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Reports until 10:34, Friday 02 November 2012
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:34, Friday 02 November 2012 - last comment - 10:43, Monday 12 November 2012(4581)

I recently made a new set of isolation filters level 2 for HAM3-ISI. 

1- I tried them with the new Step_8_Performance_Analysis commissioning script. Spectra are attached*. The blend filters used are the new 250mHz blend filters **. There are some discrepancies between the expected isolation and the measurement. This is especially noticeable along Z. I am not sure why yet.

2 - I also tried the same configuration with the new 100mHz blend** engaged on X and Y. I compared the spectra measured then, with the ones measured earlier this week. Isolation loops show good performance. There is some amplification of motion between 10Hz and 50Hz. This is mainly noticeable along X.

* .pdf created with a new matlab script. I am still perfecting. I should be able to add it to Step_8 soon.
** svn revision 6187

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hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - 16:26, Friday 09 November 2012 (4658)

I found out that one of my script mistakenly saved the Autoquack_Case Variable in the .mat Filter file causing the autoquack to always load the isolation filters, even when asked otherwise. This was corrected. All filters were re-loaded for HAM3-ISI.

I made sure the filters loaded in foton matched with the ones in the .mat filter file.

I took some quick performance measurements again today. The isolation results on Z looks way nicer now. RZ and RX are a bit suspicious but the measurements were taken in a noisy environnement

I will be taking performance measurements on HAM3-ISI periodically over the weekend. This will alow me to get quiet-time results, and also to evaluate how consistant these results can be.

If everything goes smoothly, a long LZMP measurement will take over and finish by Monday early morning.

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hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - 10:43, Monday 12 November 2012 (4665)

Attached are performance spectra taken during quiet time on Sunday.

the performance measured on RZ is still a bit off.

Note: The Y units on the first 6 pages is m/rtHz and should be nm/rtHz.

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rodica.martin@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:26, Friday 02 November 2012 (4580)
Faraday update

Cheryl, Rodica

Yesterday we measured isolation and transmission of the H1 Faraday isolator with the 4 mm thick DKDP installed. In the first run we measured while ramping up the power to ~140 W and optimizing the HWP and DKDP, the secon set was measured 3 hours later after the system cooled down slightly but without any additional optimization, and the third set was measured immediatelly after the second run, while ramping the power down.

Transmission is ~97%, forward extinction is ~ 25 dB and isolation stays above 25 dB at maximum power. Graphs are attached. The isolation is limited by the amount of stray light from ghost beams from the FI crystals that are dirrected toward the same power meter. 

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gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:43, Thursday 01 November 2012 - last comment - 15:40, Friday 02 November 2012(4579)
HAM01 Viewport Installation

Two viewports were fully installed on the south door of HAM01,  BF1 (ISC beam) and BF2 (PSL input).  The viewports are currently covered with viewport protectors.

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gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - 15:40, Friday 02 November 2012 (4584)

Viewport covers now have safety covers' yellow type.

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LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:51, Thursday 01 November 2012 (4578)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots are dust counts > .3 microns and > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot. Also attached are plots of the modes of the dust monitors to show when they were running. The data was taken from approximately 6 AM to 6 PM.
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james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:28, Thursday 01 November 2012 (4577)
Reconfigure all TV displays to be h1
All control room TV displays are now configured to be used with h1.
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:07, Thursday 01 November 2012 - last comment - 15:50, Thursday 01 November 2012(4575)
Beckhoff at end Y
I encountered some problems yesterday in moving the Beckhoff system at end Y from H2 to H1. The links were lost when I did a global search and replace in the PLC code to change H2 to H1. It is now running with H1 EPICS channel names, but as a temporary hack. The internal variables are still running as H2, I just changed the names to H1 in the EPICS database records. I will try doing a more selective search and replace and see if the links are still lost.

I also had to remove ONAM and ZNAM fields from a long record type. This will have to be fixed in the Beckhoff code, I believe in one of the libraries.
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patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - 15:50, Thursday 01 November 2012 (4576)
I believe I have fixed the problem with losing most of the linking. It does appear to have been the global search and replace. The fields for the long record type still need to be fixed in the picomotor library however.
vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:00, Thursday 01 November 2012 (4574)
HEPI and ISI restored at EY

I copied/pasted/renamed the filters files used by the HEPI and the ISI at EY from H2 to H1. ISI currently is damped and HEPI is controlled.

vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:56, Thursday 01 November 2012 (4573)
QUAD and TMS restored at EY

I copied/pasted/renamed the filters files used by the TMS and the QUAD at EY from H2 to H1. The two systems are now damped. Coil driver analog whitening filters are turned ON (State 2) and FM2s of COILOUTF of the TMS are disengaged.

