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Reports until 15:53, Friday 27 July 2012
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:53, Friday 27 July 2012 - last comment - 15:57, Friday 27 July 2012(3629)
H1 SUS MC2, PR2, & SR2 Simulink user model modifications
J. Kissel, J. Garcia, D. Barker 

The Simulink user models were modified today to incorporate IPC functionality on 'h1sush34'.  This library part is using Shared Memory on "h1sush34" only, so communication across different I/O chassis is not needed.  The motivation behind the modifications was the fact that the BIO switch cards allow only one user model to send and receive signals to the hardware.  So, the solution was to use the MC2 user model, "h1susmc2", as the communicator to the BIO card hardware.  Signals sent and received to the BIO card must be routed through the MC2 user model.  The control input, however, is controlled in the individual models ("h1suspr2" & "h1sussr2") but sent to MC2 by shared memory to switch the BIO card hardware.  A signal to the BIO card for the PR2 channels can still be entered from a PR2 medm, but in reality the signal is routed through the MC2 user model.  So, in order to control the BIO switched for PR2 or SR2, the "h1susmc2" model must be running for the full functionality.

All three models were recompiled and installed on "h1sush34" along with a reboot of the DAQ.  

Models are checked into the svn locally in:

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jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - 15:57, Friday 27 July 2012 (3630)
An issue arose today after installing the PR2 model in that the drive signal from a DTT session would not begin in the user model channels.  As it turned out to be, the DCUID number used in the PR2 model (#40) was used previously by a PEM model no longer in use.  The DTT issue arose when the par file for the testpoint manager had the DCUID number assigned to the previous PEM model.  This par file has been edited manually to remove the previous DCUID and replaced with the PR2 DCUID.  Excitations could then commence on PR2.
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:53, Friday 27 July 2012 - last comment - 13:02, Friday 27 July 2012(3627)
H1 PR2 OLV Offsets

(CHANNEL, OLV, Offset, Gain)






















From the above OLVs, offsets were calculated -(x/2) and gains were calculated 30,000/x, snapshots attached.

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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 13:02, Friday 27 July 2012 (3628)

Travis set the 6 Tops to 50% OLV in prep for Phase 2a TFs.

H2 General
jaclyn.sanders@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:33, Friday 27 July 2012 (3625)
Updated TMS OSEM Angle Calibration

This is an update to the calibration performed on June 25 2012. The TMS offsets have changed significantly since the previous calibration. Also note that the channel name for PD1 has changed from CHAN_30 to CHAN_26.


PD3 = CHAN_28

(P,Y) = (-10133, -7649)

PD1 = CHAN_26

(P,Y) = (-79733, 7371)

PD2 = CHAN_29

(P,Y) = (-79933, -7609)


PD4 = CHAN_27

(P,Y) = (-42586, -7448)

For PIT, PD3 and PD2 are separated by about 6.25 in and 21600 counts. The corresponding calibration is 6.25*25.4e-3/4000/21600 = 1.84 nrad/ct.

Also for PIT, PD4 and PD4 are separated by about 11 in and 37100 counts. The corresponding calibration is 11*25.4e-3/4000/37100 = 1.88 nrad/ct.

For YAW, PD2 and PD1 are separated by about 11 in and 14980 counts. The corresponding calibration is 11*25.4e-3/4000/14980  = 4.66 nrad/ct.

Range is calculated using +-131072 cts in the TMS pointing range.


1.86 nrad/ct

Positive pitch lowers the beam.

4.66 nrad/ct

Positive pitch moves the beam to the left (PD2 > PD1 direction).

