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Reports until 14:43, Wednesday 16 May 2012
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:43, Wednesday 16 May 2012 (2878)
H2 SUS ITMY L2 WhiteNoise TFs
The attached plot gives decent coherence for only one OSEM drive to the other L2 OSEM responses. The responses are not completely coherent with the driven OSEM.  Drive parameters are not known well-enough at this stage to result in good coherence with only a few hours of drive paramter tuning.  The actuation and response measurements at this stage do not impact the scheduling of the BSC8 chamber close-out, but further testing could reveal discrepancies in OSEM signals.  
Non-image files attached to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:28, Wednesday 16 May 2012 (2879)
BSC6 in-chamber work

Note, I am keeping the updates to the BSC6 in-camber task list at the following entry:


jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:10, Wednesday 16 May 2012 (2877)
BSC6 Close-out
The two "dirty" custom viewports were removed from the south door and delivered to the VPW for re-cleaning. Half of the iLIGO flooring was removed from the chamber and prepared for transport to the corner before the crew pulled off for safety meeting.  
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:04, Wednesday 16 May 2012 (2875)
The remainder of viewports, cameras, illuminators, etc. were removed from BSC2. The iLIGO flooring was retrieved from BSC6 for use in BSC2.
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:01, Wednesday 16 May 2012 (2874)
BSC8 Close-out
Randy and crew replaced the door on BSC8. It needs to be torqued down and that will happen immediately after lunch.
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:28, Wednesday 16 May 2012 (2872)
HAM-ISI Unit #4 (HAM2)- Chamber Side Testing - Early Results

Hugh, Jim, Corey, Hugo

Spectra for the GS13s and the CPSs were taken on the ISI in locked state.

A procedure and a report are being gathered for this phase of testing.

Non-image files attached to this report
vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:24, Tuesday 15 May 2012 (2871)

Today, we started to work on HEPI-BSC6. Some basic tests were performed:

- Spectra: Sensors look good
- Static Test (Actuators are working). We swapped Actuator cables (Pier 2 <=> Pier 4). The cable labels have not been changed. Will be done tomorrow.
- Range of motion (range of +/-0.8mm). Stops were initially touching the boots in the horizontal direction (negative drive) in corner 1 and 3.
- Linearity test (Linearity + stops): Ok

Transfer functions will be measured on Wednesday.

betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:55, Tuesday 15 May 2012 - last comment - 13:11, Wednesday 16 May 2012(2870)
BSC8 Chamber Closeout
(Betsy, Travis)
After Richard/Filiberto fixed the broken ITMy L2 OSEM signal (swapping a board), and we confirmed that actuation was evident on the appropriate channels, we went in and finished the last items in BSC8:

- Set M0 and R0 Left and Right Top Stage BOSEMs, and M0 PUM and EMTy barrel EQ stops, to account for buoyancy.
- Took photos.
- Removed all tools, stools and did once-over on chamber "cubbies" looking for hidden treasures.
- N2 blowoff of optics (still see surface particulate on surfaces of the 10-20 particles/sq. in. level. Blowing did little to reduce this number. Hmmph. (Note, the FC had been removed early last week and the optic surfaces have been exposed since while unexpected diagnostics took place the last few days.)
-Set witness plates.

We're hoping Garcia can collect a final L2 TF set in the morning, but we see no reason not to shut the door to this chamber.
Comments related to this report
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - 13:11, Wednesday 16 May 2012 (2876)
The "making sure actuation was on the appropriate channels" was not completely confirmed - a quick DTT test in the control room merely showed we could create a sine wave on a channel and readout a signal from the auxiliary ("_*VOLTMON_*") channels.  The attached plot shows we can drive in one OSEM but see better coherence in another OSEM (but not completely coherent).  This does not confirm that we are driving the pins that correspond to the MEDM channel names.  The MEDMs may be correct in driving the correct pin outs, but the response signal could possibly be crossed. 

 To summarize: Yes, there is the ability drive channels and see a response, but whether that corresponds to reality (the wiring diagram D1001725) is not completely confirmed as of today.  
Non-image files attached to this comment
oliver.puncken@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:23, Tuesday 15 May 2012 (2869)
Reassembly of PSL
PSL installation team

- This morning we turned the Laser off to perform some tests on the xtal water circuit. The goal was to get rid of some mechanical vibrations, which are caused by this loop, by adding a special damper. The data are still under investigation.

- We made some progress in the alignment of the optical path: The path to the FSS is partly set and the FSS AOM as aligned in single-pass. 

