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Reports until 19:46, Thursday 19 April 2012
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:46, Thursday 19 April 2012 - last comment - 08:15, Monday 23 April 2012(2658)
BSC3-2-1 De-install
The plan of the day was to set a cleanroom over BSC2 so that we could pull the dome at that chamber and de-populate both BSC2 and BSC3, including SEI stacks prior to cleaning either chamber. Unfortunately, reality got in the way: turns out it is impossible to set two regular BSC cleanrooms side by side and have both cleanrooms center over the domes. If the short-sided BSC cleanroom was available, the plan would work but "the special" cleanroom is tied up at BSC8! In addition, there is a limited soft roof supply soooo.... We went with de-install lite: pull the beamsplitter from BSC2 and then de-install at BSC3. 

After lunch, Cheryl and I went in to document the condition of the optics and chambers. Cheryl took lots of pictures. The highlight (or low light) of the initial inspection was the elliptical baffles in BSC3 and BSC1. The side of the black glass facing away from the optic has both a very fine layer of particulate and then an overlying of larger particulate. There seem to be features associated with gloved fingertips touching the glass: it looks like the oxide from the chamber interior may be differentially attracted to these spots. (I'm sure Cheryl will attach pix when she gets a chance.) On a brighter note, the side of the glass that faces the optic looked quite clean. We found the usual metal fines, a few fibers, etc. on the suspensions. Of the three chambers, BSC2 appeared to be the dirtiest. I took a wipe sample from the chamber bottom and collected two clumps of fibrous material there. We looked at bellows convolutions: BSC1 was atrocious as it contained a couple areas that looked like chunky mucus and some small shards of what looked like black glass. We saw the usual mess at gate valves with particulate accumulated onto rollers, large particulate gathered up in all the low spots and lots of smaller particulate on all flat surfaces. There is even a very long fiber (~2 inches) down in BSC1's gate valve. (I'll try and collect it when we chamber clean there.)

Once we were finished, Michael L, Chris S, and Kiwamu went in and retrieved the OSEMS and beamsplitter from BSC2. 
Comments related to this report
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - 08:15, Monday 23 April 2012 (2666)
Pictures attached in a pdf.
Non-image files attached to this comment
deepakmanoj.nandakumar@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:56, Thursday 19 April 2012 (2656)
MC1 Assembly Notes

[Jeff B, Deepak K, Andres R and Gerardo M2]

Thursday 19th April 2012

 - The Upper mass was weighed and additional weighs were added to match the weight of 3115g.

 - The Intermediate mass was assembled and additional weights were added to match the weight of 2983g.

 - The Lower mass was assembled and weighed to be 2891g. The weight was 12g lower than the mass from Nebula (2903g).

 - The additional mass was added to the intermediate mass bringing its total weight to 2995g (2893g + 12g).

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:41, Thursday 19 April 2012 (2657)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns. I have also included a plot of H0:PEM-LAB_DST3_MODE to show when it was invalid.
Non-image files attached to this report
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:32, Thursday 19 April 2012 (2655)
H1 PSL installation

The airshower has been installed and is now working properly. We can get strong airflow inside, although the seams where the top and bottom join still need to be caulked. The laser and anterooms are being finished up, groove filler is installed and the wall panel gasket will be finished tomorrow. The certification process will finish tomorrow with dust and pressure readings.

Images attached to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:36, Thursday 19 April 2012 (2654)
H2 ITMy BSC8 work
Travis and I finished pay-loading the suspensions on the BSC8 ISI table (sleeve, cross braces, vibration absorbers).  We left the QUAD hanging free, no shields in place, so be careful if you must enter the chamber.  The reaction chain cabling is half undone due to some troubleshooting needed on the L2 OSEM signals (looks like a shorted cable somewhere - ugh).  So, don't look at the reaction chain alignment.  I believe Hugh is up next for HEPI work, followed by some more IAS X,Y,Z alignment.
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:20, Thursday 19 April 2012 (2653)
BSC6 ETMY ISI Condition--Shrouded & Feed Thrus almost all Protected
EricA & Hugh

First we covered the ISI and sealed it to the Walking Plates so we could swap out the Cleanroom softroof.  The ISI remains with this softcover in place.

We then worked on the installing the remaining Electrical Feedthru Protection Shrouds.  There remains two SUS FTs that are not protected but we'll complete those in the morning.  We'll continue with putting the HEPI Actuator into run mode and complete the HEPI Pier Pod wiring for the Actuators and Sensors.

Also, the Dial Indicators are in place and we are ready to suspend the lot on the HEPI Springs.

Of note, I see one of the ICS Feedthrus is installed upside down and this is an issue as the inside of the 25pin feedthru allows one to attempt to install the cable incorrectly and possibly damage the feedthru.  This feedthru should probably be pulled and rotated like all others.
john.worden@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:34, Thursday 19 April 2012 (2652)
Air Handler 3 FAN06 Tripped

This morning Kyle and I were working on reducing air flow at FAN06 by changing the variable pitch setting. While we were at lunch (~12:58 local time) the fan apparently tripped at the motor control unit - possibly on a motor temperature as we noticed the fan housing was noticeably warmer than SF05.

