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Reports until 11:05, Monday 27 August 2012
david.feldbaum@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:05, Monday 27 August 2012 (3999)
FI alignment in the H1 PSL

On Friday I reattached the omega-straps to the FI. The operation went very smoothly, and the magnet securely rests on all points of contact (see photos).

After that Mike and I have moved the granite block under the FI to allow beamscans to be made on the edge of the optical table. We did it by first moving the periscope to a clean cart, leaving 3 alignment posts to determine the position of the FI. We then moved the granite block, and finally reinstalling the FI the to positioning posts.

I have setup an output periscope by stealing the bottom ALS periscope mirror. The final setup is shown in the attached .png file. The list of moved mirrors in the current setup:

OSA and OSA mount are moved out of the beam path

IO_AB_L4 is moved out of the beam path

IO_AB_M12  moved to position (170;3) to serve as 1st turning mirror in FI testing path

IO_AB_M8 moved to (170;31) as the 2nd turning mirror

A HWP obtained from Rick is in (180;31)

IO_AB_M10 moved to (186;31)

2" mirror from eLIGO HAM7  at (186;45)

2" mirrors from eLIGO comprize pol-preserving periscope (182;45)

The beam passes through the FI (locked at an angle), and is eventually dumped on a water-cooled 300 W power meter at (132; 148)

The output periscope presently does not contain a TOP mirror. This will need to alternate between a 180 deg reflector for alignment, and a ~1% beamsplitter for thermal measurements.

ALS_M4 mirror was moved to (146;48) to act as the bottom periscope mirror.

IO_AB_M13 moved to (146; 53) as the beam camera mirror.


I have partially assembled the FI HWP rotator assembly, including the 16 roll-bearings and springs. However the springs are attached only on the top, and the motor itself is not in place.

I have also placed a temporary 1" siskiu mount on a set of clean washers for the alignment of DKDP. DKDP itself is not yet installed.

The optical alignment itself is in the same state as on Thursday, with both s- and p-pol beams leaving the FI.

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LHO General
robert.schofield@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:32, Monday 27 August 2012 (3997)
Investigations of excess magnetic coupling

Summary: We found that the magnetic coupling to ITMY was about the same when HEPI, ISI and SUS were off and the voice coils were disconnected, suggesting that the coupling was to passive systems such as permanent magnets.  We also found that the coupling was about the same at ETMY as at ITMY. Injection experiments suggest that magnetic coupling takes place at multiple levels of the suspension.

We recently found that magnetic injections produced motions of ITMY that, when scaled linearly, suggested that ambient magnetic fields would produce motions that were at least 3 orders of magnitude too large at 11.5 and 60 Hz (here). 

Coupling levels similar with HEPI, ISI, and SUS off

This past week, we found that this coupling is not to cables or coils for the active systems. We repeated the injection after disconnecting all SUS cabling to ITMY at the output side of the satellite modules, all ISI actuator cabling at the back of the three coil driver modules, and shut down HEPI. We monitored the effects of the magnetic injection using the optical lever, which we realigned because ITMY was no longer biased. Figure 1 shows that the observed coupling was about the same as when the cables were connected and the ISI and SUS loops were working in the normal OAT configuration. This suggests that, at least at 3.5 Hz, coupling is to passive elements (e.g. magnets) and not to cables or connectors.

Coupling consistent with linearity

We tested for linearity at 3.5 Hz, finding that a 2.98 fold decrease in the injected magnetic field reduced the optical lever signal by a factor of 3.00. The uncertainty, due to background, was a couple of percent, so these results are consistent with linear coupling.

Signal not from coupling at optical lever

To make sure that the optical lever signal was not produced by magnetic field coupling to the optical lever electronics, we set up the injection coils by the optical lever, making the magnetic fields at the optical lever, the cabling, the optical lever electronics, and the I/O chasis, which are set up near the optical lever, orders of magnitude larger than for our injections at BSC8. The 3.5 Hz optical lever signal was much smaller in this configuration, indicating that we had been seeing real motion of the test mass. This observation is supported by the lack of a signal when the laser beam spot is off of the optical lever diode.

