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Reports until 15:46, Friday 27 April 2012
jason.oberling@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:46, Friday 27 April 2012 - last comment - 16:08, Friday 27 April 2012(2719)
BSC06 ETMy Yaw Alignment
IAS: J. Oberling
SEI: H. Radkins, J. Warner, G. Grabeel, E. Allwine

While Hugh & Co. were adjusting the ISI level we also went ahead an aligned the ETMy yaw.  It started at 1.2 mrad CCW (top-down view) and we left it at 30 µrad CCW; spec for HEPI yaw adjustment is 0 ± 160 µrad.  ETMy pitch is currently at 300 µrad down (desired pitch is 639 µrad down) so some adjustment there is necessary upon Travis's return next week.

Comments related to this report
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - 16:08, Friday 27 April 2012 (2720)
Jason and I concluded the work with some level shots on the ISI Optical Table.  We took three shots on the optical table and see a range of 0.4mm with the highest point being right at design elevation of 1661.7mm above chamber zero.  This was shot with the HEPI floating and the ISI unlocked.
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:34, Friday 27 April 2012 - last comment - 16:14, Friday 27 April 2012(2717)
H2 SUS ITMY TFs with both ISI stages unlocked
The attached files are pdfs of the latest round of H2 SUS ITMY M0/R0 transfer function measurements from the night of 2012-04-25.  The first two files contain the same measurement on M0, the latter two for R0.  The first file of M0 plots the data against a model for a fiber welded to a glass test mass.  The second file plots the same data using a wire suspending a metal "dummy mass".  The second two are for the R0 top mass with the first file plotting the data against the fiber weld to a "thincp", while the second file plots the data with a metal wire suspending a metal compensation plate ("cp").  

Data and plots are in the SUS SVN under:
Non-image files attached to this report
Comments related to this report
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - 16:14, Friday 27 April 2012 (2721)
The data for the R0 top mass in the Transverse DoF (R0 "SD" OSEM only) had practically zero coherence with the drive signal.  There is the possibility of either rubbing of the flag with the OSEM housing, or an earthquake stop is preventing free-swinging motion of the R0 top mass.  
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:22, Friday 27 April 2012 (2716)
Supply Fan 06 (SF06) is shut down and locked out until further notice
SF06, which supplies forced air through the "hot" ducting, needs maintenance.  As such, control of the air temperatures in the OSB labs and the control room will be impacted.
garilynn.billingsley@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:24, Friday 27 April 2012 (2714)
Dark Field microscope inspection of H2 ITMy SN: ETM02
April 11, 2012 - Gari Billingsley and Betsy Bland 

First contact was pulled with ion gun blow. 

Laser pointer inspection (green diode)… there appeared to be more stuff reflecting at the top. FC was down ~2", more stuff there, least in the bottom half. 

Dark Field Microscope - Area Examined: ~1cm wide strip, various elevations covering the center ~200mm diameter top to bottom. 
The optic is clean in the examined areas. 

In the 5x field we observe dots, 5-15 per field on average. There are some scratches, never exceeding field length, and some chatter marks (linearly correlated dots.) 

One odd feature, a concentric circle. Three rings, outer asymmetric, two inner symmetric but non concentric. all tagged at the edge with a small boulder visible at 50x. 

20x all over. faint, short sleek marks. Uncorrelated direction. Some scratches. 

50x most dots still not resolvable, this limits their size to ~<2 micrometers. 

Early suspicions 
Dots and high magnification sleeks may be native to the optic from polish and coating - Gari to check on some other LMA coating. 
Small scratches are horizontal and consistent with the "dab" cleaning method used on the first fiber break. 
Chatter marks are a mystery. 

Large features seen: The absorption measurement burn. The twins: two bright defects (with flashlight) upper center right.
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:22, Friday 27 April 2012 (2713)
HAM6-ISI: Optics Table, Stage0, Etc.

Optics Table Helicoiled

(Corey, Eric, Mitchell)

The table has had all of its helicoiled installed.  Broke the tangs, and inspected for tangs in blind holes (may want to do another once over of this before table is installed).

Stage0 On Asssembly Stand

(Corey, Mitchell)

This plate was unwrapped and put on Assembly stand (next up:  helicoiling, Stiffener installation, Support installation).

Misc Work

- Pallet of parts for HAM6 are in Staging & ready. 

- Have started Actuator assembly (need to remove some helicoils from some Actuator plates--not a trivial task)

david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:14, Friday 27 April 2012 (2712)
IOP sus watchdog alarms
I have standardized the alarm settings for the new H2 SUS IOP watchdogs and created an alarm handler configuration script to run at the alarm station in the control room.

