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Reports until 16:28, Friday 11 January 2013
LHO General
dale.ingram@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:28, Friday 11 January 2013 (5085)
Ops summary
* Apparently the tumbleweed crew worked throughout the day between MX and EX.
* The roll-up door crew at EY finished the door and departed.
* Apollo installed the blanks on the HAM 6 septum and put the doors back on HAM 6 (see WP 3645).  The HAM 6 doors are completely bolted and torqued.
* Currently the LVEA is in the modified laser safe condition.  It appears that this condition will remain in place throughout the weekend.  The IO table is shut and locked at present.

Dust monitor 15 alarmed periodically throughout the day.  H0PEM_DUST.adl shows 15 near BSC 4 (H2 BS); Patrick suspects that its actual location is near HAM 2 or HAM 3.  The monitor that the IO team unplugged might be #9.

mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:46, Friday 11 January 2013 - last comment - 15:05, Monday 14 January 2013(5083)
Mark B.

I did some TFs on the BS using DTT:


It's pretty sick - L and Y are not to bad, but R, T, V and P are nothing like what they're supposed to be.
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Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 15:05, Monday 14 January 2013 (5096)

Travis found and relieved a brushing barrel EQ stop on the top of the Penultimate mass.  Back to TFs.

hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:32, Friday 11 January 2013 - last comment - 13:54, Monday 14 January 2013(5082)
IAS has given me numbers.  I am unable to move HEPI the requested amount (8mm -X) until the East side Caging Brace Front Faces are moved (removed).  Hopefully we'll be able to reinstall these which allows the HEPI to be locked.  Once this is done we can attempt the translation East.  I believe there is room otherwise for this move.  Caveat: The Actuators are not attached; they have interferences that are not directly determinable now.
For the record, contrary to many statements from SEI to date, BSC1 has only been marginally locked if it can be said it was locked at all.  Most lock bolts were not engaged and only a few of the 40 were doing anything.
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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 13:54, Monday 14 January 2013 (5095)

Correction:  The error is in the -Y direction, not -X.

jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:08, Friday 11 January 2013 (5081)
Phase 1b TFs on India HLTS PR3
   We run the Phase 1b transfer functions on the M1 level of the India HLTS PR3. The plots are posted in the attached files. The undamped results are in the files from 01/11/2013, the damped results are in the files from 01/10/2013. The results look good. If there are no issues with these data, we will run the power spectra tests.
Non-image files attached to this report
vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:02, Friday 11 January 2013 (5080)
BIO switches - ISI Teststand

Yesterday, while turning on the interface chassis of the ISI teststand, I was very surprised to hear the relays of the T240s switching at a very fast pace. That was the first time I intended to use the teststand since the RCG update (to 2.6.1). Since the other BSC-ISIs (ETMY - ITMY) are working, we doubted the problem could come from the new code but who knows?
Few elements were checked (Voltage, BIO interface chassis). Nothing was abnormal. The Binary card was swapped, but it didn't fix the problem.

We figured that h1isitst.mdl was broken (Who did a change?). The binary outputs were sent to the DAC and 2 of the GS13 broadcast signals were send to the Binary output. That's why turning on GS13s was switching relays. The model was fixed.

jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:06, Friday 11 January 2013 (5079)
Install Beam Splitter Stay Legs
Andres and Jeff reinstalled the Beam Splitter Stay Legs this morning using the modified Stay Leg Brackets.  
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:42, Friday 11 January 2013 - last comment - 11:16, Friday 11 January 2013(5077)
ITMy OL values
Mark B and Betsy.

The values being returned from the L2 AOSEMs were a bit odd, so Betsy and Travis investigated. It was decided to replace the LL OSEM which had been reading only some 14K counts. Old SN was 443, new is 491.

We also concluded that the gains and offsets in the L2 OSEMINF block weren't up to date, because even with the AOSEMs backed out to the OL condition, the UL, UR and LR _OUT values weren't +15000. So we remeasured the OLs and recalculated the gains and offsets:


L2UL 25076 1.196 -12538
L2LL 22916 1.309 -11458
L2UR 17540 1.710  -8770
L2LR 18608 1.612  -9304

Betsy entered these and as hoped all four _OUT values were then very close to 15000.
Comments related to this report
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 11:16, Friday 11 January 2013 (5078)
For good measure we did the same again for L1 OSEMs:

L1UL 26053  1.151 -13027
L1LL 24627  1.218 -12313
L1UR 28574  1.050 -14287
L1LR 21056  1.425 -10528
H1 General
dale.ingram@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:15, Friday 11 January 2013 (5076)
Friday morning items
  • The NPRO turned off last night. Michael Rodruck will turn it back on today.
  • The IO team turned off the dust monitor at HAM 2.
  • Through 9:00 AM this morning we were in laser hazard. Keita is now transitioning the LVEA to laser safe.
  • Michael Rodruck anticipates that later today we will enter the dual-status condition in which the partitioned area around HAM 2 will be laser hazard and the rest of the LVEA will be laser safe. In this condition, any personnel working at height near the input arm will need to check with Michael Rodruck before starting the work.
paul.fulda@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:32, Thursday 10 January 2013 (5075)
IOT2L progress

[Keita K., Cheryl V., Kiwamu I., Chris M., Paul F.,]

Today's progress on IOT2L:

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:21, Thursday 10 January 2013 (5074)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .3 microns and > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot from approximately 6 PM Jan. 9 to 6 PM Jan. 10. Also attached are plots of the modes to show when they were running/acquiring data.
Non-image files attached to this report
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:28, Thursday 10 January 2013 (5073)
Installed new front end computer at Mid X
Installed network switches, h1pemmx computer, timing fanout, IRIG-B chassis, I/O chassis, and AA chassis in the Mid X VEA.  Tested switches and computer, they are operational.  The entire system is waiting for DC power and a connection from the vault seismometer to the AA chassis to start data collection.
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:00, Thursday 10 January 2013 (5072)
LSC install, sush2a,34 IOP changes, LVEA front ends and PEML0

Completed the LSC install for mode cleaner support. IPC between LSC and MC2 was installed, h1susmc2 model changed to ingest LSC control signal.

The iop models h1iopsush34 and h1iopsush2a were changed to restore the WD bypass time back to 600 seconds, closing out WP 3576.

All the LVEA test stand frontends were restarted following SEITEST binary IO work.

A new h1peml0 model was installed, removing filter modules which are not needed and changing some names. At one point h1oaf0 crashed and disrupted the DAQ data from h1susb6,bstst and h34. The streamers were restarted on these front ends and all DAQ data now looks good.

hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:40, Thursday 10 January 2013 (5071)
WHAM6 iLIGO SEI Complete--Ready for Septum Blanks/Doors & Leak Check
Scott & Ed,
We got the last Bellows on this morning and completed the torquing and Table leveling after lunch.  The WHAM6 is ready for leak checks.
HAM Bellows SNs D972611: NW #75,SW #81,SE #80, NE #85
H1 General
justin.bergman@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:42, Thursday 10 January 2013 (5070)
Ops Shift Summary
•	0700 LVEA in laser hazard all day.

•	0700 Y-end: Overhead Door crew onsite all day. Dust counts occasionally non-zero as fans are disengaged. 

•	0900 Y-end: Dale, Jodi, Terry, and Christina filming contamination control video. From the overhead cameras the cinematography looks excellent.      
             Inspired acting but plot difficult to follow. Would have been better with a love interest. 3 stars.

•	0930 Cheryl V and I/O team working in and around H1PSL enc and HAM1. Frequent dust alarms.

•	0930 Apollo crew working on finalizing septum hardware install (BSC2/HAM4) 

•	0900 Hugh installing last bellow on HAM6

•	1045 Jim B power-cycling I/O chassis in LVEA (H1SEITST)

•	1100 Filiberto working inside laser curtains at HAM1 (shutter is closed)

•	1130 Hugo running control loops at HAM2, possibility of shaking cleared with Chris Mueller and Cheryl 

•	1145 Bubba and crew installing feedthroughs on BSC9 (WP 3644)

•	1230 Jim B heading to MX to begin work on PEM racks (seismometer front ends)

•	1245 Dave B restarting multiple SUS models as well as LSC and DAQ

•	1245 Richard inspecting equipment along Y-beam manifold and power-cycling H1SEITST (this subsequently took the SUS test stands offline for a bit).

•	1330 Travis and Betsy working in BSC1. ITMY watchdog trips.

•	1345 Patrick evaluating H0 alarm values (DUST, FMCS, Weather) and doing BURT restore to make sure correct settings were put in place following the 
             equipment move from the H2 building. Air handlers at EY immediately started alarming with the new “old” values---the roll-up door is open for 

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:45, Thursday 10 January 2013 (5069)
Mode Cleaner SUS' SEI/SUS Signal Exchange Paths Filled Out
Similar to what has been done for H1 SUS PR2, H2/H1 SUS ETMY, and H2/H1 SUS ITMY, I've filled out the new(ish) infrastructure for the SEI/SUS signal exchange paths, as described in T1100617. 