Coupling similar at ETMY

We then moved our injection setup to Y-end and found that coupling to ETMY was similar to that for ITMY. Figure 2 shows the predicted levels of motion from the ambient background for both ITMY and ETMY. To calculate the approximate motion that we observed for out injections, multiply by 1e-4 T/ 3e-11T (injection/ambient) for points up to 11.5 Hz, and 1e-4/5e-9 for the 63 Hz point (used to predict 60 Hz amplitude). The arm cavity was dropping lock about every 20 minutes this week, so we could not integrate for long periods, and we only have arm cavity length points for 2 and 3.5 Hz at ITMY and 2Hz at ETMY. 

Coupling seems to occur at multiple levels of the suspension

In an attempt to narrow down the coupling sites, we injected 11.45 Hz signals into the length damping loops of ETMY M0, L1 and L2, and compared the 11.45 Hz actuator injection signal to the 11.5 Hz magnetic injection signal at each of the suspension levels. We reasoned that if the magnetic coupling was mainly at a particular suspension level, e.g., L1, then the actuator injection and the magnetic injection peaks would be most similar at each of the suspension levels when the actuator injection was into the same SUS level that the magnetic injection coupled to. Figures 3 shows BOSEM, AOSEM or optical lever signals at each of the four SUS levels for an H2:SUS-ETMY_L2_TEST_L_EXC injection (20,000 counts) at L2. The figure shows that the relative sizes of the actuator injection and the magnetic injection peaks are different at all of the other levels than they are at the injection level, L2.  This suggests that magnetic coupling occurs at levels other than L2. A repeat of this procedure with injections at M0, and L1 also suggested that magnetic coupling was present at multiple levels.


1) The test that coupling was not to cables took place at 3.5 Hz at ITMY. The ETMY magnetic coupling at multiple levels of SUS, just discussed, could be explained by coupling to cables, if the coupling mechanism were different at ETMY 11.5 Hz than at ITMY 3.5 Hz. Arguing against this is the very similar coupling levels at 11.5 Hz for ETMY and ITMY (see Figure 2).

2) Linearity was only studied at ITMY at 3.5 Hz, and may not apply to the coupling mechanism at ITMY, 63 Hz, or even at  ETMY, 11.5 Hz.

My Suggestions

1) The investigation was hindered by the long integration times required to see the small signal. Increasing the injections to greater than 1e-4 T would help. Also, investigations will become easier as we become more sensitive to motions and when arm locks last longer.

2) 11.5 Hz is, of course, right at the edge of the detection band, so the observations at 63 Hz may be more worrisome. As sensitivity increases, we can investigate the coupling at 63 Hz, which may not be due to the same mechanism as at 11.5 Hz, e.g., may not be linear.

3) ETMY and ITMY both have damping magnets. We should investigate the ECD magnet-free suspensions when they are installed.

4) It may be easier to continue some investigations off-line at, e.g. LASTI, where we might pull magnets etc. and monitor motion using an optical lever.

5) I and others have been considering mechanisms that might enhance coupling. Eddy currents in metal components can convert uniform AC magnetic fields into fields with gradients that I think are proportional to the diameter of the component faces. One possibility is that eddy currents induced in fixed metal components that are near to and about the same diameter as movable permanent magnets are increasing the field gradients that the magnets are subjected to. For example, eddy currents generated by ambient fields in the copper next to eddy current damping magnets may increase the ambient field gradients and the resulting force on the permanent magnets. High field gradients from eddy currents might also defeat attempts to cancel magnetic forces from ambient fields by stacking magnets in opposite pole orientations. 


