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Reports until 13:31, Sunday 08 July 2012
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:31, Sunday 08 July 2012 (3364)
More ETMY Control Loop Measurements and Analysis
J. Kissel, M. Evans

As mentioned in LHO aLOG 3312, the previous measurements of the open loop gain TFs of the L P and Y loops for H2 SUS ETMY with the loops open. This method of getting the open loop gain would be fine if these degrees of freedom were entirely independent. However, L and P are fundamentally cross-coupled (and sounds like there may be some non-fundamental cross-coupling between L and Y). Further, if we want to obtain not only the open loop gain ( -G ), but the suppression ( 1/(1+G) ) and closed loop gain ( -G/(1+G) ), the loops need to be closed. If you're interested in the math behind these truths, as well as derivations of each of these figures of merit from the available excitation and test points, check out T1200336.

And so it goes. 

The attached measurements show the open loop gain (for the diagonal degree of freedom; L to L, P to P, Y to Y) and the closed loop gain for both the diagonal and off-diagonal terms. The plots compare three different data sets:

- 2012-06-29, Loops Open, No Offset is the same data set as was taken two Fridays ago. The damping loops were all off (input disabled -- hence "Loops Open"), so the open loop gain, G = P * K = IN1/EXC was obtained by driving through the DAMP filters. "No Offset" indicates that the P and Y offsets used to align the cavity were removed, for fair of saturation during the excitation.
- 2012-07-07, Loops Closed, No Offset is new data from yesterday that was taken with no offsets again, but this time with damping loops closed. Because the loops are closed, the ratio of IN1/IN2 yields the open loop gain (again, see T1200336 if you don't believe me). The loops were configured as the were for the 2012-06-29 data, in configuration (1) listed in LHO aLOG 3306.
- 2012-07-07, Loops Closed, With Offset Because two things are different between nominal operation and black, the offsets and the loops being closed, we wanted to be sure that the offsets were not causing the difference between black and blue. So, I repeated the measurements with the (what were as of yesterday) nominal offsets ON (P: -2841, Y: 14290). Only L needed 1/2 the drive, the P and Y levels I had used for loops open worked just fine; there were no saturations during any data set.

Note that since IN1/EXC gives you the closed loop gain when loops are closed, the 4 page of each attachment only shows the closed loop gain for the latter two data sets.

The things that are evident from these results:
- There is an obvious difference between the Loops Open and Loops Closed, L and P, open loop gains.
- Because there is little to no difference between the No Offset and With Offset data, we can conclude that the OSEMs (sensors and actuators) are linear over a wide range of offsets (thank god).
- Since there were only two (obvious) differences (Offsets and Loops Open/Closed), and blue to red rules out the offsets, we conclude there is indeed significant cross coupling between L and P that's effecting the performance of the loops.
- We still see a much larger L to P than L to L closed loop gain, where the P to L is much less than P to P in the closed loop gain.
- The shape of the L to P closed loop gain is weird, but a plot of the P to L closed loop gain with loops closed against the open loop gain with loops open show that all the resonances are in the right place (see pg 4 of L plots, in gray)
- As was mentioned many times before, excess motion, is focused around 0.43 Hz. But one can see comparing gray to brown, that open vs. closed loop shows that the reduction is dramatic, and it shows that what is left is not particularly "peaky" in that frequency region.
- The P to L and Y to L closed loop gains are both significantly well below their respective diagonal terms, and in fact show little coherence so even what is shown may be an upper limit.
- There is little to no change in the Y to Y open loop gain between loops closed and loops open. This is what we would expect from an independent degree of freedom.

So. No new answers here, just relevant data that (perhaps) has ruled more things out, and is steering us to a different direction (which Matt seems to have already found some unexpected but good leads with the T loop, as well as a ~0.3% L to Y coupling, most likely do to [mismatched/imperfectly matched] actuators, see his aLOG below).

The next thing to do is calculate the pitch motion at the test mass, given measured ISI input, and using P sensor noise (and do the same thing for yaw), similar to what was done for L and V in G1200712.

