Displaying reports 74081-74100 of 76956.Go to page Start 3701 3702 3703 3704 3705 3706 3707 3708 3709 End
Reports until 16:47, Friday 25 May 2012
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:47, Friday 25 May 2012 - last comment - 17:28, Friday 25 May 2012(2959)
TMS alignment done (again)

This was the first attempt after the viewport was rotated back, and our alignment was still at the same bad position and the beam was not hitting the ETM. So apparently something moved, but we couldn't figure out what.

Anyway, we steered the beam back by adjusting the ALS table periscope mirrors, using the green QPDs on the TMS ISC table. then steering the TMS itself so the beam retro reflects back to the ALS table through an aperture we set up on the ALS table. We didn't use the picomotors as we knew that the alignment was pretty good two weeks ago and we were sure that that the picomotors were not moved since then.

After some tweaking, the beam looked really good at the secondary, F2, and the primary (Cheryl took pictures). It was low on F1 (a bigger of the two folding mirrors on the TMS telescope), but in the end I think it's more important to have the secondary and the primary reasonably well centered than the folding mirrors, and the beam retro reflects, so I think we're in a good shape.

The new offsets: 16000 counts for PIT, -5100 counts for YAW.

Before we started, Cheryl noticed that the EQ restraint bar is not centered any more (it used to be reasonably centered). We readjusted the bar position.

We also relieved that crazy PZT offset. It was on YAW of the upstream PZT mirror. Since the PZT mirrors themselves don't have any fine manual adjustment, we used the closest steering mirror. The input to the MCL PZT controllers were terminated. This made a tiny change in the alignment (which we were able to measure by QPDs) but these were taken care of manually by the periscope mirrors later. 

The diff-single converter on the field rack as well as the anti-imaging chassis on the ISC rack was turned off.

Comments related to this report
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - 17:02, Friday 25 May 2012 (2960)
Pictures from today's realignment:

1) beam position on first steering mirror

2) beam on secondary mirror - there are two ghost beams, one above and one below the real beam

3) beam on the primary mirror

4) viewport from inside - the small green dot below the input beam is the Hartmann beam

5) viewport form the outside - beam going through viewport - Dan's idea to see if we could show how the surfaces and substrate are scattering

6) viewport form the outside - input and retro-reflected beam are seen separately in this shot
Images attached to this comment
daniel.hoak@LIGO.ORG - 17:28, Friday 25 May 2012 (2963)
For future reference, the sums of the green TMS QPDs with ~20mW of light going into the chamber are:

~315 counts on QPDA
~325 counts on QPDB
vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:35, Friday 25 May 2012 (2956)
isi2stagemaster.mdl - shuffled channels in the simulink model

Earlier this week, I have installed new symmetrization filters and new damping filters on ISI-BSC8. The damping filters are fed by the geophones signals in the Cartesian basis (L4C for stage 1 and GS13 for stage 2). It works fine (spectra). All filters are built using one unique set of transfer functions (~400TFs). Next, I started to work on the isolation filters. After installing them, I was surprised that the low performance controllers were not all stable. The scripts to build the filters were retested in August 2011 and I didn't work on them until now However, the model was modified.
I compared the transfer functions of the damped ISI measured when dirving in the Cartesian basis with the simulated transfer functions (using TF measured when the ISI is undamped). They don't match as shown in the attachment (Z and RZ seem swapped). Next, I looked carefully into the model and I saw that some connections have been rerouted. In the Cartesian basis, ISI channels are in the following order X, Y, RZ, Z, RX, RY and the HEPI channels are: X, Y, RZ, HP, Z, RX, RY, VP. This order is not respected after the CPS alignment matrices (for stage 1 and stage 2) if we want to have identity matrices by default (no correction). I will fix the model on Tuesday.


jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:23, Friday 25 May 2012 (2958)
H2 SUS ETMY Measurements on M0 & R0 to begin tonight
Measurements on H2 SUS ETMY M0 & R0 are scheduled to begin tonight around ~19:30 PST.
gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:48, Friday 25 May 2012 (2957)
YBM Pump-Down Update
Attached is a plot of the pump-down of the YBM.
Non-image files attached to this report
H2 General
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:42, Friday 25 May 2012 (2955)
Controls login scripts modified
This should affect all users logged in to the H2 control room network - Scripts that configure your environment have been modified to include configurations in /opt/rtcds/userapps/release and /opt/rtcds/rtscore/release.  This was done to support guardian development.  
jason.oberling@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:45, Friday 25 May 2012 (2954)
BSC06 Alignment Check

