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Reports until 18:37, Wednesday 11 April 2012
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:37, Wednesday 11 April 2012 (2596)
HAM-ISI Vertical GS13 shipment #3523 - Oxyde Residues

Oxide residues were found on vertical GS13s from shipment #3523. They appeared under the form of stains and small dust. Vertical GS13s, and surfaces in contact, were wiped with isopropanol before huddle testing.

Pictures are attached.

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rich.abbott@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:19, Wednesday 11 April 2012 (2595)
Installed Scattered Light PD Electronics
P. King, R. Abbott

ITMY H2 Scattered Light Photodiode Readout Electronics:

Put in 4 Melles Griot adjustable transimpedance amplifiers next to BSC8 on the floor under the cable tray (gain is presently set to 20nA full scale).  The installation started with a 25 pin D-sub cable on flange number F1, subflange 3, bottom D-sub.  The cable runs through the tray for a bit, then drops down to floor level in the cable tray leading toward the Y-end.  A 25 pin D-sub to (4) BNC connector breakout cable is used to fan out the D-sub to each of the transimpedance amplifiers.  The cathode of each photodiode is on the center conductor of the BNC connector, the anode is on the outer shield.

Four BNC cables run in the tray under the beam tube over to the H2 PEM chassis.  The BNC cables were reused out of a pile of old squeezer cables, so they have the prefix SQZ on their cable label.  Here's the breakdown:

SQZ:ADC4 - Connects the channel labeled 29 on the front of the PEM chassis to PD head 1
SQZ:ADC9 - Connects the channel labeled 30 on the front of the PEM chassis to PD head 2
SQZ:ADC15 - Connects the channel labeled 31 on the front of the PEM chassis to PD head 3
SQZ:ADC16 - Connects the channel labeled 32 on the front of the PEM chassis to PD head 4

The channel numbers on the front of the PEM chassis are 1 to 32, whereas the channel names are offset in a 0 to 31 format.  Next we need to view the channels in Data Viewer (and or a scope) for h2pemIO/LVEA, channels 28, 29, 30, 31 to see how noisy things are.
gerardo.moreno@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:39, Wednesday 11 April 2012 (2594)
X-MID Vacuum Signal
Removed and replaced electronics for the cold cathode PT343B.  Now, we wait.
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:35, Wednesday 11 April 2012 (2593)
H2 SUS ETMY Unlocked, and damped (and TMSY re-damped too)
J. Garcia, K. Kawabe, J. Kissel, T. Sadecki

We went in-chamber today to unlock the ETMY. It is now unlocked (and damping loops are functional). 

The Details:
- We ran into some trouble with new fiber protection plates interfering with ESD cables, as well as a few line stops around the test mass (Travis to provide a little more detail), but we've talked with Kurt / Besty / Travis since, and the discussion has started to improve it.
- We notice that both TMSY and ETMY had teflon tips still on most of their upper stage EQ stops. Note-to-self: these need to be removed before pump down
- In trying to run a few "is it rubbing?" TFs we discovered that their were some left over issues with the frame builder and some new .ini file modifications (See details from J. Garcia below).

We seem to have solved enough of the problems that the damping loops for both suspensions are functional and running.

Attached are a few "publicity photos" I got while Travis was unlocking H2 SUS ETMY in-chamber for the first time.
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jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:32, Wednesday 11 April 2012 (2590)
Changes to SUS QUAD_MASTER model
The QUAD_MASTER.mdl file located in the (local) SVN checkout under '~/opt/rtcds/lho/h2/userapps/trunk/sus/common/models/' was modified to include more channels from the user model to be stored to frame files.  There were several issues with compiling and installing the new individual models for 'h2susitmy' and 'h2susetmy' on the common frontEnd machine, 'h2susb6'.  The channel list changes were made in the QUAD_MASTER part, which is shared by all quad optics in their individual models.  

Channel List issues:
1.) The new channel list contained quotes ("") in its comments, which is used by simulink to parse the model's .mdl file to text.  The quotes ("") within the comments of the channel list prevented the correct parsing of the channel list.  The quotes and comments were removed completely from QUAD_MASTER to compile. NOTE: the quotes were in lines that were supposedly commented out by simulink, however simulink apparently disregards commented when parsing to text.

