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Reports until 22:32, Tuesday 08 May 2012
oliver.puncken@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:32, Tuesday 08 May 2012 (2796)
Resassembly of the PSL (Part 5)
PSL installation team

Injection locking:
We injection locked the oscillator. 
Total output power without corona aperture in place: 210 W
Total output power with corona aperture mount in place: 204 W
No measurement with corona aperture in place.
We lert the system running over night with power watchdogs turned on.

Other work in LAE:
Alignment of optical components on optical table: ongoing

Work on purple cable pulling / electronics: ongoing
Logbook Admin Feature Requests
jameson.rollins@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:02, Tuesday 08 May 2012 (2795)
please provide RSS feed of alog

This one is a no-brainer.

Logbook Admin Feature Requests
jameson.rollins@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:01, Tuesday 08 May 2012 - last comment - 08:02, Wednesday 09 May 2012(2794)
please provide title and content of log post in L-mails, rather than just links

The emails of the log posts (L-mail) would be much more convenient if they actually just included the contents of the log post directly in the message.  One could just read the posts in their mail without having to click through.  So nice.

Furthermore, the emails subject lines should just be the title of the log post.  That way you could see if the post is relevant to you without even having to open the mail.

Links to the posts could of course still be provided in the message to provide direct access to the post for viewing images, etc.

Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 06:52, Wednesday 09 May 2012 (2798)
I like the following format I get from the old SEI Notebooks:

New ETF Seismic lab elog entry                 [Similar to what L-mail does already]

A new ELOG entry has been submitted:

Author              : Daniel Clark             [could be replaced by ligo-org email]
Type                : Data and Analysis        [would be replaced by "Section"]
Category            : Sensors & Actuators      [would be replaced by "Task"]
Subject             : SPI Temperature Allowance - Aluminum Table

Logbook URL         : http://ligo.phys.lsu.edu:8080/ETFseismic/1918
jameson.rollins@LIGO.ORG - 08:02, Wednesday 09 May 2012 (2799)

But this provides barely more information than is currently in the emails.  A subject that is always the same is basically useless.  The subject should definitely be the title of the log post.  And the body can include the information you suggest, but it should also include the full body of the post as well.

jameson.rollins@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:53, Tuesday 08 May 2012 (2793)
h2iscey model updates, new OAT medm screen.

h2iscey model updates

I have overhauled the h2iscey model to better conform to the ultimately desired ISC channel naming convention.  The top level was broken into two sub-blocks, ASC_EY and ALS_EY.  The ASC subblock has the two TR QPDs (A and B).  The ALS block has the two ALS QPDs and the two ALS WFSs, as well as the control paths to the suspension actuators.

I also updated the QPD library part to include a limitter for the sum normalization path, and I updated the WFS library part to use the QPD part for it's DC path.

h2iscey was rebuilt, installed, and restarted, and the DAQ was restarted to incorporate the new channel names.

QPD MEDM screen

I made a new medm screen for the QPD library part (see below).

The filters for the individual segments are on the left, followed by the segment matrix, filter module links for the PIT, YAW and SUM, and indicators for the SUM level and an X/Y plot for the PIT/YAW.

OAT MEDM screen

I made a very simple medm screen for the OAT/h2iscey model.  It has links for all the various elements currently in the h2iscey model except for the WFS RF components (we still need to make a screen for that).  It needs a lot of work, but it's something to start with.

In particular, it provides links for the ISC-ALS_EY_QPD_{A,B} and ISC_ASC_EY_TR_{A,B} QPD screens.

Images attached to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:52, Tuesday 08 May 2012 - last comment - 11:38, Wednesday 09 May 2012(2789)
H2 SUS ITMY -- Latest TFs
B. Bland, J. Kissel

The results from the overnight TFs that Betsy started last night are attached. The lame news: the SUS is not yet ready for chamber close up. However, over the phone, Betsy informs me that more items on/around the suspended elements have changed and some other tweaking occurred today since the measurement and more will change tomorrow. Though this set of TFs is informative academically, we have to wait until we're "done" with mechanical stuff before a "final" close out measurement (which will hopefully show a clean bill of health).

