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Reports until 17:13, Tuesday 01 May 2012
jason.oberling@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:13, Tuesday 01 May 2012 (2739)
BSC06 ETMy Pitch Alignment and XY Position Check
ETMy Pitch Alignment
IAS: J. Oberling
SUS: T. Sadecki
We aligned the ETMy pitch this morning.  We started at 300 µrad down and after a series of adjustments left the pitch at 658 µrad down.  Our target for mechanical adjustment is 639 ± 160 µrad, so this is well within our spec.
ISI XY Position Check
IAS: J. Oberling
This afternoon I checked the lateral (X) and axial (Y) position of the ISI table.  Since we are using the PLX retroreflector (those of you that have been in chamber have probably noticed the large structure sitting in the spool piece; this is the PLX) and setting the total station up behind BSC06 we can not directly measure the position of the ETMy.  What we decided to to instead was to measure the position of the ISI and use the position numbers from the test stand alignment to then calculate the ETMy position.
The ISI position is measured in two steps: Y position and X position.  We had set a monument on the North side of BSC06.  This monument represents the desired Y position of the ISI, corrected for the +4mm of the ETMy axial positioning measured on the test stand.  In other words, for the ETMy to be at its correct axial position, the Y centerline of the ISI (line is perpendicular to the optical axis of the Y arm cavity) should line up with this monument.  To measure this, we set a total station on the monument, bucked in on the North offset line and turned it 90 degrees.  We then used a bracket designed to hang a plumb bob from the ISI centerline, since the centerline falls in between screw holes on the ISI table; the bracket has two holes for attaching to the ISI table and smaller hole in between the two larger for hanging the plumb bob.  We can sight the wire used to hang the plumb bob with the total station and measure the angle; it is then a matter of simple trig to calculate the position error of the centerline. 
Unfortunately, the bracket was designed with 2" between the screw holes instead of 1 (the ISI table is on a 1" hole pattern).  This makes it impossible to use the bracket as-is for its intended purpose.  To get around this I used a bar supplied by Travis to clamp the bracket in position.  This worked, but since the bracket is being aligned visually an approximate ±1mm error is introduced into the position of the plumb bob hole (the centerlines of the ISI are scribed, so there is a visual reference for placement of the bracket, but they are wide, ~2mm).  I was then able to sight the wire and measure the angle to it.  As the plumb bob was swinging slightly I had to sight the edges of the swing and find the midpoint.  There is some error here in sighting the wire as it swings.  I was able to see angular changes of ~5 arcseconds, which leads to a position error of approx. ±0.08mm.  This puts the error estimate for this measurement at approx. ±1.08mm.  With that in mind here are the numbers for the ISI position, reported as distance from its nominal position:

Correcting these numbers with the ETMy test stand positions gives the current ETMy position errors (error spec is ±1.0mm for X, ±3.0mm for Y):

With the estimated error, this puts the ETMy lateral position either within spec or wildly out of spec.  The axial position is in spec regardless.

hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:47, Tuesday 01 May 2012 (2737)
BSC6-ETMY ISI is Uncovered
Vincent was ready to use the opportunity of BSC6 availability so I've uncovered the ISI.  For several days now, the ISI has been covered allowing work down below in the cleanroom, with the doors covers in place, with just a frock, cap, & mask.  Now that the ISI is uncovered, all entrance to the BSC6 cleanroom requires full bunny garb.
LHO General
jonathan.berliner@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:43, Tuesday 01 May 2012 (2736)
Tuesday Aft Ops Log
I relieved Corey at ~12:00 today, who was relieving someone else during the morning.
- Fire alarm maintenance was here in the afternoon.
- Apollo made a delivery for Hugh at ~13:55.
- EY: IAS, SEI, ALS, TMS, usual work. Phone communication still not working from the Control Room to EY (unclear if signal block is electronic or human in nature).
- BSC8: SLC, SUS working on finishing up BSC8 ITM, FM installation. We should work on keeping a camera pointed at BSC8 because the Control Room receives many inquiries regarding the status of work at BSC8.
- LVEA dust monitors not working for much of the day.
- AEI group continues working at PSL.
- Ops: Please give feedback to Cheryl.
- OSB doors locked at 16:05.
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:39, Tuesday 01 May 2012 (2735)
ISI Assembly Status

HAMISI#5 Work (Corey, Jim)


james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:40, Tuesday 01 May 2012 (2734)
Install new version of epics software for Ubuntu linux workstations
Moved /ligo/apps/linux-x86_64/epics to point to epics- to fix bugs.  StripTool now works on Linux workstations.  This version has been installed for Darwin for several months with no problems.
LHO General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:10, Tuesday 01 May 2012 (2733)
Mid-Day Shift Summary

 BSC8 (ITMy)

Zeroing offsets of HEPI this morning(Hugh)



In Chamber Cleaning begins



daniel.hoak@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:44, Monday 30 April 2012 (2731)
ALS table to End-Y
After growing up in the optics-table nursery next to HAM-6, the ALS table has struck out on its own into the wider world.  It found a nice rent-controlled place about 2.5 miles to the south that advertises an unobstructed view of ITMY.  It's settling in; the cable guy is scheduled to arrive tomorrow sometime between 8am and 4pm.