- The water hose, which is connected to the xtal chiller, suddenly burst, which triggered the laser interlock. It seems that the flow/pressure, provided by this chiller was too high (we already saw the bulging hoses before). The flow is now decreased by the chiller's bypass valve from 20.5 lpm to 18 lpm (same as in H2 setup). Therefore, the flow rates at the water manifold had to be reset.
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:33, Tuesday 15 May 2012 (2867)
BSC2 passive SEI Stack removed from Chamber
Again, no issues to report.  ISI extracted with about the usual pulling & pushing and was broken down on the LVEA floor.  The Apollo crew worked quickly and the parts are now nearly outside awaiting the recycle bin.

Thanks Caleb, Zack, Scott with assistance from Mick, Ed, Mark and Chris
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:31, Tuesday 15 May 2012 - last comment - 16:49, Tuesday 15 May 2012(2865)
TMSY red QPD damage report

This is a follow up of this alog entry I promised and forgot to write.

Current status:

The first segment of IR QPD 2 is short-circuited (alog by Filiberto, though the entry doesn't say "short circuit") (D1002283 to see which pin is which) and the ADC for this segment is railed at -32k counts.

Using flood light on the floor as the light source, Dan Hoak confirmed that QPD 2 is the one closer to the ETM (see attached picture), as it's supposed to be.

Though this is another story, actually QPD2 signals appear in QPD A channels in digital world, which doesn't make sense. I've confirmed that QPD A takes channels 0 to 3 and QPD B 4 to 7 on ADC0, so this is not a model issue. Probably DB9 part of DB25 to 2xDB9 interface cable for QPDs (D1101801) were swapped in the trans impedance amplifier box (D1002481), and I asked Richard to have somebody look at it.

How it happened:

Three of four in-vacuum ISC cables were connected to wrong feedthroughs (https://alog.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/aLOG/index.php?callRep=2561) though people didn't realize that it's all wong: IR QPD cable to picomotor port, picomotor cable to beam diverter port, and beam diverter cable to IR QPD port. The only correct one was green QPD.

If you payed attention to the above alog, it would have been obvious (see D1003085, flange layout diagram). Unfortunately I was out of town on vacation, read the alog but didn't check, and when I was back I totally forgot. Shame on me.

In-air cabling was done "correctly".

On May/08/2012 we attempted to move one of the picomotors, and high voltage from the picomotor driver hit the QPD.

What will happen:

It will stay for the H2 one arm test, and we'll fix it when we move TMS to H1.

aLIGO integration issue tracker system is perfect for remembering this kind of stuff. This specific issue is found here: https://services.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/integrationissues/show_bug.cgi?id=1

Other thoughs:

Always laminate flange layout diagrams (like D1003085) and cable routing diagrams (like D1101478), wipe and bring them in chamber when making in-chamber connections.

It would be nice if the flange numbers (FC1, FC2 etc.) and the subflange numbers (1C2, 3C1 etc.) are stamped or scribed somewhere in chamber.

But the most important thing is, don't forget to check things. Have more than one person check this.

Images attached to this report
Comments related to this report
filiberto.clara@LIGO.ORG - 16:49, Tuesday 15 May 2012 (2868)
Looked at cabling inside ISC QPD Transimpedance Amp Chassis (D1002481). No issues. Followed cabling going to ISC Whitening Chassis (D1002559). No issues. Cabling coming out of ISC Whitening Chassis going to Anti-Aliasing and 384 Channel Acromag Binary Output (D1100251) were not landed correctly. Swapped following cables:
ISC-BSC6-9 with ISC-BSC6-10 (Both DB9).
ISC-BSC6-5 with ISC-BSC6-6 (Both DB37).

Did the same for second ISC Whitening Chassis Unit:
ISC-BSC6-11 with ISC-BSC6-12 (Both DB9).
ISC-BSC6-7 with ISC-BSC6-8 (Both DB37).

Had Dan Hoak look at signals for QPD A and QPD B. Dan said things looked in order. Need to look at green QPD's, to see if they are also correct.

Filiberto Clara
richard.mccarthy@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:55, Tuesday 15 May 2012 - last comment - 13:41, Tuesday 15 May 2012(2864)
H2ITMy L2 Drive signal
It looks like we had a bad DAC channel in the IO chassis.  Jef G noticed we were unable to drive L2 UL coil.  Filiberto and I went out and traced it to the DAC card.  We swapped the DAC card and the channels are now working.  Will do follow up testing on the bad Card to see if it was something simple.