From what we can [remember / piece back together / guess], the state of the chamber is:

- HEPI Floating, but OFF
- BSC-ISI Floating, but OFF
    - Free, OFF
    - One-off, wire loop, prisms, and glass optic main chain; Production ThinCP fully laced
    - EQ stops brought into 0.75 mm gap
    - One set of ECD magnets is removed (Betsy doesn't recall exactly which, but we think lower cluster below M0 F3)

Here's what I see, and what I think is going on:

Main Chain
Although the diagonal TFs (LtoL, TtoT, etc.) look OK, its obvious from the off-diagonal terms that there's a serious amount of cross coupling (see 2012-05-07_H2SUSITMY_M0_ALL_TFs.pdf). My guess is that this is because of the missing weight from the absent ECD magnet cluster. As mentioned in G1100865, pg 4, one of the possible VtoP / PtoV cross coupling mechanism is a static offset in pitch. The fact that PtoP looks "clean" (though a little bit low in overall magnitude), and both VtoV and RtoR show the 2nd pitch mode, my guess is that the missing ECD magnet cluster brought whichever corner of the mass up, creating both a static roll and pitch in the mass, causing the exact cross coupling described in G1100865.

We should get that ECD magnet back on there, do any other final tooling additions and removals, and measure again.

I use the "wire" model for this one-off, wire loop, prisms, and glass optic main chain, and it seems to predict it pretty well. In allquads_120507_H2SUSITMY_ALL_TFs.pdf I compare it against other metal mass wire SUS, and other than the cross-coupling mentioned about, and slightly less magnitude, it matches up pretty well. 

Reaction Chain
Here, the VtoV transfer function shows something new, fun, and bad. Notice there's only two resonances? My gut reaction, is that the lower two modes have shifted up in frequency due to increased stiffness, and the lower two masses are stiffened to the point on moving as one; cabling's the only thing I can think of off-hand. Either that or something's interfering with the lower blades. Remember, the higher frequency the resonance, the more it involves lower stages. Also, because other modes, and other degrees of freedom show little to no reduction in Q, implies that whatever's stiffening up the vertical DOF, likely isn't at the top stage. Looks like the high-frequency Roll / Trans modes have changed shape too, likely due to the same vertical stiffness issues.

I'd check around the blades, and re-assess cabling on this one.
Non-image files attached to this report
Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 22:53, Tuesday 08 May 2012 (2797)
Unfortunately, phone conversations are less accurate than aLogs.  In fact, the 4 (of 64 ECD magnets) were removed on the reaction chain, left top face cluster).  They were restored to the suspension this morning.  I re-checked the reaction chain cabling this morning and everything looked to be in order - no grounding to the structure or between the chains as sometimes happens.  We have played with this cabling since the Garcia-Wed 5/2/12 measurements, although we were making the cabling "looser" in the clamps in order to avoid possible TFE flowing-to-shorting later.  I don't know what to do with the cables now to alleviate stiffness because they "feel" like they are already seated with appropriate stiffness.  I also can't quickly compare the Garcia 5/2/12 data to this set because they are plotted so differently and well, I'm on vacation so don't have the time to stare at it for an hour.  I worry that fussing with them more may throw out the alignment of the reaction chain.  We need to get better at checking alignment, running TFs for rubbing checks immediately, repeat alignment, repeat TFs.

Could it be poorly diagonalized BOSEMs?  I don't think we did much to check those this time around, and we have already seen one flag drastically mis-centered in a BOSEM...
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - 11:38, Wednesday 09 May 2012 (2800)
Mark Barton (and Travis Sadecki)

I generated some variations on the production CP model with various components immobilized to see what the two-peak V-V transfer function implied. It turns out that immobilized UIM blades is a good candidate (see attached). Before I was able to tell him this, Travis poked around and found the hard way that indeed the UIM blades weren't free. 
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david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:41, Tuesday 08 May 2012 (2792)
new H2 PEM model to conform to new PEM channel naming standard
Working with Josh and Robert, I installed a new h2peml0 model to conform to the new PEM channel naming scheme. The new channels names for the LVEA are shown below

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:36, Tuesday 08 May 2012 (2790)
H1 DAQ writing first frames, h1psl0 front end running test models
Jim, Cyrus, Dave

we activated the new H1 DAQ system today, writing its first aLIGO H1 frames (can I hear corks popping?). The h1psl0 front end was started yesterday running the IOP only, today it is also running the PSL TEST models to support PSL cable testing. All H1 systems have been constructed in their true locations: DAQ and FE computer in the MSR; IOChassis in the H1 EE  room. The new h1boot and h1build machines are fully operational. Three H1 networks have been created: H1 FE LAN; H1 Slow Controls LAN (for Beckhoff) and H1 AUX LAN for camera, video, etc. EPICS gateways were created for the first two LANs to provide connection to the control room.

