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Reports until 09:23, Wednesday 24 October 2012
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:23, Wednesday 24 October 2012 (4514)
WHAM3 ISI Blade SPring Tuned Mass Dampers Installed
Hugo & Hugh
Attached is an image with an installed TMD on the underside of the ISI Blade Spring.  We did not have the install jig that has been used previously.  Using images in E0900119, I placed the TMD by eye and feel.  I attempted to position the countermass inline with the rib outboard from the Spring.
Serial Numbers:Corner1--010, Corner2--012, Corner3--011

Shoot, I guess I didn't upload this...when did this happen?  Yesterday...Tuesday?
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vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:19, Tuesday 23 October 2012 (4512)
BSC-ISI - Unit 3

Last Friday, I finished the test of the third BSC-ISI (E1100296-v1). It looks good.

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:27, Tuesday 23 October 2012 (4511)
Work on adding more RFM IPC channels to the EY SUS and SEI systems

Jeff, Jim, Dave and Alex.

We worked today on adding more IPC channels using the GeFanuc Reflective Memory network which runs between the H2 EY systems h2susb6, h2seib6, h2pemey and the LVEA h2susb478. Senders and Receivers were added to several models as part of the code upgrade.

It was found that RCG2.5.1 does not allow DMA data transfer to the RFM card no matter what the no_rfm_dma setting is. With the non-DMA default of RCG2.5.1, it was found that the h2susetmy model was running too long, over its 60uS limit. Working with Alex, we overrode the "no dma" setting on 2.5.1 by editing the feCodeGen.pl handling of the no_rfm_dma CDS block setting. It was found that DMAing the IOP caused it to slow down to a point that the software watchdog on the ISI front end would not allow DAC activation. So we tried a hybridized system of non-DMA for IOP, and DMA for user model. All was looking good with CPU usage, except for the fact that the IPC did not in fact work. No data got through, and the IPC receive error rate was at the max value.

Alex did some digging and found that the RFM DMA can only work if both the IOP and the user model are set to use DMA. We tried this and indeed the model-to-model IPC did work with no errors and no CPU overruns, but the IOP again was running too long, causing Watchdog IPC errors of a rate of about 200 per second (out of 65536) which meant that the SEI front end DACs were disabled. We seem to have reached an impasse.

So for now we are reversing today's DMA changes. All DMA is turned off, in fact the RCG is reverted back to the 2.5.1 version of feCodeGen.pl which does not allow DMA at all. Jeff has backed off on the number of new IPCs in the SUS models to keep the CPU usage well below 60uS.

kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:20, Tuesday 23 October 2012 (4510)
Shut-down X-end purge air -> Replaced (4) each swing-style check valves on drying tower -> Restarted/restored purge air

kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:18, Tuesday 23 October 2012 (4509)
Changed "economizer" setting for Corner Station instrument air drying tower -> From 30% to 60%

hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:40, Tuesday 23 October 2012 (4508)
HAM3-ISI - Cables clamped, TMDs installed, HEPI Released

Hugh, Hugo,

We wanted to make sure that the rubbing detected yesterday would not occur again. We opened the doors of the horizontal actuators and clamped the actuator/CPS cables to the spring posts. Only corner 3 had its cables already clamped.

We installed the TMDs on the blades. Hugh had to go in the chamber.

We released HEPI. No fluid running yet.

Transfer function measurements are running overnight.

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mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:20, Tuesday 23 October 2012 - last comment - 10:25, Wednesday 24 October 2012(4507)
Mark B.

I started Matlab TFs on MC1 at 16:18 PDT.
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mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 10:25, Wednesday 24 October 2012 (4513)
Mark B. 

Checked at 07:05 am 10/24. Successful undamped and damped runs with one minor imperfection: a tripped watchdog on L on the lowest frequency band for the damped TFs. Everything else looks healthy. 

Damping off spectrum segment: 1035129790
Damping on spectrum segment: 1035127990
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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:04, Tuesday 23 October 2012 (4506)
MC3 optic continues to hang with large pitch error

In my earlier alog, I reported that the MC3 optic hangs with a large pitch.  And, I had also reported that the suspension had minimal pitch error during the metal hang last week, so the pitch error was either from the prism placement on the optic or the new wire loop.  Today, Andres provided us with another fresh wire loop which we installed - and we still see the large pitch error.  With a fine scaled metric ruler we see that the right front prism notch is sitting 32.0mm (+/-0.25mm) away from the HR surface of the IMCF06, while the left front notch is at 34.25mm from the HR surface.  These numbers should be the same.  We're bantering with Mark and Kissel now  - we'll likely moke for more measurements and try a few adjustments tomorrow, but...  ugh.

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:59, Tuesday 23 October 2012 - last comment - 14:42, Wednesday 24 October 2012(4503)
dust monitor code changes
The remaining dust monitors have been moved over to the code tested at end Y as under work permits 3471, 3512.

The main goal of the code change is to allow each dust monitor to be stopped and started from the medm. This should allow changes on the front panel to be done without turning the dust monitor on and off and then quickly changing the settings before the code puts it into remote mode. That is, to change the front panel settings, stop the dust monitor with the medm, make the changes, and then start the dust monitor with the medm. Whether stopping the dust monitor and setting it to local mode with the code allows the front panel changes to be done still has to be tested.

This now requires that each dust monitor be started under its associated 'expert' medm screen when it or its IOC is restarted.