I double checked all of the IAS equipment setup: re-leveled everything, made sure all equipment was over the proper monuments, and checked that all required lines were properly sighted (especially important for the Brunson).  With this done I remeasured the pitch and yaw of the ETMy, the results are:

The yaw reading is consistent with the one taken yesterday.  The alignment equipment is set up properly, so I think this change in yaw is real and not a result of improperly set up gear; this also means the source of this yaw movement is still unknown.

jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:57, Friday 25 May 2012 (2953)
HLTS PR3 Ready for Testing
We have installed and aligned the AOSEMs on HLTS PR3. This suspension is ready for testing. 

AOSEM Open Light Values
Intermediate Mass :  UL = 18318, LL = 20793, UR = 19426, LR = 18210
Bottom Mass :  UL = 17727, LL = 23463, UR = 25154, LR = 17820 
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:37, Friday 25 May 2012 (2951)
BSC6 status

After Jason double checked the alignement, I entered the chamber to set EQ stops and remove the First Contact on the ERM for TMS work.  Currently the status of the SUS is: EQ stops in the final 0.75 mm position.  ERM is First Contact free; unsure if we will reapply for a final cleaning step after TMS work, or just do touch up cleaning/dabbing if necessary.  We are now ready for another round of TFs to double check for rubbing before our last round of closeout work.  I'll update Betsy's checklist accordingly.

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:35, Thursday 24 May 2012 (2950)
CDS Network reconfiguration to allow tape backup of h1boot
I reconfigured the MSR switches this afternoon to connect h1boot to the Administrative Backup Network. This will allow the tape robot in the H2 EE building to back up the files on h1boot. During the reconfiguration I unfortunately disabled the H1 front end LAN for about 20 seconds, but the H1 PSL systems reconnected after the network was restored. I also restarted the H1 DAQ to reconnect the PSL slow channels.
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:31, Thursday 24 May 2012 (2949)
timing glitch at EY
We had a timing glitch at EY this afternoon. All the IOP processes were showing an IRIG-B offset. We restarted all the models and burt restored the SUS and SEI to the safe.snap files. Note that SUS ETMY and ISI BSC6 showed some burt restore errors indicating channels had changed and the safe.snaps need regenerating. The cause of the glitch is not known.

On an unrelated note, we noticed a strong hot plastic smell in the EY rack area, someone should perhaps check that is not serious.
benno.willke@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:05, Thursday 24 May 2012 (2948)
laser shut down automatically

Yesterday around noon the H1 laser shut down automatically. The error message was: NPRO shut down during running. This happend at least once before afte the H2->H1 move.

We had that problem at the AEI reference system a couple of time and could solve it by adding a UPS to filter the power line used by the NPRO driver. Since then we have not seen this problem again "more than one year".

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:23, Thursday 24 May 2012 (2947)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns.
Non-image files attached to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:34, Thursday 24 May 2012 (2946)
One of the ISC AI channels might be broken

Remember that ridiculous offset for one of the PZTs (14 volts)?

That was coming from the channel four of the AI output. The input  of the AI was not connected to DAC (dumb), but anyway in that state it was outputing 17 volts differential, and it looked as if it was not balanced:

CH4+ - CH4- = 17 volt

CH4+ - CH3- = 14 volt

CH4- - CH3- = 3 volt

CH3+ - CH3- = 0 volt

or some such.

I used a scsi cable and a breakout board to short out the AI input for this channel and it didn't change.

