Displaying reports 73021-73040 of 76990.Go to page Start 3648 3649 3650 3651 3652 3653 3654 3655 3656 End
Reports until 09:06, Wednesday 05 September 2012
greg.grabeel@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:06, Wednesday 05 September 2012 (4086)
Unit 7 HAM purge
Purged Unit 7 in its storage container with LN2 boil off from a dewar. Used 5 Liters per Minute flow rate this time and the differences can be seen in the attached chart. I would like to try and find the minimum flow rate needed to maintain a -35 to -40 tdºC dew point level, but I may need to get a lower flow rotameter. 
Images attached to this report
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:59, Wednesday 05 September 2012 (4084)
Staged to Build iLIGO SEI Stack in HAM1
We are ready to remove the West door from HAM1 and build the isolation stack there.  There will be some competing needs of crane and forklift with the Apollo crew moving the cleanrooms in & out of the South bay so progress may not be as rapid as possible.
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:27, Tuesday 04 September 2012 (4083)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot.
Non-image files attached to this report
richard.savage@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:50, Tuesday 04 September 2012 (4082)
PSL ISS turned off
The ISS was cycling between about 0 and 20% diffracted power.  I disabled it for now.

With Alberto Stochino, we installed two turning mirrors in the PSL RefCav transmitted light pickoff path in preparation for installation of the coupling optics for the fiber for the single-arm test.  We will continue with this effort tomorrow.
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:05, Tuesday 04 September 2012 (4069)
ops summary
cleaning HAM 1
CP 5, 6 filled
Filiberto to mid Y to look for electronics chassis.
Betsy to work on MC1.
Apollo to begin craning of short sided clean room from South bay to BSC8, and relocate clean room from HAM4 to HAM3.
Kyle replacing ion pump on GV16.
Eric putting bellow shields on HEPI actuators.
Dave and Jim to end Y to look at HEPI pump controller, power cycled pump controller.
vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:55, Tuesday 04 September 2012 (4080)
HEPI pump restarted at EY on September 4, 2012

This afternoon, the CDS group encountered some difficulties to connect to the servo controller computer at EY. At that point, the controller and the pump were still running. Only the display was frozen. When they rebooted the computer, the pump stopped. The HEPI pump at EY was restarted around 4:20 pm. The HEPI came back close to its previous nominal position.

daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:40, Tuesday 04 September 2012 - last comment - 08:24, Wednesday 05 September 2012(4074)
ALS WFS path change 2 and new ALS WFS sensing matrix
Today we moved WFS2 back to its original position and moved the second lens after the steering mirror. The combination without a second lens gave a beam too small. The new measured alignment matrix is

Sensing matrix for PIT was:
WFSA = +0.411*POS -5.483*ANG
WFSB = +1.269*POS - 3.783*ANG

Sensing matrix for YAW was:
WFSA = +0.036*POS + 1.962*ANG
WFSB =-0.431*POS + 3.265*ANG

The inverse matrices are:
PIT={{-0.7002, +1.0148}, {-0.2349, +0.0761}}
YAW={{+3.3830, -2.0329}, {+0.4476, +0.0373}}
Comments related to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 08:24, Wednesday 05 September 2012 (4085)

Decent matrix with too small a beam  >> Hopeless matrix with a decent size beam.

jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:26, Tuesday 04 September 2012 (4078)
Cleanroom Choreography
Christina and crew cleaned at HAM1/2 twice today in preparation for door removal by the SEI crew. Hugh has five HAM door covers to use as needed. An additional six HAM door covers are on the shelf and at least six more are in the laundry queue. 