Data can be found here:

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matthew.evans@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:37, Sunday 08 July 2012 - last comment - 00:57, Tuesday 10 July 2012(3363)
OAT cavity locking - calibrated spectrum

ALS Input Pointing QPD->PZT Loops

I started this fine Saturday checking the PZT alignment loops while JeffK measured SUS TFs.  The idea was to make sure that the loops were fast enough to ensure that sub-Hertz alignment loops would not be bothered by sluggish PZT response.  I found all of the loops in good working order with UGFs between 3 and 10Hz.  While I was there I added cut-off and boost filters (loops are still unconditionally stable) and set all the UGFs a little closer to 10Hz.

SUS Damping

In search of something to blame for our large angular motion, much of which appears at 0.43Hz (the first longitudinal resonance), I measured the Transverse loop (side OSEM), which also has a resonance around 0.43Hz.  It wasn't doing much, so I broght it up to speed with the Longitudinal loop boost filter.  I also changed the cut-off somewhat, as there was very little phase margin for the highest resonance (near 4Hz).  The result was a much more damped T DOF, but not much else that was obvious.

Slow Length Loop

After figuring out that the PHASE and PDH fast monitor signals are switched in digital land, I was able to close a slow loop (< 100mHz UGF) which off-loads the VCO signal for locking the arm cavity to the ETM.  At the moment, the locking filter is in the SUS-ETMY_M0_LOCK_L filter bank rather than the ALS_EY_ARM_LONG bank.  This is because ETMY_M0_LOCK_L_IN1 is recorded at 2kHz, which is useful for making spectra (see below).

Calibrated Spectrum

By stepping the gain of the slow loop after a large output had accumulated (with the input switch off), I was able to modulate the length of the cavity without unlocking.  This modulation is visible in the signal send to the VCO for cavity locking, and in the ETMY M0 OSEMS, so I cross-calibrated teh VCO signal using 40nm/cnt as round number for the OSEMS (see fig 1).  This gave 0.8nm/cnt for FMON, which might be 40kHz/V for the VCO if I got all of my conversions right... not so far from the 100kHz/V I would have guessed.  I made 3 spectra from locks separated by ~1 hour, all of which overlap nicely (see fig 2).

Lock Stability

The main threat to lock stability was a large Long -> Yaw coupling that would misalign the cavity as the slow length loop pushed on ETMY_MO_LOCK_L.  I fixed this with a small element in the drive align matrix (L2Y gain = 0.0036), indicating that we will probably have this problem with all of the suspensions just due to small magnet strentgh mismatches and BOSEM misalignments.  With this in place, the cavity will stay locked for hours with ~10% power flucutions (see fig 3, 4).  For reference, I include the alignment slider values in fig 5.

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Comments related to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 08:13, Monday 09 July 2012 (3368)

Calibration could be (and probably should be) done in the opposite direction, from VCO frequency/volt calibration to displacement.

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 16:52, Monday 09 July 2012 (3373)
M. Evans, (J. Kissel)

Just because we may (read: will most definitely) have to do it again, I called Matt and asked "How'd you come up with that 0.0036 L2Y coefficient for the DriveAlign Matrix?" Here's what he did:

- Look at DC Y Value (in DAMP IN1) with no L offset. (Say it's 1000 cts)
- Put a Huge L offset in place (through the TEST filter bank, for example), and watch Y change.
- Put a number into the L2Y DriveAlign matrix, and tweak until DC Y Value returns to what it was before Huge L offset.

Done! Easy-peezy, Japanese-y.

For the record, he says he also has a coefficient in place for L2P, but "[he's] not sure it's doing anything."
matthew.evans@LIGO.ORG - 00:57, Tuesday 10 July 2012 (3384)

The "calibrated spectrum" shown above does not include a 1.6:40Hz pole:zero which are in the VCO.  Doing this correctly will cause the spectrum to slope down between 1.6 and 40Hz... next time we'll include this, as well as the direct VCO calibration that Keita suggests.

john.worden@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:41, Saturday 07 July 2012 (3362)
END X Chilled Water Failure

Matt called to report a chilled water temperature alarm at ENDX.