Hence, the channels
H1:SUS-MC?_M1_ISIWIT_?_DQ (sampled at 1024 Hz, stored in the frames), represent the motion of the suspension point of the mode cleaner triples in [nm], [projected / derived] from the GS-13s on board their respective HAM ISIs. (Remember, the calibration is only good [i.e. the GS-13s are only integrated] down to 10 mHz, but otherwise should be good out to the Nyquist frequency [assuming the table motion is above the GS13 noise floor]).

Further, in preparation for ISC signal exchange, I've installed the 2k to 16k AI filters (see earlier entry for details) in the M3 ISCINF P and Y filter banks.

All three SUS's filter files (H1SUSMC?.txt) have been copied over from the "chans" directory


to the userapps repo,


and committed. In addition, I've taken new safe.snaps, and committed them to the appropriate location in the userapps repo,

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:58, Thursday 10 January 2013 (5068)
burtrestored h0epics2 IOCs
I was not sure that these got burtrestored after the move from the H2 electronics room to the MSR, so I went through and burtrestored them to Dec. 1 2012 at 00:00. The IOCs were: h0dustex, h0dustey, h0dustlab, h0dustlvea, h0fmcs, h0weatherex, h0weatherey, h0weatherms, h0weathermx and h0weathermy.

If they were not burtrestored, then no alarms have been set for the FMCS, dust monitors and weather stations since Dec. 27 2012.
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:51, Thursday 10 January 2013 (5066)
Restarted h1seitst
Restarted h1seitst front-end which was frozen.

mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:52, Wednesday 09 January 2013 - last comment - 16:20, Friday 11 January 2013(5062)
MC1 damped TFs
Mark B. and Cheryl V.

Cheryl adjusted the damping gains on MC1, MC2 and MC3 to fix the overdamping observed in recent TFs. A fresh round of MC1 damped TFs will commence shortly to confirm the effectiveness. The Measurement Status indicator will go on for the duration of the measurement and then go off automatically.
Comments related to this report
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 08:01, Thursday 10 January 2013 (5064)
Mark B.

Data taken, analysis pending: /ligo/svncommon/SusSVN/sus/trunk/HSTS/H1/MC1/SAGM1/Data/2013-01-09-1041832585_H1SUSMC1_M1_0p01to50Hz_tf.mat
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 16:20, Friday 11 January 2013 (5084)
Mark B.

New damped TFs look rather more reasonable. However even better filters and gains based on LLO experience are being installed and there'll be another round of TFs in a few days.
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corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:05, Wednesday 05 December 2012 - last comment - 14:15, Thursday 10 January 2013(4845)
H1 EX TransMon Suspension Green-Light QPD Sled Complete (& In Storage)

(Corey, Keita)

My mode-matching lessons from master Jedi Kawabe continue with the building of the EX Green QPD Sled.  This Sled is one of two on EACH Transmission Monitor Suspension (TMS); the other is an IR QPD Sled (to be assembled next).  We actually built this Sled twice.  After completing it the first time, Keita noticed, "this sled looks like EY.  It's supposed to be a mirror image!"  It was all a learning experience.  So, we ended up re-building the sled (it went much quicker since we, in essence, already had an assembly dry run).

Once the Sled was completed, we draped wipes over all optical components, wrapped the entire assembly in foil, double-bagged it, and placed the entire thing in a large plastic bin for storage under our Optics Table in the Optics Lab (the HAM1WFS Sled is also stored here). 

Keita has plots and data from our mode matching measurements and will post a more thorough document about our EX Green Sled work to the DCC.

Note:  The "J-Clip" Black Glass Beam Dumps on our Steering Mirrors are tough to install.  There's a screw on the mount which interferes with the J-Clip and makes installing/removing these parts tough.

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Comments related to this report
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - 12:40, Tuesday 18 December 2012 (4960)

I have uploaded all photos for this EX Green Sled on ResourceSpace, here.

corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - 14:15, Thursday 10 January 2013 (5067)

Forgot to measure distance between optical components on this Sled, so it was opened up and these measurements were made.

For measurements below, the lenses are measured on the "backface" of their Lens Holder.  The Mirrors & Beam Splitters are measured from their glass "front faces".  The QPDs are measured from the QPD Housing plate (D1002110).  Measurements were measured with a scale & all measurements are in mm.

  • L1 to BS1 = 35
  • BS1 to QPD1 = 88
  • BS1 to L2 = 233
  • L2 to SM1 = 68
  • SM1 to SM2 = 59
  • SM2 to L3 = 282
  • L3 to SM3 = 117
  • SM3 to QPD2 = 77
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