Before the move, Alberto and I wrapped all the external fixtures in Ameristat, plugged holes with clean-room tape, and then wrapped the entire table enclosure and the legs in plastic wrap to keep the dust off.  The Apollo crew did a masterful job craning the table out of the laser area (table weight: 2250 lbs) and then moved it to the flatbed trailer with a forklift.  Despite winds gusts that had to be ~45mph, the trip to the end was smooth.  We stripped the plastic wrap off in the first highbay area, gave everything a thorough wipe-down with alcohol wipes, and pushed the table into its new home.  Thanks to TVo and Tomoki for the help.

The HEPA fan for the table is plugged in and running.  We lowered the screws on the table legs; we'll probably have to fine-tune the position once we start aligning beams, but for now there's enough friction that you won't move the table if you push on it.

Pictures attached; there's a time-lapse video of our trip down the arm here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZ4hqGtzz40
Images attached to this report
LHO General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:18, Monday 30 April 2012 (2730)
Day Ops Summary






vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:49, Monday 30 April 2012 (2729)
Rogue excitation monitor – to be modified

The rogue excitation monitor trips when there is a voltage on the coil drivers readback (>100mV) whereas either the masterswitch is turned off or the watchdogs are tripped.

I was able to trip this monitor when there was no excitations (by tripping the ISI-SUS watchdogs). I drove -32000 counts (-9.76V) on one actuator and tripped the ISI-SUS watchdogs. As soon as the watchdogs tripped, the outputs of the models are 0 (ISI watchdogs + DACKILL part). But the voltage on the readbacks didn't go down to zero instantaneously. It took about 2 seconds to reach 100mV (the current threshold).

On the attached plots (coil drivers stage 1 and 2), the left hand side figure shows the state of the watchdogs. When The ISI WD goes from state 2 to 4, there are no outputs on the DAC. On the right, the figure presents the DAC output, the coil driver readbacks and the rogue excitation monitor threshold. You can also note the discrepancy between the DAC output and the coil driver voltage readback (inacurate calibration/ accuracy of the voltage monitor).

We should add a 3-second delay on the ST1_CD_Driven and ST2_CD_Driven channels in the ERRMON block of the isi2stagemastermodel. Same things for the HAM model.

Non-image files attached to this report
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:12, Monday 30 April 2012 (2728)
Replaced broken belt on instrument air compressor at X-mid
Low X-mid instrument air indications over the weekend were due to this
Logbook Admin General
jonathan.hanks@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:00, Friday 27 April 2012 - last comment - 20:02, Saturday 28 April 2012(2724)
Restarting the web server software of the aLOG on Saturday 27 April 2012 at 8pm
Please save any open drafts you have before this time.

Note you should not loose any pending entries.  It is just good practice to save to a draft prior to this.

The expected down time is on the order of seconds.  I will post a comment when the software is restarted.
Comments related to this report
jonathan.hanks@LIGO.ORG - 20:02, Saturday 28 April 2012 (2726)
The webserver has been restarted.
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:47, Friday 27 April 2012 (2723)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns during yesterday and today.
Non-image files attached to this report
daniel.hoak@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:37, Friday 27 April 2012 (2722)
ALS table ready to roll (Frank, Alberto, Dan)
We organized, cleaned up, & secured the ALS table this afternoon pending its move to the endstation.  Still to do: put some tape over a few cable connections to keep the grit out, remove the HEPA pre-filter from the top, cover up the laser power supply with ameristat or something, cover up holes in panels and enclosures, etc etc.  Should have a look again on Monday morning with a fresh set of eyes but I think everything is tied down and ready to go.
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:59, Friday 27 April 2012 (2718)
HAMISI #5 & #6 Work

Balancing HAMISI #5 & Setting Locker Shims

(Corey, Jim)

Did our first run at balancing HAMISI #5.  While doing this, we set the shims for the Lockers.  These are the thicknesses of the shims we used:


Stage0 Helicoiling

Eric started helicoiling this plate.


Completed (1) Actuator (not able to continue due to missing Ag-plated hardware).

Completed assembly of (6) Position Sensor Targets.

Eric put shielding on HAMISI $5 Position Sensor cables

jason.oberling@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:46, Friday 27 April 2012 - last comment - 16:08, Friday 27 April 2012(2719)
BSC06 ETMy Yaw Alignment
IAS: J. Oberling
SEI: H. Radkins, J. Warner, G. Grabeel, E. Allwine

While Hugh & Co. were adjusting the ISI level we also went ahead an aligned the ETMy yaw.  It started at 1.2 mrad CCW (top-down view) and we left it at 30 µrad CCW; spec for HEPI yaw adjustment is 0 ± 160 µrad.  ETMy pitch is currently at 300 µrad down (desired pitch is 639 µrad down) so some adjustment there is necessary upon Travis's return next week.