2.) The initial file had a few channels requesting a 128 b/s rate to the framebuilder. The data rate minimum allowed by the RCG is 256 b/s, so the few channels initially at 128 are now at 256 b/s.

3.) The TMS model 'h2sustmsy' was last recompiled and installed under RCG 2.4, whereas the latest 'h2susetmy' model was compiled using RCG 2.5.  The IOP model running on 'h2susb6' was compiled under RCG 2.5 as well.  The error was in the IOP machine,'h2susb6', attempting to run two models ('h2susetmy' and 'h2sustmsy') that were compiled under different RCG versions.

The TMS model was compiled and installed on 'h2susb6' under RCG 2.5, and, after a DAQ reboot, all previous errors on 'h2susb6' were cleared.  Damping loops on both TMSY and ETMY M0/R0 were closed and confirmed functional by late afternoon.

corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:59, Wednesday 11 April 2012 (2591)
Today's Staging Bldg Hot Yoga Studio Activities

With the Staging Bldg Hot Yoga Studio at a balmy 77deg F (probably 25deg hotter inside our cleanroom/yoga suits), we practiced several SEI Hot Yoga Poses:

Yoga Pose#1:  HAM6 ISI Optics Table on Granite Table   (Corey, Eric, Jim W)

This table is now on the Granite Table and ready for lots of helicoils to be installed.  There was some damage on an edge of this table (scratch mark with traces of blue paint engraved in the scratches); this damaged occurred while the Optics Table was stored in the LVEA--it must have been rammed into during LVEA activities.

Yoga Pose#2:  GS13 Tests (Corey, Hugo)

Went through a suite of tests to determine optimal angular positions (if any) for Horizontal GS-13s.  For the four we looked at, we were able to find good positions for 3 of them; no matter what we tried for the 4th GS13, it always yielded "stuck-mass" spectra.  These GS13s are now stored on the shelves and Hugo will look at the Vertical GS13s. 

hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:43, Wednesday 11 April 2012 (2589)
EndX H1 HEPI Plumbing Complete
The Apollo Welders completed the welding of the EndX H1 HEPI fluid circulation system last week and pressured the system over the weekend.  The pressure held over the weekend so we deemed the system tight, actually more than 5 days.  A couple photos attached and a link to a resource space collection of more photos.

ResourceSpace link: https://ligoimages.mit.edu/?r=19113
If you go to my LHO_HEPI collection you'll see more
Images attached to this report
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:44, Wednesday 11 April 2012 (2588)
EndY Vertical Control Survey Records
Attached are scans from Scott Lorimer's(Apollo) log book.  These graphically depict the plan view location of the elevation control available at the EndY and tabulates their value.  Nominally we would survey the BSC chamber (in this case BSC6) at the manufacturer's 90° marks on the B nozzles (BSC 60" door) (which we did) and then set the datum zero to the average of these eight elevations.  I elected to not do the latter as the average was less than 0.2mm approaching the noise of the measurements.  So the current end station elevation datum is zero at the South horizontal scribe of the East B nozzle.  Otherwise, use the elevation numbers from the table (in millimeters) to start your vertical survey.
Note, BM#101 is North of BSC10 and not seen on the plan view.
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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:10, Wednesday 11 April 2012 (2587)
TMS in-air free swing spectra, under test end and in-chamber

There was no TMS spectra posted to alog after it was transported to the test end, so here it is.

Current traces are in-chamber,  doors covered (yesterday) and references are under the test end (Mar/19/2012), both undamped and free swinging. Under the test end, ISI was locked down, but it was free last night.

The noise level of some DOF is much lower now than they used to, which might be due to the air flow under the test end.

These look different from in-lab measurement under the Bosch frame (https://alog.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/aLOG/index.php?callRep=1825). There's a whole bunch of peaks betweeb 1 and 2 Hz now, and also there used to be no 0.79-0.77 Hz peak under the Bosch frame. Usually I get suspicious about the touching/rubbing, but we looked and haven't found anything. OTOH, under the Bosch frame one of the suspension wire was resting on a washer on the table cloth, which was later fixed just before TMS was transported to the test end.