The alhconfig file is h2cds_iop_sus_watchdog.alhConfig which uses the include feature in alh to incorporate other alhconfig files.
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:40, Friday 27 April 2012 - last comment - 16:34, Tuesday 08 May 2012(2704)
BSC8 Chamber closeout prep list
For the record, these are the things I know of that need to be done in the chamber before putting the door on:

0) Can someone please take FM TFS to see if rubbing is a problem there)?  <---  Team SUS Testers
1) Investigate and fix any ITMy rubbing identified by TFs ran Wed night or last night (waiting for results)
2) Fix any FM rubbing.
3) Reweight ACB
4) Remove TFE stop brackets
5) Take picture - EQ stop scratch marks on ITMy for Giles
6) Remove FirstCOntact - get N2 bottle
7) Set EQ stops and lockdown all nuts
8) Set witness plates?
9) Lock down flooring
10) Remove all tools - including any ACB brackets that they might decide to put on...
Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 17:36, Saturday 28 April 2012 (2725)
While in the chamber with Calum and Kate on Thur, we played a bit with the reaction chain cabling.  In hind sight, this was probably a bad idea since I possibly could have thrown the alignment of this chain out a little bit.  (Kate is very concerned that we will have a future cable failure on the extension cable feeding the L2 OSEMs as this cable has a high failure rate and indeed was clamped a bit tight making it more susceptible to TFE flowing of it's shielding.)  I kinda doubt that the alignment is out, but a trend of OSEMs signals would tell us the truth.  During the IAS alignment last week I tried to manipulate the suspension alignment via adjusting the slack in these cables and could not get any gross results.  So, that's good.  Heads up for trouble shooting the reaction chain alignment if we ever need it...
travis.sadecki@LIGO.ORG - 16:34, Tuesday 08 May 2012 (2785)

Today, Betsy and I removed the First Contact from both the HR surface of the ITM and the back surface of the CP.  We then cleaned off the remaining smudges of FC with acetone, so these surfaces are now exposed and in their cleanest state.  I then did a final check of the EQ stops and locknuts.  Note, we will need yet another set of TFs before putting the door on the chamber in order to vet this suspension's health since some stops were manipulated during these processes.  Finally, I removed the TFE line stops from the main chain.  Another note, we still need to set the top BOSEMs to their buoancy compensated values (Betsy forgot to put this in her checklist).  I will carry out the final 3 or 4 steps of the closeout checklist tomorrow, and, after the TFs are taken and analyzed, the door should be ready to go back on.

betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:36, Friday 27 April 2012 (2711)
H2 ITMy BSC8 work
Betsy, Calum, Thomas, then Kate and Margot

Yesterday, we went into BSC8 to inspect the ACB since we (SUS) noticed that the ACB copper blocks seemed to be spaced further than they were last time we closed the chamber.  History - the ACB was swung back in order to remove, repair, and reinstall the lower ITMy QUAD.  The ACB was swung back into position so that alignment of the ITMy could proceed.  With the ACB in nominal position many things had to take place around it causing it to swing around a bit, such as locking and unlocking of ISI lockers in Stage 0 above it, removing the flooring and adding the QUAD sleeve and vibration absorbers, alignment of the ITMy SUS, application of FirstContact to ITMy HR. - all of these activities require one to stand or sit right at the ACB to do the work.  Apparently AOS has decided to realign the ACB with the weights to center it better in the stop mounts and on the copper ECD block.  Rumor has it that Thomas is poised to do this early next week when Travis gets back (I'll be at LLO) and can help him when he's in there finishing our preps anyways.

While I was in there I decided to put the FirstContact on the ITMy-HR which had been naked for the last ~2 weeks.  This was a challenge as one could only use their left hand to reach in front of the ACB to do the painting.  We laid wipes across the front of the ACB and ITMy structure to catch drops.  Margot and I took turns painting as it required sitting/kneeling in an awkward position for stretches of time.  We added a peek tab so it's ready to pull next week.  I did get one small drop on the ACB which appeared to wire away clean with a few acetone swipes.
oliver.puncken@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:43, Thursday 26 April 2012 (2710)
Disassembly of the PSL (Part 4)
PSL installation team

The diode boxes had been craned over from the H1 LDR to the H2 LDR and installed into the diode rack.

The gantry crane had been disassembled, cleaned, and reassembled inside the H1 LAE. It had been used to get the PSL oscillator from the optical table to a set of dollys. It still stored in the ante room and will be brought to the H1 LAE with the facility crane. The DBB, the MOPA and a big part of the optics from the PSL table are wraped and stored in the H2 LDR.