Robert Schofield, Maggie Tse, Richard McCarthy

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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:24, Monday 27 August 2012 - last comment - 10:29, Monday 27 August 2012(3994)
MC2 Phase 3a-ish testing

With the HAM3 doors shut, but no vacuum, I am running some MC2 TFs on and off over the next day.

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mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 10:29, Monday 27 August 2012 (3998)
Mark B. and Betsy

We took L, T and V TFs for MC2. All three have the peaks that should be present showing up fairly clearly, but obvious extra peaks that shouldn't be there, suggesting something wrong, so we gave up on taking more TFs.
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:23, Monday 27 August 2012 (3993)
Ground loop transfer function comparison on HAM3 MC2

Last week, we ran a transfer function of MC2 Top BOSEMs with some of it's cables intentionally grounded (shorted them with a small section of wire to metal in the chamber).  The attached plot shows the grounded longitudinal TF trace (blue) with the non-grounded trace (red), as well as the "nominal" trace taken during Phase 2b (black).  We do not see much difference in the noise between the grounded and non-grounded traces.  Note, the red and blue were taken with the purge on and soft covers off so the peaks are flattened a bit due to air damping.

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giacomo.ciani@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:24, Sunday 26 August 2012 (3992)
HAUX: optic FC and more
[Betsy, David F, Filiberto, Giacomo]

Friday we have completed a few operation to get ready for starting HAUX testing on monday:
- the old FC has been removed from the install optics and new one has been applied, covering the entire HR face and about 50% (diameter) of the AR face. No peek tab. The FC used is supposed to be red, but so light that it appears almost clear when applied in a layer. However, it belongs to the last shipment of FC sent to Betsy by Margot, so should be good. The spare optics were left untouched.
- the HAUX were wrapped in foil, double bagged (we decided not to use any barrel) and moved from the staging building to the chamber-side cleanroom in the LVEA, awaiting optic installation on Monday.
- the MEDM model has been checked, BURT restored and the filters installed: it seems to work fine (for what we can tell without OSEMs attached) and it now has the same setting as the one at LLO.
- field cables where laid between sat-maps and chamber-side cleanroom, but we ended up not having time to connect anything to them. Binary I/O is not yet enabled (will be on Monday).
szymon.steplewski@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:42, Friday 24 August 2012 - last comment - 14:32, Monday 27 August 2012(3989)
measured H2 mechanical suspension resonances

In July 2012 the top masses of the quadruple suspensions ITMY and ETMY were excited in order to obtain power spectra from the 24 OSEM sensor readback channels (6 on main chain top, 6 on reaction chain top, 4 on L1 stage, 4 on L2 stage).  From these measurements the frequencies of 22 (between 0.1 - 6.0 Hz) out of the 24 mechanical resonances were found.  These have been recorded in the aLIGO wiki https://lhocds.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/wiki/mark.barton/ResonanceTest

This wiki page is designed so that when the resonant frequencies of the other suspensions (HSTS , HLTS, BS) or other quadruple suspension resonances are measured they can be easily added to this catalogue of known measured and predicted frequencies. The idea is to have a list of identified features in the spectra of certain known channels, as was done in iLIGO: http://blue.ligo-wa.caltech.edu:8000/iLIGO/H1_Resonances (LVC login). The list may prove useful to aLIGO commissioners or detector characterization scientists trying to track down glitches.

The data and templates for these measurements resides in:


Comments related to this report
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 04:35, Saturday 25 August 2012 (3990)
Mark B.

Note that while the wiki page https://lhocds.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/wiki/mark.barton/ResonanceTest has been stocked with real SUS data, it is a prototype at an address intended to be temporary and will almost certainly be moved, if it's not reworked as something else entirely, e.g., a full-on database. Do please kick the tires and give me feedback. If you already have data you'd like to add, that could be useful as a test but please ask first. All care will be taken to preserve submissions made during the prototyping period, but there are no guarantees. A further alog comment will be posted here when it's ready for prime time, hopefully in a few days.
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 14:32, Monday 27 August 2012 (4000)
The page has now gone live at its production address: 

https://lhocds.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/wiki/Resonances . 

