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Reports until 18:30, Thursday 07 June 2012
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:30, Thursday 07 June 2012 (3063)
restarted code for weather station at end X
Just saw that it was down and restarted it. Not sure what caused it, maybe network error?
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:08, Thursday 07 June 2012 (3059)
First H1 SEI ISI in Chamber--HAM2!
Thanks Dale for the photos.  And the Apollo crew too-Randy MarkD Zack Caleb & Ed.

We did have some positioning issues of the A-Frames--shortcoming of the procedure and my oversight.  This caused us to back track briefly while we adjusted.  But we made numerous measurements that will allow us to set up the Fixtures closer next time and not get into this position.  Other issues discovered related to long bolts with the Spacer installs and interferences with the Shipping Braces.  But all things with which we can and will deal.
The Chamber top 16.5" flange was replaced and is torqued (metal to metal.)
The ISI remains to be torqued to the Support Tubes and of course lots of cabling to attach etc etc.  Four to go!
dale.ingram@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:14, Thursday 07 June 2012 (3062)
HAM2 ISI Install Photos
Entries by others will provide additional details about the installation.  Clearance over HEPI units was close.  View today's photo collection in ResourceSpace.
Images attached to this report
john.worden@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:11, Thursday 07 June 2012 - last comment - 19:05, Thursday 07 June 2012(3061)
ENDY pumpdown

Pressure is moving slowly. Today the annulus system was evacuated with no noticeable impact. Tomorrow Gerardo will spray helium on new conflat joints.

For reference BSC8 reached 1e-6 torr in ~2 days with the same size turbo. ENDY has the additional load of the iLIGO stack.

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Comments related to this report
gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - 19:05, Thursday 07 June 2012 (3065)

BSC06 annulus pump down started at 11:59 am.

michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:46, Thursday 07 June 2012 (3060)
Punch list for H1 PSL installation

The following are some loose items in the PSL installation, largely in infrastructure:

richard.savage@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:58, Thursday 07 June 2012 (3058)
PSL back in operation - AC power distribution near PSL racks is a MESS
After MichaelR's struggles with the PMC locking yesterday, I worked on things a bit today.

The laser tripped again, apparently due to a temporary loss of AC power.

The AC power distribution is a MESS.  Hopefully this will all be replaced soon.

Rodney wants to run the low-loss RF cables to the PSL rack tomorrow and I think the only reasonable thing to do is just shut down the PSL during that work. - the chances of not shutting down the laser again would be negligible, I think.

After today's outage, the HPO would not lock.  Eventually, I checked the phase that minimizes the error signal.  It was about 152 deg.  Thus 62 deg. looked better than the 42 deg. used earlier for the injection locking.  However, 242 deg. (62+180) was what was required to get the HPO locking again.

The Noise Eater servo was oscillating at around 800 kHz, so I disabled it at the NPRO power supply.

PMC locked right away.  I suspect that the HPO was the problem yesterday, or maybe the relaxation oscillation.

FSS is now proving a bit finicky; MichaelR is working on it from the control room.

The two Tektronix function generators appear to be properly locked to eachother - PMC/ISS unit displays "Ext Clock Ref" with input from the ILS/EOM unit.  However, it seems that we are having phase issues.

Hopefully switching to the aLIGO RF sources and delay units will be more stable.

We will leave the laser running overnight with at least the PMC locking.  The LRA has been enabled, as have the watchdogs.

We will shut down for Rodney's work in the morning.
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:49, Thursday 07 June 2012 (3057)
Brushing began today with the collar, upper, and mid-sections completed. The worrisome area at C/U-11/12 brushed off nicely (although we will still FTIR it). There are twelve drills ready for use should they be needed.
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:53, Wednesday 06 June 2012 (3055)
H1 CDS and DAQ moved to new timing master
In our investigation to prevent the new H1 front ends from killing the PSL data, we moved all the H1 systems over to the new timing master today. Previously only the new SUS and SEI front ends were clocked from the new master (via the fanout in the H1 EE room), the h1psl and the DAQ were being driven from the old H2 master. All systems were moved over this morning and restarted, which resulted in some downtime of the PSL. Unfortunately we can still regularly corrupt the PSL DAQ data when starting the other front ends, so the investigation continues. We also worked on configuring the H1 Dolphin network to be identical to the one at LLO.
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:49, Wednesday 06 June 2012 (3054)
Started FMY model on h2susb78, still running after 11 hours
The IOP model ran for 24 hours after the one-stop fiber optic cable was replaced Tue. At noon today I started the user models (SUS FMY and FMX). So far, so good, but a bit early to declare victory.
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:57, Wednesday 06 June 2012 (3052)
HAM2 ISI Installation Readied
We have all the lifting gear attached to the ISI and the Transport Rails positioned at the Chamber.  The Spacers are attached to the Support Tubes.  We will fly the ISI from the Diagonal to the South Bay in the morning and I expect to have the chamber all covered (I-Beams removed) by lunch.