Comments related to this report
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - 13:41, Tuesday 15 May 2012 (2866)
A DTT drive test to the COILOUT_*_EXC channels with a sine wave was used to test the voltages being sent to the Coils.  The SUS AUX channels "_*VOLTMON_*" were monitored with a Dataviewer session and confirmed to be coherent with the individual OSEM drives.
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:35, Tuesday 15 May 2012 (2863)
Restart Seismic Test Stand models
Cleaned out old data from /frames directory to get DAQ process to continue to run, restart x1isihamx and x1iopseibsc6 models to correct timing issues.
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:55, Tuesday 15 May 2012 (2862)
H2 BSC6 ETMY HEPI Channels appear backwards
We confirmed physically the readbacks of the position sensors were in the correct arrangement but the corner2 & corner4 Actuator drives are reversed.  Vincent will look through the model to find the issue.

Jim, Vincent, Hugh
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:11, Tuesday 15 May 2012 (2861)
I prepared FTIR and tape sampling material and went into BSC1 via HAM4->BSC2. I took two FTIR samples (S1-upper left, to JPL, S2-upper right, to Alltia) and one tape sample (lower left) from the elliptical baffle. Next, I removed OSEMs and the elliptical baffle. The OSEMS are in a foil envelope in the staging cleanroom and the elliptical baffle and tape sample are in the OSB Optics lab on a flow bench with the BSC3 EB and the tape sample.

Mark L. and Chris H. got dust barriers ready and started installing them as soon as I got out. They will block off BSC1, BSC3, and HAM3. They are now on a hunt for the 4th solid dust barrier so that we can close off the new output mode cleaner tube. 

Mark D., Slim, Mick, Eddie, and Scott started removing view ports, etc from the HAM4 south door and staging for dome removal. They will continue working toward SEI stack de-install this afternoon.
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:01, Tuesday 15 May 2012 (2860)
ITMy L2 UL electronics
For the record, Richard is out on the floor looking into it.
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:31, Monday 14 May 2012 - last comment - 11:41, Friday 25 May 2012(2848)
BSC6 To-Do list before closing up
Following is the list of items that need to be completed (in roughly the order below) before we can close this chamber.  Some of the items have been finished and are still on the list as markers for redlining the installation procedure.  Please add a comment if I have missed any steps

1) Electrical grounding checks - DONE
2) IAS SEI alignment complete, ISI & HEPI floating - DONE
3) IAS ETMy alignment Round 1 - DONE
4) TMS alignment - DONE
5) ESD continuity check
6) Clamp ETMy EQ stops
7) Reapply FirstContact to ETMy-HR and ERM-AR
8) Swap Flooring - Waiting for FTIR on new set, can slip down list but not beyond 14a.
9) Viewport in-situ cleaning (or swap if deemed necessary)
10) TMS OSEM alignment
11) Close the ring heater and set fiber guard to "nominal" position
12) Unlock ETMy, remove all TFE except TM line stops, and physically check for rubbing as per T1200213 (still drafting)
13) ETMy BOSEM alignment, factoring in buoyancy as per T1100616
14a) ETMy testing (See Phase 3a G1100693)
14b) IAS ETMy alignment again (if testing showed interference and suspension was adjusted to fix)
15) Repeat step 14 until all Phase 3a testing is complete - usually done in 3 rounds in order to clear all issues.  Note, IAS requires removal of ETMy-HR FC completely. 
16) TMS alignment check if needed
17) Lock down flooring nuts if loose
18) Set all EQ stops as per M1100256
19) Final FirstContact cleaning if needed
20) Remove TM line stops
21) Take pictures and count number of PEEK clamps
22) Set witness plates
23) Remove all tools
Shut the doors.
Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 13:07, Wednesday 16 May 2012 (2873)

The good news is we're working down the list.  The bad news is, I added a few more items to the list.  Edited to reflect actual order:


1) Electrical grounding checks (moved down the list since it was DONE on the test stand, not on the chamber)

2) IAS SEI alignment complete, ISI & HEPI floating - DONE

3) IAS ETMy alignment Round 1 - DONE

4) TMS alignment - DONE

5) TMS OSEM alignment - moved up list since DONE

6) ESD continuity check

7) Clamp ETMy EQ stops - DONE

8) Reapply FirstContact to ETMy-HR and ERM-AR - (did not so ETM-HR since sheet was still somewhat intact) DONE

9) Swap Flooring - Waiting for FTIR on new set, can slip down list but not beyond 14a.

10) Viewport in-situ cleaning (or swap if deemed necessary)

11) SEI Electrical grounding checks

12) SUS Electrical grounding checks

13) Close the ring heater and set fiber guard to "nominal" position

14) Unlock ETMy, remove all TFE except TM line stops, and physically check for rubbing as per T1200213 (still drafting)

15) ETMy BOSEM alignment, factoring in buoyancy as per T1100616

16a) ETMy testing (See Phase 3a G1100693)

16b) IAS ETMy alignment again (if testing showed interference and suspension was adjusted to fix)

17) Repeat step 16 until all Phase 3a testing is complete - usually done in 3 rounds in order to clear all issues. Note, IAS requires removal of ETMy-HR FC completely.