Two CDS workstations were converted from H2 to H1 controls machines, one is in the control room and one in the LVEA besides the PSL enclosure. A new PSL user account was created to be used on these machines. It is not possible to dynamically switch between IFOs from any one workstation due to NFS mounting issues. This problem will of course go away with H2 at the end of the OAT.

H1 EPICS overview screens and site maps are being created. Care is being taken to differentiate between H1 and H2 systems to prevent accidental operation of the wrong system (we are speaking from experience).
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:21, Tuesday 08 May 2012 (2788)
Red QPD story

I've noticed that Red QPD trans-impedance amplifier box has the tendency to switch off REALLY easily, and once it is switched off, I needed to wait for 30 seconds or something before I can switch it on again. It looked as if the board was near the capacity of the breaker circuit or something.

Also two of the four segments of the second red QPD had large offsets.

These were before swapping the amplifier box with the green one.

Once we've swapped the amplifier box, the problem persisted. The box connected to the red QPD was really easy to switch off, was reluctant to come back, and the same problematic channels had large offsets though the exact offset number changed.

When we disconnected the input cable connecting the QPD feedthrough on the chamber and the QPD box, the power switch felt normal and it was possible to switch on and off repeatedly without waiting for a long time.

Probably the QPD trans impedance amplifier is drawing too much current. We're suspicious of something like a cabling problem  of the red QPDs that causes high frequency oscillation, and maybe this is happening for two channels.

keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:08, Tuesday 08 May 2012 - last comment - 21:41, Tuesday 08 May 2012(2787)
Green QPD trans-impedance amplifier box story

This was apparently asked for several times but was never produced. Thing is, at some stage we thought that we needed a trans-impedance amplifier box without whitening, otherwise the green QPD would rail too much at least during the initial alignment process.

Since no such thing was manufactured, after consulting with Rich, we decided to modify one of the two boxes we have.

We took the red QPD box out, opened and disable the whitening by "removing" 200 Ohm R1 resistor (D1001974) from all 8 channels. The resistors are actually still on the board but rotated  by 180 degrees so it is soldered on only one pad, and the other pad is on top of the empty area. When we want to put them back it would be easy.

After this we just swapped the red and green QPD box, i.e. the green QPD box is without whitening, red QPD is still with whitening.

Comments related to this report
matthew.evans@LIGO.ORG - 21:41, Tuesday 08 May 2012 (2791)

a picture of the QPD box we modified (S1102811)

Images attached to this comment
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:56, Tuesday 08 May 2012 (2786)
TMS teflon EQ stop tips removed

Cheryl and Matt removed the teflon tips from the TMS EQ stops for the upper mass.

corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:25, Tuesday 08 May 2012 (2784)
HAM ISI #6 Assembly Work

(Corey, Eric, Jim)

A first for me was installing the Walls right on to Stage-1 (vs building the walls as Pitchfork/Boxwork assemblies).  It seemed to work pretty well (and no lugging of 90+lb parts!).


These were mainly installed on Monday, but we still had to torque one of the Pitchforks (some of the bottom bolts weren't torqued due to interference).


Installed the Keel after the Pitchforks were installed.

Boxworks & Flexure Posts

Installed the Boxworks assemblies on Stage-1.  They are not torqued.  They have one rough pass of torquing the bottom ones though.  One Flexure Post assy (Corner 2) has been installed/torqued per assy procedure.

Images attached to this report
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:44, Tuesday 08 May 2012 (2783)
BSC8 ISI GS-13 & L4-C Ground Checks
I shut down the power to the GS13s & L4-Cs on BSC8 (ITMY) ISI at ~ 1430pdt.
I pulled the FeedThru Protection off as required and pulled the Field Cable from the ir side of the FeedThru.  With this access I connected a breakout board and checked for continuity between pin13 of the FeedThru to ground (Chamber, unpainted Crossbeam holes...)