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:54, Thursday 01 November 2012 (4572)
problem with dust monitor code (sort of)
In the modified code I set it to ignore a dust monitor once it encounters an error with it. This was to avoid slowing down the loop waiting to read disconnected dust monitors. It appears that it is encountering these types of errors at random. So dust monitors are being set to invalid and then being ignored after momentary errors. I'm not yet sure the best way to address this. In the mean time, if a dust monitor goes invalid at random, you can bring up the expert screen for it and hit start. This should start it running again.
rodica.martin@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:13, Thursday 01 November 2012 (4571)
Faraday update

Cheryl, Rodica

Over the past days we worked on trying to improve thermal lensing in the Faraday isolator by swapping the 3 mm thick DKDP crystal that slightly undercompensated (and also has much poor surface quality) with a 4 mm thick crystal. With the 4 mm crystal we measured the beam profile and estimated a focal length f=-43 m, which determines >98% mode matching. However, the beam quality starts getting altered at powers above ~50 W, and we could assign this to higher oreder modes introduced by phase distortion after a thicker DKDP. The pictures attached show the beam profile and intensity map at ~140 W. For the estimation of the focal length we only used the data from the less distorted axis (y-profile).

We have available 3.5 mm thickness for DKDP which we are planing to measure this afternoon. Meantime, we are finishing the isolation measurements for the FI with the 4 mm thick DKDP crystal. We needed to redo the alignment for the isolation beam and redump ghost beams, which changed after modifying the alignment on the IO path, now with the EOM out of the beam.

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david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:28, Wednesday 31 October 2012 - last comment - 18:30, Wednesday 31 October 2012(4569)
EY transition to H1, day two summary

Today is day 2 of the EY conversion from H2 to H1. We are pretty much done, just a few mopping up tasks remain.

I redesigned the IOP SUS watchdog screens now that H1 has more of them, making the default screen an overview and creating a separate detailed screen per Seismic system which can be disabled by its attached SUS systems. So for example SEIH23 gets a screen, as does ETMY.

I tested the IOP watchdog at EY, and then Vern and Jim went out to EY just after lunch time and energized the EY coil drivers and removed their tags.

Jim booted the Hartmann Wavefront Sensor slow controls computer and renamed it h1hwsey giving it its new IP address. We are working with Aidan on getting the HWS EPICS channels renamed. Jim also relabeled the EY computers with their H1 names.

Jim converted most of the control room workstations to H1, including the main operator station. We are keeping two workstations as H2 machines for LVEA Test Stand work.

The Beckhoff slow controls computer h2ecatey was transitioned to h1ecatey by Patrick (name and IP change). He converted all the Beckhoff EPICS records' names from H2 to H1.

I redesigned the H1 MEDM sitemap to add the EY systems. Some linked screens still need to be converted to H1.

We did not get around to damping the EY optics, so for tonight I have manually tripped the IOP watchdogs to disable the DAC outputs.

At 14:31 local, we powered up the h1lscl0 front end and it mysteriously Dolphin glitched the H1 corner station front ends. All HAM SUS and HEPI systems crashed, but the ISI systems did not. The only systems which were being used at the time were SUS MC2 and PR2. We could not reproduce this error by repeating the power up the lsc front end, so we restarted all the crashed models.

Still to be done:

Comments related to this report
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - 18:30, Wednesday 31 October 2012 (4570)


All the new H1 front end models, safe.snap EPICS files and MEDM changes were checked into SVN today.

jason.oberling@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:22, Wednesday 31 October 2012 (4568)
BSC1 ITMy Cartridge Alignment
IAS: D. Cook, J. Oberling
SUS: T. Sadecki
We took another look at pitch/yaw of the BSC1 ITMy this morning.  With Travis performing adjustments we were able to get the ITMy yaw within spec; pitch was measured as well but not adjusted at this time.  This afternoon we measured the lateral, vertical, and axial positions of the ITMY.  As usual, positions are reported as errors from nominal, and yaw is reported assuming a top-down view.
jaclyn.sanders@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:35, Wednesday 31 October 2012 (4567)
Cabling corrections for IMC electronics (Jax, Kiwamu)

Over the past few days, we've been checking the cabling between the IMC electronics on ISC R1 and the EtherCAT CM Chassis.