Range +-0.243e-3 rad +-0.610e-3 rad
fabrice.matichard@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:47, Friday 27 July 2012 - last comment - 17:01, Friday 27 July 2012(3623)
ISC signals to HEPI
The ISC signals have been added to the ETMY HEPI model. Changes have been committed to the svn. The model has been successfully compiled and installed. We should be ready to offload.
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fabrice.matichard@LIGO.ORG - 17:01, Friday 27 July 2012 (3636)
To offload to HEPI we need to low pass the cavity signal before to add it to the HEPI longitudinal super-sensor. We made preliminary measurements this morning to check the Cavity and HEPI signs and units, but we need to refine the drive parameters. The template is saved in:


What we need to do next week:

- adjust the measurement parameters to get good coherence
- tune the gains and check the signs to put the signals in the same unit
- design the low pass filters. We plan to make a very low frequency one, to reject tidal motion. And a higher frequency one to reject the motion amplification due to ISI gain peaking (around 30 mHz)
- measure the open loops (ISC, HEPI, and the sum of the two)

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:32, Friday 27 July 2012 - last comment - 11:00, Friday 27 July 2012(3619)
Optical Lever Whitening Chassis Parameter Exploration
J. Kissel, T. Vo

We received the daughter boards (D1001631) which take place of the Binary I/O connection for control of the Oplev Whitening chassis (D1100013), specifically the internal ISC Whitening board (D1001530). For each of the 4 channels, the whitening board has 7 independently switchable states:

(1) 24 dB (x16)  Gain
(2) 12 dB (x4)   Gain
(3) 6 dB  (x2)   Gain
(4) 3 dB  (x1.4) Gain
(5) [10:1] Whitening
(6) [10:1] Whitening
(7) [10:1] Whitening

where my notation for zeros and poles is [z:p]. So, Thomas and I installed the daughter on H2 SUS ITMY's optical lever, and explored the raw voltage spectra of the QPD segments with each of the settings on (well, most of them). I attach the results.

To fill out the legend:

RED: This was the state that the optical levers had been in, with no control (i.e. the BIO input spigot was left open).
BLUE: Daughter board installed, but with all switched flipped to OFF. This is the same as red -- good. That means the chassis doesn't *need* the daughter board to be functional, and the board sits at its default state (no stages engaged) with nothing plugged in. Fair enough. 
GREEN: 12 dB Gain stage turned ON
BROWN: 4 dB Gain stage turned ON
MAGNENTA: One [10:1] whitening stage turned ON
CYAN: Two [10:1] whitening stages turned ON
BLACK: All Three [10:1] whitening stages turned ON

Note that we tried switching on the 24 dB gain stage (alone), as well as having both 6 dB gain + One [10:1] whitening stage. Both of these configurations saturated the ADC.

Assuming the amplitude of the signal represents a reasonably quiet time, we decided to leave the chassis in the CYAN state, with two [10:1] whitening stages and no gain, to give some head room for noisy day time activity, or when the ISI is not functioning as well as it is now. Because we now have whitening in the chain, these filters have been compensated for in the $(IFO):SUS-$(OPTIC)_L3_OPLEV_SEG# banks (in addition to the -1 discussed in earlier logs).

One thing to note: the ADC noise floor (visible in the unwhitened spectra, above ~40 Hz) is 5 uV/rtHz.

Calibration Details:
Here's a schematic of the QPD signal chain: 

                                                                                          +--- $(IFO):SUS-$(OPTIC)_L3_OPLEV_SEG1_IN1
      +-------+                                                                           |
Up ^  | 1 | 3 |      +-------------------+      +-----------------------+      +-----+    +--- $(IFO):SUS-$(OPTIC)_L3_OPLEV_SEG2_IN1
   |  |---+---| ---- | Whitening Chassis | ---- | Anti-aliasing Chassis | ---- | ADC | ---| 
   |  | 4 | 2 |      +-------------------+   ^  +-----------------------+      +-----+    +--- $(IFO):SUS-$(OPTIC)_L3_OPLEV_SEG3_IN1
      +---+---+                              |                                            |
                                             |                                            +--- $(IFO):SUS-$(OPTIC)_L3_OPLEV_SEG4_IN1
                                   voltage measured here

(staring at the face of QPD, as though you were an incident laser beam). 

