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Reports until 09:45, Tuesday 02 October 2012
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:45, Tuesday 02 October 2012 (4345)
HAM2-ISI - (Pre) Control & Commissioning - Control Loops Level-2 are ON

I installed the HAM-ISI control loops level-2 on HAM2-ISI. To do so, I had to implement the notches I already added to the level-1 loops. I also added a couple other notches to respect the gain margin requirements.
Simulation Plots

Switching from level-1 to level-2 with the MEMD command window worked well, without tripping the ISI watchdogs.

I took sprectra on HAM2-ISI with those loops on. I compared those spectra with the ones measured yesterday, in the following configuration:
  - no active control
  - Damping only
  - Cotrol level-1 with boost and notches

Data is under the SVN. Spectra are attached.

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stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:20, Monday 01 October 2012 (4344)
SR2 (HSTS) Phase 1b M1-M1 damped and un-damped TFs, plus power spectra
[Stuart A, Jeff B and Andres R]

The following OSEMs have been installed into the SR2 (HSTS) suspension, as well as entering gains and offsets into the OSEM INPUT filters:-

M1-T1, s/n = 076, open-light = 26125.3, offset = -13063, gain = 1.148
M1-T2, s/n = 423, open-light = 27116.1, offset = -13558, gain = 1.106
M1-T3, s/n = 646, open-light = 25764.8, offset = -12882, gain = 1.164 (c)
M1-LF, s/n = 150, open-light = 31458.2, offset = -15729, gain = 0.954
M1-RT, s/n = 098, open-light = 25390.6, offset = -12695, gain = 1.182
M1-SD, s/n = 668, open-light = 25655.6, offset = -12828, gain = 1.169 (c)

M2-UL, s/n = 232, open-light = 26261.4, offset = -13131, gain = 1.142
M2-LL, s/n = 213, open-light = 27884.6, offset = -13942, gain = 1.076
M2-UR, s/n = 279, open-light = 25761.6, offset = -12881, gain = 1.165
M2-LR, s/n = 366, open-light = 26451.8, offset = -13226, gain = 1.134

M3-UL, s/n = 312, open-light = 26656.6, offset = -13328, gain = 1.125
M3-LL, s/n = 424, open-light = 25976.2, offset = -12988, gain = 1.155
M3-UR, s/n = 285, open-light = 25678.3, offset = -12839, gain = 1.168
M3-LR, s/n = 304, open-light = 25379.6, offset = -12690, gain = 1.182

Stemming from an incorrect ICS entry regarding BOSEM #646's characterisation status, SR2 currently has two characterised BOSEMs installed on M1. The M1-T3 BOSEM will be swapped out at the earliest convenience.    

It should also be noted that the M1-SD BOSEM has been re-located to the opposition side of the structure, as requested by systems, and already implemented at LLO. The change of sign then had to be accounted for in the COIL OUTPUT filters (by flipping gain sign from -1 to +1).

Firstly, a set of M1-M1 TFs were taken, with damping loops OFF, for all DOFs (see 2012-10-01_0900_X1SUSSR2_M1_ALL_TFs.pdf), which show good agreement with the model. These TFs were then repeated, but with damping loops ON.  

Secondly, both damped and undamped TFs obtained have been compared to all other LHO HSTSs tested at Phase 1b (see allhstss_2012_10_01_Phase1b_SR2_ALL_ZOOMED_TFs.pdf). 

Thirdly, power spectra have been taken with damping loops both ON and OFF for each stage (see 2012-10-01_1700_X1SUSSR2_M*_ALL_Spectra.pdf).

Power spectra data, with both damping ON and OFF can then be compared to a similar HSTS, PRM, during Phase 1b testing (see allhstss_2012-10-01_X1_SR2_Phase1b_ALL_Spectra_Don.pdf and allhstss_2012-10-01_X1_SR2_Phase1b_ALL_Spectra_Doff.pdf).

In addition, power spectra for specific degrees of freedom (L, P and Y) can be more conveniently compared across multiple stages (M1, M2 and M3) of the same suspension in the final plot found below (see allhstss_2012-10-01_X1_SR2_Phase1b_X1SUSSR2_M1M2M3_Spectra_ALL_Don.pdf).

Finally, all data, plots and scripts have been committed to the SUS svn as of this entry.

This should now be sufficient to complete Phase 1b testing of the SR2 suspension.
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thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:26, Monday 01 October 2012 - last comment - 10:09, Tuesday 02 October 2012(4343)
H2 BSC8 ACB De-Install
Tim N., Gerardo M., Bob A., Thomas V.

Today we assembled the support table (D1101953) with lab jacks and brought down the box portion of the Arm Cavity Baffle.  Since we were waiting for a few tooling parts to be baked (they did not fit in the bake oven on Friday), we will assemble the installation lift stand (D1101957) tomorrow in order to bring down the suspension portion of the ACB.  