The cameras for monitoring H1 PSL activities inside the H1 LAE are installed and the rooms have been cleaned.

The TV screens needed for work inside the laser enclosure are unmounted from the H2 LAE walls and ready to be reassembled inside the H1 enclosure.
Images attached to this report
deepakmanoj.nandakumar@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:58, Thursday 26 April 2012 (2698)
MC3 Assembly Notes

[Jeff B, Deepak K, Andres R and Gerardo M2]

Wednesday 25th April 2012

 - All the subassemblies were built alongside the MC1 subassemblies.

 - The Lower mass was assembled and weighed (2890g) and checked with the weight on the nebula page (2993g).

 - The intermediate mass was assembled and weighed with the add-on mass. The extra weight for the lower mass is added to the intermediate mass bringing the total weight of the mass to 2996g.

 - The lower blades were assembled and 1/4th of the total intermediate and lower weights are hung to each blade (1472g).

 - The distance from the frame to the blade is measured from 2 extreme points (Near the Clamp and at the neck of the blade).


Thursday 26th April 2012

 - After about 3 trials the blade clamps for the lower blades are chosen such that with the blades remain parallel to the frame when the weight is added. The different trials and the clamps used are recorded in the MC3 Traveler.

 - The upper mass was then assembled and weighed with the add-on mass (3115 g).

 - The upper wires were pulled and the intermediate wires are pulled too.

 - The upper blades were assembled to the frame along with the blade guards.

 - The EQ stops are were assembled on to the frame.

douglas.cook@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:58, Thursday 26 April 2012 (2709)
BSC^ IAS alignment ready to go
We setup the alignment equipment at END y including the PLX in situ. Surprising enough we actually have a return autocollimator signal. At first look the ETM is pitch ~350 uradians (target is <160 uradians) and yaw first look is 1200 uradians (target is <160 uradians). When the ISI folks finish up balancing the optic table we will continue with the axial, translation, elevation measurements.
LHO General
jonathan.berliner@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:43, Thursday 26 April 2012 (2707)
Thursday Ops Log
- EY: IAS, SEI, SUS, and TMS usual work. Newtonian noise accelerometer installation. h2pemeyaux crashed due to poorly installed board...then fixed.
- BSC8: SEI, SUS, COC usual work by BSC8. Viewports swapped out at BSC8. Richard sorting out cabling.
- PSL: Plumber arrived to investigate suspected leak in chiller line. Continued migration of PSL from H2 to H1
- OSB: Unusually heavy rains in the morning. Doors locked at 4:05pm
jenne.driggers@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:41, Thursday 26 April 2012 (2708)
Newtonian noise array installed!
[Jenne, Jan, with much help from Rich and crew, DaveB and crew]

We have finished installing our 44 accelerometers out at End-Y.  Again, please be mindful of the cones and cables.  Everything should be secure, and except for the cones which are nice and bright orange, there shouldn't be any trip hazards.  

We checked the data briefly, and all of the channels look good so far.  We'll have a look at the overnight data in the morning to make sure it's all okay.  One of the Isotrons (accelerometer power / amplifier box) that we have out there doesn't have the 10x gain that the other 2 do, so we may decide to change it out if the quiet nighttime ground motion is sitting on the ADC noise.  We'll switch out the box tomorrow if necessary.  

Some photos are attached, which show most of the array.

Thanks for all the help over the past 2 weeks, and we'll be back after the One Arm Test is complete to clean up and remove the array.
Images attached to this report
gregory.mendell@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:13, Thursday 26 April 2012 (2706)
NNARRAY channels added to PEM RDS frames
Starting from

 1019424512 GPS
 == Apr 25 2012 14:28:17 PDT
 == Apr 25 2012 21:28:17 UTC

the PEM RDS frames at LHO (frame-type PEM_RDS_A6) contain the NNARRAY

These are all H2 channels, such as H2:PEM-EY_AUX_NNARRAY_ACC_1_OUT_DQ.

These frames are written to directories under


at LHO and are transferred to Caltech.

They will also be available via NDS2, which is the protocal 2 NDS server
run by LDAS at LHO, LLO, and CIT.

In total, from the above time, 748 channels matching NNARRAY were added
to the PEM RDS frames. This includes 44 that are sampled at 1024 Hz.

