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Reports until 17:37, Wednesday 08 August 2012
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:37, Wednesday 08 August 2012 - last comment - 18:04, Wednesday 08 August 2012(3762)
many front end restarts

After syncing up the userapps/release SVN files on h2build I rebuilt most of the H2 models during Tue maintanance and restarted most models.

A problem with the folding mirror sus models was resolved with a new BSFM_MASTER file. We will install new h2susfmy code tomorrow.

New Dolphin and RFM IPC between ISI and SUS was installed today by Vincent, replacing the EPICS comms link.

New slow channels for PEM (DUST monitor) and HWS were added to the H2 frame.

h2iscey model was changed for ISC -> ALS name change. Please see Bram's alog for details.

Comments related to this report
bram.slagmolen@LIGO.ORG - 18:04, Wednesday 08 August 2012 (3763)

That will be Jamie's entry 3759

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:32, Wednesday 08 August 2012 (3761)
IOP sus watchdog alarms being installed

I have installed the sender part of the new H1 IOP SUS watchdog system, making changes on h1sush2a and h1sush34. I'm also creating the new MEDM screen.

Tomorow I'll work on the h1seih23 receiver part and start testing of this system. This will be the first use of the H1 Dolphin IPC system.

LHO General
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:55, Wednesday 08 August 2012 (3760)
OPS day summary:
MC2 - got external cables - Filiberto
HEPI models updated - Vincent
Renaming ISC to ALS at EY - Daniel/DaveB
HAM2/HAM3 - update models - Hugo/DaveB
Craning in the LVEA - Kyle and Apollo
EY - misc. work - OATers
EX - Apollo
HAM3 work - Betsy/Travis
Cleanup under H1 input beam tube - LIGOites
H1 PSL work - MichaelR
jameson.rollins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:34, Wednesday 08 August 2012 (3759)
h2iscey channel renaming complete

We have completed the rename of all of the H2 ISC channels to conform to the new standard:

H2:ISC-ALS_  -->  H2:ALS-
H2:ISC-ASC_  -->  H2:ASC-

While we were at it we renamed the _EY_ to be just _Y_.

This involved a couple of steps:

Modify h2iscey model

This was basically just a matter of putting the ALS and ASC library part blocks in top level sub blocks that use top_names, and then giving them the appropriate names ("Y") to ggenerate the correct channels.  The recompiled model then generated the correct names.

We did run into one issue which might be a bug in the RCG.  The auto-generated ADC screens (e.g. H2ISCEY_MONITOR_ADC0.adl) are not being generated with the correct channels. For instance, "ASC_Y_TR_A_SEG1 (adc_0_0)" is pointing to "H2:C-ASC_Y_TR_A_SEG1_INMON". The channel should be "H2:ASC-Y_TR_A_SEG1_INMON". I have no idea what is trying to do there, but we need to file a bug against the RCG

Update MEDM screens

We modified the following adl files:


Mostly it was simple sed string replacements:

sed -i -e 's/:ISC-ALS_EY_/:ALS-Y_/' -e 's/:ISC-ASC_EY_/:ASC-Y_/' OAT.adl

There was a little bit of itteration, since we had to fix macro, screen links, channels, etc., but it wasn't bad.

Update filter files

This was also pretty simple:

sed -i -e 's/ALS_EY_/ALS_Y_/' -e 's/ASC_EY_/ASC_Y_/' H2ISCEY.txt

Restore EPICS values

We restored all the EPICS values by taking a burt snapshot file from this morning, and again performing a simple sed replace on the channel names:

sed -i -e 's/H2:ISC-ALS_EY/H2:ALS-Y/' -e 's/H2:ISC-ASC_EY/H2:ASC-Y/' h2isceyepics.snap

The updated snapshot file then burt restored all the new channels to their corresponding values before the change.

All in all, things went pretty smoothly and quickly.  I'll let the on-site guys comment on recovery of the lock after the changes.

eleanor.king@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:15, Wednesday 08 August 2012 (3757)
Open-loop transfer funcion of PLL

Attached are plots of the OLTF of the PLL, taken from 1 to 50kHz, with a 200mV excitation.  The unity gain frequency is 28.7Hz at a phase of 229 degrees.  I've also included plots of a scan from 40-45kHz  where we were seeing a peak in the TF magnitude at 42.5kHz.