We need this offset for the alignment (until we relieve it), so at the moment it is left as is.

douglas.cook@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:11, Thursday 24 May 2012 (2945)
Debugging the ETMy YAW repositioning issues mentioned below
Doug, Jason, Travis,Mark,Hugh and ISI team
The the previous days alignment was made with the control damping off when the yaw was corrected using HEPI. When we first set up this morning to correct the pitch angle the yaw value was ~100 urads CW and when we switch the damping on at the same time that Travis made an adjustment to correct pitch we noticed a jump in the yaw value to ~300 urad. Subsequent pitch adjustments did not effect the ~300 urad yaw pointing and it remained at ~300 urads. Our first thoughts were that when we turned the damping on today we induced a yaw drive due to some offset value. This wasn't the case. Mark Barton and I looked at the OSEM  trends and could easily identify the pitch adjustment steps and the yaw trends were pretty much flatlined showing only very minor changes.

The dial indicators on the ISI  and digital read outs suggest that no ISI/HEPI movement took place during the pitch adjustments.  

Rechecking the Brunson optical square, total station pointing and laser collimator showed to be consistent with the previous days position and setup. We checked this several times today as well.

It seems like something shifted with the SUS possibly or something we missed with the alignment hardware.
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:49, Thursday 24 May 2012 - last comment - 10:56, Tuesday 29 May 2012(2944)
HAM-ISI Unit #5 - Assembly Validation Report Ready

The report for HAM-ISI Unit #5 - Assembly Validation is now posted under the DCC for validation.

This unit was tested at the begining of the month with testing horizontal GS13s (alog #2802). These testing pods were replaced with production pods. All tests involving GS13s were performed again this week. This report is now waiting for approval. This Unit will then be our second HAM-ISI coming out of the staging building with a full set of production GS13s (the first one was HAM-ISI Unit #4).

Reports regading the Assembly validation of previous units at LHO are also available on the DCC:

HAM-ISI Unit #1 - Assembly Validation
HAM-ISI Unit #2 - Assembly Validation
HAM-ISI Unit #3 - Assembly Validation
HAM-ISI Unit #4 - Assembly Validation

Reports regading the Chamber Side testing of other units at LHO are also available on the DCC:
HAM-ISI Unit #4 (HAM3, or HAM2 chamber)
Comments related to this report
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - 10:56, Tuesday 29 May 2012 (2967)

This testing report is now approved

travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:16, Thursday 24 May 2012 - last comment - 15:40, Thursday 24 May 2012(2942)
Work at BSC6

D. Cook, J. Oberling, T. Sadecki

After yesterday's SEI adjustment, we had a chance to revisit the IAS alignment of the ETM.  While Jason was going through his standard pre-measurement setup, I took the opportunity to (attempt to) close the ringheater as it had been passed over in previous entrances.  After loosening (or so I thought) the 4 8-32 screws that attach the RH to the Quad lower structure, I attempted to position the halves of the RH into their closed position.  While 3 of the 4 sides were loose enough to move, one side was mysteriously bound so that I could not move it into place.  After searching for interferences that would prevent me from moving it, and finding none, I examined the attachment points.  To my surprise, I found that the RH was not attached to the lower structure with the standard RH attachment blocks (D090438), but rather simply with nuts and washers (which appeared to be stainless on stainless).  Due to the the way in which the lower structure bolts together, I was unable to get a wrench onto the nut, and therefore had to rely mostly on friction with the assistance of allen key pressed against one of the flats of the hex nut.  So, unfortunately, I was unable to fully close the RH or sufficiently tighten any of the hardware attaching it (not a danger of loose hardware per se, just not very tight).  Not much we can to about it at this point either (maybe get a custom end wrench to fit through the 5mm gap and reach the nut) and not sure it's critical for the OAT anyhow. 

The ETM was found this morning with its MEDM master switch OFF, and in some unknown, unannounced state of testing.  After sorting its status, we got the damping loops running so we could get accurate IAS readings.  After several iterations of adjustment/tripping watchdogs/turning damping back on, we left the damping loops ON after satisfactory alignment was achieved. 

Either during our adjustment of pitch today, or some other event not yet identified, the yaw of the suspension was knocked back out of spec @ ~300urad.  Pitch is now in spec (I'll leave it to Jason to post the real numbers).