Note: When I refer to slot numbers, I am using the convention used in D1001460. The racks on the floor are numbered using the opposite convention. After discussing with Filiberto, I have decided to relabel these racks later this week.

The relevant changes are between the VCOs and on the Mode Cleaner Servo.

Cable ISC_28 was attached to 79.4 MHz PSL VCO in slots 23-24, and was moved to its correct location at the 79.4 MHz ALS VCO in slots 32-33. The 79.4 MHz PSL VCO is intended to be attached to cable ISC_2. This cable is the wrong gender and will be changed in the near future. 

The mode cleaner servo had Cable ISC_6 in Controls 1, and Cable ISC_5 in Controls 2. The cable pull table did not make a distinction between Controls 1 and Controls 2 for this cabling. After checking the pinouts and cabling, I determined that cable ISC_5 needed to be in Controls 1, and cable ISC_6 needed to be in Controls 2. I made the change today.

betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:16, Wednesday 31 October 2012 (4566)
MC3 Left Primary Prism rebonded

After brewing the Left sliver of the MC3 optic (IMCF06) in acetone for a total of ~22 hours, the problematic prism finally came off.  Today, I followed the coordinates in the gluing doc E1200211 and reglued it back on.

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:14, Wednesday 31 October 2012 (4565)
New h1suspr2_safe.snap
Because it looks (from my remote connection) like data from the H1 SUS PR2 (and H1 SUS MC2, probably more) has frozen, and anticipating a bootfest, I've taken (and svn committed) a new 
to absorb all the new features and EPICs values I've been entering in. I've checked, and there is an approriate softlink in 
and checked that it works by changing a few things, and restoring to it.

The file was captured "by hand" using the command

pr2 0$ burtrb -f /opt/rtcds/lho/h1/target/h1suspr2/h1suspr2epics/autoBurt.req > /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/sus/h1/burtfiles/pr2/h1suspr2_safe.snap 

... but if LLO has a script for this, that'd be great to have ...

(and as I was writing this entry, I saw that someone had rebooted H1 SUS PR2. *phew*).
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:55, Wednesday 31 October 2012 - last comment - 09:15, Monday 26 November 2012(4563)
H1 SUS PR2 Alignment Offsets Calibrated into [urads] of Optic Motion
Following a similar prescription as what Keiko's done at LLO (see e.g. LLO aLOG 4030), but now using the new infrastructure, I've installed a few gains,

H1:SUS-PR2_M1_OPTICALIGN_P_GAIN 2.636 [drive cts/urad]
H1:SUS-PR2_M1_OPTICALIGN_Y_GAIN 1.859 [drive cts/urad]

into the new OPTICALIGN bank, which should now be responsible for aligning the optic. With this gain, the offsets


are then calibrated into [urad] of optic motion. This gain should be [applicable to / the same for] every HSTS.

I attach some shots of the new screens demonstrating where these gains live (and showing off the new screens).

How the gain was calculated:
It's along signal chain, but here goes (I use Yaw on an HSTS as an example):
                                                                 LF  +--------+  +------+  +-----------+  +-----------+  +---------+  
                                                                  +->|COILOUTF|->| DAC  |->|Coil Driver|->|Coil/Magnet|->|Lever Arm|->+
+-----------------+  +---------------+  +----------+  +--------+  |  +[cts/ct]+  +[V/ct]+  +---[A/V]---+  +---[N/A]---+  +---[m]---+  |  +-------------+   +------------------+           
|OPTICALIGN OFFSET|->|OPTICALIGN GAIN|->|DRIVEALIGN|->|EUL2OSEM|->+                                                                   +->|HSTS M1 to M3|-->|Optic Displacement|
+-----[urad]------+  +---[cts/urad]--+  +-[cts/ct]-+  +[cts/ct]+  |  +--------+  +------+  +-----------+  +-----------+  +---------+  |  +--[rad/N.m]--+   +------[urad]------+
                                                                  +->|COILOUTF|->| DAC  |->|Coil Driver|->|Coil/Magnet|->|Lever Arm|->+
                                                                 RT  +[cts/ct]+  +[V/ct]+  +---[A/V]---+  +---[N/A]---+  +---[m]---+

(see fullsignalchain.png if you browser sucks at ASCII art)
Thankfully, because 
- we're only looking for the DC gain of this path, 
- the DRIVEALIGN matrix is an identity at this point
- the EUL2OSEM matrix accounts for (divides out) the number of actuators (two in this case) and the lever arm between the OSEM and the center of rotation
- the COILOUTFs are unity at DC
then our calculation only involves this simplified chain:

+-----------------+  +---------------+  +------+  +-----------+  +-----------+  +-------------+   +------------------+
|OPTICALIGN OFFSET|->|OPTICALIGN GAIN|->| DAC  |--|Coil Driver|--|Coil/Magnet|->|HSTS M1 to M3|-->|Optic Displacement|
+-----[urad]------+  +---[cts/urad]--+  +[V/ct]+  +---[A/V]---+  +-["N.m"/A]-+  +--[rad/N.m]--+   +------[urad]------+

(see reducedsignalchain.png if you browser sucks at ASCII art)
which means the OPTICALIGN GAIN is:

OPTICALIGN GAIN [cts/urad] = ( DAC [V/ct] * Coil Driver [A/V] * Coil/Magnet [N/A] * HSTS M1 to M3 [rad/N.m] * 1e6 [urad/rad] )^-1
                           = ( (20/2^18)  * 0.011919          * 0.963             * 0.4332 (for Yaw)        * 1e6            )^-1
                           = 1.850 [cts/urad]

The only difference for pitch is that HSTS M1 to M3 [rad/N.m] = 0.6172 (for Pitch). The electronics gains of the signal chain were taken from T1000061 (the contents of which have been experimentally confirmed elsewhere), and the HSTS M1 to M3 coefficients were taken from the production model (e.g. see T1200404).

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Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 09:15, Monday 26 November 2012 (4763)
S. Aston, J. Kissel

As with the QUAD (see LHO aLOG 4746), I have made mistakes in the OPTICALIGN gain calculation (shown above) in that, though the spelled out calculation is correct (with a "DC" compliance of 0.6172 [rad/N.m] (for Pitch), and  0.4332 [rad/N.m] (for Yaw)), the answer I call out has the values for Pitch and Yaw flipped. 

Even further, after double checking the DC compliance numbers using the HSTS model, I discovered that, for "DC," I used the value of the transfer function at 0.1 Hz. However, the transfer functions have not yet truly flattened by that point as the values at 0.01 Hz are:

M1 P to M3 P: 0.609 [rad/N.m]
M1 Y to M3 Y: 0.426 [rad/N.m]

Sheesh. I clearly did these calculations far too quickly, or at least was far too hasty with my copy-and-pasting. Thanks to Stuart for catching them!

So, redoing it slower, with the 0.01 Hz numbers for the "DC" compliance, the calculation should read:

OPTICALIGN GAIN [cts/urad] = ( DAC [V/ct] * Coil Driver [A/V] * Coil/Magnet [N/A] * HSTS M1 to M3 [rad/N.m] * 1e6 [urad/rad] )^-1
                           = ( (20/2^18)  * 0.011919          * 0.963             * 0.609 (for Pitch)       * 1e6            )^-1
                           = 1.8751 [cts/urad] (for Pitch)
OPTICALIGN GAIN [cts/urad] = ( DAC [V/ct] * Coil Driver [A/V] * Coil/Magnet [N/A] * HSTS M1 to M3 [rad/N.m] * 1e6 [urad/rad] )^-1
                           = ( (20/2^18)  * 0.011919          * 0.963             * 0.426 (for Yaw)         * 1e6            )^-1
                           = 2.6806 [cts/urad] (for Yaw)

As of this entry, I have corrected these gain values in H1 SUS PR2, saved a new h1suspr2_safe.snap, and committed it to the userapps repo,
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:25, Wednesday 31 October 2012 - last comment - 09:52, Wednesday 31 October 2012(4556)
ITMy TFs tonight
Mark B.

As Travis points out in a comment, this is ITMy not ITMx. Title of post and references below changed.

Preparing to take TFs on main chain of H1:ITMy (which is still wired up as H2:ITMy). I hope to start them imminently (16:40 pm, 10/30) and check progress from home tonight.

Checked at 07:21 am (10/31), damped TFs seemed to have completed successfully. Started undamped TFs.
Comments related to this report
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - 15:50, Tuesday 30 October 2012 (4557)

It is still ITMy, just moved from H2 to H1.

mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 09:52, Wednesday 31 October 2012 (4561)
Mark B. 