Both the suspension and the box portion will be laid down in the tube while the cartridge is being removed, then the suspension and box will be extracted afterwards.   
Comments related to this report
thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - 10:09, Tuesday 02 October 2012 (4347)
Also, we dropped a 1/4 wrench on the BSC floor plates and it slipped underneath into the bottom of the chamber, we were not able to reach it.
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:10, Monday 01 October 2012 (4341)
HAM2-ISI - (Pre) Control & Commissioning

HAM2-ISI features an unusual high Q resonance at 96.1Hz. This resonance is due to the top payload mass that still needs better boundary conditions with the ISI (see aLog comment #4025).

The seismic team uses generic controllers for the first level of the HAM-ISI controls.  The watchdogs of HAM2-ISI would trip on the actuators' signal when turning on those controllers. Indeed, the generic controllers did not account for such feature and the unusual resonance would consume most of the gain margin (Simulation Plots - No Notches), causing the controllers to amplify motion at 96.1Hz (see p.4-9 of the attached pdf), and thus to only be stable on their own (see p.2 of the attached pdf).

In order to get HAM2-ISI under active-control, we decided to apply temporary notches on the level-1 controllers of HAM2-ISI. We started with the most unstable controllers: X and RY.
Simulation Plots – Notches on X and RY

After implementing the new X and RY isolation loops, we were able to have all HAM2-ISI controllers running at the same time.  We took comparative spectra for the various configurations of the ISI: not damped, damped and controlled with the new controllers. They showed that the motion of the ISI was still amplified at 96.1Hz (Image #1).

In oder to correct that, we went through all the other controllers of HAM2-ISI and applied proper notches to them. The only one that did not need any was RZ.
Simulation Plots – Notches on all DOF
We then got rid of the excessive motion amplification at 96.1Hz (Image #2). 

HAM2-ISI is now under control Level 1 with the generic 900mHz blend filters ON.


Note 1: HAM2-ISI is loaded with dummy masses only. This control work was made in anticipation of the future Control & Commissioning of the unit, and in preparation of the Control & Commissioning that will soon be performed on HAM3-ISI.
Note 2: The iquiery described above involved looking into te details of the HAM-ISI generic routines, and revealed the need for minor corrections. Routine #7 was corrected twice: SVN revisions 6028 and 6077

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hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:04, Monday 01 October 2012 (4342)
WHAM1 SEI Optical Table in Place
IAS looked at the position of the Optical Table and gave us the deltas from perfect.  We looked at the Support Table level and found it level to +-0.1mm.  We did need to shift the payload on the Optical Table however, I had adjusted it to correct the overload I had found in aLOG 4242.  We leveled the Optical Table now to +-0.1mm at an elevation of -200.2mm global, 0.2mm low.
IAS gave us a correction for horizontal of 0.7mmN, 3.1mmE & 369urad cw but I decided not to do this.  We've already pulled the Support Table 5mm east and I'll likely already have to shift some HEPI piers around.  Our position spec for this table is +-3mm and tht was what we told ISC after they gave us a spec of +-6mm so I think we are OK.

Thanks to Scott & Ed
LHO General
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:25, Monday 01 October 2012 (4340)
Ops summary
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:21, Monday 01 October 2012 - last comment - 09:57, Tuesday 02 October 2012(4338)
PR2 AOSEM swapped

We finally swapped the M3 stage UL AOSEM which had a cracked filter (s/n 242).  The new unit (s/n 212) has an OLV of 26640.  Stuart reset the PR2 M3 UL OSEMINF offset to -13320 and the gain to 1.126.

Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 09:57, Tuesday 02 October 2012 (4346)

I'll back log that we also straightened the side flag mount in an attempt to reduce cross-coupling noted in Phase 2a/b testing earlier.  We released the masses into suspension and Stuart ran TFs last night. 

betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:49, Monday 01 October 2012 (4337)
H2 BSC8 SUS deinstall prep finished

As per Travis' alog yesterday, we indeed did hop into BSC8 this morning and finish checking and stowing the FMy and ITMy suspensions.  We put C3 socks on each.  Travis then started detaching the SUS cables at the internal feed-thrus.

james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:41, Monday 01 October 2012 (4336)
Restarted data concentrator, nds0 daqd
Restarted h2 data concentrator to add h2isitst channels at 10:53 PDT.  The daqd process on h2nds0 failed to restart, so I started it manually.
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:19, Monday 01 October 2012 (4335)
BSC8 De-Install/BSC1 Install Prep
On Friday, 28 Sep, the cleanroom was rolled to the north, then the solid stack was craned off the test stand and preserved clean. This morning, the test stand was wiped down. After lunch, the cleanroom was moved back over the test stand: the cleanroom/test stand and general area will be cleaned in preparation for the cartridge.