Comments related to this report
jason.oberling@LIGO.ORG - 15:40, Thursday 24 May 2012 (2943)

Current ETMy pitch/yaw measurement results are:

  • Pitch: 650 µrad down
    • Target is 639 ± 160 µrad down, this is in spec
  • Yaw: 304 µrad CW
    • Target is 0 ± 160 µrad, this is out of spec

The cause of the mysterious yaw movement is still being investigated.

jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:15, Thursday 24 May 2012 (2941)
First vacuum completed. Wipe-down started.
filiberto.clara@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:56, Thursday 24 May 2012 (2940)
Modifications to HEPI Pier Interface Module (D080521) - BSC8
Powered down HEPI valve drive chassis and ±24V power going to HEPI Interface modules. Replaced R13 from a 2 KOhm resistor to a 33.2K Ohm resistor on D080521 units. This changes the gain of the L4C channels from 22 to 333, per document E1200420-v1. Tested units after mods, gain ~330. Reinstalled and powered up units, along with the HEPI valve drive chassis.
Serial numbers of units modified: S0900233, S0900152, S0900229, S0900199.
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:31, Monday 14 May 2012 - last comment - 11:41, Friday 25 May 2012(2848)
BSC6 To-Do list before closing up
Following is the list of items that need to be completed (in roughly the order below) before we can close this chamber.  Some of the items have been finished and are still on the list as markers for redlining the installation procedure.  Please add a comment if I have missed any steps

1) Electrical grounding checks - DONE
2) IAS SEI alignment complete, ISI & HEPI floating - DONE
3) IAS ETMy alignment Round 1 - DONE
4) TMS alignment - DONE
5) ESD continuity check
6) Clamp ETMy EQ stops
7) Reapply FirstContact to ETMy-HR and ERM-AR
8) Swap Flooring - Waiting for FTIR on new set, can slip down list but not beyond 14a.
9) Viewport in-situ cleaning (or swap if deemed necessary)
10) TMS OSEM alignment
11) Close the ring heater and set fiber guard to "nominal" position
12) Unlock ETMy, remove all TFE except TM line stops, and physically check for rubbing as per T1200213 (still drafting)
13) ETMy BOSEM alignment, factoring in buoyancy as per T1100616
14a) ETMy testing (See Phase 3a G1100693)
14b) IAS ETMy alignment again (if testing showed interference and suspension was adjusted to fix)
15) Repeat step 14 until all Phase 3a testing is complete - usually done in 3 rounds in order to clear all issues.  Note, IAS requires removal of ETMy-HR FC completely. 
16) TMS alignment check if needed
17) Lock down flooring nuts if loose
18) Set all EQ stops as per M1100256
19) Final FirstContact cleaning if needed
20) Remove TM line stops
21) Take pictures and count number of PEEK clamps
22) Set witness plates
23) Remove all tools
Shut the doors.
Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 13:07, Wednesday 16 May 2012 (2873)

The good news is we're working down the list.  The bad news is, I added a few more items to the list.  Edited to reflect actual order:


1) Electrical grounding checks (moved down the list since it was DONE on the test stand, not on the chamber)

2) IAS SEI alignment complete, ISI & HEPI floating - DONE

3) IAS ETMy alignment Round 1 - DONE

4) TMS alignment - DONE

5) TMS OSEM alignment - moved up list since DONE

6) ESD continuity check

7) Clamp ETMy EQ stops - DONE

8) Reapply FirstContact to ETMy-HR and ERM-AR - (did not so ETM-HR since sheet was still somewhat intact) DONE

9) Swap Flooring - Waiting for FTIR on new set, can slip down list but not beyond 14a.

10) Viewport in-situ cleaning (or swap if deemed necessary)

11) SEI Electrical grounding checks

12) SUS Electrical grounding checks

13) Close the ring heater and set fiber guard to "nominal" position

14) Unlock ETMy, remove all TFE except TM line stops, and physically check for rubbing as per T1200213 (still drafting)

15) ETMy BOSEM alignment, factoring in buoyancy as per T1100616

16a) ETMy testing (See Phase 3a G1100693)

16b) IAS ETMy alignment again (if testing showed interference and suspension was adjusted to fix)

17) Repeat step 16 until all Phase 3a testing is complete - usually done in 3 rounds in order to clear all issues. Note, IAS requires removal of ETMy-HR FC completely.