I will let the code run for a while before I submit it into svn.
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patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - 14:00, Tuesday 23 October 2012 (4505)
I tested stopping the dust monitor at end Y with the medm, and it does allow front panel changes to be made as hoped.
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - 14:42, Wednesday 24 October 2012 (4515)
Driver support code checked into the projects repository under svn revision 2117. IOC code checked in under svn revision 2118, except I added missing closing parentheses to the st.cmd files in the checked in version that were not in when the current running code started. This should not make an effective difference.
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:40, Monday 22 October 2012 - last comment - 13:25, Tuesday 23 October 2012(4501)
H1 MC3 and MC1 work

Betsy, Travis


Today, we removed the dummy mass from the suspension and installed the glass IMCF06 optic.  We immediately found that it suffered from a pretty good pitch error.  This is likely due to one of the 2 newly introduced factors:  the new wire loop has a length error or the prism is in slightly the wrong place.  Tomorrow we will try switching the wire loop.



We rechecked the height of the optic in this supension and confirmed that the top of the barrel is sitting at 213.6mm from the table surface.  The spec is 215mm +/-1mm.  Tommorrow we will try a few adjustments to bring the height into tolerance.  On a side note, Travis looked up the dummy mass diameter and compared it to the glass diameter.  Both substrate drawings callout a +/-1mm tolerance on the diameter of the mass, but the optic measures to be at +0.8mm from the spec, using most of the tolerance and possibly leading to the height mismatch between the metal build and this optic build.

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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 10:58, Tuesday 23 October 2012 (4502)

Travis was able to recover some height on MC1 via using the slop in the holes which mount the wire loop clamps.  The optic is now sitting at 214.1mm which is within the 215 +/- 1mm spec.

betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 13:25, Tuesday 23 October 2012 (4504)

This morning, we poked around and determined that because this optic has a diameter larger than the metal (specifically 150.85mm), the center of the optic would have been at 154.4mm from the table surface when installed in HAM2 on it's 15.8mm spacer.  Luke reports that the nominal centerline position of the MC1 and MC3 mirrors from the table surface is 155.8mm.  So we removed one D1200043 (s/n 113) weight from the top of the top mass - the height is now 214.7mm (top of optic barrel to the table surface).  With the removed weight, the MC1 centerline will now be at 155.0mm.

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:35, Monday 22 October 2012 (4500)
DAQ changes and restarts summary

As part of today's work:

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:33, Monday 22 October 2012 (4499)
H2 ETMY SUS work, RFM problems encountered

New user models were installed on h2susb6 and h2seib6. Part of the change was additional RFM IPC  (sending and receiving) on SUS TMSY, ETMY and ISI ETMY. 

It was found that each RFM IPC receiver added roughly 3-4uS on the cpu time of the model. This caused ETMY to max out at 59-60uS when TMSY was not running. But when TMSY model was started and reading the same RFM channels, then ETMY cpu went very high to 67-70uS. It looks like a race condition between the TMSY and ETMY models trying to access the same resources at the exactly the same time. We need to talk to Rolf and Alex, and replicate the problem on the DAQ test stand before proceding. We also need to see if this problem will occur on the Dolphin network.

For tonight Jeff has removed some of the additional IPC receivers to get the cpu usage down to safe levels.

hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:34, Monday 22 October 2012 (4498)
HAM3-ISI - Found Cable(s) Rubbing

The transfer functions measured on HAM3-ISI, after the installation of MC2 and PR2, featured non-matching eigen frequencies between corners.

I tried adjusting the cables coming from stage 1 and going to stage 0 so they don't rubb against stage 1, Stage 0, or each other. I also made sure the loops for the cables were large enough so they don't affect the overall stiffness observed on the ISI.

I finally found the issue of the eigen frequency mismatch we observed by checking the cables of the horizontal actuators, which are set along the spring posts: they were rubbing against stage 1. I adjusted them and the eigen frequencies measured on the ISI now match.

It is hard to see around the horizontal actuators with the actuator-doors on, and I did not run a transfer function after each adjustment so I am not sure of which cable(s) was(were) causing trouble. 

Pictures and figures are attached.

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LHO General
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:13, Monday 22 October 2012 (4497)
Ops Summary:
10/22/2012 - from Morning Meeting

LVEA work:
- HAM installation arm going on HAM2 E door today
- MC3 and MC1 prep chamberside continues
- HAM3 ISI being tested - may be something rubbing
- HAM3 table alignment is OK
- HAM6 RF cabling - needs to be tested
- BSC2 - one more housing to install, then actuators

EX work on hold

EY - dead ion pump, Richard shutting down power,

H2 PSL - old eLigo OMC work with electronics

End of the day:

Multiple reboots and recompiling of EY - not currently in a working condition - Dave, Jeff, Jim, and Vincent are working on it

IAS in LVEA looked at ITM pitch - Doug, Jason
- some spikes in dust, and when I talked to Doug about activity in the cleanroom with ITMY, it seems like the spikes were due to the sock coming off of the quad

iLigo OMC moved to H2 PSL enclosure, electronics hooked up and tested - Keita, Corey
jason.oberling@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:02, Monday 22 October 2012 (4496)
BSC1 ITMy Pitch/Yaw First Look, Test Stand
D. Cook, J. Oberling
We took a first look at the pitch and yaw of the BSC1 ITMy under the test stand this afternoon.
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