18) TMS alignment check if needed

19) Lock down flooring nuts if loose

20) Set all EQ stops as per M1100256

21) Final FirstContact cleaning if needed

22) Remove TM line stops

23) Take pictures and count number of PEEK clamps

24) Set witness plates

25) Remove all tools

Shut the doors.

travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - 15:21, Thursday 17 May 2012 (2889)

Update to closeout checklist:

1) Electrical grounding checks (moved down the list since it was DONE on the test stand, not on the chamber)

2) IAS SEI alignment complete, ISI & HEPI floating - DONE

3) IAS ETMy alignment Round 1 - DONE

4) TMS alignment - DONE

5) TMS OSEM alignment - moved up list since DONE

6) ESD continuity check

7) Clamp ETMy EQ stops - DONE

8) Reapply FirstContact to ETMy-HR and ERM-AR - (did not so ETM-HR since sheet was still somewhat intact) DONE

9) Swap Flooring - Waiting for FTIR on new set, can slip down list but not beyond 14a.  DONE

10) Viewport in-situ cleaning (or swap if deemed necessary)  IN PROCESS

11) SEI Electrical grounding checks

12) SUS Electrical grounding checks

13) Close the ring heater and set fiber guard to "nominal" position

14) Unlock ETMy, remove all TFE except TM line stops, and physically check for rubbing as per T1200213 (still drafting)  DONE (PenRe has be relocked due to flag repair) Also, 1/4-20 x 3/4" vented screws installed for sleeve (these were overlooked in the making of this list).

15) ETMy BOSEM alignment, factoring in buoyancy as per T1100616

16a) ETMy testing (See Phase 3a G1100693)

16b) IAS ETMy alignment again (if testing showed interference and suspension was adjusted to fix)

17) Repeat step 16 until all Phase 3a testing is complete - usually done in 3 rounds in order to clear all issues. Note, IAS requires removal of ETMy-HR FC completely.

18) TMS alignment check if needed

19) Lock down flooring nuts if loose

20) Set all EQ stops as per M1100256

21) Final FirstContact cleaning if needed

22) Remove TM line stops

23) Take pictures and count number of PEEK clamps

24) Set witness plates

25) Remove all tools

Shut the doors.

travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - 11:41, Friday 25 May 2012 (2952)

Update to closeout checklist:

1) Electrical grounding checks (moved down the list since it was DONE on the test stand, not on the chamber)

2) IAS SEI alignment complete, ISI & HEPI floating - DONE

3) IAS ETMy alignment Round 1 - DONE

4) TMS alignment - DONE

5) TMS OSEM alignment - moved up list since DONE

6) ESD continuity check

7) Clamp ETMy EQ stops - DONE

8) Reapply FirstContact to ETMy-HR and ERM-AR - (did not so ETM-HR since sheet was still somewhat intact) DONE

9) Swap Flooring - Waiting for FTIR on new set, can slip down list but not beyond 14a.  DONE

10) Viewport in-situ cleaning (or swap if deemed necessary)  DONE

11) SEI Electrical grounding checks

12) SUS Electrical grounding checks

13) Close the ring heater and set fiber guard to "nominal" position DONE, AS MUCH AS IT CAN BE

14) Unlock ETMy, remove all TFE except TM line stops, and physically check for rubbing as per T1200213 (still drafting)  DONE (PenRe has be relocked due to flag repair) Also, 1/4-20 x 3/4" vented screws installed for sleeve (these were overlooked in the making of this list).  DONE

15) ETMy BOSEM alignment, factoring in buoyancy as per T1100616  DONE

16a) ETMy testing (See Phase 3a G1100693)  DONE

16b) IAS ETMy alignment again (if testing showed interference and suspension was adjusted to fix)  DONE

17) Repeat step 16 until all Phase 3a testing is complete - usually done in 3 rounds in order to clear all issues. Note, IAS requires removal of ETMy-HR FC completely.  DONE (PENDING FINAL SET OF TFS TODAY)

18) TMS alignment check if needed  IN PROCESS

19) Lock down flooring nuts if loose

20) Set all EQ stops as per M1100256  DONE

21) Final FirstContact cleaning if needed

22) Remove TM line stops

23) Take pictures and count number of PEEK clamps

24) Set witness plates

25) Remove all tools

Shut the doors.

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