It's intended for recording all LHO resonances (including H1 and H2=OAT, but not L1 or I1).

Note that it now has two script-generated subpages,


with the same data sorted by f_meas and f_theory. 

The Python scripts used are described at


and the scripts themselves are in the attachments.
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:27, Friday 24 August 2012 (3988)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot.

The dust monitor that was under the clean room over HAM 3 (LVEA location 15) has been moved outside of the clean room. I do not know when this happened.

The dust monitor in the clean room over HAM 4 (LVEA location 1) is near the edge of the clean room on the floor. I think it is probably reading counts from outside of the clean room.
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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:43, Friday 24 August 2012 (3987)
Started the TF measurement from M0, L1 and L2 POS to the cavity length (Bram, Keita)

We're done with M0 and L1 but not L2. I'm going home and will continue next week.

michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:29, Friday 24 August 2012 (3984)
PSL to low power

The PSL was transitioned back to low power at the end of the day. The PMC was realigned but I'm sure the alignment will drift while the path cools down. The heater was left off. ISS and FSS were also left off.

keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:19, Friday 24 August 2012 - last comment - 19:40, Friday 24 August 2012(3983)
WFS works (Alberto, Keita)

Assuming that the sensing matrix was correctly measured, from the filter shape it looked as if the UGF of WFSs were set to a mHz or two. This was because Alberto and Bram found that setting gain higher made things unstable.

Today I and Alberto reproduced the problem by simply setting the UGF higher: Apparently 0.54Hz PIT mode and 0.64 Hz YAW mode goes unstable because of high Q (attached, glue traces).

The PIT mode number looks like it's in good agreement with JeffK's SUS resonance plots, though for YAW 0.64 Hz in our data looks more like 0.6Hz in JeffK's.

Anyway, I made some notches (0.54Hz and 0.44 Hz for PIT, 0.63 Hz for YAW) and brought the gain up by a factor of 10 or so and they didn't oscillate (red). With this setting, the UGF for PIT should be about 20 mHz and for YAW it should be about 55mHz.

I haven't tried to push anything further.

BTW 2Hz on the plot is caused by Robert's injection.

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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 19:29, Friday 24 August 2012 (3985)

I and Bram briefly checked if things looks sane by giving an offset step to each DOF (ETM/ITM, PIT/YAW) one by one.

Each time, the feedback eventually brought everything back to where it should be, so it's OK.

Due to ETM - ITM servo coupling (remember, the servo is supposed to be diagonalized based on POS/ANG rather than ETM/ITM), when you kick one mirror there is an initial kick to both of the mirrors and eventually everything gets back to normal. Or it's supposed to be so.

For ITM step, the time constant for both the ITM and ETM to go back to the original angle looked about right.

For ETM step, for some reason the bulk of ETM step itself is removed almost instantaneously, and then ITM moves with what seems to be a right time constant while ETM goes through the same slow thing but with lesser amplitude.

Maybe the sensing matrix measurement was still far from nice. But anyway it works and I don't intend to fix that immediately.

keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 19:40, Friday 24 August 2012 (3986)


Now  WFS is with some useful oomph, which is good. However, this also means that, when the arm drops out of lock, WFS output might go big and the cavity might not be able to  relock on its own.

Though there are limiters to the WFS output (30 counts for PIT and 50 counts for YAW, which was set somewhat arbitrarily), 50 counts is large enough to tilt the mirrors such that 00 mode is really small in the cavity.

If this happens, you need to reset the integrator of the WFSs by pressing an ill-named "Clear all IP" button from H2 OAT medm screen (see attached) that is available from the ISC section of the sitemap.