After some examination this morning, I was able to improvise both garbing and staging space in the iLIGO cleanroom atop the e-module. Jim Warner was instrumental in carrying out the plan. Apollo craned garbing/staging accoutrement to the e-module and things are close to ready.
LHO General
thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:41, Friday 28 September 2012 (4334)
09/28/12 Ops Shift
- SEI work at input HAMs
- Ken at X-end
- Apollo installing ladder on mezzanine
- Vincent install a test model on the BSC8 Test Stand
- Cleaning of the optics table in Squeezer area
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:32, Friday 28 September 2012 (4333)
SUS lockdown in BSC8

Both the ITMy and FMy suspensions in BSC8 have been fully locked down for transport, with the exception of the vibration absorber locker pins on FMy.  Optics caps are on both the ITM and TCP exposed faces and the inter-chain temporary transport stops (fingers) are in place.  On Monday, I will have Betsy take a second look and add any additional protection and C3 covers to the structure deemed necessary.  We should then be ready to proceed with ACB deinstall, decabling at the feedthrus, and SEI offloading of mass in prep for cartridge extraction. 

michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:00, Friday 28 September 2012 (4332)
PSL plots

35W beam. Fans were on during these measurements.

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hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:07, Friday 28 September 2012 (4331)
WBSC#1 in BSC8 ISI is Locked
Jim went into the top cleanroom at BSC8 and locked the ISI down after landing ISI#3 on the Test Stand Thursday afternoon.  SUS is free to lock away.

HEPI was locked down some time ago so SEI is fully locked down.
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:03, Friday 28 September 2012 (4330)
BSC #3 Located on Test Stand
The Assembly crew, Jim Greg & Mitchell, completed the installation of instruments and sensors and prepped the unit for craning to the Test Stand Wednesday.  It launched right after lunch Thursday and other than a sticky spot in the crane travel, landed with no issues.
Thanks to Bubba Randy Mark & Jody for excellent assistance.
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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:12, Thursday 27 September 2012 - last comment - 21:15, Thursday 27 September 2012(4328)
BSFM02 moved off of the Test Stand and into a box

After 2 hours and at least 48 picks with the manual Genie fork lift (including forks on, forks off, forks on, forks off, repeat) we finally got the BSFM02 out from under the solid stack/test stand and into it's storage container.  Those darn test stands just aren't roomy enough or tall enough for easy SUS maneuvers.


The storage box is still parked in the cleanroom since we need to add a gasket to the door for proper sealing.  It is sitting to the North with all of the other tables such that the cleanroom can be pushed North to facilitate removal of the solid stack.


For the record, the Top BOSEMs and Top BOSEM cables are still attached to the suspension.  Also the shear plates were installed this morning and are with the sus in the box.  All parts are recorded in the assembly record for BSFM02 (under D1000392) in ICS.

Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 21:15, Thursday 27 September 2012 (4329)

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keith.riles@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:57, Thursday 27 September 2012 (4327)
More OAT line studies
Following up on the earlier post 3646 concerning H2 OAT line studies, I am attaching some slides
extracted from a detchar report at the Rome LVC meeting, with some new, additional plots and tables based 
on further analysis. To make future alog searches for frequencies easier, below is a cut n paste of the final table 
of known combs and individual lines.