Patrick noticed particle counts had risen in the OSB lab and alerted us. Flow has been restored to the original state.

Additionally two return air registers in the control room have been removed in an effort to reduce noise.

vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:58, Thursday 19 April 2012 (2651)
ISI-BSC6 - Installation of the TMDs, Vibration absorbers, Viton pads under the keel masses + vibration absorbers on the QUAD

The attachment shows the modifications of the ISI dynamic due to the addition of the damping components on the ISI and the QUAD. It also shows a comparison of the two ISIs used for the single arm test in their final configurations (BSC8 with ITMY&FMY; BSC6 with ETMY&TMSY).

The damping components are working fine and the two units look pretty consistent.

Non-image files attached to this report
jason.oberling@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:30, Thursday 19 April 2012 (2650)
ITMy Initial Pitch/Yaw
IAS: D. Cook, J. Oberling
SUS: B. Bland, T. Sadecki

Measured/adjusted the pitch and yaw of the ITMy this morning:

We guesstimated the CPy pitch/yaw by roughly measuring its lateral displacement at the total station and calculating the angle.  Pitch is now roughly equal to the ITMy, but yaw is approximately 1.8 mrad CW.  This gives a differental yaw between the ITMy and CPy of 2.9 mrad CW.  For comparison, the differential yaw between the ITMy and CPy from the original alignment was 2.3 mrad CW (test stand alignment on 5 Dec 2011 was last time CPy yaw was measured).  Currently discussing path forward.

stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:58, Thursday 19 April 2012 - last comment - 08:58, Thursday 19 April 2012(2639)
PR3 (HLTS) M1 Stage BOSEM Open-Light Measurements on New Triple Test Stand
[Stuart A, Gerardo M2 and Jeff B]

After making the final cabling connections to the optical bench ('vacuum' feedthroughs) from the triple test stand to the PR3 (HLTS) suspension all BOSEM channels could be observed to be present. Two harnesses to the M1 stage are laced at present (thanks to Betsy) with the lower stage harnesses only being required once magnets and AOSEMs are installed.

Using the new triple test stand + new iMac station in the staging building and extracting data with:- 
tdsavg 10 X1:SUS-HXTS_M1_OSEMINF_T1_IN1 (etc)

s/n 311, open-light = 19528.6 (T1 to suspect container)
s/n 073, open-light = 26501.0 (T1) C connector

s/n 017, open-light = 19340.3 (T2 to suspect container)
s/n 061, open-light = 30538.6 (T2) B connector

s/n 019, open-light = 24897.1 (T3 to suspect container)
s/n 064, open-light = 29098.6 (T3)

s/n 577, open-light = 23854.4 (LF to suspect container)
s/n 069, open-light = 26619.2 (LF)

s/n 244, open-light = 24967.5 (RT to suspect container)
s/n 063, open-light = 27050.4 (RT)

s/n 698, open-light = 18031.3 (SD to suspect container)
s/n 700, open-light = 29138.9 (SD)

Identified a routing issue with T1 harness connected to T2 and vice versa. So these were swapped around, which did not require any re-routing of the harness as there was sufficient slack. After referring to the routing doc T1100612 it would appear that the connection to T1 is correct, but the connection to T2 should be connector D. This needs to be checked out to see if its a possible mislabelling or cabling issue.  

A new suspect BOSEM glass container has been established on the BOSEM storage shelf.

Blade stops have now been released and PR3 is re-suspended. Some alignment of BOSEMs and flags is still required as the LF flag can be seen to be rubbing.
Comments related to this report
stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - 17:11, Wednesday 18 April 2012 (2645)
I have calculated the gains and offsets for the coil input filters on PR3 and updated the coefficients in the medm screens, so that BOSEM alignment can be carried out tomorrow.

(T1) s/n 073, open-light = 26501.0, offset = -13250.5, gain = 1.13
(T2) s/n 061, open-light = 30538.6, offset = -15269.3, gain = 0.98
(T3) s/n 064, open-light = 29098.6, offset = -14549.3, gain = 1.03
(LF) s/n 069, open-light = 26619.2, offset = -13309.6, gain = 1.13
(RT) s/n 063, open-light = 27050.4, offset = -13525.2, gain = 1.11
(SD) s/n 700, open-light = 29138.9, offset = -14569.5, gain = 1.03

This needs to be updated on the ICS
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:38, Thursday 19 April 2012 (2648)
LVEA PEM model installed on h2tcsl0
I have installed a new front end h2peml0 model onto h2tcsl0 to test the band limited RMS system. For testing purposes only the X signal is being BLRMS'ed. The new system also has the 6-part name structure as requested by Robert.
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:55, Wednesday 18 April 2012 (2647)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns.
Non-image files attached to this report
stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:49, Wednesday 18 April 2012 (2646)
Triple Test Stand Status and PR3 (HLTS) Testing
[Stuart A, Jeff G, Jeff K, Joe B, Dave B, Jim B , Jeff B and many others]

It has been a busy week so far, so please excuse the tardiness of this aLOG entry! I just wished to post an overview of the current status of the LHO triple test stand:-  

- Transferred the functional LLO x2sushxts27 model, which was renamed x1sushxts27 for the LHO teststand. The cds model parameters were finally revised to dcuid = 17, host = tripleteststand). (See LHO aLOG entry 2637).