Bubba and crew removed the short-sided cleanroom from over HAM3 and placed it next to BSC8. 
thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:19, Tuesday 04 September 2012 - last comment - 15:28, Tuesday 04 September 2012(4075)
High Quality Viewport Assembly
Douglas Daniel, Joe DeRenzis, Thomas Vo

We finished assembling two D1101714, High Quality Wedged 6in Viewport assemblies (double optic). This is the first few articles of this particular assembly and pictures are attached, proof testing and leak testing to be done tomorrow (awaiting test parts from C&B).  One of these assemblies is meant to be installed on HAM1 for the main PSL laser beam, we hope to be ready to connect the light tube this week.
Images attached to this report
Comments related to this report
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - 15:28, Tuesday 04 September 2012 (4079)
Note the new jig designed and fabricated by Tyler for holding these viewports during inspection.
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:14, Tuesday 04 September 2012 - last comment - 12:47, Wednesday 05 September 2012(4071)
SUS QUAD L1, L2 CoilOutF filter module updates
Modifications to the QUAD L1 (UIM) and L2 (PUM) stage CoilOutF filter banks were made via Foton to reflect the latest State Machine Diagrams updated last week.

The changes were saved to the filter text files, and filter coefficients were loaded via the "*_GDS_TP" medm.

The Foton filter text files were committed locally to the "cds_user_apps" Repository checked out under:

Comments related to this report
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - 15:22, Tuesday 04 September 2012 (4076)
For each of the four L2 (PUM) stage Coil Output Filter banks, the differences in the Foton text file are as follows:

Previously (before 08/31/2012):

### ITMY_L2_COILOUTF_LL                                                      ###
# DESIGN   ITMY_L2_COILOUTF_LL 0 zpk([129.973],[13],1,"n")
# DESIGN   ITMY_L2_COILOUTF_LL 1 zpk([99.9877],[1],1,"n")
# DESIGN   ITMY_L2_COILOUTF_LL 2 zpk([5;19.9999],[0.5;249.809],1,"n")
# DESIGN   ITMY_L2_COILOUTF_LL 5 zpk([13],[129.973],1,"n")
# DESIGN   ITMY_L2_COILOUTF_LL 6 zpk([1],[99.9877],1,"n")
# DESIGN   ITMY_L2_COILOUTF_LL 7 zpk([0.5;249.809],[5;19.9999],1,"n")
###                                                                          ###
ITMY_L2_COILOUTF_LL 0 21 1      0      0 SimAcqOffL2        0.1022381444281  -0.9950269485578308   0.0000000000000000  -0.9513581602053965   0.0000000000000000
ITMY_L2_COILOUTF_LL 1 21 1      0      0 SimAcqOnL2    0.01018979855460631  -0.9996165783185160   0.0000000000000000  -0.9623720057438665   0.0000000000000000
ITMY_L2_COILOUTF_LL 2 21 1      0      0 SimLPL2         1.198428225279573  -1.9083200482101859   0.9083375891754886  -1.9904437581736589   0.9904583948159983
ITMY_L2_COILOUTF_LL 5 21 1      0      0 AntiAcqOffL2      9.781085186882086  -0.9513581602053965   0.0000000000000000  -0.9950269485578308   0.0000000000000000
ITMY_L2_COILOUTF_LL 6 21 1      0      0 AntiAcqOnL2      98.13736695981576  -0.9623720057438665   0.0000000000000000  -0.9996165783185160   0.0000000000000000
ITMY_L2_COILOUTF_LL 7 21 1      0      0 AntiLPL2       0.8344262751043912  -1.9904437581736589   0.9904583948159983  -1.9083200482101859   0.9083375891754886

Currently (as of 09/04/2012):