Frequencies of most of the peaks didn't change, but there are some that changed (e.g. from 0.79 Hz to 0.77 Hz, from 1.6 Hz to 1.5 Hz, and from 1.79 Hz to 1.75 Hz). The difference might be due to the ISI status (free VS locked down at the test end) but we don't know.

We'll check any interference again some time in the future, but at the moment we won't do anything and just damp it for ISI crews.

Images attached to this report
H2 General
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:26, Tuesday 10 April 2012 (2586)
In-chamber cable problem

It seems that some of the in-chamber connectors on the vacuum feedthroughs don't have setscrews to keep them attached in position. So they're just plugged in. This is not limited to TMS.

Is this intentional? I cannot believe that we do NOT want to securely attach connectors.

keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:20, Tuesday 10 April 2012 (2585)
TMS is free (but undamped).

Dan, Aidan and I went to EY to unlock TMSY. From earlier report by Cheryl I was worried if TMS is really close to touching, but it was fine. Maybe ISI unlocking did the trick, though we don't know.

Anyway, SUS team should feel free to go in the EY the first thing in the morning.

There is a minor problem, which is that TMS is undamped now because TMS DAC is disabled because ETMY is not plugged in. Don't ask me about this logic. We are supposed to be able to damp it once ETMY is up and running.

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:04, Tuesday 10 April 2012 (2584)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns. The dust monitor under the clean room over BSC8 (H0:PEM-LVEA_DST15_5) was not reliable enough to bother plotting. The dust monitor at location 7 in the LVEA was moved to location 15 in the morning. I have included a plot of H0:PEM-LVEA_DST7_MODE to show when.
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rich.abbott@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:01, Tuesday 10 April 2012 (2583)
ITMY (BSC8) Scattered Light Photodetector Checkout
Peter Fritschel, Rich Abbott

Performed diode check measurements at the air-side 25 pin D-sub associated with ITMY (BSC8) scattered light photodetectors.  Flange number was F1, subflange 3.  There are two 25 pin D-sub connectors, which we designated "TOP" and "BOTTOM".  We still don't know which set of photodiodes are associated with H1 and H2, but the measurements are complete.


TOP D-sub, PD1, pin 1 = anode, pin 2 = cathode, diode voltage = 0.412V
TOP D-sub, PD2, pin 4 = anode, pin 5 = cathode, diode voltage = OPEN CIRCUIT
TOP D-sub, PD3, pin 7 = anode, pin 8 = cathode, diode voltage = 0.421V
TOP D-sub, PD4, pin 10 = anode, pin 11 = cathode, diode voltage = 0.420V
Verified pin 13 is open circuit to vacuum tank indicating shield is not shorted to ground internal to the vacuum system

BOTTOM D-sub, PD1, pin 1 = anode, pin 2 = cathode, diode voltage = 0.423V
BOTTOM D-sub, PD2, pin 4 = anode, pin 5 = cathode, diode voltage = 0.423V
BOTTOM D-sub, PD3, pin 7 = anode, pin 8 = cathode, diode voltage = 0.424V
BOTTOM D-sub, PD4, pin 10 = anode, pin 11 = cathode, diode voltage = 0.424V
Verified pin 13 is open circuit to vacuum tank indicating shield is not shorted to ground internal to the vacuum system

For all pins on top and bottom, we checked every permutation to verify there are no unintended pin-to-pin shorts in the vacuum system
jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:51, Tuesday 10 April 2012 (2582)
BSC6 CPS woes, balancing, etc.
HughR, FabriceM, MitchR, JimW

Follow up on the bad BSC6 CPS's found yesterday. This morning we investigated more fully and decided that it was most likely the probes that were bad, so there was some scrambling to find replacements. This was complicated by the fact that all of the CPS bake data in ICS had been purged and has not been reentered, so the only information we had on clean CPS's was buried in bake lab notebooks (many thanks to C&B for keeping this information handy!). We found some replacements in storage in the staging building and set about replacing the bad units with good as follows:

-St1V2 Bad CPS 13620 replaced with 12902
-St2V1 Bad CPS 13573 replaced with 12894

After that was completed (including switching phases on the cards for both replacement CPS's) we proceeded to rebalance the ISI. It is currently floating and TMS (I think, Dan and Aiden, anyway) is currently in chamber, unlocking their stuff (I think). SUS will unlock in the morning.

