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Reports until 13:30, Friday 06 April 2012
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:30, Friday 06 April 2012 (2555)
DBB alignment

Rick and I adjusted the pointing into the DBB mode cleaner. Our procedure is as follows:

  1. Reset the PZT mirrors to their nominal position (0 counts)
  2. Unlock the FSS
  3. Set the DBB to scan mode
  4. With a scope, look at TPD 0dB signal coming out of the DBB panel, triggering on PZT MON
  5. Adjust M1 and M2 to reduce 01 and 10 modes, and maximize 00 mode. Use the FSS Slow actuator to move between modes
  6. Once step 5 is complete, zero the QPDs. Set the DBB to manual mode and make the mode cleaner off-resonant. Use BS2 to adjust QPD1's signal, and M9 to adjust QPD2's signal. Each QPD should be reading around 6V.

With these changes we increased the light on the TPD from 7V to 9V. The power in the 10 and 01 modes was reduced to ~5mV. A modescan of before (msc-001) and after (msc-005) are attached.

We found some strange behavior on the PZTs. If we lock the mode cleaner and turn the auto-alignment on, the PZTs will be driven from their nominal (0 counts) position. If we switch to scan mode, freezing the PZTs in their new configuration, we find that the modescan actually looks worse - in particular the 01 mode increase by a factor of 10 (msc-004). This looks like it's only for the 200W beam however. 35W beam with PZTs zeroed (msc-006) and in their locked position (msc-007) modescans are attached.

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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:10, Friday 06 April 2012 - last comment - 12:51, Friday 06 April 2012(2552)
ETMy SUS work in BSC6
Yesterday, Travis started unsecuring the ETMy suspension in prep to fully suspend it early next week.  He also plugged in all of the in-chamber SUS cables to the appropriate feedthrus.
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jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - 12:51, Friday 06 April 2012 (2554)
The SUS ETMY Coil Driver boxes (5) were initially powered off prior to entering the chamber.  To confirm the cable connections via medms, the five SUS ETMY coil drivers were powered on for this confirmation.  All of the OSEM channels for each cable were confirmed "alive" on the corresponding medms. The coil drivers are now powered OFF.
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:38, Thursday 05 April 2012 (2551)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns. I have also included a plot of H0:PEM-LAB_DST1_MODE to show when I stopped the IOC for the OSB optics labs dust monitors to test new code. This stopped data collection for H0:PEM-LAB_DST1_5, H0:PEM-LAB_DST2_5 and H0:PEM-LAB_DST3_5.
Non-image files attached to this report
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:05, Thursday 05 April 2012 (2550)
Initial helium testing of new joints at Y-mid has devolved into general testing of all joints
Will continue tomorrow
jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:13, Thursday 05 April 2012 (2549)
BSC6 Install Progress

BSC6 stage 2 ballast was replaced today, as well as the viton padding. All cabling was fed below as well. Hugh plugged seismic in, and SUS is currently in progress. See our intrepid leader fine tune the position of one of the mass stacks in the attached image.
Images attached to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:59, Thursday 05 April 2012 - last comment - 09:45, Friday 06 April 2012(2547)
H2 ITMy BSC8 wire hang - initial pointing results
(Betsy, Travis)

The ITMy has been hung in the main chain lower structure in a double configuration (TM and PUM hanging from a non-suspended UIM).  IAS measured that with the UIM sitting level to within 0.1mm over it's length, the ITMy is hanging at 3.4 mRad down.  Recall that we have introduced a metal PUM with wire clamps, a wire loop around the ITMy, and new wire prisms on the ITMy all of which contribute to this error.  As well, the level measurement of the UIM has a larger error bar than we would like as there is little lever arm to gauge the level on.  As well, there is not a trusted way to measure the pitch of the now all-metal PUM, so we do not know exactly which knob to turn to fix the 3.4 mRad pitch error.  Because this error is well within our course mechanical adjustment range higher up in the full suspension, we are concluding to adjust it out once we are back inside BSC8, mated to the rest of the QUAD suspension.