We used DTT to measure the above listed channels, which were then calibrated using the 16-bit ADC calibration of
40 / 2^16 [V/ct] = 6.1e-4 [V/ct]
hence, as I point out in the diagram, we're effectively measuring the output of the whitening chassis since the AA chassis has a gain of 1 and no frequency response.
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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 11:00, Friday 27 July 2012 (3624)
J. Kissel, T. Vo

We performed the exact same measurements on ETMY this morning. The results were virtually identical, so we left the ETMY Oplev Whitening chassis with two [10:1] whitening stages engaged. I've compensated these stages digital in the SEG filter banks.

Let's measure some real motion!!

For the record, the .xmls that take these measurements can be found here:
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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:04, Friday 27 July 2012 (3621)
BSC8 SUS Payload weight (FMy, ITMy)

For the record (and long overdue), here is the payload weight of the SUS components on BSC8:

44 lbs = 8 x 5.5 lbs for Vibration Absorbers
~60 lbs  = FMy Stays
~2 lbs = FMy Sheer Plate dampers
10 lbs  = Cabling   
2 lbs = Cable Brackets
3 lbs  = Ring Heater + Brackets + Cables
266 lbs = ITMy QUAD Upper Structure
531 lbs = ITMy QUAD Lower Structure
44 lbs = QUAD Sleeve
2 lbs = QUAD sleeve wedges
341 lbs = FMy SUS (weighed in at 394lbs with the 53 lb LSAT attached prior to install)
55 lbs = 1.26 lbs X Dog Clamps (33 long + 22 short)

TOTAL = 1360 lbs = 641 kg

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:59, Thursday 26 July 2012 (3620)
Calibrated Optical Lever Spectra -- Take 2
J. Kissel, T. Vo

Now that we're sure we completely understand the calibration of the two optical levers, I've installed Thomas' calibration in the gain field of the $(IFO):SUS-$(OPTIC)_L3_OPLEV_[PIT/YAW] filter banks. The resulting calibrated spectra are attached.

Several things to note:

- After proper whitening, I believe that the ITMY optical lever is measuring real motion out to the limit of the spectra I show (hundred of Hz).
- I think the "real" motion, above ~5 Hz is dominated by structural resonances of the lever launcher/receiver, and probably other various not-test-mass-motion things.
- The low-frequency (< 5 Hz) motion of the ITM (in both Pitch and Yaw) is just about what has been predicted / measured by other independent methods.
- ETMY *does not* have his whitening control board installed yet, so there's no whitening on the signal and is hence dominated by ADC noise, especially in Yaw.
- The ETM Pitch spectra looks also roughly at the amplitude expected, and similar to the ITM Pitch spectra, but 
- The ETM Yaw signal appears orders of magnitude below ETM Pitch, as well as ITM Yaw, assuming the only feature in the spectra (at 0.43 Hz) is real motion. Why? The spot needs centering, that's all -- it currently shows it's off in the weeds somewhere mrads away from center.

- Center the spot on the ETM QPD
- Install whitening control board, explore parameters a bit (just to see if it's different from ITMY -- my guess is that it won't be)
- Remeasure.

Almost there....

P.S. For future reference, once the calibration is installed (which it is now for H2 ITMY and H2 ETMY), the following channels are calibrated into microradians:

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bram.slagmolen@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:59, Thursday 26 July 2012 - last comment - 10:24, Friday 27 July 2012(3618)
Arm Locking

The Arm locks again, with the spectra attached (first attachement). The positive message is that the ISI performance has greatly improved. The drop at 0.5 Hz is the Quad pendulum  mode. At higher frequencies (above ~0.6 Hz) we are most likely dominated by frequency noise.

