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Reports until 15:16, Thursday 19 July 2012
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:16, Thursday 19 July 2012 (3509)
Kyle, Gerardo, John soft-cycled GV18 over a few hours this morning

matthew.evans@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:00, Thursday 19 July 2012 (3508)
ETMY and ITYM - L1 damping is ON

I measured the LONG and PIT OLTFs and put in some simple damping loops for in both in ITMY and ETMY.  The L "plant" had very low gain compared with P, probably because of the factor of ~10 radio of the Euler matrices.  To avoid a very high gain in the filter bank, I put a gain of 10 in the L2L SensAlign and another 10 in L2L.  This gave a gain of -5 for L, with penty of gain margin.  I set the P gain to -3, again with lots of gain margin (the plot was made with a gain of -5.)

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jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:27, Thursday 19 July 2012 (3507)
LHO BSC assembly starting back up
A few days ago the first 2 plates for LHO's next BSC were brought to the staging building. The first of these (D0900894-v2, s/n 1) was placed on the granite table today, and will be helicoiled over the next couple weeks, in between work on other install tasks. We won't really be able to get back into production of BSC's until at least one of the test stands can be switched back to a BSC configuration, but that is hopefully no more than a week or two out.
filiberto.clara@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:44, Thursday 19 July 2012 (3506)
Field cabling for HAM3 PR2-TOP
Pulled SUS PR2-TOP 25DB cable (CAB_H1:SUS_HAM3-3), from HAM3 Field Rack to HAM3 SUS assembly/testing area. Cable was routed to clean room but NOT connected to the mockfeedthru, since it requires full garb inside the cleanroom.
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:15, Thursday 19 July 2012 (3505)
H1 MC2 Glass SUS offsets checked/tweeked

Since the suspension had been moved from the staging building test stand to the LVEA test stand (which utilized production electronics), I rechecked and tweeked the OLV offsets and the gains.  Today's measured OLVs and their channels are listed below:

27693  H1:SUS-MC2_M1_OSEMINF_T1_OUTMON (was -13851, set to -13846)

gain was 1.083, set to 1.083

22937  H1:SUS-MC2_M1_OSEMINF_T2_OUTMON (was -11462, set to -11468)

gain was 1.309, set to 1.308

28101  H1:SUS-MC2_M1_OSEMINF_T3_OUTMON (was -14049, set to -14050)

gain was 1.068, set to 1.068

26782  H1:SUS-MC2_M1_OSEMINF_LF_OUTMON (was -13383, set to -13391)

gain was 1.121, set to 1.120

27729  H1:SUS-MC2_M1_OSEMINF_RT_OUTMON (was -13847, set to -13864)

gain was 1.083, set to 1.082

30198  H1:SUS-MC2_M1_OSEMINF_SD_OUTMON (was -15085, set to -15099)

gain was 0.994, set to 0.993


24246  H1:SUS-MC2_M2_OSEMINF_UL_INMON (was -12413, set to -12123)

gain was 1.208, set to 1.237

23231 H1:SUS-MC2_M2_OSEMINF_LL_INMON (was -12030, set to -11615)

gain was 1.247, set to 1.291

23466 H1:SUS-MC2_M2_OSEMINF_UR_INMON (was -12152, set to -11733)

gain was 1.234, set to 1.278

25039 H1:SUS-MC2_M2_OSEMINF_UL_INMON (was -12977, set to -12519)

gain was 1.156, set to 1.198


24397  H1:SUS-MC2_M3_OSEMINF_UL_INMON (was -12411, set to -12198)

gain was 1.209, set to 1.230

23153 H1:SUS-MC2_M3_OSEMINF_LL_INMON (was -11815, set to -11576)

gain was 1.270, set to 1.296

25610 H1:SUS-MC2_M3_OSEMINF_UR_INMON (was -13089, set to -12805)

gain was 1.146, set to 1.171

19328  H1:SUS-MC2_M3_OSEMINF_UL_INMON (was -9727, set to -9664)

gain was 1.542, set to 1.552

richard.mccarthy@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:40, Thursday 19 July 2012 (3504)
H2 EY ALS table Fan
Turned on Hepa fan on table at approximately 0930  while accessing the table for pictures of feed through s returned at 1205 to turn off fan while John W opened the gate valve.  The fan is now off.
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:11, Thursday 19 July 2012 (3503)
H1 and H2 frame writers raw min trend update period extended

