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Reports until 08:38, Tuesday 06 November 2012
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:38, Tuesday 06 November 2012 - last comment - 09:09, Tuesday 06 November 2012(4602)
HAM3-ISI - Purge Air off test done

I ran my spectra with the purge air off. I don't need quiet time anymore.

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hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - 09:09, Tuesday 06 November 2012 (4605)

Turning off the purge air of HAM3-ISI did not affect the peak observed at ~4.3Hz. Spectra are attached.

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david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:50, Monday 05 November 2012 (4601)
h1oaf0, attempt to turn off the IOP RFM error light

After the initial install of h1oaf0 we noticed that the RFM Y arm IPC error was lit and would not reset. At 17:28 I restarted h1iopoaf0 with the pciRfm=1 to see if this made any difference, it didn't the IPC error is still stuck on. The model h1peml0 was restarted in the course of this work at 17:28 local time.

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:31, Monday 05 November 2012 (4600)
h1sush2a IOP Watchdog change, trigger on MC3 instead of MC1


modified IOP model h1iopsush2a to move the DACKILL trigger from MC1 to MC3. Prompted by disconnecting the top OSEM cables from MC1 and attaching to MC3 as it undergoes chamber side testing.

This is a transitory WP, so it has been closed.

kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:13, Monday 05 November 2012 (4599)
Installed HAM1 purge air valve+zero-length reducer @ D5-3
Removed 4.5" ISC-REFL TIP/TILT 1-2 flange from D5-3 and preserved Class-A for re-installation at TBD location
LHO General
gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:02, Monday 05 November 2012 (4598)
Ops shift summary
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:12, Monday 05 November 2012 - last comment - 15:01, Tuesday 06 November 2012(4597)
Mark B.

Starting Matlab TFs of MC3 at 14:12.
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mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 11:14, Tuesday 06 November 2012 (4607)
Mark B.

Finished TFs at 11:10 next morning 11/6:

Damped: 2012-11-05_1600*

Undamped: 2012-11-06_0930*
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 15:01, Tuesday 06 November 2012 (4610)
Mark B.

Data looks good except for slight V peak in R TF at 0.85 Hz - see attachment.
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hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:52, Monday 05 November 2012 - last comment - 10:11, Monday 05 November 2012(4595)
HAM3-ISI - Purge Air all the Way Down

We observed peaks around 4Hz on spectra taken last week on HAM3-ISI. LLO folks suggested it may come from the purge air. 

After talking with John and Kyle, we agreed on me turning it all the way down for about an hour. I will now take spectra in this configuration and put the butterfly valve back to the position I found it in (fully open) once I am done.

Comments related to this report
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - 10:11, Monday 05 November 2012 (4596)

I just put the purge air back into its initial position: fully open.

rodica.martin@LIGO.ORG - posted 06:44, Monday 05 November 2012 (4594)
IO-H1 Faraday ready to install

Cheryl, Paul, Rodica

On Friday we installed the 3.5 mm thick DKDP and finished the characterization of the H1 Faraday isolator.

Its performance is:

Isolation: >30 dB for powers below 80 W, ~28 dB for powers as high as 140 W

Forward Extinction: >30 dB over the entire power range

Transmission: ~98%

Thermal lensing: Average f = -67 m, determining >99% mode matching

Beam Quality:  - small deviation from gaussian for x and y profiles at 140 W, but notably elliptical. Profiles and intensity maps attached.

Surface quality of DKDP was good. Cheryl took IR pictures under exposure to 140 W laser power.

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paul.fulda@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:27, Saturday 03 November 2012 (4593)
HAM2 Build-up: HAM AUX and Periscope

[Giacomo, Paul]

We moved all 4 HAM AUX assemblies into HAM 2, and cabled them up. One of the cable connections was a bit questionable, so we'll look out for that on Monday when we release the stoppers on the HAM AUXs. We attached all the other cable ends to their designated cable brackets in HAM 2. We also put together the in-vacuum periscope assembly, which is currently residing in the clean area next to HAM 2.

paul.fulda@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:44, Friday 02 November 2012 (4592)
Faraday with 4mm DKDP: simulations of beam distortion

[Paul, Giacomo, Rodica, Cheryl]

This simulation work is related to the measurements described in entry 4571, in which beam distortion was observed when using the FI with 4mm DKDP at high-power.

Rodica found a paper by Khazanov in which the phasefront distortion due to a TGG / DKDP crystal combination at high laser power was measured (see http://www.intechopen.com/books/advances-in-solid-state-lasers-development-and-applications/faraday-isolators-for-high-average-power-lasers). To see if this kind of distortion could be responsible for the measure beam shape distortion observed by Rodica and Cheryl in the above report, I ran an FFT simulation where the distortion measured by Khazanov was applied at the FI position, and the beam was them propagated through the focusing lens setup used by Rodica and Cheryl. The result showed that such a distortion was capable of producing the 'double-beam' like intensity pattern, shortly after the beam waist position. 

To understand the effect better, Giacomo created a semi-empirical functional form for the distortion that could roughly reproduce the phase distortion shape measured by Khazanov. We then used this functional form in FFT simulations, manually tweaking the parameters so as to match the intensity pattern measured by Rodica and Cheryl. This process was quite succesful; as shown in the attached plots we could reproduce Rodica and Cheryl's observations pretty well (to the eye).

The simulation study remains very much qualitative at this stage, but we hope that with a more complete set of beam profile measurements we can fit the phase distortion to the observed beam profiles, and pull out an estimate for the overall mode purity.

