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Reports until 14:44, Tuesday 13 November 2012
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:44, Tuesday 13 November 2012 (4683)
Added memory to h1broadcast computer
Added memory to the h1broadcast0 computer to avoid memory swapping.  Fixed error in configuration file for monit, then started the daqd process to start broadcasting to the DMT computers.  
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:35, Tuesday 13 November 2012 (4682)
CDS maintenance, the LVEA test stand parts

As part of WP#3559 I changed the h1iopsusquadtst model to add a user switch to disable the watchdog. I also renamed B478 and ITMY to QUADTST in this model.

I then stopped the QUADTST user model and the phone promptly rang in the control room, it was Doug, who was using h1susquadtst to check out the ITMY suspension attached to the test stand, oops.

After a get together with Mike, Mark, Doug and Dave we figured out where the confusion was. We have stopped the IOP upgrade work for now so Doug can complete his work this afternoon.

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:30, Tuesday 13 November 2012 (4681)
CDS Maintenance, non-test stand parts

We restarted H1DAQ to investigate "invisible" disconnected slow channels which the EDCU could not list by name. Restarting the DAQ caused h1sush2a (MC1,MC3) to go into a bad loop, constantly printing an error messge to the console. It was not ping'able or ssh'able. The error message was

nf_conntrack: table full, dropping packet

...ad infinitum

This is the network filter connection tracking system. We presume that the DAQ restart did something bad at the mx_stream FEDAQ network port on this machine. We had to power cycle to recover h1sush2a. Unfortunately h1sush2a also took down all MSR Dolphin machines, and all mx_streamers needed a restart.

At the end of this bootfest, the H1DAQ EDCU was now connected to all channels, so we could not reproduce the "invisible" disconnected channel issue. Patrick did some dataviewer tests for slow channels and did see some inconsistencies in minute trend data.

The IOChassis for H1 LSC and ASC were connected to the front ends and their timing was connected. We powered up h1asc0 first, and as expected it killed all user models on Dolphin connected computers and timing glitched their IOPs (a standard Dolphin glitch). Before we powered up h1lsc0 for the first time, we tried to disconnect its node from the dolphin fabric, but when it started we again dolphin glitched the MSR.

At the end of this bootfest, I copied the IOP models from L1 to run as h1ioplsc0 and h1iopasc0. There is an IRIG-B timing error on h1lsc0 which will look at later.

john.worden@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:14, Tuesday 13 November 2012 (4680)
END Y Vacuum

Yesterday I visited END Y and noticed that the BSC6 annulus ion pump was maxed out (red led). Also we have noticed that the pressure in the main volume has been cycling due to main ion pump voltage switching.

So, this morning Gerado and I reconnected the AUX turbo cart to the BSC 6 annulus and began pumping again. It appears the annulus had drifted up to ~1 torr. We do not know when the annulus ion pump railed - it may have been

due to a power interruption. This ion pump is not yet trended in the CDS but it looks like cabling is mostly complete. Gerardo is going to look into this.

To correct the cycling pressure in the main volume we programmed the main ion pump power supply to operate in "Fixed Voltage" mode at 5KV.

mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:29, Monday 12 November 2012 - last comment - 07:16, Tuesday 13 November 2012(4677)
ITMy TFs again
Mark B.

Trying Stuart's TF script adapted for undamped and damped M0 and R0 TFs on ITMy (QUADTST), from 11:25 pm.
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mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 07:16, Tuesday 13 November 2012 (4678)
Mark B.

Giving up - Stuart's script gives same array length mismatch error in windowing section as old - there must be something funny about the computing environment at LHO vs. LLO.
douglas.cook@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:18, Monday 12 November 2012 (4674)
ITMy BSC1 Cartridge Alignment Summary
(Doug and Jason)
We had to realign the CP to the ITMy, reset CP OSEMs and OSEM centering.
WE set the ITMy gap between the CP S1 and the ITM S2 to ~20.04mm gap (20mm+/- 0.25mm requirement)and pitch parallelism is less than the 1.4mrad spec, yaw is out by 3min. We will tweak the CP yaw in the AM to correct.
Then we will need new TF.