I though we were home free until I got to the very last one (only 6 to do) where at Corner1 on the GS-13 I had no joy.  While there I checked the Air cable Pin13 and it was at ground...fwiw.

Chassis powered up ~1530hrs.
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:39, Tuesday 08 May 2012 (2782)
HSTS d1 Tolerance Calculcations
The following is an [edited] email exchange sent between members of the SUS group on May 2nd 2012. I wanted to reproduce it here because (a) I don't want to lose it, (b) it'll be good to have a hyperlinkable reference, and (c) it might be of use to the more general audience.

Jeff Bartlett wrote:
Can you lend some guidance on the proper d1 values for the HxTS suspensions, by answering what is the tolerance range for the d1s?

Jeff Kissel wrote:
We demand the machining tolerances on all parts involved, such that the final physical d's have a tolerance of +/- 1mm, and that's what we've therefore pushed to have the assembly tolerances be. 

However, to see what we've done thus far, and compare that against how d1 affects the modeled transfer functions, I attach a comparison between the 4 Phase 1 HSTSs they've put together at LLO and three models: 
d1 = (nominal+3mm) 
      2mm (Nominal) 
   = [5mm below M1 CoM]
      2mm below M1 CoM, Nominal
     [1mm above M1 CoM]

The plots show that 
- In the measurements, the 4 SUS were built (at whatever d's they were shooting for) *remarkably* consistent. 
- All degrees of freedom except for Pitch are pretty darn insensitive to d1.
- In pitch,
	- With the tolerance set to 2mm +/- 3mm, seems to encompass measurements well,
	- The measurements match models with a more negative d1 (with "higher" respect to vertical, i.e. blade tips up, or CoM down ) better that the nominal 2 mm
	- A model with d1 ~ 0mm (or [nominal - 2mm] ) is about where all the measurements lie. This is not explicitly shown in the plots, but I started making them using a d1 of nominal +/- 1mm, and worked my way up to three, and as I passed +/- 2mm, I saw that -2 mm matched the data well.
	- NOTE: that d1 ~ 5mm (or [nominal + 3mm]) seems to nail the highest frequency Roll mode, but goes in the wrong direction for Pitch... emphasizing that the models aren't perfect. 
So, in summary -- do whatever Livingston does 'cause what ever d1 value and tolerance they use results in delightfully consistent transfer function results.

Robert Giglio wrote: [On "what Livingston does"]
I've been shooting for a d1-value of between 2 and 3mm below the center of mass and I TRY to get them within .5mm of each other.  In practice, due to the discrete nature of the clamp swaps, I sometimes end up with more than that in roll (pitch is usually spot on because I can change weight on the intermediate mass).

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kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:19, Tuesday 08 May 2012 (2781)
H1 output MC A-B spool annulus joint passes pump-down test

2 LEDs when pumped only by annulus ion pump.  Joint pumped with aux. cart for a few weeks prior to ion pump.
oliver.puncken@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:15, Monday 07 May 2012 (2780)
Resassembly of the PSL (Part 4)
PSL installation team

Chiller settings changed:
The diode chiller seem to have all of a sudden a higher flow than last week. We got 31.2 lpm at fully opened chiller bypass. Since the chiller's flow interlock triggers at 30 lpm this threshold needed to be reset to 34 lpm. We recomment to reset it to 30 lpm if the flow decreases (ask LZH for technical password).

HPO alignment (see laser manual for detailed alignment procedure):
Multimode alignment (freerunning oscillator, without seed from MOPA, without 4f lenses: 62.2W @ 32 A pump current per crystal and radially symmetrical beam profile)
Fundamental mode alignment (4f lenses / pump light), HPO still freerunning (output in both directions): 160 W @138W pump power per laser crystal.
Next step: injection locking

Calibration of FE PDs:
We set the calibration value for the photodiodes inside the MOPA box (for pump powers and powers behind the 1st, 2nd, and 
3rd amplifier stage) to 100 via the Beckhoff laser control screen.