### ITMY_L2_COILOUTF_LL                                                      ###
# DESIGN   ITMY_L2_COILOUTF_LL 0 zpk([12],[110],1,"n")
# DESIGN   ITMY_L2_COILOUTF_LL 1 zpk([1.35],[80.5],1,"n")
# DESIGN   ITMY_L2_COILOUTF_LL 2 zpk([6;20],[0.5;250],1,"n")
# DESIGN   ITMY_L2_COILOUTF_LL 5 zpk([110],[12],1,"n")
# DESIGN   ITMY_L2_COILOUTF_LL 6 zpk([80.5],[1.35],1,"n")
# DESIGN   ITMY_L2_COILOUTF_LL 7 zpk([0.5;250],[6;20],1,"n")
###                                                                          ###
ITMY_L2_COILOUTF_LL 0 21 1      0      0 SimAcqOffL2      8.999262730598492  -0.9586809127066087   0.0000000000000000  -0.9954086141798147   0.0000000000000000
ITMY_L2_COILOUTF_LL 1 21 1      0      0 SimAcqOnL2      58.74299131244113  -0.9695955355155262   0.0000000000000000  -0.9994824154540793   0.0000000000000000
ITMY_L2_COILOUTF_LL 2 21 1      0      0 SimLPL2        0.9996062717429675  -1.9082531975983987   0.9082707513809170  -1.9900610320883918   0.9900785927850526
ITMY_L2_COILOUTF_LL 5 21 1      0      0 AntiAcqOffL2     0.1111202139481815  -0.9954086141798147   0.0000000000000000  -0.9586809127066087   0.0000000000000000
ITMY_L2_COILOUTF_LL 6 21 1      0      0 AntiAcqOnL2    0.01702330742200748  -0.9994824154540793   0.0000000000000000  -0.9695955355155262   0.0000000000000000
ITMY_L2_COILOUTF_LL 7 21 1      0      0 AntiLPL2        1.000393883340034  -1.9900610320883918   0.9900785927850526  -1.9082531975983987   0.9082707513809170

jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - 15:25, Tuesday 04 September 2012 (4077)
For each of the four L1 (UIM) stage Coil Output Filter banks, the differences in the Foton text file are as follows:

Previously (before 08/31/2012):

### ITMY_L1_COILOUTF_LL                                                      ###
# DESIGN   ITMY_L1_COILOUTF_LL 0 zpk([],[],1,"n")
# DESIGN   ITMY_L1_COILOUTF_LL 1 zpk([9.99999],[1],1,"n")
# DESIGN   ITMY_L1_COILOUTF_LL 2 zpk([9.99999],[1],1,"n")
# DESIGN   ITMY_L1_COILOUTF_LL 3 zpk([9.99999],[1],1,"n")
# DESIGN   ITMY_L1_COILOUTF_LL 5 zpk([324.58],[59.9974],1,"n")
# DESIGN   ITMY_L1_COILOUTF_LL 6 zpk([1],[9.99999],1,"n")
# DESIGN   ITMY_L1_COILOUTF_LL 7 zpk([1],[9.99999],1,"n")
# DESIGN   ITMY_L1_COILOUTF_LL 8 zpk([1],[9.99999],1,"n")
###                                                                          ###
ITMY_L1_COILOUTF_LL 0 21 1      0      0 Unknown                         1   0.0000000000000000   0.0000000000000000   0.0000000000000000   0.0000000000000000
ITMY_L1_COILOUTF_LL 1 21 1      0      0 SimLP1L1       0.1001725184293824  -0.9996165783185160   0.0000000000000000  -0.9961723865238130   0.0000000000000000
ITMY_L1_COILOUTF_LL 2 21 1      0      0 SimLP2L1       0.1001725184293824  -0.9996165783185160   0.0000000000000000  -0.9961723865238130   0.0000000000000000
ITMY_L1_COILOUTF_LL 3 21 1      0      0 SimLP2L1       0.1001725184293824  -0.9996165783185160   0.0000000000000000  -0.9961723865238130   0.0000000000000000
ITMY_L1_COILOUTF_LL 5 21 1      0      0 AntiAcqL1      0.1938898668876849  -0.9772519830087036   0.0000000000000000  -0.8826755757975039   0.0000000000000000
ITMY_L1_COILOUTF_LL 6 21 1      0      0 AntiLP1L1       9.982777868412679  -0.9961723865238130   0.0000000000000000  -0.9996165783185160   0.0000000000000000
ITMY_L1_COILOUTF_LL 7 21 1      0      0 AntiLP2L1       9.982777868412679  -0.9961723865238130   0.0000000000000000  -0.9996165783185160   0.0000000000000000
ITMY_L1_COILOUTF_LL 8 21 1      0      0 AntiLP2L1       9.982777868412679  -0.9961723865238130   0.0000000000000000  -0.9996165783185160   0.0000000000000000