- Thanks to Joe B at LLO, for rectifying the simulink model and master model linking issues we encountered, enabling it to be successfully compiled and installed on the LHO test stand. Sanity checks were also carried out ensuring the model ADC channels were consistent with the triple test stand wiring diagrams (D1101834-v1). In the near future we shall need to also provide LHO with the latest version of the x2sushxts05 model too.

- Thanks to Jeff G at LHO, who, once the model was up and running, has been working on the medm screens. Basic functionality is there, but some further refinement and additional functionality is to be added.

- Once the medm screens were up and running foton filters were installed. Renamed versions of the LLO filters have been installed for both models (X1SUSHXTS27.txt and X1SUSHXTS05.txt).

- Set medm watchdogs accordingly (see LHO aLog entry 2576).

- Populated Sensor Alignment matrices for M2 and M3 stages.

- Configured defaults for OSEM input filters for M1, M2 and M3 (offset = -15000, gain = 1).

- Set Damping filter parameters taken from LLO PR3 measurements (see LLO aLog entry 2921).

- Generated and populated OSEM2EUL and EUL2OSEM matrices for PR3 using "make_sus_hlts_projections.m" script.

- Taken a BURT snapshot "20120418_x1sushxts27_PR3.snap" of the current functional PR3 configuration, which has been relocated to the following path:- /opt/rtcds3/tst/x1/cds_user_apps/trunk/sus/x1/burtfiles. This snapshot has also been committed to the svn as of this entry. 

The LHO triple test stand now has sufficient functionality to allow open-light measurements to be made on OSEMs and for real-time visualisation of OSEM alignment. Hence the test stand was put to first use measuring PR3 M1 stage BOSEMS (see LHO aLog entry 2639). 

Still need to configure the coil output filters, check channel list, and check for correct sensor and actuator signs, which can be carried-out now that the BOSEMs can be aligned.

Thanks for everyone's support and effort in getting this far! There is still some more work to do, but ideally we would aim to be in a position to take M1-M1 transfer functions of PR3 within 24 hrs.
deepakmanoj.nandakumar@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:58, Wednesday 18 April 2012 (2633)
MC1 Assembly Notes

[Jeff B, Deepak K, Andres R]

Monday 16th April 2012

- Started with the build of MC1

- All the parts including the blades needed were separated and the serial numbers were noted down.

- Sub assemblies(Barrel EQ Stops, Face EQ Stops , Upper Blades) were assembled.

- The frame for MC1 (S/N 505) was setup on the table.

- Some of the EQ stops sub-assemblies were assembled on to the frame.

Tuesday 17th April 2012

- The remaining of the EQ stops sub-assemblies were assembled.

- The Upper Blades(S/N 605 & 609) were assembled on to the top of the frame with their appropriate clamps (0 deg).

- The Blade guards were partially assembled allowing the blades to be in their unloaded state.

- The AOSEM alignment assemblies were done and stored separately.

Wednes2day 18th April 201

 - The Upper mass was assembled.

- The Lower Blades (S/N 607, 616, 631 & 695) were assembled to the upper mass with their appropriate clamps (0.5 deg downwards).

- The remaining parts were assembled excluding the Magnets on to the main section.

- The wires and clamps are to be assembled.

hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:10, Wednesday 18 April 2012 (2644)
BSC6 ETMY ISI Condition--Unlocked
The BSC6 ISI was unlocked just before 3pm.
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:11, Wednesday 18 April 2012 (2643)
H2 ITMy BSC8 work
Over the last few days, we re-cabled and re-suspended the (now wire looped) ITMy QUAD suspension.  Travis made a first pass at adjusting out some pitch gross error.  He and Thomas then replaced the ACB into it's nominal position.  Travis removed the optic face shield and then installed the IAS corner cube onto the suspension, and Jason and Doug are working at setting up and measuring height and distance of the ITMy from the spool.  We will wait to finish installing the rest of the payload (sleeve, vibration absorbers) until IAS tells us how much adjustment we will need to make on the suspension.
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:08, Wednesday 18 April 2012 (2642)
BSC8 Re-install and alignment
Witness plates were cleaned in preparation for replacement into chamber prior to the door going back on. They are in the staging cleanroom.
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:05, Wednesday 18 April 2012 (2641)
BSC6 ALS Table Install
Cleanrooms were re-arranged to accommodate placing the ALS table on the south side of the chamber underneath the E-module.
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:02, Wednesday 18 April 2012 (2640)
BSC3-2-1 De-install
Dome removed from BSC3. The decision was made to move the cleanroom from HAM7-8 to BSC2.
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