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LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:31, Friday 02 November 2012 (4591)
FMCS alarm levels
I noticed that it did not look like the alarm levels had been set on the FMCS EPICS channels. These are set by a burtrestore. I have set them.
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:13, Friday 02 November 2012 (4590)
LVEA H2 PEM transition to H1


We moved all fast PEM channels from H2 to H1 this afternoon. 

The h2tcsl0 front end was shut down. It was disconnected from the PEM IO Chassis. The h1oaf0 one-stop cable was extendeded into the LVEA and connected to the LVEA PEM chassis. We powered h1oaf0 up for the first time, and Dolphin crashed all corner station SUS and SEI systems (see today's alog). 

The h2ioptcsl0 model was copied for h1iopoaf0, and the h2peml0 model converted to h1peml0. We checked the SEIS channels looked ok.

I added PEM to H1 DAQ and removed it from H2 DAQ.

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:08, Friday 02 November 2012 (4589)
EY transition from H2 to H2 complete

We have completed the transition of the EY CDS systems from H2 to H1. In the past two days we have been cleaning up MEDM screens, converting the filter module files and reconfiguring the H1 and H2 DAQs.

The only task left is to convert the HWS EPICS system to H1, we are working with the TCS group on this.

I am closing out WP #3518.

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:40, Friday 02 November 2012 (4588)
h1seih23 DAC problems following power up of h1lsc0

Late report from Wed/Thursday.

We have been noticing that when the 2-RFM systems h1lscl0 and h1oaf0 were powered up they crash all systems on the Dolphin network. On wed h1lsc0 was powered up for the very first time all SUS and HPI models crashed. The IOP models and ISI models time gliched. I diag reset runing models and restarted crashed models. Later Hugo noticed that the DAC drives for h1isiham3 were randomized and we could only recover by power cycling the h1seih23 IO Chassis (unplugging the DC power cord).

Today we got the same initial problem by powering up h1oat0. This time all user models crashed including ISI. We were careful to restart all models this time, including IOP models.

We correctly powered down h1oaf0 by first removing it from the Dolphin network, yet when we powered it up we once again crashed all Dolphin connected models. We are seeing a pattern here. Again we restarted all models (IOP and User). Hugo reported that the DAC channels for h1isiham3, h1susmc2 and h1suspr2 seem to be working (i.e. we cannot reproduce the DAC channels randomized problem).

kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:28, Friday 02 November 2012 (4587)
Change on the EPICS server for IMC-related slow controls

[Patrick / Kiwamu]

We made some changes in the EPICS server script and database file for a slow digital process (PLC2 on H2ECATC1) to broadcast the EPICS values associated with the IMC control.

Yesterday we took a look at the OPC and EPICS servers on H1ECATC1 because the EPICS values had not been available. H1ECATC1 contains two PLCs (called PCL1 and PLC2) and the database file of both of them should be passed to the EPICS server. It turned out that the lines for PLC2, which takes care of the IMC servo and some others, were commented out in the EPICS startup script called st.cmd. We released the commented lines so that both PLC1.db and PLC2.db are loaded. However running the startup script then gave endless warning messages.

To make the situation simpler, we temporarily split the startup script into two pieces - one for PLC1 and the other for the IMC servo (which is a part of PLC2). They are called PLC1_st.cmd and PLC2_st.cmd respectively and each has a dedicated bat file. Also we made a database file which contains only IMC servo parts by copying the corresponding lines from the existing PLC2.db. This file is currenlty named as PLC2_IMC_REFL_SERVO.db

We ran both scripts to activeate two EPICS servers and they seemed running fine so far. So we are now able to see the EPICS values associated with the IMC servo board from an MEDM screen, which is good.

We need to further investigate why we got the numerous warning messages and how we solve it at some point.

gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:58, Friday 02 November 2012 (4585)
H1 IO Septum Viewports

 3 viewports were installed on the IO septum, the fourth one will be installed at a later date.

The first contact was removed from the viewports outside of the chamber, inspected, then the o-ring set into the groove.  The viewports were installed on their respective ports.  Torque used 16 ft*lbs.

VP1, VP3, VP4 were the ports installed



(Mark L, Marc S, Gerardo M, John W, Douglas D)

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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:25, Friday 02 November 2012 (4583)
ESD connections removed from ITMy CP

Gerardo, Betsy, Norna

This morning, after consulting Margot (who had just performed this procedure at LLO with the crew on their ITMy), we removed the CP from the ITMy suspension and removed the pyrolux/flexi-curcuit ESD connections from it's 12 o'clock position.  We used the ergo arm to retrieve the optic from the ITMy sus still mounted to the BSC1 ISI on the test stand.  We then moved the CP to a v-block on a small mobile optics table.  Using a CLASS A razor blade we slowly peeled the flexicurcuit off of the pyralux "glue layer" and then worked that layer off in the same fashion.  We then rotated the CP 180deg, while still on the ergo arm, and stuffed it back into the suspension.  By eye, the mass seemed to hang with minimal pitch/yaw/position error after rehanging the mass in the reaction chain.  Back to IAS and testing now...

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LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:39, Friday 02 November 2012 (4582)
dust monitor code testing
I am testing a modified version of the code described here to address the problem listed here. The work permit is number 3531.
gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:43, Thursday 01 November 2012 - last comment - 15:40, Friday 02 November 2012(4579)
HAM01 Viewport Installation

Two viewports were fully installed on the south door of HAM01,  BF1 (ISC beam) and BF2 (PSL input).  The viewports are currently covered with viewport protectors.

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gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - 15:40, Friday 02 November 2012 (4584)

Viewport covers now have safety covers' yellow type.

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