H1 and H2 DAQ.

all four frame writers (h[1,2]fw[0,1]) are showing instability. I have extended their raw minute trend update periods to 30 minutes. The new configuration will be applied if any of them restart due to the original problem.

keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:20, Thursday 19 July 2012 - last comment - 11:30, Thursday 19 July 2012(3501)
OPLEV was totally screwed up by a terrible burt restore from yesterday (Thomas, Matt, Keita)

This morning Thomas told me that ETMY OPLEV MEDM screen was not working.

Though the medm screen for new OPLEV channels are present (H2SUSETMY_ETMY_L3_OPLEVWIT_P and Y, what's this stupid ETMY_ETMY thing anyway?), and though the output of the QPD segmens looked OK, the INMONs of OPLEVWIT_P and Y were zero, and more outrageously, the outputs were 1E20 though the gains were 1 and there was no filters. As soon as we set the gain to anything except 1.0, the output becomes zero. Some serious stupidity was going on.

We found that the signs of the oplev segments were all wrong, but that didn't fix this 1E20 thing.

On a deeper inspection we've found that OPLEV does all calculation  in a C code /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/aos/common/src/OPLEV.c, and in this code PIT and YAW are calculated by

pitch = (UL + UR - LR - LL)/(sum*linearResponse*leverArm);
 yaw   = (UR + LR - UL - LL)/(sum*linearResponse*leverArm);

linnear Response and leverArm are EPICS channels H2:SUS-ETMY_L3_OPLEVINF_LINRESP and H2:SUS-ETMY_L3_OPLEVINF_LEVERARM. These used to be 1, but in yesterday's terrible burt restore these were set to zero,  therefore both pitch and yaw were calculated as NaN or something, and depending on what number you multiply that would be displayed as 0 or 1e20, or something like that.

I set these two parameters to 1 and the OPLEV error signal started working.

Comments related to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 11:30, Thursday 19 July 2012 (3502)

On a side note, I think OPLEV could use an input matrix (cdsMuxMatrix) to generate raw SUM, YAW and PIT, then use a standard multiply/divide, rather than maintaining its own C code.

It's the way all qpd and wfs DC are done in ISC (see attached).

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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:57, Thursday 19 July 2012 (3500)
OPLEV watchdog model is broken, please fix h2susetmy model (not urgent)

See the attached.

Watchdog is supposed to watch SUM, PIT and YAW of the optical lever, but as of now OPLEV laser power is connected to the YAW input of the watchdog. Please fix it.

Images attached to this report
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:20, Thursday 19 July 2012 (3496)
Reflective Memory Loop reconfigured at EY

It appears that the RFM loop on the managed hub (VMIC 5595) is in the opposite way to which we imagined, from the higher numbered port down to the lower numbered port. Because we put the loop together "backwards" it turned out that for the IOP watchdog on the SUS ETMY frontend to communicate with the SEI BSC6 front end less than a foot away phyiscally, it had to run through 8km of fiber because we extended the loop to the LVEA on Tuesday this week. To run through 8km of fiber optics cable takes about 40uS. The IOP runs at 64KHz, with a processing loop taking about 15uS. So not surprisingly the SEI BSC6 IPC receiver was giving 65538 error per second.

The EY ISC was also going through 8km of fiber to communicate with SUS ETMY. This system runs at 16KHz and has 60uS loop time. 40uS could have been just sufficient, and indeed I did see a non-zero communication error rate, at about 1 error per minute.

