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Reports until 15:23, Tuesday 11 December 2012
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:23, Tuesday 11 December 2012 (4890)
HAM9--->HAM8 Contamination Inspection
Two cleanings of the chamber and cleanroom took place this morning. The garbing/staging cleanroom was removed from the e-module and placed near HAM9. The door was removed from the chamber this afternoon and the g/s cleanroom re-located to the west side of the chamber cleanroom.

The CDI (contamination/dust investigation) kit arrived today. As required by procedure E1201096-v3, a couple of items were taken to clean and bake. They should be ready tomorrow morning.
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:54, Tuesday 11 December 2012 (4889)
BSC2 BS - BOSEM offsets measured and set

Travis, Betsy

Today, we removed the stays which were blocking access to the needed BS BOSEM tablecloth adjustments.  We then reset all of the OLV OSEMINF settings (burt snap good for the hour following this entry, or see attached snapshots).  The filtering still needs some work apparently.

The side BOSEM measured quite low so was swapped out with S/N 438.

All BOSEMs were set to 50% OLV.

Images attached to this report
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:53, Tuesday 11 December 2012 - last comment - 15:17, Wednesday 12 December 2012(4846)
PR3 damped
Mark B.

(This work was mostly done Friday 12/7 but I wanted to check a few things before posting.) 

After the M3UL OSEM was sorted out (see 4840), I went on to get all the matrices and settings checked out and the damping working. I ran prepare.m to be sure all the filters were loaded. I entered all the M1/M2/M3 OSEM2EUL and EUL2OSEM values from the output of make_sushlts_projections.m. I set SENSALIGN and DRIVEALIGN to the identity matrix. I set the signs in M1 COILOUTF to give +ve sensor response for +ve offset. The final values were -1, -1, +1, +1, -1, +1. This agrees with the settings previously used on the triples test stand but differs in SD from E1100109-v2. I set the signs in M2 and M3 COILOUTF per E1100109-v2. I found by trial and error a set of damping gains that gave stable damping, but these can probably be improved: -0.5, -2, -1, -0.02, -0.01, -0.04.
Comments related to this report
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 15:17, Wednesday 12 December 2012 (4911)
Mark B.

According to Jeff B, the apparent sign flip for SD is expected - the magnets are put on per E1100109-v2 but the OSEM is on the opposite side for HLTS (the right as viewed from the back), so it sees the opposite sign of magnet.
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:36, Tuesday 11 December 2012 (4887)
LVEA dust monitors
This report is for yesterday, 12/10/2012.

Justin reported that all the dust monitors in the LVEA were suddenly reading INVALID. I looked at the IOC running on h0epics2 and it was reporting errors. Restarting the IOC did not fix the problem. I went out and power cycled the Comtrol in the LVEA. Restarting the IOC again after this brought them back.

There will be gaps in time for this day that can not be trended, due to the values being set to NAN when the code was restarted. Plots in dataviewer for the counts will have to use times that do not include these gaps.
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:06, Tuesday 11 December 2012 (4886)
Pumping the combined volumes of the YBM with the Vertex (minus HAM1, 2 and 3)
Opened GV1 (12/10/2012) 

Kyle, Gerardo 
Opened 2.5" and 1.5" metal angle valves on BSC3 dome -> Began pumping the combined volumes of the YBM and the Vertex (minus HAM1, 2 and 3).
greg.grabeel@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:08, Tuesday 11 December 2012 (4885)
Fix HEPI housing on SE corner of BSC 9
The South East corner of BSC 9 had the HEPI housing installed incorrectly causing the foot to have insufficient clearance around several points. The bolts had been over-torqued and/or the tapped holes had chips and one bolt galled. A sawzall was used to chop through the bolt, and then a drill was used to remove the rest. After retapping the hole ~75% of the threads remained, which should be sufficient for only a 45ft-lb torque. Additional holes had to be drilled and tapped to allow the clamps to be used with the new housing position. The housing was reinstalled and the support tube should be within a couple thousandths of where it was originally sited in.
Images attached to this report
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:59, Tuesday 11 December 2012 (4884)
HAM9--->HAM8 Contamination Inspection
The HAM cleanroom was moved over HAM9 yesterday in preparation for an incursion. The cleaning crew will try to get cleanings done so that the door can be removed today. A garbing staging cleanroom will be moved into place ASAP. Robert, Cheryl and I are tentatively planning on an inspection tomorrow.
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:24, Tuesday 11 December 2012 (4883)
This report is for Monday, 10 Dec 2012.
Brushing of the floor and all hand work complete. The crew was pulled off to work on other things and to await some tooling from Clean and Bake.
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:20, Tuesday 11 December 2012 (4882)
BSC1 Close Out
This report is for Monday, 10 Dec 2012.
The dome bolts were torqued down in the morning and the door was returned to the chamber in the afternoon. Door bolts will be torqued today.
thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:59, Monday 10 December 2012 (4880)
H1 ITMY Optical Lever Install/Alignment
Thomas, Jax

We finished installing and aligning the H1 ITMY optical lever and measured the beam profile.

Parameters of the laser are listed below, this data was measured in-situ using Thorlabs BP109-VIS: 

Gaussian_Fit_X = 97.46%
Gaussian_Fit_Y = 97.66%

2w_X = 4.06 [mm]
2w_Y = 4.05 [mm]
Requirements = 4mm
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:12, Monday 10 December 2012 - last comment - 13:55, Tuesday 11 December 2012(4879)
MC1 and MC3 TFs
Mark B.

Starting DTT TFs on MC1 and MC3, in parallel.
Comments related to this report
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 20:04, Monday 10 December 2012 (4881)
Mark B. 