Currently (as of 09/04/2012):

### ITMY_L1_COILOUTF_LL                                                      ###
# DESIGN   ITMY_L1_COILOUTF_LL 0 zpk([],[],1,"n")
# DESIGN   ITMY_L1_COILOUTF_LL 1 zpk([10.5],[1],1,"n")
# DESIGN   ITMY_L1_COILOUTF_LL 2 zpk([10.5],[1],1,"n")
# DESIGN   ITMY_L1_COILOUTF_LL 3 zpk([10.5],[1],1,"n")
# DESIGN   ITMY_L1_COILOUTF_LL 5 zpk([300],[50],1,"n")
# DESIGN   ITMY_L1_COILOUTF_LL 6 zpk([1],[10.5],1,"n")
# DESIGN   ITMY_L1_COILOUTF_LL 7 zpk([1],[10.5],1,"n")
# DESIGN   ITMY_L1_COILOUTF_LL 8 zpk([1],[10.5],1,"n")
###                                                                          ###
ITMY_L1_COILOUTF_LL 0 21 1      0      0 Unknown                         1   0.0000000000000000   0.0000000000000000   0.0000000000000000   0.0000000000000000
ITMY_L1_COILOUTF_LL 1 21 1      0      0 SimLP1L1      0.09541142041015412  -0.9996165783185160   0.0000000000000000  -0.9959813858777531   0.0000000000000000
ITMY_L1_COILOUTF_LL 2 21 1      0      0 SimLP2L1      0.09541142041015412  -0.9996165783185160   0.0000000000000000  -0.9959813858777531   0.0000000000000000
ITMY_L1_COILOUTF_LL 3 21 1      0      0 SimLP2L1      0.09541142041015412  -0.9996165783185160   0.0000000000000000  -0.9959813858777531   0.0000000000000000
ITMY_L1_COILOUTF_LL 5 21 1      0      0 AntiAcqL1      0.1744034418878165  -0.9810067536768792   0.0000000000000000  -0.8910959203698616   0.0000000000000000
ITMY_L1_COILOUTF_LL 6 21 1      0      0 AntiLP1L1       10.48092561352933  -0.9959813858777531   0.0000000000000000  -0.9996165783185160   0.0000000000000000
ITMY_L1_COILOUTF_LL 7 21 1      0      0 AntiLP2L1       10.48092561352933  -0.9959813858777531   0.0000000000000000  -0.9996165783185160   0.0000000000000000
ITMY_L1_COILOUTF_LL 8 21 1      0      0 AntiLP2L1       10.48092561352933  -0.9959813858777531   0.0000000000000000  -0.9996165783185160   0.0000000000000000
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 09:48, Wednesday 05 September 2012 (4087)
Looks good; thanks Garcia!
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - 12:47, Wednesday 05 September 2012 (4092)
The ITMY & ETMY M0&R0 top stage CoilOutF filter modules matched the State Machine Diagram for the TOP Coil Driver before making modifications on the lower stage filter modules.