I reconfigured the RFM loop at EY to the following

[ISC EY] -> [SUS ETMY] -> [SEI BSC6] -> [LVEA SUS ITMY] -> back to ISC EY

Now the EY IOP watchdog error rate is zero. I'll trend the ISC EY -> SUS ETMY to check it is now truely zero, but I watched it for several minutes last night and it was zero.

betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:45, Thursday 19 July 2012 (3495)
H1 MC2 Transfer Functions

I am running some TFs on MC2.  This is noted for other tester staff.  Everyone else should continue work as normal in the LVEA.

matthew.evans@LIGO.ORG - posted 01:23, Thursday 19 July 2012 - last comment - 09:42, Thursday 19 July 2012(3492)
OAT - spectrum with ISI Isolation

Vincent left the ISIs on with their new isolation loops tonigiht.  Their performace is noticably better than a few days ago at 1Hz, and the lock is quite stable.  The attached plot shows 3 spectra: green is with the BSC8 ISI tripped, blue with both ISIs running their isolation loops, and red with some more SUS damping (the SUS settings suffered a setback after recent changes to the models).

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Comments related to this report
matthew.evans@LIGO.ORG - 02:25, Thursday 19 July 2012 (3493)

Bram, Matt

The cavity is left unlocked (ISCTEY HEPA fan off) in anticipation of Hartman work starting in a few hours.  The CM PDH path is off, the ETM offload path is open, and the ITM is misaligned by ~1000 counts in YAW from +554 to -500.

vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - 09:42, Thursday 19 July 2012 (3497)

New blend filters were installed on the 2 ISIs (750mHz blend - less agressive than the initial ones). 250mHz low blend filters were installed on stage 1 - Y direction on BSC8 exclusively. Isolation filters of the 2 ISIs had some minor tweaks.

jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:45, Thursday 19 July 2012 (3488)
Revisions to H2 SUS ITMY & ETMY Simulink models
Dave B., Jeff G.

The Simulink models for H2 SUS ITMY and ETMY were modified today to add the RFM capabilities between the Corner and End-Y stations.  Both models 'h2susitmy.mdl" and "h2susetmy.mdl" been compiled and installed on the frontends 'h2susb478' and 'h2susb6', respectively.  The top level of each custom model needed the inputs re-connected to the common "QUAD_MASTER" library part.  There were six additional inputs added to the "QUAD_MASTER.adl" inputs and three outputs, which were terminated from the top level.  The changes to the top level were also intended to facilitate the use of the newly-installed IPC card on 'h2susb6'. 

Changes saved and committed to the SVN under:
'~/userapps/sus/h2/models/'  as  "h2susitmy.mdl" & "h2susetmy.mdl"
bram.slagmolen@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:16, Thursday 19 July 2012 (3491)
ISCTEY (ALS Table) WFS installed nad new lens for RF LSC Diode

Alberto, Keita and I finalised the WFS beam paths. The beam sizes are ~3-4mm in diameter on each of the WFS, with a picomotor mirror mount as the last optic/mirror before the WFS.

The beams are 'mostly' centered on the WFS. I haven't measured any power levels.

We placed a R=100mm (focal length ~200mm) lens infront of the RF LSC diode. This inturn seems to work properly, and there are no gain fluctuations in the CM PDH transfer function (as was the case with the previous attempt, although it tunred out that we could not work out the focal length of the other lens).

The CM PDH lock is ~12 kHz with -14dB of gain at the input. We may want to shift this gain down the path somehow.

The RF LSC diode gives ~29 mV DC.

matthew.evans@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:10, Saturday 14 July 2012 - last comment - 15:23, Thursday 19 July 2012(3446)
Optical Levers - interference fringes?

The ETM optical lever shows interference fringes when the TM is subject to a large longitudinal drive.  I guess this will go away when the front surface beam is found, but it is something to look for on all the optical levers to be sure that we don't add noise from longitudinal motion.