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szymon.steplewski@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:49, Wednesday 08 August 2012 (3748)
Suspension Coil Driver noise testing

Around 2:30 on August 7, 2012 I attached 5 grounding plugs to the "TEST IN" connections at the Y end station.  At this time, all ITMY and ETMY coil driver boxes (for TOP, UIM, and PUM) have grounding plugs connected to each of the TEST IN connections.  I then took some power spectra measurements of the coil driver NoiseMonitor channels to see what effect the grounding plugs have on the coil driver noise.

Starting with ETMY, the UIM driver board didn't exhibit any significant change between COIL IN and TEST IN configurations.  This is because the noise in the coil drivers is dominated by component noise, and selecting the TEST IN state allows one to see the component noise without the added DAC noise.

The ETMY PUM driver board is dominated by DAC noise, since the PUM driver is not filtered as much as the UIM board in the lowest noise mode.  Therefore when we switch to the TEST IN state, the expectation is that the noise in all coil drivers should drop to the component self-noise level.  This is what we are seeing now, as compared to Jeff K's alog #3111 when the noise levels increased and the frequency dependence was different for those channels.


For the ITMY, the UIM behavior is generally the same as on ETMY coil drivers.  However, the ITMY PUM driver shows an increase in noise after switching to the TEST INPUT with grounding plug attached.

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LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:38, Wednesday 08 August 2012 (3755)
dust monitor in clean room over HAM3 swapped
Due to a calibration error, the dust monitor at location 15 in the LVEA (in the clean room over HAM3) was swapped. It was removed around Aug. 8 17:20 UTC and the new one put in around Aug. 8 18:01 UTC.
jaclyn.sanders@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:31, Wednesday 08 August 2012 - last comment - 08:05, Thursday 09 August 2012(3746)
Cavity Characterization: Preliminary Results

This is the transfer function between the phase-frequency discriminator and the FET IQ demodulator while the cavity is locked. The blue trace is "initial" conditions, i.e., with a well-aligned cavity and standard modulation sidebands. The green "sb shift" trace was taken with the RF modulation sideband frequency tuned 200 Hz higher than its initial value. The red "alignment shift" trace was taken with the ITM yaw misaligned. 

The FSR is 37.512 kHz, with a higher-order FSR peak at 75.018 kHz. Given this FSR, the cavity length is 3995.95 m.

The peaks due to the RF modulation sidebands are at 54.432 kHz and 58.098 kHz in the initial trace. These peaks shift 200 Hz in the green trace.

Additional structure is observed at 46.301 kHz, 55.325 kHz, 57.252 kHz, and 66.229 kHz. The peaks at 46.301 kHz and 66.229 kHz increase for the case of yaw misalignment and are thus likely to be (1,0) modes. 

The separations between these peaks are:

75.018 - 66.229 = 8.789 kHz

66.229 - 57.252 = 8.977 kHz

46.301 - 37.512 = 8.784 kHz

55.325 - 46.301 = 9.024 kHz

The mean modal spacing is 8.8935 kHz.

From this modal spacing, the g-factor is 0.540532, corresponding to approximate mirror radius of curvature of 2302.86 m. 

The FWHM of the FSR peak is approximately 94 Hz. Finesse is thus 37512/94 = 399.064. This would occur for a reflectivity of about 99.2%.

There's a follow-up of this in the works for characterizing cavity properties during ring heater use.

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Comments related to this report
daniel.sigg@LIGO.ORG - 08:05, Thursday 09 August 2012 (3772)
The RF frequency is 24.515730 MHz and was shifted to 24.515930 MHz for the second measurement. Making the ansatz

f_SB = (N - 1) * f_FSR + f_mease 

with f_FSR ~ 37.51kHz, N an integer, and f_meas = 58.098 kHz, we determine 

N = 653

Now, we can go back and recalculate f_FSR = 37511.71 Hz with a few ppm precision. This then yields L_arm = 3995.985m.
aidan.brooks@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:01, Wednesday 08 August 2012 (3754)
ETMY Ring Heater set to ~30W

I turned on the ETMY RH, requesting 630mA from each ring heater segment. This equates to roughly 30W of power input into the ETM. I'm monitoring the Hartmann sensor signal to check for a response.