Cable pulling for components on optical table (PMC, ISS, FS, DBB, Photodiodes/CCDs, etc): ongoing
daniel.hoak@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:22, Monday 07 May 2012 (2779)
End-Y ISC cabling 95% complete (Dan Rodney Fil Alberto)
Over the past few days we've cabled up the ALS table and the field rack at EY.  Using the diagrams in D1100670-v6, things are very close to finished.

All but four of the cables on the ALS table are connected (on the table-end).  The four cables missing are for the CCD camera (power & video out), the EOM RF input, and the fiber input from the "PSL".

The following boards are missing from the field rack:
iLIGO LSC RFPD Interface
Uniblitz shutter controller

All of the cables for the existing boards in the field rack have been landed.  The missing cables are for the RF connections from the oscillators in the high-bay to the RF patch panel and a few other things.

On the CDS high-bay side, none of the slow controls cables have been connected to the Beckhoff EtherCat chassis; I would prefer not to plug things in until we have looked at software models, etc to make sure we're not driving picomotors, PZTs, and so on with garbage signals.  But soon, soon...

Some notes:

 - in the ASC Demod Concentrator (D1100696), there are two controls outputs ('A' and 'B' on the rear panel), but in the cabling diagram there is only one cable (Cable 78).  I think there should be two since we've got two WFS; Cable 78 is currently connected to the 'A' slot.

 - For the picomotor driver, we've connected CAB_H2:ISC_WBSC6-64 to the readbacks, and CAB_H2:ISC_WBSC6-13 to the controls.  Note that cable 13 isn't in the final cable layout, but it had already been pulled, so we used it anyway.  Should have been CAB_H2:ISC_WBSC6-65.

 - All of the cables were too long - which is better than the alternative!  We had about 12 ft of excess on the ALS-table-to-field-rack connections, and many many feet of excess on the field-rack-to-high-bay connections.
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:40, Friday 27 April 2012 - last comment - 16:34, Tuesday 08 May 2012(2704)
BSC8 Chamber closeout prep list
For the record, these are the things I know of that need to be done in the chamber before putting the door on:

0) Can someone please take FM TFS to see if rubbing is a problem there)?  <---  Team SUS Testers
1) Investigate and fix any ITMy rubbing identified by TFs ran Wed night or last night (waiting for results)
2) Fix any FM rubbing.
3) Reweight ACB
4) Remove TFE stop brackets
5) Take picture - EQ stop scratch marks on ITMy for Giles
6) Remove FirstCOntact - get N2 bottle
7) Set EQ stops and lockdown all nuts
8) Set witness plates?
9) Lock down flooring
10) Remove all tools - including any ACB brackets that they might decide to put on...
Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 17:36, Saturday 28 April 2012 (2725)
While in the chamber with Calum and Kate on Thur, we played a bit with the reaction chain cabling.  In hind sight, this was probably a bad idea since I possibly could have thrown the alignment of this chain out a little bit.  (Kate is very concerned that we will have a future cable failure on the extension cable feeding the L2 OSEMs as this cable has a high failure rate and indeed was clamped a bit tight making it more susceptible to TFE flowing of it's shielding.)  I kinda doubt that the alignment is out, but a trend of OSEMs signals would tell us the truth.  During the IAS alignment last week I tried to manipulate the suspension alignment via adjusting the slack in these cables and could not get any gross results.  So, that's good.  Heads up for trouble shooting the reaction chain alignment if we ever need it...
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - 16:34, Tuesday 08 May 2012 (2785)

Today, Betsy and I removed the First Contact from both the HR surface of the ITM and the back surface of the CP.  We then cleaned off the remaining smudges of FC with acetone, so these surfaces are now exposed and in their cleanest state.  I then did a final check of the EQ stops and locknuts.  Note, we will need yet another set of TFs before putting the door on the chamber in order to vet this suspension's health since some stops were manipulated during these processes.  Finally, I removed the TFE line stops from the main chain.  Another note, we still need to set the top BOSEMs to their buoancy compensated values (Betsy forgot to put this in her checklist).  I will carry out the final 3 or 4 steps of the closeout checklist tomorrow, and, after the TFs are taken and analyzed, the door should be ready to go back on.

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