  • The bulk of the new line list is based on the weighted average spectrum for only one day in August (Aug 28). September data has not yet been examined.
  • The correlations between the primary arm feedback channel and the ~100 auxiliary channels monitored by the Noemi (Virgo) program are weakened by the sparseness of long stretches of locked-arm data since the OAT began.
  • The list of lines is not exhaustive. There is some subjectivity (based on strength, width, presence of harmonics) in the choice of lines to list.
  • While Noemi identifies correlations that gives hints of sources for most of the lines below 100 Hz, nearly all of the lines above 100 Hz show no correlation in Noemi for the ~100 auxiliary channels scanned (except for higher harmonics of lines that have correlations at the fundamental frequency).
  • The number of digits following the decimal point in the table below depends on a line's width and maximum harmonic number
  • Lines below with a label from 'A' to 'P' are the fundamental frequencies of a comb of at least one more harmonic (see slides for harmonic counts). A label of 'X' indicates a single line not obviously (to me) part of a comb.
Cut n paste of last table in slides: A – 60.0 Hz Power mains B – 2.745 Hz Laser reference cavity X – 4.012 Hz Laser reference cavity X – 4.294 Hz Correlations with LVEA seis / mag channels X – 12.08 Hz ? X – 16.36 Hz ? X – 18.83 Hz ? C – 19.62 Hz Correlations with LVEA seis / mag channels X – 28.28 Hz ? X – 29.625 Hz Correlations with LVEA & EY seis / mag / accel channels X – 29.78 Hz ? X – 30.18 Hz Correlations with LVEA & EY seis / mag / accel / mic channels X – 30.86 Hz Correlations with LVEA seis / mag / accel / mic channels X – 32.73 Hz ? X – 41.88 Hz ? X – 48.02 Hz Correlations with LVEA seis / mag / mic channels X – 49.01 Hz Correlations with EY seis / mag / accel / mic channels D – 56.84065 Hz Correlations with EY seis / mag / accel / mic channels E – 68.59 Hz ? F – 72.09 Hz ? X – 72.37 Hz Correlations with LVEA & EY seis / accel channels G – 77.54 Hz Correlations with EY mag / accel channels H – 78.00 Hz Correlations with EY accel channel I – 89.415 Hz Correlations with EY accel channel J – 90.29 Hz Correlations with LVEA seis / mag / mic channels K – 100.678 Hz ? L – 105.91 Hz ? X – 117.455 Hz ? M – 118.59 Hz ? N – 120.7 Hz ? X – 138.9 Hz ? X – 151.02 Hz ? X – 157.75 Hz ? X – 167.018 Hz ? X – 167.80 Hz ? X – 170.93 Hz ? X – 179.73 Hz ? O – 279.60 Hz ? P – 289.48 Hz ? X – 343.05 Hz ? X – 517.5 Hz ? X – 586.3 Hz ? X – 625.9 Hz ? X – 685.0 Hz ? X – 724.2 Hz ? X – 785.1 Hz ? X – 789.9 Hz ? X – 822.5 Hz ? X – 891.2 Hz ? X – 966.291 Hz Correlations with EY seis / mag / accel / mic channels The attached plot shows the full 0-1000 Hz spectra examined with all combs / single lines marked. The slides show 100-Hz bands which are more readable.
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LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:21, Thursday 27 September 2012 (4326)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .3 microns and > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot.
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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:34, Thursday 16 August 2012 - last comment - 16:22, Monday 01 October 2012(3865)
H1 SUS PR2 Phase 2B Final Answer
B. Bland, J. Garcia, J. Kissel

Attached are plots comparing the recent H1 SUS PR2 Phase 2B measurements against other HSTS in various stages (completing the data package) in order to give a final answer on Phase 2B testing.

As of this entry H1 SUS PR2 passes Phase 2b and is go for install into HAM3, with the following caveats:
(1) Late in the game, the assembly team found an IR filter is missing on an M3 (Bottom) stage AOSEM. The spectra comparisons show that there's little-to-no difference in the response of sensor, i.e. it's functional (as far as you can tell in the noisy chamber-side environment). Regardless, the assembly team are aware of the problem, and will replace that AOSEM once in chamber, as there's plenty of room to play around in there, and it's a simple fix.

(2) It's a long story (so I'll save it for a subsequent comment to this log), but we discovered the same small T to Y cross-coupling at 1.1 and 2.05 Hz on PR2 as was recently discovered on X1 SUS MC3. At the time, (we thought) X1 SUS MC3 was the only SUS that had such cross coupling, and (we knew we) still had lots of chances to debug the issue before install, so we approved his Phase 1b results and agreed to move forward. However, due to the hectic/scattered measurements and turn-on blips of getting the HAM SUS up and running at LHO, the cross coupling in H1 SUS PR2 (formerly X1 SUS PR2) has fallen under the radar up to this point. So, in light of several things:
- (As in seen in the attached TF comparisons, specifically pg 2, the M1 to M1 T to T TFs), ONLY X1 SUS MC3 and H1 SUS PR2 show this particular cross coupling, out of Nine other HSTS that have been built project wide (again further clues, a better zoom, theories, and conjectures to come).
- We will move X1 SUS MC3 chamber-side, and the install team will spend an extended amount of time identifying/debugging the problem where there's plenty of room, and less pressure. Once the problem is solved, they will retroactively make the same changes to H1 SUS PR2 in chamber, where (at least in HAM3) there's a comfortable amount of room to make adjustments.
- Again, the coupling is small, and goes away with damping -- the concern is the model, which we use extensively to predict motion estimates, may not be as accurate.
Ease of later documentation, the individual measurements that compose the rest of the package are aLOGged here:
Damping Loops OPEN M1 to M1 TFs: LHO aLOG 3851
Damping Loops CLOSED M1 to M1 TFs: LHO aLOG 3855
Amplitude Spectra of All Stages: LHO aLOG 3861
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Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 16:22, Monday 01 October 2012 (4339)

M3 stage UL AOSEM swapped.  See this alog:


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