The ITMY YAW was set to zero (from 717.81 counts) to keep the cavity from resonating or flashing during this measurement.

The time constant of the ring heater is several hours, so we will run this at least until noon.

bram.slagmolen@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:21, Tuesday 07 August 2012 (3752)
OAT Locking

I locked the arm and did a dither alignment (>8000 on the REFL diode) and engaged the off laod at 23:10h local time, so good times are from 23:15pm.

With the work on the RefCav I will be keen to see the noise at higher frequencies. Vincent reinstalled the boosts on the ISI isolation, so all should be nice.

Should be good for the night.

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:30, Tuesday 07 August 2012 (3751)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot. The dust monitor in the clean room over HAM 3 (location 15) has a calibration failure. I'm not sure when it started, but I think it was sometime today.
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kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:02, Tuesday 07 August 2012 (3750)
Added ~5 quarts turbine oil to Kobelco purge-air compressor

kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:59, Tuesday 07 August 2012 (3749)
I was only able to test ~20 joints today on the Vertex due to leaks.  Aaaargh!  At this rate, I'll need two or more additional days to finish!  A few of the leaks were on "legacy" joints circa 1998 but most were on new aLIGO joints.  I was able to retorque and get most of these to seal but this wastes time and is "not on the schedule" - better to do it right the first time!
bram.slagmolen@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:15, Tuesday 07 August 2012 (3745)
OAT RefCav

During the reboots I took the opportunity to have another look into the OAT RefCav in the optics lab.

I removed the 50/50 beam pslitter infront of the RF LSC diode, so now ~30 mW of power is incident. In addition in optimised the HWP infront of the PM to reduce the AM, 2f_sb = < -80dB.

The few irises in the beam path are closed down, I looked with the viewer and reduced the iris so it was just not clipping.

I didn't find a low enough ND filter to o the paracitic interfernce hunt.

The cavity locks stable with a UGF ~300kHz, the settings are

Coarse Fine Common Fast Offset
351 420 350 540 293

The Laser temperature on the controller displays: T+40.991, the slow output (T-ed to the laser slow input and the oscilloscope) is at -620 mV.

Once we get the cavity locked again we can see if we gained anything.

vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:28, Tuesday 07 August 2012 - last comment - 14:14, Tuesday 07 August 2012(3744)
Boost filters back in FM10

I put the boost filters back in FM10 of the ISO filter bank on BSC6 and BSC8. They switch when crossing zero but I have changed the tolerance (300 to 50 counts) and the time out (2s to 20s).

Comments related to this report
vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - 14:14, Tuesday 07 August 2012 (3747)

Instead of engaging the filters when zerocrossing, the ramp (10s) is used.

bram.slagmolen@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:57, Monday 06 August 2012 (3743)
OAT WFS demod phase

Elli and Bram

We went to the EY and injected a sine wave at 2280 Hz, 200 mVpp into the CMB-B (PDH), Exc A input. Then we used ddt to measure the tranfer coefficients of the SegX_Ix/SegX_Qx. We optimised the demodulation phase and maximised the transfer coeeficient. Although we could not zero the Q-phase, we got a factor of ~30x between the I and Q phase for all segments in both WFS-A and WFS-B.

in between the measurements we aligned the beams onto the WFS but adjusting the picomotor mounts. We actually did this manual and did NOT use the picomotor driver, which would be nice in the future ...

Now we can use the WFS for alignment feedback to the Quads, well at least measure the TFs.

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:43, Monday 06 August 2012 (3742)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot.
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szymon.steplewski@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:48, Monday 06 August 2012 (3741)
Grounding Plugs for ITMY coil drivers

I attached 5 grounding plugs to the ITMY coil drivers Test Input this afternoon ~ 4:30 pm.  Three were connected at the top stage driver, and one each for UIM and PUM drivers.  I plan on doing the same for ETMY tomorrow before making measurements of the coil driver noise.

thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:15, Thursday 26 July 2012 - last comment - 16:26, Wednesday 08 August 2012(3614)
H2 ITMY/ETMY Optical Lever Calibration
Jeff K. , Thomas V.