We optimised the SHG temperature, so there is more power in the green (an extra 10mW). This is meant to remidy the power fluctuations we were seeing when we drifted further away from our nominal VCO frequency. We will see if that is the case. I reduced the CMB-B input gain by 3dB (down to -17dB!)  to make up for the increase of light on the diode, but I forgot to measure the UGF of the PDH loop (nominal 11 kHz).

Local damping to M0 and L1 on both Quads are engaged, and the length feedback is of loaded to the ETM M0. The power drops over the longer time scale (>1 hr), is most likeli becasue I haven't inserted the decoupling. I tried to decouple it in pitch without much succes.

In the spectrum, the features at 2.75 Hz and 4 Hz are seen in the Reference Cavity transmitted power, and are imposed on the laser in the end station.

The problem we currently having is that the VCO seems to jump every ~8 min, when it reaches 40.2 MHz (about 600 kHz from the nominal 39.6 MHz), seen in the second attachment. The cavity seems to stay lock and all keeps running 'smoothly'. Due to this jump I was not able to do more than 4 averages in the spectrum.

The cavity has been locked for over an hour, which is an improvement. I unlocked the cavity before I left.

On request ... the traces are taken at 1) 27/7/2012-02:47:57, 2) 19/7/2012-7:17:00, 3) 19/7/2012-6:40:00 and 4) 19/7/2012-7:40.

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Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 10:24, Friday 27 July 2012 (3622)
For funzies: comparing RED trace against Figure 3 of T1100080. Pretty darn close to what was expected!
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:02, Thursday 26 July 2012 (3617)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot.
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eleanor.king@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:13, Thursday 26 July 2012 (3616)
Optimising ALS green laser doubler crystal temperature

Bram, Alberto, Elli.  We set the green laser doubler crystal temperature to maximise the green laser power output.  The laser diode current was 1.725A and the 1064 laser crystal was 42.05 degrees C.  We varied the doubler crystal temperature and measured the power output.  Attached is a plot of these measurements.  The green laser power was maximised when the doubler crystal temperature was set to 34.37 degrees C.


When the doubler crystal temp was 34.37 degrees C:

(with 1.725A input current, 42.05 degrees C crystal temp)

-The laser power output was measured at 41.9mW

-GR_PWR_MON read 8400 counts

-REFL_PWR_MON read 15500 counts, and we measured 1.22mW, 4.8V, and a gain setting of 20dB at this PD.

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fabrice.matichard@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:50, Thursday 26 July 2012 (3615)
ETMY ISolation, Comparison with ITMY
The work done on ITMY in the last few days has been duplicated to ETMY. It was very straight forward. The exact same blend filters are being used on both units and provide similar isolation. See attached plot where:

- Red curve is ITMY, BSC-ISI control off  
- Blue curve is ETMY, BSC-ISI control off
- Green curve is ITMY, BSC-ISI control on
- Brown curve is ETMY, BSC-ISI control on   

The data can be found in the DTT file seismic/BSC-ISI/H2/ETMY/Data/Spectra/Isolated/ETMY

Contol off: UTC time 23:52:36, 15 averages, df=50mHz
Contol on:  UTC time 23:45:51, 15 averages, df=50mHz


For our records, I am posting the details of what was done to implement this on ETMY:

1) Damping Loops

Our Damping loops were DC coupled. A DC offset was visible when turning the loops on. I added:
- two zeros at DC
- two poles at 25 mhZ: pair(0.025,65)

To do that:
- I modified the cutoff filters in Step_5_Damping_Loops_ST2_LHO_ISI_BSC6.m
- Run Step_6_Damping_Loops_ST1_LHO_ISI_BSC6.m
- Run Step_7_C2D_Damping_Filters_LHO_ISI_BSC6.m
- Updated the foton file

2) Output Filters

Installed the new output filters, which includes the low pass at high frequency to limit the "glitches" when the control is turned ON.