We didn't have any trouble positioning/rolling the A-Frames.  We sealed up the chamber as best as possible with the rails in place--See photos:
DevilDog Ed shows how easy it is to move the A-frames (001).  Zack connects the back end of the Rail being steadied by Caleb to the Frame (005) followed by Ed securing the rail to the Middle Frame (006).  The Chamber is now ready for the ISI to be nested in between the rails before the Front Frame is connected up (008).  Meanwhile, MarkD confirms we are using Bumax bolts on the lifting pads while Scott double checks their location followed by precise torquing (004).  Randy ran the crew & crane.

Images attached to this report
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:54, Wednesday 06 June 2012 (3053)
Set back on HSTS PR2
  Today while working on the post creak bake realignment of HSTS PR2, we noticed a magnet was missing from the upper right position on the Intermediate mass. As far as we know, this magnet was not bumped, snagged by a wire, or was hit by a tool. The dumbbell is still firmly attached to the mass. There is no magnet material left glued on the dumbbell, suggesting the glue joint failed as opposed to the magnet being broken off.

  A replacement magnet will need to be installed on this mass. 
LHO General
jonathan.berliner@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:24, Wednesday 06 June 2012 (3051)
Wednesday Ops Summary
- Richard/Dave/Vincent make H1 software changes, several reboots of front-ends and DAQ.
- HAM2 ISI insertion: Cleaning began today. ISI will be inserted tomorrow or at a later date.
- VE: EY pump-down ongoing.
- PSL: Laser shut down intermittently today. New speakerphone installed.
- H1 electronics area: Rolf running software tests.
- EY: Richard's contracter has finished.
- Ops: Ignore the "gpg: gpg-agent is not available in this session" message when decrypting files.
- UniFirst did not arrive as scheduled yesterday, and I did not notice them at the gate today.
- Thomas aligning OpLev at EY.
- No safety meeting.
- OSB doors locked at 16:15.
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:11, Wednesday 06 June 2012 (3048)
ISI Assembly Work: Actuators, L4Cs, Lockers, Oh My.

(corey, eric, hugo, jim)


Horizontal L4Cs were installed and then Actuators were installed.  Here are the S/Ns:


Horiz L4C

Cabling was pinned out and connected for (4) of the Actuators


Lockers assembled (not installed).  Horiz L4Cs were staged on Stage0 (this will make installation of them much more easier than in-situ post Stage-1 install).

Horiz L4C

john.worden@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:14, Wednesday 06 June 2012 (3050)
Vacuum System Status - One Arm preparations - more

log-log plots - Turbo only in both cases. Some of the ENDY annuli  are still vented.

Images attached to this report
john.worden@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:10, Wednesday 06 June 2012 (3049)
Vacuum System Status - One Arm preparations

Here are the two relevant pumpdowns underway. BSC8 (LVEA) has been under vacuum for 20 days. BSC6 at ENDY has been pumping only one day.

For comparison a 1999 pumpdown is also attached.

I will include log-log plots in a seperate alog entry.

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LHO General
dale.ingram@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:18, Wednesday 06 June 2012 (3046)
6/5 Venus Transit public event
Jonathan B.'s ops summary yesterday accurately described the status of the transit event through 18:00.  We caught a break, however, and obtained unobstructed views during the span between 18:30 and 20:30.  The attachment shows solar scope-meister Greg Mendell assisting some guests.  Roughly 150 community members attended.  Many came late in the day as the western sky cleared.   
Images attached to this report
dale.ingram@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:49, Wednesday 06 June 2012 (3045)
Photos of BSC1 Stack Removal
Bubba Gately took some nice shots of the BSC1 stack extraction that show the relationship between the piers, the crossbeams, the support tubes and the stack.  View the collection in ResourceSpace. 
Images attached to this report
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:49, Wednesday 06 June 2012 (3044)
H1 BSC1 iLIGO Seismic Stack Removed
Thanks to the Apollo crew-Zack MarkL Caleb & Randy

No issues.  The Support Table slipped right out and the stack is mostly separated and headed to the recycler.  That is all the iLIGO stacks from the LVEA, just the two H1 ETMs remain.
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 06:59, Wednesday 06 June 2012 (3043)
H1 iLigo ITMY removed from BSC1:
- Cheryl, Mark, Zack, Mick, Chris, other support from Apollo

The iLigo H1 ITMY was removed from BSC1 yesterday.  The operation went without any major glitches.  The minor glitch was that the adaptor plate was no where to be found, so we used 3 dog clamps to bridge the gap between the top of the lift table and the base of the optics cage, which worked well.

The optic/cage combo is in the OSB optics lab, on the table with other deinstalled optics.
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:51, Tuesday 05 June 2012 (3042)
New SEI and SUS front ends for HAM2,3 started
I built the IOP models for the following front ends: h1seih16, h1seih23, h1sush2a, h1sush2b. Unfortunately when starting these new front ends, the DAQ data from the PSL system was corrupted for several minutes at a time until we restored the H1 DAQ. For tonight we have turned off all the new front ends and are just running the h1psl0 system on H1. Only the PSL DAQ data was corrupted, the front end models themselves were not affected.

The IO Chassis for these front ends are being constructed in the H1 EE room. A timing fanout was installed which runs off the new H1 timing master in the MSR (h1psl0 still runs from the H2 master).
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