All filter modules for every ITMY,ETMY M0&R0 CoilOutF filter modules are identical and contain the following digital filters:

### ITMY_M0_COILOUTF_F1                                                      ###
# DESIGN   ITMY_M0_COILOUTF_F1 1 zpk([10],[1],1,"n")
# DESIGN   ITMY_M0_COILOUTF_F1 5 zpk([0.9],[31],1,"n")
# DESIGN   ITMY_M0_COILOUTF_F1 6 zpk([1],[10],1,"n")
###                                                                          ###
ITMY_M0_COILOUTF_F1 1 21 1      0      0 SimLPM0        0.1001724184483297  -0.9996165783185160   0.0000000000000000  -0.9961723827035119   0.0000000000000000
ITMY_M0_COILOUTF_F1 5 21 1      0      0 AntiAcqM0       34.24722014515512  -0.9881817593982465   0.0000000000000000  -0.9996549138717927   0.0000000000000000
ITMY_M0_COILOUTF_F1 6 21 1      0      0 AntiLPM0         9.98278783211981  -0.9961723827035119   0.0000000000000000  -0.9996165783185160   0.0000000000000000

kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:10, Tuesday 04 September 2012 (4072)
Replaced GV16 ion pump controller
Found controller inoperative -> Replaced.  Unit failed in July-will likely need aux. pump cart assistance to get going again.

Note: GV16 alarm resulted as signal is now off-scale "high".  Beam Tube gate valve annulus pressures are monitored by alarm handler
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:07, Tuesday 04 September 2012 - last comment - 11:20, Wednesday 05 September 2012(4070)
How to turn on untrip SUS Watchdogs when SUS has Large Alignment Offset (Current Best Method)
After noticing difficulties with untripping the QUAD watchdogs, I realized that a more sophisticated process is required to restore the QUAD status after a watchdog trip now that there are gigantic P and Y offsets on the TOP stage. Bare with me, it's complicated and convoluted because we didn't imagine this scenario while installing the infrastructure, but it's now on the "to-do" list to get it changed / more straight forward in the future.

For now, the process is as follows:

(1) Turn off the master switch.
(2) Untrip any relevant watchdogs.
(3) Change the gain in the P2P and Y2Y DriveAlign matrix filter banks to 0.00 (you can do this from the screen, or since you (currently) need a terminal open for the next step anyways, you can caput / ezcawrite it too). For example, if you're doing ITMY, that's 


(4) Change the ramp time in the P2P and Y2Y DriveAlign matrix filter banks to 10 sec. (The link to the "full" screen is currently broken, so you'll have to do a "caput" or "ezcawrite" or whichever). For example, if you're doing ITMY, that's 


(5) Turn ON the P and Y offsets to the desired value (if they're not on already); turn ON the damping loops (if they're not on already)
(7) Change the gain of the P2P and Y2Y DriveAlign matrix filter banks back to one. Now that there's a ramp time in the signal chain, it'll slowly ramp up the offsets (and the P and Y damping loops), so the watchdogs won't trip.


The items on the "to do list" in order of difficultly/level of hackiness (from easiest / hackiest to most difficult / do-the-right-thingiest)
(1) Fix the DriveAlign Matrix sub-screen such that
    (a) The "FULL" button works, and it opens the full filter bank (may just require an userapps svn up...)
    (b)  Add the TRAMP epics read/write to every element of the the upper level DriveAlign screen-
(2) Update the auto-damping script to include the above sophistication
(3) Offload what offsets you can to ISI and/or HEPI
(4) Make a model change such that the P and Y alignment offsets can be ramped (e.g. make the DCDRIVECAL gain a full filter bank, or add a ramp to the MASTER SWITCH, or something)
(5) Ask CDS to make the cdsEpicsIn block generate a TRAMP channel as well as a value channel on compile.

Garcia has volunteered to take on items (1) and (2) for now.

Comments related to this report
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - 09:59, Wednesday 05 September 2012 (4088)
The auto-damping script for the H2 QUADs has been updated and committed to the "cds_user_apps" SVN repository.  The updates include a gain-ramping of 10s for the P2P and Y2Y DriveAlign matrix elements.  This will smoothly ramp the large DC M0 Pitch and Yaw offsets used for beam alignment. 

The script is committed to the SVN locally under:

"sus_auto_damp_quad.txt", "sus_auto_UNdamp_quad.txt"
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - 11:20, Wednesday 05 September 2012 (4090)
The previously-broken links in the "SUS_CUST_QUAD_M0_DRIVEALIGN.adl" file have been repaired.  