For that:
- Run aLIGO_BSC_ISI_Output_Filters.m
- Run aLIGO_BSC_ISI_Filters_Digitalization.m
- Updated the foton file

3) Blend Filters

- Created the following folders:

- In Complementary_Filters, copied the ITMY complementary filters file:


Run these three files that create the complementary filters, store them in .mat files saved in Filters/complementary.

4) Control_Scripts

- Modified Step_8 to load the good complementary filters
- line 41 and 42 modified the blend_frequency value and index (commented the changes in the m file)

- added teh continuous/digital filters comparison
- modified it to generate the filters necessary to make the blend switching work (T240 and NXT)

Run Step 8 and Step 9 for each of the three blend filters
Updated the foton file

Committed the changes to the svn

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thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:15, Thursday 26 July 2012 - last comment - 16:26, Wednesday 08 August 2012(3614)
H2 ITMY/ETMY Optical Lever Calibration
Jeff K. , Thomas V.

Below are the calibration parameters for the H2 ITMY Optical Lever:
        Slope          Y-intercept
Pitch [ 580.41229822  -11.51774017]
Yaw  [ 689.70532274  -13.3345144 ]

And here are the calibration parameters for the H2 ETMY Optical Lever:
         Slope           Y-intercept 
Pitch [ 1666.80728788   -33.14694715]
Yaw  [ 1727.67131855     23.41350328]

Both sets of calibrations were attained via the same process of moving the QPD along a translation stage and measuring the output signal.  All four sets of slopes are in units of radian*meters.
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thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - 14:40, Friday 03 August 2012 (3713)
Jeff K. Thomas V.

We have found a non-linear relationship between the way the translation stage moves and the way we were reading out the measurements.  We need to double check the calculations as well as the methodology on retrieving data.  This latter is difficult because even though there is a micrometer on the translation stage it is covered by the laser enclosures, which if we take off, it will introduce ambient light onto the QPD.  We are currently investigating solutions.
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 11:59, Monday 06 August 2012 (3736)
T. Vo, J. Kissel

Pulling out a spare translation stage and measuring the displacement response (in [mm]) to controller demands (in [ct]), we found the following attached relation. Immediately turned off by the non-linearity seen, from our experience with the controlers jolting the translation stage upon power on/off, and from Kissel's recollection of the controllers in i/eLIGO (of which these controls are the same), we've launched into a more sophisticated characterization of the controllers. Given that the non-linearity is roughly 1 [um] over the 1 [mm] range measured, we might be barking up the wrong tree and just be over-reacting, but it should be a quick round of measurements to assess it in more detail.

It should also be noted that the controller can demand from 0 to ~8600 [ct], and we've thus far only exercised it from 0 to 150, since we only need ~1 [mm] range given the size of the Oplev QPD.
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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 13:03, Monday 06 August 2012 (3737)
T. Vo, J. Kissel

Here're the results from the more detailed characterization. It looks like, within a small range of operation the controller is indeed linear to the desired level. However, over the full range of the controller, there's certainly some non-linearities present.

Linear UP -- commanding the stage to move from 0 (4000) up to 150 (4150), in linear 10 [ct] increments.
Linear DOWN -- commanding the stage to move from 0 (4000) up to 150 (4150), in linear 10 [ct] increments.
Random -- going to each data point in a random order

Each of these should yield the same answer if it's a truly linear system.
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thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - 16:26, Wednesday 08 August 2012 (3758)
Jeff Kissel Thomas Vo

After reviewing the linearity of the translation stage as shown in ALOG 3737, we found that the non-linear regime of the translation stage resides near the end of the rails of the stage but the approximate middle yielded linear results.  We're confident that the increments that we used to translate the stage during calibration for both test masses were small enough and far enough away from the edges so that the non-linearity would have a small affect on our results, this will require further testing to truly be valid (in progress).  That being said, after correcting some errors in the calculations and double checking our numbers, we used the original data to apply to the calibration.  

