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Reports until 14:30, Wednesday 27 June 2012
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:30, Wednesday 27 June 2012 - last comment - 14:46, Wednesday 27 June 2012(3279)
H2 SUS I/ETMY TOP Stage Motion Plots
M. Evans, P. Fritschel, J. Kissel ... I think even R. Weiss (call it the B Team)

In order to make some more quantitative statements about how much the test masses are moving, given that The A Team suggests that the test masses are "wobbling too much at about 1Hz," preventing cavity flashes, the B Team took some spectra of the top stage of each of the QUADs. Attached at the results.

There was some discussion that the excess motion was primarily in YAW, but the attached measurements (taken at 2012-06-27 2:00 UTC, which is late at night at LHO when no one was working) show that the most motion is in Pitch. That being said, there are times when Yaw is the larger motion -- we took an ETMY spectra (which we didn't capture because we were so freaked out by it) that we believed to be over today's local lunch time, and saw much more yaw, with resonances at almost exactly 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, and 0.7 Hz. We figured it was some sort of excitation; either an active measurement or outside-of-chamber excitations.

The RMS Pitch motion for both test masses at this time is roughly 0.5-0.7 microradians at 2012-06-27 2:00 UTC.

Remember, this is a measure of the motion at the TOP mass, and NOT a direct measure of test mass motion...

We can't yet make any further statements about the *source* of this excess motion (i.e. why is Pitch so much larger than Yaw). Stay tuned.

The xmls (of the same name) can be found here:
SusSVN = /ligo/svncommon/SusSVN/sus/trunk/;

The calibration used for each of the channels is the same (thanks to dividing the rotation degrees of freedom by the lever arm, which is encoded into the OSEM2EUL matrix):

calibration = 1 / (BOSEM sensitivity [A/m] * SatAmp Transimpedance [V/A] * ADC calibration [ct/V])
            = 1 / (65e-3 [A/m] * 240e3 [V/A] * 2^16/40 [ct/V]) 
            = 3.9e-8 [m/ct]
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Comments related to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 14:46, Wednesday 27 June 2012 (3280)

Huge YAW motion just before lunch today should be due to the excitation made for HWS commissioning.

hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:32, Wednesday 27 June 2012 (3277)
HAM-ISI GS13 - Pod #68 cleaned and tested OK

Greg, Hugo

HAM-ISI horizontal GS13 Pod #68 was shiped to us dirty. It was opened here at LHO so the Pod could be cleaned. Once the pod was cleaned, the instrument was set back in the pod and tested this morning. HAM-ISI horizontal GS13 Pod #68 is still functional (Huddle test attached).

Next step, leak checking.

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jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:32, Wednesday 27 June 2012 (3274)
Xend Prep
Preparation of Xend for install work continued yesterday. The retrofit of the iLIGO cleanroom was completed. Gerardo check on the remaining OpLev Pylon near BSC9. 
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:16, Wednesday 27 June 2012 - last comment - 08:20, Wednesday 27 June 2012(3273)
Prep for HAM6 bellows install
John, Hugh, Bubba and I agreed on path toward installation of the SEI support tubes, bellows and table. Please see list below. 

1. Remove septum at HAM3/Inspect for identified leak/-Apollo-Cleanroom in place/Kyle worked on this yesterday
2. Test septum at HAM5/6-Kyle-Cleanroom in place
3. Move ion pump from HAM5 to HAM6-Kyle-Cleanroom in place/Kyle worked on this yesterday
4. Install all possible feedthroughs on BSC1/2/3 and HAM4/5/6; blank off as needed-Apollo-Appropriate purge needed/Hugh is working on this	
5. Install support tubes, support table and bellows per E980268 at HAM6-SEI/Apollo-Cleanroom in place
6. Pump down and leak check volume-Kyle/Gerardo/John-No cleanroom needed
Comments related to this report
john.worden@LIGO.ORG - 08:20, Wednesday 27 June 2012 (3275)

We plan to leak check between step 4 and 5 in order to avoid any ambiguity when testing the support tube bellows. So there will be two pump down/leak test cycles.