18) TMS alignment check if needed

19) Lock down flooring nuts if loose

20) Set all EQ stops as per M1100256

21) Final FirstContact cleaning if needed

22) Remove TM line stops

23) Take pictures and count number of PEEK clamps

24) Set witness plates

25) Remove all tools

Shut the doors.

travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - 15:21, Thursday 17 May 2012 (2889)

Update to closeout checklist:

1) Electrical grounding checks (moved down the list since it was DONE on the test stand, not on the chamber)

2) IAS SEI alignment complete, ISI & HEPI floating - DONE

3) IAS ETMy alignment Round 1 - DONE

4) TMS alignment - DONE

5) TMS OSEM alignment - moved up list since DONE

6) ESD continuity check

7) Clamp ETMy EQ stops - DONE

8) Reapply FirstContact to ETMy-HR and ERM-AR - (did not so ETM-HR since sheet was still somewhat intact) DONE

9) Swap Flooring - Waiting for FTIR on new set, can slip down list but not beyond 14a.  DONE

10) Viewport in-situ cleaning (or swap if deemed necessary)  IN PROCESS

11) SEI Electrical grounding checks

12) SUS Electrical grounding checks

13) Close the ring heater and set fiber guard to "nominal" position

14) Unlock ETMy, remove all TFE except TM line stops, and physically check for rubbing as per T1200213 (still drafting)  DONE (PenRe has be relocked due to flag repair) Also, 1/4-20 x 3/4" vented screws installed for sleeve (these were overlooked in the making of this list).

15) ETMy BOSEM alignment, factoring in buoyancy as per T1100616

16a) ETMy testing (See Phase 3a G1100693)

16b) IAS ETMy alignment again (if testing showed interference and suspension was adjusted to fix)

17) Repeat step 16 until all Phase 3a testing is complete - usually done in 3 rounds in order to clear all issues. Note, IAS requires removal of ETMy-HR FC completely.

18) TMS alignment check if needed

19) Lock down flooring nuts if loose

20) Set all EQ stops as per M1100256

21) Final FirstContact cleaning if needed

22) Remove TM line stops

23) Take pictures and count number of PEEK clamps

24) Set witness plates

25) Remove all tools

Shut the doors.

travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - 11:41, Friday 25 May 2012 (2952)

Update to closeout checklist:

1) Electrical grounding checks (moved down the list since it was DONE on the test stand, not on the chamber)

2) IAS SEI alignment complete, ISI & HEPI floating - DONE

3) IAS ETMy alignment Round 1 - DONE

4) TMS alignment - DONE

5) TMS OSEM alignment - moved up list since DONE

6) ESD continuity check

7) Clamp ETMy EQ stops - DONE

8) Reapply FirstContact to ETMy-HR and ERM-AR - (did not so ETM-HR since sheet was still somewhat intact) DONE

9) Swap Flooring - Waiting for FTIR on new set, can slip down list but not beyond 14a.  DONE

10) Viewport in-situ cleaning (or swap if deemed necessary)  DONE

11) SEI Electrical grounding checks

12) SUS Electrical grounding checks

13) Close the ring heater and set fiber guard to "nominal" position DONE, AS MUCH AS IT CAN BE

14) Unlock ETMy, remove all TFE except TM line stops, and physically check for rubbing as per T1200213 (still drafting)  DONE (PenRe has be relocked due to flag repair) Also, 1/4-20 x 3/4" vented screws installed for sleeve (these were overlooked in the making of this list).  DONE

15) ETMy BOSEM alignment, factoring in buoyancy as per T1100616  DONE

16a) ETMy testing (See Phase 3a G1100693)  DONE

16b) IAS ETMy alignment again (if testing showed interference and suspension was adjusted to fix)  DONE

17) Repeat step 16 until all Phase 3a testing is complete - usually done in 3 rounds in order to clear all issues. Note, IAS requires removal of ETMy-HR FC completely.  DONE (PENDING FINAL SET OF TFS TODAY)

18) TMS alignment check if needed  IN PROCESS

19) Lock down flooring nuts if loose

20) Set all EQ stops as per M1100256  DONE

21) Final FirstContact cleaning if needed

22) Remove TM line stops

23) Take pictures and count number of PEEK clamps

24) Set witness plates

25) Remove all tools

Shut the doors.

Displaying reports 74081-74100 of 76956.Go to page Start 3701 3702 3703 3704 3705 3706 3707 3708 3709 End