Data taking done at 20:00. Plots pending.
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 13:55, Tuesday 11 December 2012 (4888)
MC3 is healthy but MC1 has major problems in T, V, R and P.
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joseph.gleason@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:20, Monday 10 December 2012 (4877)
PRC MM MON and MC TRANS MON beams aligned
Joe Gleason, Luke Williams, Cheryl Vorvick

Location: HAM 2

We've aligned turning mirrors RH5-6 which steer the PRC MM MON and MC TRANS MON beams to IOT2. We've set the beam separation such that these beams converge at the location of the IOT2 upper periscope mirror.
H1 General
justin.bergman@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:46, Monday 10 December 2012 (4876)
Ops Shift Summary
•	PSL diode room temperatures continuing to fluctuate between 65F and 70F, producing alarms. This has been an ongoing issue since 6DEC. Michael R has 
        made adjustments to the heating units for the room and this should help.

•	0700 Work is ongoing in and around BSC1. Bolts on the dome flange were torqued first thing this morning by Apollo---tripped ITMY SUS watchdogs.

•	0930 Kyle opening GV-1

•	1100 Travis S et al removing First Contact from ITMY---unsurprising SUS watchdog trips.

•	1300 Thomas V and Jax S working on optical lever alignment in LVEA.

•	1330 Bubba craning cleanroom over HAM9 to prep for MC tube inspection.

•	1450 Dave B and Jim B to MX.

•	1500 All LVEA dust monitors went INVALID---Patrick was investigating.
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:37, Monday 10 December 2012 - last comment - 18:05, Monday 10 December 2012(4875)
Mark B.

Received word from Bubba that the doors were on BSC1 and personnel were clear, so will be taking TFs on both chains of ITMy from now.
Comments related to this report
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 18:05, Monday 10 December 2012 (4878)
Mark B.

Done data taking on ITMy at 17:50. The section of the plotting script that combines the comparison plots and saves them to disk is crashing, but the plots look good on screen so OK to pump down in the morning. Will struggle with the script a bit more.
vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:05, Monday 10 December 2012 (4874)
ISI-BSC6 - Feedforward

Stage 1 Feedforward (HEPI-L4C to coarse actuators (stage 1)):
Transfer functions from the coarse actuators (Stage 1) to the HEPI L4C were measured to evaluate the "feedback path" (on the HEPI-L4Cs) once the feedforward controller is engaged. Coherence is bad in the [100m;700m]Hz due to a weak drive (needs to be redone). Transfer functions were measured with:
- No HEPI control
- ISI damped  on both stages

In the attached figure H1_ISI_ETMY_TF_FF01_X_2012_11_06.fig, few TFs in the X direction are presented:
- the ground path (HEPI-L4C to ST1 T240) - No drive
- the force paths F11 and F10 (coarse actuators to Stage 1 T240 and coarse actuators to HEPI L4C)
- the feedforward filter (Ground/force + fit filter)
- the "Open loop" - Feedforward filter x Force path (F10)

The force path F11 (coarse actuators to Stage 1 T240) is pretty strong in comparison with the force path F10 (coarse actuators to HEPI L4C). Consequently, the risk of instability is low.  The reference signal (HEPI -L4C) is lightly changed by the feedback loop (F10 x FF). F10 x FF is always far below 1 (The peak at 0.14Hz is due to the low coherence in the initial measurement).

Stage 2 Feedfoward (Blend {L4C + T240} to fine actuators (stage 2)):
In a first step, the stage 1 L4C and the Stage 1 T240 are blended at 2Hz (cf H1_ISI_ETMY_TF_Blend_FF_X_2012_11_06.fig in the X direction). Then, some simulations were performed to set the feedforward controller. In attachment H1_ISI_ETMY_TF_FF12_X_2012_11_06.fig, TFs in the X direction are shown:
- the ground path (ST1->ST2) - No drive
- the force paths F22 and F21 (fine actuators to Stage 2 GS13 and fine actuators to the (L4C+HEPI) blend)
- the feedforward filter ((ST1->ST2)/F22 + fit filter)
- The "Open loop" - Feedforward filter x Force path (F21)

The force path F22 is pretty weak in comparison with the force path F21. Consequently, the risk of instability is high. The "Open loop" - Feedforward filter x Force path (F21) shows that the feedfoward controller from stage 1 to stage 2 won't be stable. In this case, the reference signal (stage 1 motion) is too much changed once the FF controller is engaged

To circumvent the problem, the contribution of the stage 1 motion created by the feedforward controller can be evaluated and removed from the reference signal (cf block diagram). The "open loop' becomes (F21-F21 fit) x FF. I fitted the F21 path and re-evaluated the "open loop" in the X direction. With this strategy, the controller is stable in simulations but probably would not be experimentally. This approach seems tricky too implement experimentally.

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vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:57, Monday 10 December 2012 (4873)
Testing report ISI-BSC1

The testing report for ISI-BSC1 (before closing the chamber) can be found at: E1201086-v1.

travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:48, Monday 10 December 2012 (4872)
BSC1 ITMy status update

After Apollo finished with cleanroom mods and Kyle cycled the gate valves, I entered BSC1 for First Contact removal.  The FC sheets came off the faces of the optics (HR of ITM and AR of CP) with no problems.  I observed what we have come to accept as the standard amount of FC splatter/streaks after removal (~6 per face of various sizes).  I cleaned these spots up with acetone and optics wipes and resuspended both chains.  Awaiting a round of quick TFs to check for rubbing before remounting the door.  I also did a quick sweep of the chamber and removed the remainder of our tools/parts/covers. 

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