Comments related to this report
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - 16:08, Friday 27 April 2012 (2720)
Jason and I concluded the work with some level shots on the ISI Optical Table.  We took three shots on the optical table and see a range of 0.4mm with the highest point being right at design elevation of 1661.7mm above chamber zero.  This was shot with the HEPI floating and the ISI unlocked.
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:34, Friday 27 April 2012 - last comment - 16:14, Friday 27 April 2012(2717)
H2 SUS ITMY TFs with both ISI stages unlocked
The attached files are pdfs of the latest round of H2 SUS ITMY M0/R0 transfer function measurements from the night of 2012-04-25.  The first two files contain the same measurement on M0, the latter two for R0.  The first file of M0 plots the data against a model for a fiber welded to a glass test mass.  The second file plots the same data using a wire suspending a metal "dummy mass".  The second two are for the R0 top mass with the first file plotting the data against the fiber weld to a "thincp", while the second file plots the data with a metal wire suspending a metal compensation plate ("cp").  

Data and plots are in the SUS SVN under:
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Comments related to this report
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - 16:14, Friday 27 April 2012 (2721)
The data for the R0 top mass in the Transverse DoF (R0 "SD" OSEM only) had practically zero coherence with the drive signal.  There is the possibility of either rubbing of the flag with the OSEM housing, or an earthquake stop is preventing free-swinging motion of the R0 top mass.  
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:40, Friday 27 April 2012 - last comment - 16:34, Tuesday 08 May 2012(2704)
BSC8 Chamber closeout prep list
For the record, these are the things I know of that need to be done in the chamber before putting the door on:

0) Can someone please take FM TFS to see if rubbing is a problem there)?  <---  Team SUS Testers
1) Investigate and fix any ITMy rubbing identified by TFs ran Wed night or last night (waiting for results)
2) Fix any FM rubbing.
3) Reweight ACB
4) Remove TFE stop brackets
5) Take picture - EQ stop scratch marks on ITMy for Giles
6) Remove FirstCOntact - get N2 bottle
7) Set EQ stops and lockdown all nuts
8) Set witness plates?
9) Lock down flooring
10) Remove all tools - including any ACB brackets that they might decide to put on...
Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 17:36, Saturday 28 April 2012 (2725)
While in the chamber with Calum and Kate on Thur, we played a bit with the reaction chain cabling.  In hind sight, this was probably a bad idea since I possibly could have thrown the alignment of this chain out a little bit.  (Kate is very concerned that we will have a future cable failure on the extension cable feeding the L2 OSEMs as this cable has a high failure rate and indeed was clamped a bit tight making it more susceptible to TFE flowing of it's shielding.)  I kinda doubt that the alignment is out, but a trend of OSEMs signals would tell us the truth.  During the IAS alignment last week I tried to manipulate the suspension alignment via adjusting the slack in these cables and could not get any gross results.  So, that's good.  Heads up for trouble shooting the reaction chain alignment if we ever need it...
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - 16:34, Tuesday 08 May 2012 (2785)

Today, Betsy and I removed the First Contact from both the HR surface of the ITM and the back surface of the CP.  We then cleaned off the remaining smudges of FC with acetone, so these surfaces are now exposed and in their cleanest state.  I then did a final check of the EQ stops and locknuts.  Note, we will need yet another set of TFs before putting the door on the chamber in order to vet this suspension's health since some stops were manipulated during these processes.  Finally, I removed the TFE line stops from the main chain.  Another note, we still need to set the top BOSEMs to their buoancy compensated values (Betsy forgot to put this in her checklist).  I will carry out the final 3 or 4 steps of the closeout checklist tomorrow, and, after the TFs are taken and analyzed, the door should be ready to go back on.

keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:27, Thursday 26 April 2012 - last comment - 10:03, Tuesday 01 May 2012(2705)
TMS and HAM6 inspection (Frank, Betsy, Calum, Keita)

We inspected several things. More pictures were taken than shown here, which are to be posted to resource space by Calum.

1. Washers that were stuck

There are four stainless washers used for TMS temporary restraint that were stuck to the aluminum bracket (see  picture). I tried to lift them all gently, and they wouldn't move at all. Might be possible to ply it off using some tool, but we agreed it's not worth the risk of flipping and flying them to break wires.

2. A cable that is not connected

There was one cable that is not connected yet, and we identified it as the ring heater cable connecting CB-3 and the vacuum feed through (F3-3C2). This is going to be taken care of later.

One thing I noticed is that the floor order for this bracket is reversed. CB-3 first floor (closest to the  ISC table) should be one of the ETMY SUS cables, and the second floor should be the ring heater according to D1101478, but in reality it was the opposite (see the second picture, the white-ish cable is for the ring heater).

It's easy to tell the difference because of the color, but I think it's still a good practice to install things as specified for future workers.

3. One of the TMS cables was brushing the HWS mirror

The cable sagged, apparently. We fixed this (see the third and the fource picture).

Images attached to this report
Comments related to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 10:16, Monday 30 April 2012 (2727)

Boo. BSC6, not HAM6.

betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 10:03, Tuesday 01 May 2012 (2732)
Note - When I assembled the cable connectors on those brackets, I fed back all of the changes I made to the layout guys (SYS).  I am waiting for an update to the cable layout drawing based on these.  The order of the "flooring" of the connectors in the bracket make more sense the way they are now, hence redlines to the drawing.
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