If leaks are found there may be additional pump/test cycles.

keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:34, Tuesday 26 June 2012 (3272)
Starting over (Jax, Elli, Max, Keita)


The beam was likely very close to the right edge of ETMY since Friday, and this was due to the fact that we were only using TMS angle for the input beam pointing. We fixed this problem by using QPD servo and started over from scratch.

Now we're back to the point where we see some interference, and the good news is that the demod signal is much bigger than before (1V pp). Also we're seeing some change in the reflected DC power due to interference, unlike yesterday.

We still seem to be getting ultra higher order modes all over the place, and we don't see anything on the camera, so we need to refine alignment tomorrow.

The ETM and ITM are wobbling too much at about 1Hz, though. Due to this, the reflected beam seems to be clipped by either the Faraday aperture or the PDH diode aperture, and as a result the DC level of the PDH diode is changing by 30 to 50% constantly. This is not an interference effect (it changes even if you misalign ITM).

Also today the CM board A was not working at all. No output, fast and slow, regardless of the Beckhoff setting.

Alignment details:

When we started playing around with the alignment today, the demod output was the biggest when some light blob was hitting the right cage  bar of ETMY.  We tried many things but we always got back to this position. The likely cause of this is the fact that we only used TMS for initial pointing.

Since we initially only used the TMS angle to point the injection to the center of ITMY without using the PZTs on the ALS table, and since we needed to rotate the TMS so much, actually the ALS beam was falling off of one of the green QPDs. This means that there was a very high chance that the beam is not going through the center of the TMS primary.

Elli and I finished the QPD servo (a servo that uses PZT-driven steering mirrors so the beam from the ALS table is centered on two in-vac QPDs on the TMS) quickly so we didn't have to worry about QPDs. See Elli's alog entry.

After this, of course the pointing of TMS changed, so we started over by first aligning the TMS (with QPD servo on) to the center of the ITMY using baffle diodes, then aligning ITMY to the center of the ETMY using cage bars, then aligning ETMY to center the second beam on ITMY using baffle diodes.

Now we're getting much larger demod signal than before, and we can see that something is going on in the DC level (that is different from the clipping). And we don't see any light blob on the cage bars, so we know that the thing is not close to the edge any more. That's as far as we got today.

michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:07, Tuesday 26 June 2012 (3271)
PSL in low power mode

PSL is currently in low power mode, with the HPO off and only the frontend running. After tweaking alignment into the PMC the transmitted power is about 10W. PMC, ISS, and FSS are locked. If IO needs high power we will turn the HPO back on, but for now we will run with the frontend only.

IO has installed their own power control stage if they need less than 10W.

DBB plots are attached, taken after transition. For the 35W beam.

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hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:17, Tuesday 26 June 2012 (3270)
BSC7 SE Corner HEPI Actuators Removed re WP 3302
EricA & HughR
We managed 1 corner before our crane moving window closed.  7 to go (BSC7 & 4)
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:08, Tuesday 26 June 2012 (3268)
HAMISI#7 Optics Table Installation

(corey, greg, jim)

The granite table is now clear of the HAMISI#7 Optics Table.  This table was installed with minimal fanfare and no issues.  It has been torqued down. 

(The springs were pulled down, Flexures installed, the Springs are now pulling up on the Flexures, Pull-Down hardware is still in places [it will be removed once we have the Optics Table torqued down])

kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:40, Tuesday 26 June 2012 - last comment - 11:48, Tuesday 26 June 2012(3266)
Leak from HAM3-BSC2 septum annulus redemonstrated
Both the inner and outer annulus O-rings which are integral to the HAM3-BSC2 septum itself (BSC2 side) were shown to leak previously.  These leaks were re-checked following the most recent venting of the input MC volume and found to have been unchanged by the change in load across the septum.  This 2nd test was not documented and some doubt as to whether or not the bellows tie-rods had been relaxed prior to this 2nd test arose as they were discovered to be in tension when Apollo began to remove this septum plate for inspection yesterday -> So, today I rechecked the outer O-ring and demonstrated that it still leaks and can confirm that the bellows tie-rods are now loose.  As such, the septum will need to be removed for inspection/repair.
Comments related to this report
john.worden@LIGO.ORG - 11:48, Tuesday 26 June 2012 (3267)