Jonathan Hanks replaced the memory cards in the fiber pulling machine control computer as it would not boot up (parity error). The alignment X&Y translation stages that align the fiber mounting blocks is in need of some work as they are not rigidly mounted allowing the fiber to move too much during the pulling and making the laser beam alignment more difficult. LLO needs to replace fibers that broke in transit last week. I will continue with this in the am as well. 
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:39, Monday 12 November 2012 - last comment - 19:20, Monday 12 November 2012(4673)
IO work in the PSL
- JoeG, ChrisM, Luke, Alberto, Cheryl

Today we installed the aLigo H1 spacers under the PSL periscope.  This raised it about 1".  

The real upper periscope mirror, glued to a PZT, is now installed.  

The red eye-safe laser pointer is still attached to the periscope, and was used to look at the beam as it traveled from the PSL table to HAM2.

The beam is making it from the PSL to HAM2.  The periscope was moved to compensate for the misalignment of the beam on the viewport aperture, and is now about 1/2 an inch from the tube at the top of the periscope mirror.  Tomorrow we'll discuss other possible options for splitting the difference in misalignment.

I cleaned and reinstalled the EOM into the IO path.  It's as close as possible back to it's original alignment, based on landmarks I left for myself, and will need to be aligned tomorrow when we get a beam back.

picture 1) IO_MB_M2 optics boxes - old 1" optic and new 2" optic.

picture 2) EOM reinstalled - ALS FI had to move and lost a needed beam dump.  I just talked to Keita, and the proposed solution is to move the ALS path 1" toward the reference cavity.  Will discuss at tomorrow's meeting.
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douglas.cook@LIGO.ORG - 19:20, Monday 12 November 2012 (4675)
TYPO: GAP set to20.04mm not 20.40mm
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:26, Monday 12 November 2012 (4672)
control room alarm handler and manager

I have spent the past three days revisiting the contro room EPICS alarm handlers with the aim of making them more usable by reducing the occurance of false alarms.

I will document the changes in the CDS wiki and give operator training. 

Alarms which may or may not be valid depending upon the commissioning status can now be disabled via a new alarm manager MEDM screen (H1CDS_ALARM_MANAGER can be launched from the SITEMAP).

To prevent alarms from being disabled and forgotten about, at 8am every weekday morning a script will run which will re-enable all alarms. At that time the operator will be able to reconfigure the alarm handlers for that day's operation. When the operator is not on shift (evenings, weekends, holidays), we can mute the alarm machine's speaker if desired so as not to disturb other users in the control room. In silent mode the alarm handlers will continue to log alarms. The 8am script will also restore the speaker to the nominal volume.

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:17, Monday 12 November 2012 (4671)
IOP Watchdog change, MC1 added


The h1iopsush2a model was changed to allow both MC1 and MC3 to trip the local DACKILL. MEDM changes were also made to show the new configuration.

The Ham23 SEISMIC front end can only be killed by the HAM3 suspensions (MC2, PR2) and not by HAM2 suspensions (MC1,MC3).

This WP is now completed.

kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:58, Monday 12 November 2012 (4670)
HAM1 purge line connection complete -> HAM1 purge air now independent of adjacent vacuum volume(s)
4th and final HAM1/HAM2 septum viewport can now be installed
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:34, Monday 12 November 2012 (4664)
Ops Shift Summary
Unifirst with floor mats
Rick, Luke, Chris, Cheryl, Michael R., move H1 PSL periscope
Michael R., turn off PSL laser to allow Robert to test chiller
Kate and Margot taking pictures of HAM2 and HAM3 SUS components
H2 DAQ restarts
Ken to replace motor for end Y chilled water pump
Apollo installing adapters and viewports on HAM2 top middle and north ports
CDS subversion moved over to version 1.6
Magnitude 6.4 earthquake in the Gulf of Alaska at 20:42:15 UTC visible with seismometers
Fire department working on system, set off alarm in OSB Computer Users Room
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:35, Monday 12 November 2012 - last comment - 23:07, Monday 12 November 2012(4669)
Mark B.

I used DTT to take a set of undamped TFs for M0 and R0 of ITMy (connected up as QUADTST). Screenshots are attached. The graphs look pretty clean.

P.S. Stuart has sent me a set of scripts that has worked recently at LLO but it needed adaptation and I wanted a quick result. I'll try it out this evening, after Jason is done.
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mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 23:07, Monday 12 November 2012 (4676)
Mark B.