A noteworthy point: Jeff Kissel used the edrawing from the solidworks model in,

LHO Corner Station: D0901469-v5 
LHO EY Station: D0901467-v6 

to find a more accurate number for the lever arms than previously used, ITMY = 56.4m and ETMY = 6.6m, as opposed to 70m and 6m respectively.  This was taken into account for our last calculation.

Onto the good stuff, the values of the slopes below are in micro-radians*meters:

        Slope         Y-Intercept
Pitch [ 25.93274501  -0.51461109]
Yaw   [ 30.81584154  -0.5957635 ]

        Slope         Y-Intercept
Pitch [ 54.53112025  -1.01505634]
Yaw   [ 56.56393367   0.79879263]

Attached are the graphs of the linear response curves, the python fitting scripts and the EXCEL spreadsheets to help visualize the underlying calibration calculations. In particular, the excel spreadsheets shows the conversion from controller units into millimeters and then into meters and micro-radians.  Hope this is the last time we'll need to repeat this post, sorry for the troubles!
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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:56, Thursday 26 July 2012 (3613)
H2 SUS ITMY Oplev Signals re-ordered
Optical lever QPD's analog signals from each segment/quadrant come into the ADC in numerical order (1, 2, 3, 4) where the segments are defined as

   | 1 | 3 |  ^
   |---+---|  | This way up
   | 4 | 2 |  |

(staring at the face of QPD, as though you were an incident laser beam). The QUAD MASTER model absorbs these signals as channels


However, up until this model change, the top level ITMY model had been re-ordering these signals as

Analog Signal    ADC Channel      SEG#
1                1_0              SEG2
2                1_1              SEG1
3                1_2              SEG4
4                1_3              SEG3

I have now re-ordered them in a sane fashion, as the ETMY had already been ordered:

Analog Signal    ADC Channel      SEG#
1                1_0              SEG1
2                1_1              SEG2
3                1_2              SEG3
4                1_3              SEG4

The updated model,
has been committed to the repo, and I've recompiled, reinstalled, restarted, and restored H2SUSITMY.
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:05, Thursday 26 July 2012 (3610)
HAM-ISI Unit #6 - Assembly Validation Complete

The Assembly Validation testing of HAM-ISI Unit #6 is complete. HAM-ISI Unit #6 - Assembly Validation report was posted under the DCC, and validated. We can now store this Unit in a container.

HAM-ISI Unit #7 will be the last HAM-ISI built at LHO. Assembly is approching completion. Assembly Validation testing will follow.

Reports regading the Assembly validation of previous units at LHO are available in the DCC:
HAM-ISI Unit #1 - Assembly Validation
HAM-ISI Unit #2 - Assembly Validation
HAM-ISI Unit #3 - Assembly Validation
HAM-ISI Unit #4 - Assembly Validation
HAM-ISI Unit #5 - Assembly Validation

Reports regading the Chamber Side testing of other units at LHO are available in the DCC:
HAM2 (HAM-ISI Unit #4) - Chamber Side Testing
HAM3 (HAM-ISI Unit #5) - Chamber Side testing
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:31, Thursday 26 July 2012 - last comment - 14:13, Thursday 26 July 2012(3608)
MC2 Roll adjustment

This morning we adjusted the 0.4mm roll out of the MC2 lowest stage via rolling the optic in the sling.  We were able to take the roll error from 0.4mm on each side to 0.003mm error, well within the 0.25mm guideline.

We reset the M3 stage AOSEMs and are now back to running TFs of MC2.

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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 11:43, Thursday 26 July 2012 (3609)

July 24, 2012 Norna's email exchange of roll tolerance requirements:


I found the email exchange I had with Dave R about clocking, see below.

1.5 mrad corresponds to a height mismatch of ~ 0.2 mm (0.1 mm up on one side and 0.1 mm down on other, with 75 mm radius). This value was not a concern to him as you see. Betsy's 0.4 mm up on one side and down on other gives a clocking of ~ 5 mrad. So someone (Luke?) should check the Zemax to see if 5 mrad (for example)  is OK and then we should get a target value captured in a design requirement doc.