The outer leak appears to be located on the BSC side of the septum plate and near 7:00 (bottom left)  looking towards HAM1.

john.worden@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:21, Tuesday 26 June 2012 (3265)
BSC 6 Pumpdown Progress

Current status as the Y END pressure continues to come down.

Images attached to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:05, Tuesday 26 June 2012 (3264)
BSC8 baffle diode medm was "fixed"

As reported before, PD1/2/3/4 on the ITMY baffle correspond to H2:PEM-CS_CHAN_30/29/28/27 and the MEDM screen didn't make any sense because of this.

The real issue should be some cabling somewhere (in-vac or out-of-vac), but instead of a proper fix I changed the medm screen.

PD1/2/3/4 still correspond to CHAN_30/29/28/27, but now MEDM  shows correct number at correct location.

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:30, Monday 25 June 2012 (3262)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns.
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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:56, Monday 25 June 2012 - last comment - 19:02, Monday 25 June 2012(3261)
First flavor of interference (Max, Keita)

We're still aligning the arm, it's difficult because we cannot see the beam at all at this stage on the mirror.

Anyway, the beam goes to the ITM, and then to the ETM, then to the ITM and comes back to the ETM. We're seeing some signal from the demod board, which goes zero when the ITM is misaligned. So this is the real interference signal!

Unfortunately it's not like the arm is flashing or anything, I suspect that our alignment is off mainly in yaw because I can tilt the ETM in yaw and see the beam on both righ and left side of the ETM at about the same height. 

Tomorrow we'll look at the interference pattern in the reflection from the arm, DC level of the reflection, and the demod signal amplitude to help our alignment effort. We'll also optimize the demod phase from Beckhoff world.

Comments related to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 19:02, Monday 25 June 2012 (3263)

The alignment jumped twice by a large amount and it took us some time to recover.

Once it was supposedly Kyle hitting something, and ITM didn't come back exactly to the same position.

Another time I don't know what happened.

kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:26, Monday 25 June 2012 (3260)
Moved 500 l/s ion pump from HAM5 to HAM6
Kyle, Mark L. (Apollo)
LHO General
gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:24, Monday 25 June 2012 (3259)
Ops Summary

- Installation of IO components on H1 laser table started today.  Currently laser beam is dumped and we get no video signal, also some MEDM screens are red, for more information see work permit #3303.
- Apollo, work around HAM03 area to remove septum plate.
- Cable tray removal from around BSC02 area, Filiberto.

corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:06, Monday 25 June 2012 - last comment - 13:18, Wednesday 27 June 2012(3258)
HAMISI#7 Work and Serial Numbers

(corey, greg, jim)

HAM7ISI Springs have been installed, pulled-down, and Spring Safety hardware is in place.  Did a first run through on the Optics Table to pull out any broken/loose tangs.  The Optics Table can be installed tomorrow.  At this point, I was able to note quite a few serial numbers (s/n) while they were easily viewable.  Here are some of them:


(where the Tip is associated with each Corner;  i.e. a Spring which is bolted down to a Spring Post of Corner-3 actually has its Tip in the Corner-1 area)

Spring Posts


Stage0:  014

Stage1:  010

Optics Table:  009

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corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - 13:18, Wednesday 27 June 2012 (3276)

More Serial Numbers:

Actuators (installed 6/27)

  • H1:  179
  • V1:  097
  • H2:  178
  • V2:  118
  • H3:  176
  • V3:  007

CPS Probes (as slotted in satelite boxes)

  • H1:  12009
  • V1:  12025
  • H2:  12012
  • V2:  12016
  • H3:  12036
  • V3:  12030
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