticated): 

UGF = Unity Gain Frequency

* Blend filters used: 
     -X,Y,Z:         100mHz
    -RX,RY,RZ:  250mHz

hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:35, Wednesday 16 January 2013 (5128)
WHAM2 Update: ***HEPI Locked*** Corner 1 3 & 4 L4Cs leveled with Shims
One more corner down.  Did Corner 3 (SE) on WHAM2 this afternoon.  Was requested to leave the system locked tonight but before locking, maximum local motion was maybe 1 mil so there should be no problem for the Mode Cleaner Crew.
WHAM2 ***HEPI Locked***, but if there is time, tomorrow I'll unlock gain and finish the final corner(SW) at HAM2.
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:22, Wednesday 16 January 2013 (5127)
h1ascimc model

Today I added the h1ascimc model to the DAQ. I installed LLO's SVN version of the safe.snap (12dec2012) which gave a few errors but seems to have gotten the WFS signals going. We also installed the latest fiter module file from LLO (modied 15jan2013).

The initial install h1h1ascimc with dcuid=19 caused some testpoint issues today. This was resolved by removing the dcuid=19 from the testpoint.par file, leaving the correct dcuid=20 in that file.

Note that h1asc0 is still not on the Dolphin IPC network, nor are its PIT and YAW control signals being received by MC1,2,3. We should schedule these changes with the IMC group.

LHO General
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:12, Wednesday 16 January 2013 (5126)
Ops summary

Today was split between me, Pablo, and Patrick at the end of the day

kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:09, Wednesday 16 January 2013 (5125)
Opened GV19
John W. had soft-closed this earlier in the day for Apollo's clean-room craning/repositioning over GV20
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:05, Wednesday 16 January 2013 (5124)
Leak tested viewports on HAM2
Indicated He baseline of 4.5 x 10-10 torr*L/sec at start -> 10 second audible blast at each conflat joint and 5 second audible blast in volume between each window and corresponding guard shutter  

Note:  There is still an untested electrical feed-through flange on south side of HAM2 between the support tubes but it is not accessible 
gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:32, Wednesday 16 January 2013 (5123)
BS06 Prisms Attached

(Betsy, Gerardo)


Both sets of prisms have been glued onto the BS.

Prism SN 41 was used for the ARM side, and Prism SN 40 was used for 180ARM side.

ARM side results:

Measurement from S1 to the fiducial side of the prism, 20.08 mm + 9.99 mm (prism Wp/2)  = 30.07 mm

The measured distance from the centerline of the primary prism to the S1 surface is 30.07 mm, the target is 30.04 mm, so this gives us a +0.03 mm, away from S1 surface, but well within the +-0.1 mm.


180ARM side results:

Measurement from S1 to the fiducial side of the prism, 40.07 mm - 10.01 mm (prism Wp/2)  = 30.06 mm

The measured distance from the centerline of the primary prism to the S1 surface is 30.06 mm, the target once again is 30.04 mm, so this gives us a +0.02 mm, away from S1 surface, but well within the +-0.1 mm.

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:22, Wednesday 16 January 2013 (5121)
replaced dust monitor at LVEA 15
Replaced the dust monitor labeled 'C' at LVEA location 15 in the clean room over BSC1 with the dust monitor labeled 'P'. The dust monitor labeled 'C' was reporting occasional calibration failure errors.
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:26, Wednesday 16 January 2013 (5120)
Power Spectra for India HLTS PR3
  We ran Phase 1b power spectra on the India HLTS PR3 this morning. The plots are in the attached files. The results are positive. If the results are approved by the testing group, we will put this suspension into storage. I have added these results files to SVN. 
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david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:06, Wednesday 16 January 2013 (5119)
H1 ASC model started

We installed the ASC IMC model on h1asc0 front end for the first time yesterday (Tuesday). This model is a copy of LLO's latest model in svn, converted from L1 to H1. Wednesday we will re-attach the ASC to the Dolphin Fabric, add the ASC Pitch and Yaw control inputs to the MC1,2,3 Suspension models and add the ASC to the DAQ. We also need to copy LLO's filter module, safe.snap and latest MEDM screens.

The h1ascimc model required a new QPD common model in isc/common/models. This file is used by the Suspensions systems, so we verified that the change did not change the main QPD part but added new QPD-with-whitening parts not used by suspensions. However we think the h1iscey model may need rebuilding.

H1 General
rainer.weiss@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:19, Tuesday 15 January 2013 (5118)
hydrocarbon test at yend
Gate valve 18 was soft closed at 3:58PM and open again at 5:45PM
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:09, Tuesday 15 January 2013 (5117)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .3 microns and > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot from approximately 6 PM Jan. 14 to 6 PM Jan. 15. Also attached are plots of the modes to show when they were running/acquiring data. The dust monitor at location 15 should probably be replaced. It has alarmed a number of times with a calibration failure.
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hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:57, Tuesday 15 January 2013 (5116)
WHAM2 Update: ***HEPI Unlocked*** Corner1 & 4 L4Cs leveled with Shims
Got corner4 (NE) HEPI L4Cs leveled today.  Again aggregate motion is very small; no translation or rotation larger than 0.001" or 0.02mrad.

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:44, Tuesday 15 January 2013 (5111)
Ops Summary
Filiberto pulling cables to IOT2L.
Corey to end Y to look at ALS table enclosure.
Tumbleweed bailing between mid X and corner station.
Jim B. to mid X to connect PEM channels.
Mid X PEM model built and started. Channels not added to DAQ (waiting on channel names).
ASC IMC model built and started. Channels not added to DAQ (waiting on check of data).
Apollo to move clean room from BSC5 to A-1E adapter spool for mounting viewports.
Apollo to move north side of BSC1 work platform away from the chamber to facilitate SEI work on support tubes.
Reverse Osmosis alarm.
Dust monitor 15 calibration failure alarms.

11:00 Hugh to work on HAM2 HEPI L4C leveling.
16:00 Rai soft closing GV18 for RGA measurements, plan to reopen around 17:00.
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:07, Tuesday 15 January 2013 (5115)
H1 PEM Mid-X installation
The h1pemmx computer has been started with models to collect mid-x seismometer, vault seismometer, and vault magnetometer data.  As soon as channel names are decided, the channels will be acquired.
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:35, Tuesday 15 January 2013 - last comment - 15:33, Wednesday 16 January 2013(5112)
More BS TFs
Mark B.

Travis reports that he found some blade stops touching on the BS, so I'm starting another round of DTT TFs for the BS.
Comments related to this report
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 13:50, Tuesday 15 January 2013 (5113)
Mark B.

TFs were attempted but have been put on hold because F1 OSEM was badly centred (21K raw, 7K normalized), causing the IOP WD to trip after a minute or two of the usual level of excitation. Travis is on his way to make adjustments. Measurement Status light will go back on when TFs are resumed.
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 09:19, Wednesday 16 January 2013 (5114)
Mark B.

Success: ^/trunk/BSFM/H1/BSTST/SAGM1/Data/2013-01-15_1200_H1SUSBSTST_M1_*_WhiteNoise.xml

All the plots look good.

Correction - plots initially posted were from Monday.
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mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 15:33, Wednesday 16 January 2013 (5122)
Mark B.

Comparison plot.
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