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Reports until 15:57, Thursday 03 May 2012
LHO General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:57, Thursday 03 May 2012 (2758)
Day Ops Summary

BSC6 Work


greg.grabeel@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:50, Thursday 03 May 2012 - last comment - 11:21, Monday 07 May 2012(2757)
HEPI Actuator Install Progress
Jim W Greg G

BSC 6 has had the NW and NE vertical and horizontal actuators mounted to the foot. The SW and SE corners have only had the vertical actuators mounted while the horizontals have yet to be mounted. The lack of room and a few technical issues have made the work a little frustrating. We should be able to finish as soon as End Y returns to laser safe.
Images attached to this report
Comments related to this report
greg.grabeel@LIGO.ORG - 11:21, Monday 07 May 2012 (2774)
All the actuators are now attached. The whole system dropped ~.007". While the E-W and N-S translation was only ~.003".
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:39, Thursday 03 May 2012 (2756)
HAM ISI #5 & #6 Work

(Corey, Eric, Hugo)


Hugo is running various measurements on the system.  We moved a 10kg mass to every corner of table so time series could be recorded at different tip angles.  (this is all to check the effects of a tipped table on the GS13s.


Continued work on the Stage-0 Assembly.  The Support Posts, & Gussets were installed.  Stage-0 can now be moved to the Test Stand (and Stage-1 floor can then be moved to the Assembly stand).  Background activity is that small parts were helicoiled.

Images attached to this report
Logbook Admin General
jonathan.hanks@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:26, Thursday 03 May 2012 (2755)
Restarting the web server software of the aLOG on tonight at 8pm
I am updating the configuration of the aLOG server tonight prior to the recently announced (via mail to lsc-all) maintenance announcement on the ligo login server.

The configuration changes are already made, the software simply needs to be restarted for them to take effect.  Users who are logged into the system will be asked to log in again.

Any interruption will be on the order of seconds.

As always before maintenance please save your posts to a draft or post them to the logbook.
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:07, Thursday 03 May 2012 (2753)
This report is a synopsis of the ICC in BSC3 up to this point: alogging has not been a priority while I'm on travel. 

30 April 2012
The west door was removed using the engine hoist (that had been flown into the "Beer Garden". The crew went and retrieved  a couple of foil glove packets that we (Cheryl and I ) left in BSC2 while we were working on the optics extract. (Note to self: DO NOT LEAVE ITEMS IN CHAMBER!!!!). The condition of the chamber was documented and pictures taken, dust covers installed, and support tubes were inspected, plucked, and wrapped. 

01 May 2012
The Collar and Upper sections were brushed along with 3 of the 4 nozzles.  Three drills were used to "death" with the fourth one still running. 

02 May 2012
Today the crew:
1. Finished brushing the upper chamber
2. Removed part of the flooring to begin work on the lower chamber and
3. Cleaned up loose bristles on floor.
Progress was a little slow because Mark L. was in morning conference call about the proposed wipe-down of BSC8 prior to close-up and then buttoning up early to attend safety meeting at 3.

Five drills were used today with the 4th and 5th ones still running (5th one was drill with flat brush to get around the fins).
oliver.puncken@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:10, Wednesday 02 May 2012 (2752)
Resassembly of the PSL (Part 2)
PSL installation team

The fiber bundles are now reassembled to the high power oscillator and the beam path through the high power oscillator box had been aligned. All laser crystals had been cleaned (we found minor dust particles, which could easily be removed). Crystal #3 had been replaced with a spare part, because a spot had been found on the pump side. (NOTE: The LRA must sit at it's reference position, if the oscillator and/or the frontend is turned on.)
We reinstalled the laser crystals after cleaning, but the system had not been turned on yet.
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:06, Wednesday 02 May 2012 (2751)
H2 SUS FMY measurements have begun
Measurements on H2SUSFMY began at ~19:33 PST [GPS(approx.): 1020047651] on "opsws1" in the Control Room.  These should be completed by midnight PST. 
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:11, Wednesday 02 May 2012 (2750)
H2 SUS ITMY R0 Trans. DoF Transfer Functions
Travis S., Jeff G.

H2 ITMY R0 transfer function measurements were taken this morning for the Transverse DoF after mechanical adjustments on the R0 top mass. The flag in the R0 "SD" OSEM was observed to be grazing the OSEM housing.  The OSEM housing was re-positioned laterally to center the flag.  After this adjustment,  the attached measurement was taken with a white noise excitation on the R0 Trans. test excitation channel.  The blue trace is the measurement this morning, while the black is a reference trace from Monday.  This DoF appears to be free again with the resonances clearly visible.
Non-image files attached to this report
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:55, Wednesday 02 May 2012 - last comment - 17:17, Wednesday 02 May 2012(2748)
Manually removed old /frames files
The SEI test stand daqd process was failing because the /frames disk was full.  To correct, removed oldest full, minute trend, and second trend files.  This should be done automatically, need to investigate.  Also corrected port number of NDSSERVER environment variable for seiteststand2.
Comments related to this report
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - 17:17, Wednesday 02 May 2012 (2749)

I ran a quick check. This fix corrected our issues. Thank you.

aidan.brooks@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:31, Wednesday 02 May 2012 (2747)
H2 HWS EY install - tidied up electronics on ALS table
Yesterday, Thomas and I tidied up the HWS electronics on the ALS table that is now at the end station. The two power cables connecting to the Hartmann sensor have been attached and those cables, plus the fiber-optic and temperature sensor cable that go to the Hartmann sensor, have been tied to a post and routed up the cable tray to the HWS breakout box (see attached photo).