Aborted undamped TFs to allow Travis to make yaw adjustment.
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:06, Tuesday 30 October 2012 - last comment - 10:18, Wednesday 31 October 2012(4553)
H1 SUS PR2 SEI/SUS Path Installation Complete
I've completed the installation of the H2 SUS PR2 ISI WIT and OFFLOAD path, such that the H1 HAM3-ISI GS13s are now projected into the H2 SUS PR2 Suspension point basis, and the H2 SUS PR2 M1 offload signal may be sent to the HAM3-ISI. Details of the design are discussed below. The following channels are now calibrated into (nano)meters or (nano)radians of motion at the H1 HAM3-ISI center of actuation and at the H1 SUS PR2 suspension point, respectively:


which are stored in the frames at 1024 Hz, where ${CARTDOF} = [X, Y, RZ, Z, RX, RY] and ${EULERDOF} = [L, T, V, R, P, Y].

I attach a couple of screenshots of the implementation in MEDM. The paths are shown at the top of the HSTS overview screen (shown in H1SUSPR2_SEISUSPaths_OverviewScreenShot.png). Clicking inside the ISIINF bank (shown in H1SUSPR2_SEISUSPaths_ISIINF.png), one sees the 4k to 16k AI filter in FM1, the conversion from ideal inertial sensor response to displacement lies in FM5, and additional gain-only filters have been installed into FMs 9 and 10, if the user so chooses to convert the displacement signal either from nanometers (nanoradians) to micrometers (microradians) in FM9 or from nanometers (nanoradians) to meters (radians) in FM10. Finally, I show the CART2EUL matrix for H1 SUS PR2 (see H1SUSPR2_SEISUSPaths_CART2EULMatrix.png), taken from
computed as described in T1100617, and installed with

I also attach three sets of plots explaining the design:
isiinf_tonmdesign_2012-10-30.pdf --
Here, I elucidate the thought process behind the design of the "to_nm" filter in FM5 of the ISIINF filter bank, breaking the filter down into its various parts / functions.
- The GS13 signals, in the ISI's center-of-actuation, Cartesian basis (picked off from the input to the blend filters) arrives calibrated into an ideal inertial sensor response, which asymptotes to 1 [nm/s] at high-frequency (above ~1 [Hz]), and rolls off at low frequency as f^2. 
- The first step is to invert this response, shown by the "1 Hz Ideal Inertial Sensor Response to Velocity" in BLUE, leaving the signal in [nm/s] velocity units at all frequencies. This portion of the filter (in Matlab notation) is
velcal = zpk(-2*pi*[pair(1,45)],-2*pi*[0,0],1)
- Next, the signal is integrated once (i.e. the GREEN filter; convdisp = zpk([],-2*pi*[0],1)), to convert to [nm] displacement units, resulting in the CYAN filter,
velcal*convdisp = zpk(-2*pi*[pair(1,45)],-2*pi*[0,0,0],1)
Note: this is the filter that one typically uses to "finish" the calibration of the inertial sensor offline to compute an ASD of the signal.
- Finally, because we still want to have a usable time series and not have a calibration filter with infinite step response, we roll off the calibration such that signal is low-passed/AC-coupled at 10 mHz, with the (RED) filter portion, rolloff = zpk(-2*pi*[0,0,0,0],-2*pi*[0.01,0.01,0.01,0.01],1) resulting in the final, MAGENTA, TOTAL filter,

velcal * convdisp * rolloff = zpk(-2*pi*[0,0,0,0,pair(1,45)],-2*pi*[0,0,0,0.01,0.01,0.01,0.01],1)
                            = zpk(-2*pi*[0,pair(1,45)],-2*pi*[0.01,0.01,0.01,0.01],1)

which rises as f from DC, turns over at 10 mHz, falls as 1/f^3, crosses unity at 1/(2*pi*1), knees at 1 Hz to fall as 1/f out to high frequency, as expected. The corner frequency of 10 mHz was chosen for several reasons:
(1) It's roughly equivalent to the corner frequency of the T240s on ST1 of the BSC-ISI
(2) The GS-13 signals at these frequencies are dominated by sensor-noise.
(3) We wanted to still accurately reproduce the magnitude/amplitude of the signal at the microseism.
(4) We wanted the time series to be manageable during normal operation.