Here are the TFs again in the standard format with model comparisons. (I had to tweak the script to get it to recognize the file names, so I threw up a set of screenshots as a stop gap.)
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jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:10, Monday 12 November 2012 (4668)
BSC1 Install Prep
The door was removed from the chamber and a garbing/staging cleanroom was designated for lower level use.
jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:44, Friday 09 November 2012 - last comment - 13:10, Monday 12 November 2012(4656)
BSC2 SEI Optical Table Payload issues
HughR, MitchR, JimW

Today Team SEI pushed through most of the worst of the seismic optical table payload, but we ran into a couple of known issues. LLO found that these mass stacks somewhat interfere with the BS struts. But where Livingston only had to shift a few 1kg parts around, it looks like we have to move a 5kg mass. In the attached, somewhat cryptic, picture, the mass stack directly under the strut, and closest to the camera, is missing the interfering 5kg mass. We plan on shifting this mass to a neighboring stack, but that does mean the stacks will not be as uniform as on previous units.
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jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - 12:52, Monday 12 November 2012 (4666)
More work was done on the mass stacks today. I decided that shifting one of the stacks a row or two would be less likely to cause problems than adding 5kg of mass to a different stack. This allowed us to put the normal amount of weight on the problem stack, with no risk of hitting other structures. The first couple of pictures are "before"-s showing the interference in more detail. The last one shows the as-installed configuration.
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jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - 13:10, Monday 12 November 2012 (4667)
 I forgot to add. There was another stack that interfered with a different strut, but higher up on the stack, so only 1kg needed to be relocated there. See pic.
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mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:57, Thursday 08 November 2012 - last comment - 10:34, Tuesday 13 November 2012(4636)
MC3 Spectra
Mark B.

Set MC3 to undamped at 08:55 for a 20 minute spectrum series. (We already have a nice damped interval from last night).
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mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 09:28, Thursday 08 November 2012 (4637)
Mark B.

Damping restored at 9:25. Data analysis is underway, but the TFs from yesterday were clean and no problems are expected, so the MC3 is released for install.
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 10:34, Tuesday 13 November 2012 (4652)
Mark B.

(This comment lingered in draft state for a week because I was hoping to be able to post plots, but plothsts_spectra.m has been crashing at the point where windowing is applied so I'm posting the GPS times so Stuart can have a look.)

Damping on: 
tconvert nov 8 2012 08:00 pst

Damping off:
tconvert nov 8 2012 08:56 pst
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:34, Friday 02 November 2012 - last comment - 10:43, Monday 12 November 2012(4581)

I recently made a new set of isolation filters level 2 for HAM3-ISI. 

1- I tried them with the new Step_8_Performance_Analysis commissioning script. Spectra are attached*. The blend filters used are the new 250mHz blend filters **. There are some discrepancies between the expected isolation and the measurement. This is especially noticeable along Z. I am not sure why yet.

2 - I also tried the same configuration with the new 100mHz blend** engaged on X and Y. I compared the spectra measured then, with the ones measured earlier this week. Isolation loops show good performance. There is some amplification of motion between 10Hz and 50Hz. This is mainly noticeable along X.

* .pdf created with a new matlab script. I am still perfecting. I should be able to add it to Step_8 soon.
** svn revision 6187

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hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - 16:26, Friday 09 November 2012 (4658)

I found out that one of my script mistakenly saved the Autoquack_Case Variable in the .mat Filter file causing the autoquack to always load the isolation filters, even when asked otherwise. This was corrected. All filters were re-loaded for HAM3-ISI.

I made sure the filters loaded in foton matched with the ones in the .mat filter file.

I took some quick performance measurements again today. The isolation results on Z looks way nicer now. RZ and RX are a bit suspicious but the measurements were taken in a noisy environnement

I will be taking performance measurements on HAM3-ISI periodically over the weekend. This will alow me to get quiet-time results, and also to evaluate how consistant these results can be.

If everything goes smoothly, a long LZMP measurement will take over and finish by Monday early morning.

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hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - 10:43, Monday 12 November 2012 (4665)

Attached are performance spectra taken during quiet time on Sunday.

the performance measured on RZ is still a bit off.

Note: The Y units on the first 6 pages is m/rtHz and should be nm/rtHz.

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