If somebody writes an auto relocker that polls H2:ALS-Y_REFL_B_PWR_OUTPUT, disables CM PDH servo, press "Clear all IP" button and then enables CM PDH servo again, that would be greatly appreciated.

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aidan.brooks@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:55, Friday 24 August 2012 (3982)
Ring heater cavity scan movie - LG10 mode

I did some analysis on the ring heater cavity scan measurements from yesterday. I've plotted the region around [0.37, 0.63] FSRs. This region encompasses the PDH TEM00 sideband resonances [0.45 FSRs and 0.55 FSRs] and also the LG10 sideband resonances. I've taken this section of data for each cavity scan and removed the constant phase offset and also the linear variation in phase with FSR. I've then plotted the scans as a movie. Despite the noise and the relatively quick speed, you can clearly see the response of a higher order mode shifting in frequency [0.53 FSRs to 0.58 FSRs] as time progresses. This is consistent with the cavity g-factor changing as the ring heater is applied.

I've yet to quantify the frequency shift.

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thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:27, Friday 24 August 2012 - last comment - 15:26, Monday 27 August 2012(3980)
Output Mode Cleaner Baffle Assembly and Install
Lisa Austin, Rodney Haux, Scott (Apollo), Thomas Vo

We finished installing the aperture baffles for MCA2 and MCB2 this morning, and tightened up all the fasteners. This completes the entirety of our install for the output mode cleaner baffle.  

We were unable to screw in one button head cap screw on the MCA2 side due to alignment issues, pictures will be posted soon. Lisa Austin has documented this.
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lisa.austin@LIGO.ORG - 09:04, Monday 27 August 2012 (3995)
On Thursday we chased the 3 tapped holes where there was resistance while in chamber with a clean #10-32 tap and cleaned/flushed with alcohol.

All hardware was attached, missing button head screw mentioned by Thomas Vo was installed.

Photos available on ResourceSpace at https://ligoimages.mit.edu/?c=1139&k=98338475ad
douglas.daniel@LIGO.ORG - 15:26, Monday 27 August 2012 (4001)
It was noticed that the 10-32 holes that needed to be chased with a tap, had inadequate countersinks at the top of the holes for easy lead in and centering of screw installation. 
vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:22, Friday 24 August 2012 - last comment - 21:43, Sunday 26 August 2012(3978)
Sensor correction - HEPI BSC8

I have implemented the sensor correction at HEPI-BSC8. Sensor correction improves the isolation performances of the HEPI in the X, Y and Z directions. In attachment, spectra of the L4C installed in the HEPI boots are presented in different configurations:

There is no plots in the uncontrolled configuration (Robert S wants to keep the cavity locked).

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peter.fritschel@LIGO.ORG - 17:42, Friday 24 August 2012 (3981)

Ugh -- no units on the vertical scales. Noise at 1 Hz goes down from ~100 to ~10; wish I knew what that means.

vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - 21:43, Sunday 26 August 2012 (3991)

The spectra are measured before blending the L4Cs with the position sensors. The units are (nm/s)/sqrt(Hz) above 1Hz. To get the calibration in nm, you need to invert the idealized L4C (3 zeros at 0Hz and a pair of complex conjugate poles at 1Hz with a 45deg phase).

Even if there is no plots of the uncontrolled HEPI, the isolation provided by the controller without the sensor correction is visible in the blue curve (“V shape feature”). The isolation is defined by the blend filters (LP) of the position sensors (first segment of the “V” – Blend at 800mHz) and the super sensor suppression (second segment of the “V” – UGF at 10Hz).
When the STS-2 (ground) signal is added to the position sensors (sensor correction), it is like having a seismometer (STS-2) in the HEPI boot (TF from ground to top of the pier close to 1 below 10Hz). Now, the super sensor is an inertial sensor above 40mHz. With the sensor correction (red curves), the actual suppression follows the super sensor suppression. Consequently, the isolation improvement is visible in the 40mHz to 3 Hz frequency band.

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