The feedthrough panel was replaced with a new version where the 37-pin feedthrough is horizontal and doesn't interfere with the Bosch/Unistrut framing of the enclosure.

We installed the on-table temperature sensor by the second lens in the HWS imaging system (see attached photos). We moved the Hartmann sensor 2" closer to the PBS to get the fiber-optic cable out of the beam path behind it. I still need to lengthen the optical system by 2" to compensate for this and keep the image plane of the ETM on the Hartmann sensor surface.
Images attached to this report
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:51, Wednesday 02 May 2012 (2746)
HAM ISI Assembly Work

HAMISI #5 Mechanical Checks & Measurements

(corey, eric, hugo, jim)

Dial Indicators were re-installed.  We conducted many of the range of motion checks for Hugo.  Jim re-balanced the table as well.  Not able to get S/Ns for Horizontal Actuators, but since we don't have "real" GS13s in this assembly, we'll get the S/Ns when we pull out these "tester" gs13s.

HAMISI #6 Stiffener Complete

(corey, eric)

We assembled the Stiffener.  It is all torqued down, and we checked for any gaps with a 0.002" shim (we looked good).  Tomorrow we will install the Support Posts and can move the Stage-0 assembly on to the Test Stand.

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:33, Wednesday 02 May 2012 (2745)
dust monitor
I replaced the fuse for the dust monitor in the clean room over BSC8 (LVEA location 15).
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:41, Wednesday 02 May 2012 - last comment - 08:29, Thursday 03 May 2012(2744)
BSC6 ETMY Work & Status
GregG & HughR
Greg went in chamber and added the screws to the ISC Cables that had none.  These were reconnected and are now secure to the FeedThru.  These were the ISC Transmon 532nm & Beam Diverter cables.
Also, Greg connected the one still dangling cable to F3-3C2 (D1003085), presumably this is the TCS-Ring Heater cable.

Next we took some level shots on the Optical Table and saw +-0.2mm level.  We made some slight HEPI tweaks and using the dial indicators as a guide to what we did, we now have the level to +-0.1mm.  So this should be good.

We'll make the Actuator Connections next.
Comments related to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 08:29, Thursday 03 May 2012 (2754)

Note my earlier alog entry.


Logbook Admin Feature Requests
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 06:17, Wednesday 02 May 2012 (2743)
L-mail Feature Requests
Often, in our haste to write aLOGs, we may put up errant / incomplete information. After a re-read later, we may correct typos, add extra files / information, etc. Y'know, edit it. However, when these logs are edited, they send out L-mail as though they were new. For those of us that forget about the "preview" feature, my request is as follows:
(1) If an entry is edited vs. newly created, the L-mail message should reflect that. Instead of "A new report has been made...," perhaps something like "A report has been edited..."
(2) We should have the ability to suppress L-mail notification with the understanding that, like the DCC, this should be discouraged, and reserved only for minor changes (e.g. typographical). I've seen this ability in other logbooks, like The Seismic Group Notebook.

On a separate request, but still involving L-mail (and maybe the "link" feature in general): it is often very useful to see not only the specific log entry that has been linked from L-mail, but the context around it. Is there anyway for an entry's link to take you to the full page of surrounding entries, in addition to just the linked entry? I've found that sometimes, when I get around to reading my L-mail, that the entry of interest has fallen off the "front page" of the log, so when I hit "home" to see the other log entries around it, I have to re-find the entry, through several more clicks.
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:08, Tuesday 01 May 2012 (2738)
FMY whitenoise TFs
Today, FMY M1 WhiteNoise transfer function measurements were taken on the FMY M1 top mass for each DoF. There have been concerns of rubbing from measurements last	taken in mid-March.  Comparisons with previous measurements will follow.  
Non-image files attached to this report
oliver.puncken@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:41, Tuesday 01 May 2012 (2742)
Resassembly of the PSL (Part 1)
PSL installation team

April, 27th

- Craned PSL oscillator, amplifier, gantry crane and others over from the H2 LAE to H1 LAE (see photo).
- Beckhoff up and running.
- Cabeling at the PSL racks next to the enclosure is ongoing.

April, 30th

- replaced all four water filters (those underneath the optical table and the ones at the chiller returnes). All of them are 10 µm filters now.
- removed lifting frame from the oscillator box and mounted the oscillator, the mopa and the DBB to the optical table.
- Put the new cabinets into the H1 ante-room and moved stuff (spare components / PSL components) over from the H2 ante room 

May, 1st

- moved/cleaned one of the cabinets from H2 ante room, because we needed one more for the H1 ante room. It contains the spare HiPoPMC et al.
- MOPA turned on and aligned (output 33.9 W)
- all spare components and components from the "old" optical table are now inside the H1 LAE (this includes the high power PMC / ISS box)
- started to put optis on the laser table
- characterized fiber bundles for the high power oscillator: two fiber bundles (#2,#3) are already reassembled to the oscillator. Fiber bundle #1 has been cleaned twice.
- removed the 4f lenses and the laser crystals from the oscillator as preparation for the pre-alignment procedure.
Images attached to this report
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:22, Tuesday 01 May 2012 (2741)
HAM-ISI Assembly Validation Procedure (Phase I) - Updated

HAM-ISI Assembly Validation Procedure (Phase I) was Updated. The new version is available in the DCC

A brief desciption of the modifications applied will be given at the next SEI Testing and Commissioning Meeting.

keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:17, Tuesday 01 May 2012 (2740)
EY ALS laser controller was connected to the laser kill switch circuit

We're not transitioning to laser hazard yet.

But pretty soon (tomorrow hopefully) we'll start transitioning back and forth (daytime=safe, after IAS and others are done = hazard).

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