Comments related to this report
thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - 13:57, Monday 16 July 2012 (3452)
Whenever you guys (ISC) are ready, I can go in and fix that.
matthew.evans@LIGO.ORG - 15:23, Thursday 19 July 2012 (3510)

A quick check of ITMY (push in a length offset and remove it) show no signs of fringes.

alberto.stochino@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:06, Thursday 12 July 2012 - last comment - 09:45, Thursday 19 July 2012(3420)
TMS ISC Table Stability

I measured the TMS ISC table angular and lateral stability when the end station VEA was quiet last night.

I found the table displacement to be around 5-10 um rms laterally and 1-3 urad rms in angle over 100s. The motion thus appears to be within the requirements: 100 um and 1 urad, respectively.

See attached plots. The bump below 1 Hz is probably due to the table's roll mode. A peak shows up at about 8 Hz due to the table enclosure: opening the table's doors reduced its amplitude.
The measurement was done with the PZT loops closed. These loops use the TMS green QPD error signals and have a UGF of about 8 Hz. I then calibrated the PZT control signals according to the manufacturer's specs and used the ABCD matrix of the beam path from the PZT onwards on the ALS table (see attached drawings for the optical details). Fianlly I compensated for the loop gain.
Initially the spectrum looked mostly flat up to 10 Hz, masking any features of the TMS table motion. After checking for several causes, eventually turning off the HEPA filters in the ALS table as Bram suggested, solved the problem. The airflow due to the HEPA filters was shaking the PZTs and the other optics on the table. This shouldn't be a problem during science mode, when the filters are meant to stay off. The plot attached shows a comaprison of the PZT control signal spectra with the HEPA filters ON (reference traces) and OFF.
Data and matlab code code are in the svn: /svn/cdsutils/trunk/ALS/TMS_stability 
I found the table displacement to be around 5-10 um rms laterally and 1-3 urad rms in angle over 100s. The motion thus appear to be within the requirements: 100 um and 1 urad, respectively. See attached plots.
The bump below 1 Hz is probably due to the table's roll mode. A peak shows up at about 8 Hz due to the table enclosure: opening the table doors reduced the amplitude.
The measurement was done with the PZT loops closed. These loops use the TMS green QPD error signals and have a UGF of about 8 Hz. I then calibrated the PZT control signals according to the manufacturer's specs and used the ABCD matrix of the beam path from the PZT onwards on the ALS table (see attached drawings for the optical details).
Initially the spectrum looked mostly flat up to 10 Hz, masking any features of the TMS table motion. After checking for several causes, eventually turning off the HEPA filters in the ALS table as Bram suggested, solved the problem. The intense airflow due to the filters was shaking the PZT and the other optics on the table. This shouldn't be a problem during science mode, when the filters are off.
I measured the TMS table angular and lateral stability when the end station VEA was quiet.
I found the table displacement to be around 5-10 um rms laterally and 1-3 urad rms in angle over 100s. The motion thus appear to be within the requirements: 100 um and 1 urad, respectively. See attached plots.
The bump below 1 Hz is probably due to the table's roll mode. A peak shows up at about 8 Hz due to the table enclosure: opening the table doors reduced the amplitude.
The measurement was done with the PZT loops closed. These loops use the TMS green QPD error signals and have a UGF of about 8 Hz. I then calibrated the PZT control signals according to the manufacturer's specs and used the ABCD matrix of the beam path from the PZT onwards on the ALS table (see attached drawings for the optical details).
Initially the spectrum looked mostly flat up to 10 Hz, masking any features of the TMS table motion. After checking for several causes, eventually turning off the HEPA filters in the ALS table as Bram suggested, solved the problem. The intense airflow due to the filters was shaking the PZT and the other optics on the table. This shouldn't be a problem during science mode, when the filters are off.
I measured the TMS table angular and lateral stability when the end station VEA was quiet.
I found the table displacement to be around 5-10 um rms laterally and 1-3 urad rms in angle over 100s. The motion thus appear to be within the requirements: 100 um and 1 urad, respectively. See attached plots.