The auto-generated filter module medms created by the RCG have had their filenames adjusted to a format resembling:

as opposed to a format previously used:  "H2SUS_ITMY_M0_DRIVEALIGN_L2L.adl"

The generic files are located locally:

The custom medm file for the DRIVEALIGN overview ("/opt/rtcds/userapps/trunk/sus/common/medm/quad/SUS_CUST_QUAD_M0_DRIVEALIGN.adl") was edited to point to the correct filenames.
giacomo.ciani@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:34, Tuesday 04 September 2012 (4054)
HAUX resonances

The following table reports the frequency of all resonances as measured from TF and PSDs.

  IM1 IM2 IM3 IM4
Yaw 0.707 0.723 0.740 0.701

P/L 1 (mostly P)

0.939 0.893 0.910 0.926
P/L 2 (mostly L) 1.041 1.006 1.021 1.035
Trans 0.996 0.996 0.996 0.996
Bounce 6.19 6.17 6.14 6.18
Roll 9.03 9.02 9.03 9.03

HAUX have no explicit fine adjustment to exactly match any of the resonances. However, Yaw is affected by the horizontal distance of the blade tips, can vary a bit during alignment is not usually checked agaist any reference. According to the model, 1 mm of difference in that distance translate in about 0.03 Hz of differece in Yaw resonance. If we have time, we can try playing with the blades to bring the yaw resonances closer...


Friday we re-installed ECD on all suspensions, adjusted the DC pitch of IM4 (that changes when you install ECDs) and run an OSEM calibration (using the same optical lever used for pitch balancing). We plan to do the same with the remaining suspensions Today, and have them ready for more (and possibly final) TF and PSDs tonight.

giacomo.ciani@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:39, Tuesday 04 September 2012 - last comment - 09:36, Tuesday 04 September 2012(4067)
H1 MC1 Offsets/Gains reset for production electronics

They were changed from the settings determined on the staging building test stand (first number) to:


H1:SUS-MC1_M1_OSEMINF_T1_OFFSET (-12980) -12987  GAIN (1.156) 1.155

H1:SUS-MC1_M1_OSEMINF_T2_OFFSET (-14639) -14642  GAIN (1.025) 1.024

H1:SUS-MC1_M1_OSEMINF_T3_OFFSET (-13929) -13821  GAIN (1.077) 1.085

H1:SUS-MC1_M1_OSEMINF_LF_OFFSET (-13879) -13761  GAIN (1.081) 1.090

H1:SUS-MC1_M1_OSEMINF_RT_OFFSET (-12265) -12104  GAIN (1.223) 1.240

H1:SUS-MC1_M1_OSEMINF_SD_OFFSET (-12570) -12666  GAIN (1.193) 1.184


I will run TFs next with the Top BOSEMs and then plug in the lower AOSEMs to set their offsets/gains.

Comments related to this report
giacomo.ciani@LIGO.ORG - 09:36, Tuesday 04 September 2012 (4068)

Same known login problem... this wasn't me. It should have Betsy signature, I believe... :-)

vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:30, Tuesday 28 August 2012 - last comment - 14:27, Tuesday 04 September 2012(4021)
HEPI BSC6 lost its nominal position after the pump was shut down

Throughout the day, the CDS group performed multiple updates (cf Dave & Vern ALOG for details). When the computers were handed back to the users, I encountered some difficulties to restore HEPI BSC6. First, I was surprised by the large offsets on the position sensors (>10K counts ~ 15mils). Then, I realized that the pump was turned off.  But after turning the pump back on, the HEPI did not come back to its nominal position. Some tests are currently being performed to understand what’s wrong with the HEPI at the end station.

Comments related to this report
vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - 14:27, Tuesday 04 September 2012 (4073)

I have attached the IPS readouts measured during the last 10 days. We clearly see that the HEPI position changed after the pump was shut down.

Images attached to this comment
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