With this same change, I also picked up 97 new channels that match
IOP-PEM_EY_AUX, and these two channels:


(Note the PEM RDS frames contains any channel that has PEM in the name,
though I have to up date the list by hand, any time the PEM channels
change names.)
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:27, Thursday 26 April 2012 - last comment - 10:03, Tuesday 01 May 2012(2705)
TMS and HAM6 inspection (Frank, Betsy, Calum, Keita)

We inspected several things. More pictures were taken than shown here, which are to be posted to resource space by Calum.

1. Washers that were stuck

There are four stainless washers used for TMS temporary restraint that were stuck to the aluminum bracket (see  picture). I tried to lift them all gently, and they wouldn't move at all. Might be possible to ply it off using some tool, but we agreed it's not worth the risk of flipping and flying them to break wires.

2. A cable that is not connected

There was one cable that is not connected yet, and we identified it as the ring heater cable connecting CB-3 and the vacuum feed through (F3-3C2). This is going to be taken care of later.

One thing I noticed is that the floor order for this bracket is reversed. CB-3 first floor (closest to the  ISC table) should be one of the ETMY SUS cables, and the second floor should be the ring heater according to D1101478, but in reality it was the opposite (see the second picture, the white-ish cable is for the ring heater).

It's easy to tell the difference because of the color, but I think it's still a good practice to install things as specified for future workers.

3. One of the TMS cables was brushing the HWS mirror

The cable sagged, apparently. We fixed this (see the third and the fource picture).

Images attached to this report
Comments related to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 10:16, Monday 30 April 2012 (2727)

Boo. BSC6, not HAM6.

betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 10:03, Tuesday 01 May 2012 (2732)
Note - When I assembled the cable connectors on those brackets, I fed back all of the changes I made to the layout guys (SYS).  I am waiting for an update to the cable layout drawing based on these.  The order of the "flooring" of the connectors in the bracket make more sense the way they are now, hence redlines to the drawing.
oliver.puncken@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:57, Wednesday 25 April 2012 (2703)
Disassembly of the PSL (Part 3)
PSL installation team

The new diode rack is now prepared to be packed. Also, the laser diode boxes and power  supplies are moved out of the old rack, but still stored in the LVEA. The pump light fibers / communication fibers had been pulled from the H1 LDR and the H1 LAE. The spools are stored on the rail inside the LDR (see attached picture).
Images attached to this report
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:43, Wednesday 25 April 2012 (2702)
Measurements running on H2 SUS ITMY
The gps time when the measurements began is: 1019445220
Date and time now (Pacific Time): 04-25-2012 20:13

Measurements are running on CDSWS1 in the LVEA through an ssh -X session as "controls" on Jeff G.'s laptop.
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:00, Wednesday 25 April 2012 (2701)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns.
Non-image files attached to this report
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:32, Wednesday 25 April 2012 (2700)
The attached are transfer function measurements on the ITMY QUAD M0/R0 top masses from the night of 04/24/2012.  There are some apparent higher-frequency resonances above 50Hz.  The measurements were taken up to 50Hz with 0.1Hz resolution from 3Hz to 31Hz. From 29Hz to 51Hz, the resolution is 1Hz.  To note, the ISI had one of it's stages locked, while the other was floating.  The resonances seen in the OSEM data could be attributed to this ISI condition. This state appears to have had a significant effect particularly on the R0 Transverse DoF. The data is indicative of a locked mass that cannot swing freely. Also, the resonances are at the same three frequencies for both chains, which would suggest the ISI table is creating them.

As of tonight, the BSC 8 ISI is floating on both stages and has been balanced.

Tonight, new measurements will be run on ITMY with higher resolution above 30Hz and with the bandwidth expanded to 100Hz.  This will slightly increase the measurement time.

Non-image files attached to this report
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:05, Wednesday 18 April 2012 - last comment - 11:56, Friday 27 April 2012(2638)
BSC6 ISI Optical Table Level Survey
With the Quad back on and things close back to fighting weight, the HEPI hang should be back to near or at final position.  I understand the payload should essentially be the same as before so with IAS looming we checked the Optical Table level with the Optical AutoLevel.

The ISI is locked but the lock/unlock position difference should be near ignorable.  That said final alignment/level checks should be done with the ISI unlocked.

OK, results:
Nominal elevation is 1661.7mm and the four shots taken average to 1661.65 with a spread of ±0.15mm.  The Optical Table is not 2000mm in diameter and we certainly were not observing at the far edge of the Table so this level is certainly not within the 100urad requirement.  We are likely double that.  I'd like to check it with the ISI free and with three equal sticks hanging on the table before we move anything.

Attached is my log book page.
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Comments related to this report
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - 11:56, Friday 27 April 2012 (2715)
This is BSC8 not BSC6
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