However Matt's practical advice and experience of getting it to 0.25mm sounds good for now.


betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 14:13, Thursday 26 July 2012 (3611)

TFs from before the roll fix showed some small cross-coupling between T and L.  We fixed the roll of the optic and the modes are now degenerate as expected.   Plots and more details coming.

hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:59, Monday 09 July 2012 - last comment - 14:54, Thursday 26 July 2012(3370)
HAM-ISI Unit #6 - CPS readout drifting

HAM-ISI Unit #6 was balanced, and CPS readouts were within acceptable range, on 07/03 when we left it for long TF measurments. When checked this morning, CPS readouts featured an offset of approximately +/-3000 counts:































There is no drive/offset on MEDM channels.

Coil drivers were turned off. The CPS readouts remained unchanged.

CPS interface chassis were turned off, and then turned back on. The CPS readouts remained unchanged.


Dataviewer plots are attached. They show the drifting of the CPS readouts.


We experienced high temperatures over the last few days.

       2259.8       17.137
       2534.3       20.602
      -3112.1       26.775
      -3118.5       20.225
      -3054.5       31.743


      -387.82       15.522
      -15.363       16.733
       291.12       24.948
      -80.917       24.324
      -38.773       18.063
       119.34       25.563
      -387.82       15.522
      -15.363       16.733
       291.12       24.948
      -80.917       24.324
      -38.773       18.063
       119.34       25.563
3-Jul 9-Jul Difference
H1 -387.82 2014.8 2402.62
H2 -15.363 2259.8 2275.163
H3 291.12 2534.3 2243.18
V1 -80.917 -3112.1 -3031.183
V2 -38.773 -3118.5 -3079.727
V3 119.34 -3054.5 -3173.84
3-Jul 9-Jul Difference
H1 -387.82 2014.8 2402.62
H2 -15.363 2259.8 2275.163
H3 291.12 2534.3 2243.18
V1 -80.917 -3112.1 -3031.183
V2 -38.773 -3118.5 -3079.727
V3 119.34 -3054.5 -3173.84
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Comments related to this report
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - 13:04, Monday 09 July 2012 (3371)

The ISI was re-blanced this morning. Reasonable values were obtained along Z. 

However, re-balancing the ISI did not correct the out-of-specification offset observed on horizontal CPSs.

CPS readouts, after re-balancing this morning, are presented below:

H1 1901.6
H2 2268.7
H3 2417
V1 -34.45
V2 47.896
V3 -201.18
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - 17:51, Monday 09 July 2012 (3375)

In order to get a better understanding of what was happening, we collected data from GS13/L4C pressure sensors. Data shows:

  • Pressure increased for the past 4 days (+3 kPa, fig, 1). Pressure data is well correlated between sensors.
  • CPS readout drifting is highly correlated to pressure variations. (Fig. 2) 
  • Pressure is still high: 103-4kPa (Fig. 3, just measured)
  • Figure 4 shows the pressure/CPS-readout evolution over 2 days. From 7am to 7am.


  • Dataviewer time = PT+7h
  • Mean values displayed. Fluctuations due to runnning excitations.
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hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - 15:04, Tuesday 10 July 2012 (3390)

The ISI was locked. CPS readouts are within expected range. 

H1 -348.96
H2 297.36
H3 -156.01
V1 252.29
V2 155.3
V3 323.62

The drifting we observed was not caused by a malfunctioning of the CPSs.

john.worden@LIGO.ORG - 14:54, Thursday 26 July 2012 (3612)

We later found that one circuit of our air conditioning had failed and therefore we could not maintain normal conditions in the staging building. There is no record of the indoor temperatures during this event  but I estimate that the temperature excursions were on the order of 5-10 degrees F. Normal excursions (night-day) are probably 2-3F and perhaps closer to 1F during the day only (if you exclude the cooling overnight.

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