Below are the calibration parameters for the H2 ITMY Optical Lever:
        Slope          Y-intercept
Pitch [ 580.41229822  -11.51774017]
Yaw  [ 689.70532274  -13.3345144 ]

And here are the calibration parameters for the H2 ETMY Optical Lever:
         Slope           Y-intercept 
Pitch [ 1666.80728788   -33.14694715]
Yaw  [ 1727.67131855     23.41350328]

Both sets of calibrations were attained via the same process of moving the QPD along a translation stage and measuring the output signal.  All four sets of slopes are in units of radian*meters.
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Comments related to this report
thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - 14:40, Friday 03 August 2012 (3713)
Jeff K. Thomas V.

We have found a non-linear relationship between the way the translation stage moves and the way we were reading out the measurements.  We need to double check the calculations as well as the methodology on retrieving data.  This latter is difficult because even though there is a micrometer on the translation stage it is covered by the laser enclosures, which if we take off, it will introduce ambient light onto the QPD.  We are currently investigating solutions.
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 11:59, Monday 06 August 2012 (3736)
T. Vo, J. Kissel

Pulling out a spare translation stage and measuring the displacement response (in [mm]) to controller demands (in [ct]), we found the following attached relation. Immediately turned off by the non-linearity seen, from our experience with the controlers jolting the translation stage upon power on/off, and from Kissel's recollection of the controllers in i/eLIGO (of which these controls are the same), we've launched into a more sophisticated characterization of the controllers. Given that the non-linearity is roughly 1 [um] over the 1 [mm] range measured, we might be barking up the wrong tree and just be over-reacting, but it should be a quick round of measurements to assess it in more detail.

It should also be noted that the controller can demand from 0 to ~8600 [ct], and we've thus far only exercised it from 0 to 150, since we only need ~1 [mm] range given the size of the Oplev QPD.
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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 13:03, Monday 06 August 2012 (3737)
T. Vo, J. Kissel

Here're the results from the more detailed characterization. It looks like, within a small range of operation the controller is indeed linear to the desired level. However, over the full range of the controller, there's certainly some non-linearities present.

Linear UP -- commanding the stage to move from 0 (4000) up to 150 (4150), in linear 10 [ct] increments.
Linear DOWN -- commanding the stage to move from 0 (4000) up to 150 (4150), in linear 10 [ct] increments.
Random -- going to each data point in a random order

Each of these should yield the same answer if it's a truly linear system.
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thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - 16:26, Wednesday 08 August 2012 (3758)
Jeff Kissel Thomas Vo

After reviewing the linearity of the translation stage as shown in ALOG 3737, we found that the non-linear regime of the translation stage resides near the end of the rails of the stage but the approximate middle yielded linear results.  We're confident that the increments that we used to translate the stage during calibration for both test masses were small enough and far enough away from the edges so that the non-linearity would have a small affect on our results, this will require further testing to truly be valid (in progress).  That being said, after correcting some errors in the calculations and double checking our numbers, we used the original data to apply to the calibration.  

A noteworthy point: Jeff Kissel used the edrawing from the solidworks model in,

LHO Corner Station: D0901469-v5 
LHO EY Station: D0901467-v6 

to find a more accurate number for the lever arms than previously used, ITMY = 56.4m and ETMY = 6.6m, as opposed to 70m and 6m respectively.  This was taken into account for our last calculation.

Onto the good stuff, the values of the slopes below are in micro-radians*meters:

        Slope         Y-Intercept
Pitch [ 25.93274501  -0.51461109]
Yaw   [ 30.81584154  -0.5957635 ]

        Slope         Y-Intercept
Pitch [ 54.53112025  -1.01505634]
Yaw   [ 56.56393367   0.79879263]

Attached are the graphs of the linear response curves, the python fitting scripts and the EXCEL spreadsheets to help visualize the underlying calibration calculations. In particular, the excel spreadsheets shows the conversion from controller units into millimeters and then into meters and micro-radians.  Hope this is the last time we'll need to repeat this post, sorry for the troubles!
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