The attached pics show the current disposition of the cables and balance masses on corner 1,2 and 3 respectively.
Images attached to this report
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:48, Tuesday 10 April 2012 (2581)
HAM-ISI Unit #4 - Testing Report Phase 1 is validated

Fabrice, Hugo,

HAM-ISI Unit #4 - Testing Report Phase 1 has been reviewed and validated. We can now proceed with the storage of this Unit.

Reports regading the previous units tested/validated (Phase I) at LHO are also available on the DCC:

HAM-ISI Unit #1
HAM-ISI Unit #2
HAM-ISI Unit #3

kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:43, Tuesday 10 April 2012 (2580)
CP8 dewar filled using the "brute force" technique-expecting an alarm tonight-no action is required

jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:10, Tuesday 10 April 2012 (2579)
Packing optics from OSB Optics Lab
Chris Soike and I pulled two optics and placed them in cake tins so that they are ready for disposition. We put the suspensions in the front room on the big table: I assume they are destined for recycling.
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:06, Tuesday 10 April 2012 (2578)
BSC8 Entry for re-insertion
-Cleaning (Completed 10 April 2012) Terry and crew 
*Note-ML waived second cleaning. Terry S. et al reported that the chamber was very clean when they did first cleaning.
-Door removal (Completed 10 April 2012) Apollo
-Retrieve witness plates(Completed 10 April 2012) Travis and Jodi
*Note-These five plates were put in place just before BSC8 was closed up and pumped down. 
#1-GV1 nozzle=Witness plate 5 (6 particles on whole plate)
#2-GV3 bellows convolution=Witness plate 4 (11 particles on whole plate)
#3-YBM bellows convolution=Witness plate 3 (8 particles on whole plate)
#4-Face of quad optic/ACB face=Witness plate 2 (5 particles on whole plate)
#5-Center of BSC floor=Witness plate 1 (8 particles on whole plate)
They should give us some idea of the quantity and quality of particulate that gets moved around during one pump down/venting cycle. 
-ACB swing back (10 April 2012)Thomas and Travis  
-Install BSC repair arm, 5-axis table, and elevator(Completed 10 April 2012) Apollo, CIT-Buckland and Anderson 
-Quad implementation ring and hardware in staging room (10 April 2012) Jodi
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:53, Tuesday 10 April 2012 (2577)
Condition of chamber was documented. Support tubes were inspected for fibers and then fibers were picked. The tubes were wrapped in foil and C-3. Bellows protection was installed. Brushing commenced after lunch: the ceiling was oxide-free by 2:30. Up-stream nozzle and mid-section were completed by the end of the day.
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:50, Tuesday 10 April 2012 (2576)
Acceptable SUS Watchdog Levels
Just because I realized that we don't have the latest and greatest written down anywhere:

Until further notice, the nominal values for the ALL SUS Watchdog thresholds for ALL OSEMs on ALL stages should be as follows:

OSEM DC LO: -30000
OSEM DC HI: 30000

Justification: The DC watchdog watches the raw ADC inputs of the OSEMs. The possible DC range should be between 0 cts (when the flag is completely blocking the LED) and the open light current, close to the ADC limit of 32768. At DC, during normal operation, the OSEMs should be centered to around 15000 counts, and typically do not move +/- ~5000 from the centered position. However, the "DC" bandpass rolls of at 10 Hz. The analog whitening filter is a [zero:pole], [0.4:10] Hz filter, which means that above 0.4 Hz there is appreciable gain, maxing out a factor of 25. That means although the DC signal will not go negative, any AC signal that's above 0.4 Hz may go negative.

OSEM AC: 8000

Justification: Here, typical undamped RMS velocities are something around 1000 cts AC RMS, and during transfer functions, something like 5000 cts AC RMS. 3000 over that should be a sufficient buffer for non-sense.

ACT AC: 25000

Justification: Here the OSEMs don't have the drive strength to really do any damage, and we have a 18 bit DAC, so 120000 cts to play with. Typical levels for damped system are ~2000 cts, and for drive during transfer functions, around ~10000 cts AC RMS. Note that yes, we *do* use the full 120000 cts range for a drive, but the band-limited (0.1 to 10Hz band) RMS of this excitation does not typically exceed 10000 cts.

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