I was able to start the second chilled water pump which in turn enabled the second chiller. Water temperatures are now falling. We'll investigate the tripped chiller on Monday.

matthew.evans@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:19, Saturday 07 July 2012 (3361)
DC MON signals not working

We were lucky yesterday when we connected the REFL DC to the Tabletop Interface Box on the EY ISC table.  The signal arrived in digital land in H2:ISC-ALS_EY_PDH_DC as expected.  None of the other 3 DC signals work (IR_PWR, GR_PWR and BB_PWR).  I connected BB DC to the TTIF box Ch4, and found that it arrives at the concentrator in the field rack (D1102045 #36, on cable 73), but I didn't continue tracking the problem beyond that.

matthew.evans@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:48, Saturday 07 July 2012 - last comment - 06:06, Monday 09 July 2012(3360)
EY ISI not isolating - bias added to RZ

The EY ISI was also tripped.  I reset it, so we have damping, but I don't know the secret handshakes for turning on the isolation, so we will live without.

I added an offset to the input of the ST!-ISO_RZ filter bank, turned off the Cont_1 filter, and set the output gain to 200.  This results in essentially no alignment bias for ETMY and TMSY.  Of course, the isolation won't work like this, but I couldn't find any other way to bias the alignment of the ISI.  SEI team: please make this right!

Comments related to this report
matthew.evans@LIGO.ORG - 14:25, Sunday 08 July 2012 (3366)

Having figured out how to reset the HEPI watchdog, I moved the RZ bias to HEPI.  In the process I discovered that the HEPI DC Biases have no ramps or filters, so they are pretty disruptive.  This lead me to use the ISC YAW filter offset (mislabeled V).  Here I discovered that the HEPI ISC paths are not in the order speciied on the screen, so I have to send my offset to RX to get RZ.  Furthermore, we seem to still have the "poor choice of calibration units" problem, since the offset needed to make 14k counts on the H sensors was greater than 106.

The ISI settings are now as before.  Note: we have no isolation on either ISI just damping.

fabrice.matichard@LIGO.ORG - 06:06, Monday 09 July 2012 (3367)

on IY, the ISI controls are already designed and installed. To Turn it on: in the ISI screen, there's a button called "Commands", which opens a screen with turn on buttons called "Damp Sage 1", "Isolate Stage2", "Isolate System"... 

on EY we have been giving priority to HEPI commissioning (sensor correction) over ISI feedback loops. My understanding was that "ISI Damping + HEPI sensor correction"  would also be a good state for the OAT commissioning. We can certainly change priority (focus on ISI feedback and come back to HEPI Sensor Correction later on). Just let us know what's best for you.

matthew.evans@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:14, Saturday 07 July 2012 - last comment - 14:16, Sunday 08 July 2012(3359)
EY HEPI tripped

It isn't obvious to me how to reset this watchdog.  Has this system ever been made to work?  For the moment we are "floating on oil".

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matthew.evans@LIGO.ORG - 14:16, Sunday 08 July 2012 (3365)

I guess it should have been obvious that with the ISI tripped I couldn't reset HEPI.  Maybe we should make the screen say that... btw, the HEPI screens remind me of carnival signs (blocky, with offensively bright colors).  We can do better.

keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:12, Saturday 07 July 2012 (3356)
One of the baffle diode channel is gone from H2:PEM-CS model

Some time this week, somebody changed PEM corner station model, and as a result it seems like one of the baffle diode channels, H2:PEM-CS_CHAN_30, is gone. The channel doesn't exist any more.

Please give us the baffle diode back. You don't have to revert the model back, all we need is another PEM channel (e.g. H2:PEM-CS_CHAN_26) and we'll fix our MEDM screen.

keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:16, Saturday 07 July 2012 - last comment - 18:17, Saturday 07 July 2012(3353)
Faraday replacement done, arm locking is still excellent, can actuate on the mass to manually relieve VCO DC (Jax, Elli, Alberto, Dick, Matt, Keita)

We're done with Faraday replacement. We might have to tune the optical paths on the ALS table a bit, but basically we're done.