The bump below 1 Hz is probably due to the table's roll mode. A peak shows up at about 8 Hz due to the table enclosure: opening the table doors reduced the amplitude.
The measurement was done with the PZT loops closed. These loops use the TMS green QPD error signals and have a UGF of about 8 Hz. I then calibrated the PZT control signals according to the manufacturer's specs and used the ABCD matrix of the beam path from the PZT onwards on the ALS table (see attached drawings for the optical details).
Initially the spectrum looked mostly flat up to 10 Hz, masking any features of the TMS table motion. After checking for several causes, eventually turning off the HEPA filters in the ALS table as Bram suggested, solved the problem. The intense airflow due to the filters was shaking the PZT and the other optics on the table. This shouldn't be a problem during science mode, when the filters are off.
I measured the TMS table angular and lateral stability when the end station VEA was quiet.
I found the table displacement to be around 5-10 um rms laterally and 1-3 urad rms in angle over 100s. The motion thus appear to be within the requirements: 100 um and 1 urad, respectively. See attached plots.
The bump below 1 Hz is probably due to the table's roll mode. A peak shows up at about 8 Hz due to the table enclosure: opening the table doors reduced the amplitude.
The measurement was done with the PZT loops closed. These loops use the TMS green QPD error signals and have a UGF of about 8 Hz. I then calibrated the PZT control signals according to the manufacturer's specs and used the ABCD matrix of the beam path from the PZT onwards on the ALS table (see attached drawings for the optical details).
Initially the spectrum looked mostly flat up to 10 Hz, masking any features of the TMS table motion. After checking for several causes, eventually turning off the HEPA filters in the ALS table as Bram suggested, solved the problem. The intense airflow due to the filters was shaking the PZT and the other optics on the table. This shouldn't be a problem during science mode, when the filters are off.
I measured the TMS table angular and lateral stability when the end station VEA was quiet.
I found the table displacement to be around 5-10 um rms laterally and 1-3 urad rms in angle over 100s. The motion thus appear to be within the requirements: 100 um and 1 urad, respectively. See attached plots.
The bump below 1 Hz is probably due to the table's roll mode. A peak shows up at about 8 Hz due to the table enclosure: opening the table doors reduced the amplitude.
The measurement was done with the PZT loops closed. These loops use the TMS green QPD error signals and have a UGF of about 8 Hz. I then calibrated the PZT control signals according to the manufacturer's specs and used the ABCD matrix of the beam path from the PZT onwards on the ALS table (see attached drawings for the optical details).
Initially the spectrum looked mostly flat up to 10 Hz, masking any features of the TMS table motion. After checking for several causes, eventually turning off the HEPA filters in the ALS table as Bram suggested, solved the problem. The intense airflow due to the filters was shaking the PZT and the other optics on the table. This shouldn't be a problem during science mode, when the filters are off.
Initially the spectrum looked mostly flat up to 10 Hz, masking any features of the TMS table motion. After checking for several causes, eventually turning off the HEPA filters in the ALS table as Bram suggested, solved the problem. The intense airflow due to the filters was shaking the PZT and the other optics on the table. This shouldn't be a problem during science mode, when the filters are off.Initially the spectrum looked mostly flat up to 10 Hz, masking any features of the TMS table motion. After checking for several causes, eventually turning off the HEPA filters in the ALS table as Bram suggested, solved the problem. The intense airflow due to the filters was shaking the PZT and the other optics on the table. This shouldn't be a problem during science mode, when the filters are off.
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Comments related to this report
alberto.stochino@LIGO.ORG - 06:49, Thursday 19 July 2012 (3494)

These are the close loop plots of the same measurements.

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alberto.stochino@LIGO.ORG - 09:45, Thursday 19 July 2012 (3498)

As Keita noted, the HEPA-off curves show a large bump at around 100mHz which which goes above spectra with the HEPA on. It's not clear why.

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