BE AWARE Though the magnitude/amplitude of the signals calibrated in this fashion are accurately reproduced down to ~50 [mHz], the phase lags the real signal by the difference between MAGENTA and CYAN, which already lags 22.73 [deg] by 0.1 [Hz] and as much as 180 [deg] by 10 [mHz]. (Several different options were tossed about that would have potentially improved the phase reproduction (elliptic filters, butterworth filters, etc.) but we figured, for now, perfect is the enemy of good enough.)

isiinf_filters_2012-10-30.pdf --
pgs 1-2 show the magnitude and phase of the as-implemented AA/AI filter (used as a 4k to 16k AI filter in the ISIINF banks to receive the GS13 signals, and as a 16k to 4k AA filter in the OFFLOAD banks to send the SUS offload signals out to the ISI). The filter's bump maxes out at 2.11 dB above unity around 1350 Hz, and has -79.38 dB isolation the 4096 Hz notch. The filter was implemented using the ZPK portion of the foton design suite, with 

               Mag   Phase       Mag    Phase
poles  = [pair(2*850, 55  ) pair(2*1048, 70  )];
zeros  = [pair( 4096, 89.9) pair(2*4096, 89.9)];

The details of the design for the AA/AI filter can be found in the old SEI Log entry 1937. This filter was designed to have better phase loss and anti-imaging properties at f < 100 Hz than the "standard" CDS 4k AA/AI filter, with only 5.5 deg lost at 100 Hz (the standard has ~10 deg loss). Since Lantz determined this was better for what seismic typically does with these signals -- and it's what they use to up/down-sample their signals from the IOP -- I figured "why be different?" Lantz approves.

pg 3-4 shows the magnitude and phase of the as-implemented "to_nm" filter, equivalent to velcal * convdisp * rolloff from above, but the design string in foton is subtly different because of Sigg's vs. Matlab's convention choices:

    zeros                           poles                 gain

(note the gain of 1.59e7 = 1/(2*pi*(0.01)^4) to normalize the rolloff properly in foton's convention.)

isiinf_H1SUSPR2_2012-10-30.pdf --
These plots show the ASD and Magnitude, Phase, and Coherence of the Transfer Function between exemplary channels:
H1:ISI-HAM3_BLND_GS13X_IN1_DQ -- the inputs to the blend filters, fresh off of the ISI, calibrated in [nm/s] "offline" using DTT's calibrator with a filter identical to velcal above (scaled into [m/s] by a factor of 1e-9), and then displayed in (integrated to) displacement courtesy of DTT (which is identical to convdisp above). 
H1:SUS-PR2_ISIINF_X_OUT_DQ -- the output of the ISIINF, after AI filtering and calibrated "online" to [nm] (and then scaled to [m] by 1e-9 in DTT).
H1:SUS-PR2_ISIWIT_L_DQ -- the final result of interest: the GS13s calibrated "online" and propogated through the CART2EUL matrix to the H1 SUS PR2 suspension point.
This data was taken with the ISI active control loops completely OFF (no damping, no isolation, no nothing).

Here, we see lots of fun things:
(a) Above the 10 mHz rolloff, once calibrated into the same units, the X signal is identical between the input to the blends (RED) in HAM-ISI land and the output of the ISIINFs (BLUE) in SUS land. Below the roll-off, the signals begin to diverge at ~50 mHz as expected. 
(b) The point of this whole shebang: The signal projected to the susp. point (GREEN) is different from simply assuming the X motion (BLUE) is what's input. Here, in L, we see significant contribution from both X and RY, most notably at the ~1 Hz RY resonance (a factor of two with the resonance undamped). I'm very interested to see what other degrees of freedom look like, and under different conditions of the ISI...

(a) As expected the coherence between the signal in ISI land and the signal in SUS land drops, simply because of the roll off filter.
(b) The coherence drops along the various cross-couplings between ISI Cartesian, center-of-actuation, basis and SUS Euler, suspension point, basis. 

(mag) This basically just reproduces the product of the calibration and AI filters in the bank as expected, but there are some interesting features where the cross-coupling is going on 
(pha) Same as mag. Note that L is 180 deg out of phase with X because -- you guessed it -- PR2 is pointed in the -X direction.

In conclusion:
This well-defined, in-the-same-basis, peaches-to-peaches, signal opens up a whole bunch of new possibilities for modeling the suspension's motion, least of all, for starters, it should certainly require a lot less (i.e. no) offline post processing for modelers, commissioners, and glitch hunters alike.

Now that I've got the first-article filters in place, I've already got the SEI/SUS basis matrices (for every SUS that has a system's drawing), it should be very straight-forward to get the rest of the SUS up to speed. 

Stay tuned for new found understandings!
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Comments related to this report
brett.shapiro@LIGO.ORG - 10:18, Wednesday 31 October 2012 (4562)
At Stanford we were wondering if this awesome new witness for the seismic inputs to the SUS could be used for feedforwarding between table motion and the SUS top mass. As long as the table motion is above the sensor noise, there should be useful signal that might be sent to SUS.
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