We don't see any serious clipping in the PDH error signal, the arm locks, and the alignment is already reasonable (50% reflection visibility).

Now that we can do things without worrying too much about the clipping on the Faraday, we quickly tested to change the cavity length by pushing on the ETM while maintaining the PDH lock, and it worked. We were able to (manually) relieve VCO tuning signal by merely giving an offset to the ETM TEST L filter. We'll implement (or Matt has already implemented) a fully featured low frequency feed back to the ETM.

We haven't tuned WFS demod phase yet.

Comments related to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 13:14, Saturday 07 July 2012 (3354)

OPC database (database for variables used in Beckhoff world) seems to have been  "reset" some time between Thursday and Friday afternoon. PDH settings, PLL settings and laser temperature control seemed to be gone. On Friday afternoon we recovered it manually (because we don't have an equivalent of burt restore for OPC). At least we thought we did.

We were able to lock to 00 mode, which was really tiny, and we were able to lock to some off-axis higher order modes, which were much brighter than the 00 mode. So we naturally thought that there was a massive alignment problem caused by either Faraday swap or SUS/SEI change in TMS, ETM and/or ITM.

We spent ridiculously long hours doing many things, we even started over from the baffle diode to center the input pointing on the ITM, and the 00 mode coupling was still orders of magnitude worse than before.

Finally it came to my mind that no matter what we did we're still in a close proximity of our old alignment, and that maybe we're locked to the 00 mode SB because I got the polarity of the CM board B wrong. I flipped the polarity and voila!

But at that point it was already late in the evening and I had to give up jogging with one of my kids.

matthew.evans@LIGO.ORG - 17:50, Saturday 07 July 2012 (3357)

Making the ETM off-load work was trickier than expected.  Apparently the Fast Monitor channel does not montior the fast output on this CM board.  (It may be AC coupled.)  I cabled in the signal that we are sending to the VCO and then closing the loop was easy.

(It is running at the time of the entry.)

matthew.evans@LIGO.ORG - 18:17, Saturday 07 July 2012 (3358)

hmmm... AC coupled in a complicated way: the PDH and PHASE signals are swapped.  The cables appear to match the drawing, so maybe the problem is in the model.  Anyway, all cables are in their original places, and I've gone with a software "fix".

jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:44, Saturday 07 July 2012 - last comment - 16:00, Saturday 07 July 2012(3352)
Starting measurements of H2 SUS ETMY (July 7th)
Just a heads up, I'll be starting some measurements using ETMY nowish (2pm ET, July 7th 2012) which should last for 2 to 3 hours. I will post when I finish, and then results and analysis will be to come. I'll be launching DTT measurements from cdsws1.

For those who are interested (though I think I emailed everyone who might be):
Matt Evans and I, before I left last friday (June 29) had thought we'd stumbled on something interesting regarding cross-coupling vs. excess cavity motion while measuring the open loop gain transfer functions of the damping loops. See LHO aLOG 3312. Specifically the 4th page of the L and P sets of plots showing that, with the damping loops open, the cross-coupling from L to P is *huge*, where it's not huge in P to L. But, as I mention in the log, the right thing to do is to measure the open loop gain with the loops closed (i.e. IN1/IN2), and take a look at the results. These are the measurements I'll be taking now.
Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 16:00, Saturday 07 July 2012 (3355)
These measurements are finished (as of 3pm PT).
matthew.evans@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:54, Saturday 07 July 2012 - last comment - 10:19, Saturday 07 July 2012(3350)
SUS work for OAT - R0 damping in place

As a first step to making the L1 and L2 sensors useful, I brought the reaction chain damping up to speed.  It now matches the main chain on both the ITM and ETM.  I also spent some time playing with M0 gains and filters, but without any definitive success.  Some directions to explore:

  1. decouple long-pit drives
  2. add L1 damping loops
  3. add optical lever damping
  4. improve SEI performance in 0.3-2Hz band

I'll poke at the first of these today.

Comments related to this report
matthew.evans@LIGO.ORG - 10:19, Saturday 07 July 2012 (3351)

In the process I added a new filter for L damping: 0.43HzBoost2.  It just adds a little more gain around 0.43Hz, which flattens more the peak there.  It does what it should, but had little effect on the motion seen at the L1 and L2 levels.

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:57, Friday 06 July 2012 (3349)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns in particles per cubic foot.
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LHO General
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:00, Friday 06 July 2012 (3348)
Ops summary
matthew.heintze@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:28, Friday 06 July 2012 (3346)
Getting triples chamberisde activities up and going.

So the week has been spent trying to get the chamberside testing area up and running. Satellite amplifiers were put in place, field cables run and the MC2 suspension (which currently sits on the table in the testing area) was all connected up. The models/medm screens (which were ported over from LLO I believe) for the MC2 suspension has all the matrices, filters, etc filled in as well as I have used the values from log entry 3125, to put in the correct offset and gains. I made a burtbackup using Joe B's, makeSafeBackup script and this has been put into the SVN

The BOSEMs were centered (in and out around the magnet, not up and down and side to side, this can be done after the optic is in) so that the speedo indicators now all stand straight up at a half open light count value. The aOSEMs are still pulled back, and can probably do so until after the optic has been put in

I did however notice that the open light readings of the MC3-LR aOSEM (S/N 188) was quite different to log report 3125. After first checking that this S/N OSEM was indeed in this location I remeasured the open light voltage of this particular OSEM using tdsavg 10 H1:SUS-MC2_M3_OSEMINF_LR_IN1. This gave an open light value of 19455.2 counts. I modified the offset and gain in the medm screen appropriately (I can't remember if I made a new burt backup of this or not. I am pretty sure I did, but cant be certain. Be aware of this if you need to Burt restore this model).

A dtt template of the channels used for a pitch TF measurement was brought over from LLO, and the channel names renamed appropriately. However when a TF was attempted to run the error message came back "Unable to select test points".  A long period of time has been spent on the phone Tuesday and Thursday with Joe B at LLO and Dave Barker here at LHO trying to resolve this (and other software problems have run into especially in terms of permissions.........thanks very much to the two of them for their patience) and the usual suspects of looking that  had correct ADC channels connected , INI files were as they should be, etc and various other things tried (including a DAQ restart) we were unable to fix the problem.I have copied and pasted below a couple of extracts of emails sent between the three of us giving what I believe is the latest on the unable to select test points problem:

The "Unable to select test points" message seems to be related to the excitation channel.  Providing no excitation channels allows data to be taken with diaggui.  Similarly opening up awggui and trying to even select the H1:SUS-MC2_M1_TEST_P_EXC channel brings up an error message "Cannot connect to channel".

and then the latest from David Barker

Looking at the network switch configuration (which does the UDP broadcast forwarding to the front ends), the environment variables and the GDS parameter files; all look correct for an H1 system. But when I run diag it always finds the H2 awgtpman systems and not H1 so I'm wondering if it is hard coded somewhere.

So the problem still exists but is being looked into. I believe (but dont hold me to this), that once this problem is fixed I should be good to go to start taking TF's on the suspensions chamberside

keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:09, Thursday 05 July 2012 - last comment - 13:31, Friday 06 July 2012(3342)
Legacy WFS interface board malfunctioning (Jax, Alberto, Dick, Keita)

Turns out that segment 1 and 2 of the legacy WFS DC interface for WFS1 are not working. When we injected some offset using a break out board, these segments didn't show anything in the output. It's not the WFS head, it's the interface.

Pulled the board to investigate in the lab.

Comments related to this report
jaclyn.sanders@LIGO.ORG - 13:31, Friday 06 July 2012 (3347)
Two op-amps in the interface board were broken. WFS1-Anode 1-U2 (OP27) and WFS1-Anode 2-U3 (AD8672) were removed and replaced, resolving the issues observed yesterday. The board is now functional and can be returned to the end station. According to Richard McCarthy, the board should be replaced after we're done with the one-arm test.
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