The height of the lower chain was also checked by IAS today.  We are working on chewing on the numbers to verify that we have hung the ITMy at the correct height.
Comments related to this report
jason.oberling@LIGO.ORG - 09:45, Friday 06 April 2012 (2553)

D. Cook, J. Oberling

Measured the center of mass separation of the ITMy and metal PUM this morning.

  • Left side: 601.0 mm
  • Right side: 600.8 mm
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:58, Thursday 05 April 2012 (2548)
The balance of the hand brushing, first vacuum and wipe down were completed. That leaves second vacuum and close-out for tomorrow.
*Note-It seems that the doors on HAM1 WERE NOT removed at the same time as the doors on HAM2 despite what the work permit says!The most likely scenario is that HAM1 doors will come off when the HAM2 doors go back on.
douglas.cook@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:00, Thursday 05 April 2012 (2546)
H2 ITMy suspension initial alignment on the LSAT
First look at the repaired ITMy pitch shows the optic pitched down by 3.44 mrads and needs to be 12.5urads up.
Betsy and Travis will make a tweak and we will recheck.
Non standard measurement for reference use: UI mass top of top plat to TM centerline is 983.6mm

LSAT level left to right and front to back was perfect (beyond the optical level capability to see a difference)
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:17, Wednesday 04 April 2012 (2545)
BSC6 Cartridge Install Clean-up
After the test stand was moved to the termination slab, the floor was clear for additional activities to take place. The Apollo crew (Mark D., Zack, Caleb) spent the morning dealing with the chores. 
-Betsy and I continue to be concerned about the flaking of the epoxy floor paint, so I thought it was worthwhile to try putting a layer of CPStat down over the paint and in front of the open chamber doors. ( We have used this tactic at West Coast Porcelain to provide a relatively clean floor during wrap-bag-tag activities after baffle part oxidation.)There is one layer of sheeting down now and we can apply additional layers as needed. I'll continue to assess the quantity of paint chips on the sticky mats and see if we're making any progress.
-The cleanrooms were restored to their original state and location and are available as clean workspaces.
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:06, Wednesday 04 April 2012 (2544)
Mechanical brushing started this morning and about half of the chamber was brushed by ~10am. The remainder of the chamber was finished shortly after lunch. Hand brushing the details was about 3/4 complete by the time the crew came out early for safety meeting. The drills did not do well today: 7+ for this chamber with 3-4 DOA (meaning they would not even turn).
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:35, Wednesday 04 April 2012 (2543)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns.
Non-image files attached to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:01, Wednesday 04 April 2012 - last comment - 17:18, Wednesday 04 April 2012(2541)
TMSY is in the final configuration (Dan, Cheryl, Craig, Keita)

Uninstalled the transport safety restraint and installed the in-chamber restraint. 

TMS is now connected to the West wall of the chamber by the restraint bar. You can still go in and out of the chamber from the West door, but you need to duck.

We didn't care to balance things as the ISI is probably not level. Especially, the upper mass is still locked (but the telescope is not).

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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 17:18, Wednesday 04 April 2012 (2542)

While Dan was shining the TMS primary mirror using Stinger, I noticed that when my eyes are behind the mirror but directly opposing Stinger, I can see a lot of small light dots. It look as if it's coming through many pin holes.

Now, we knew that there are thousands of point defects in the mirror surface, and we always suspected that they're coating defects. Quite disappointingly, that was true. We've already proven that the telescope's surface figure is good enough for our purpose (by injecting 1064nm beam with the same size as the IFO beam) on bench, but this is sad nevertheless.

Images attached to this comment
vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:46, Wednesday 04 April 2012 (2540)
DAQ Kill in ISI model - TEST

The new BSC-ISI model (isi2stagemaster.mdl) includes a DAQKill part. This part is used when one of the following condition is met:
- Rogue excitation (Voltage on the coil drivers readbacks when the masterswicth is turned off or the ISI watchdogs are tripped)
- Excessive motion on stage 1 CPS
- ISI ST1 watchdog tripped (If SUS watchdogs trip, ISI watchdogs trip too)

More details of the changes.

In the ISI models, there are 2 channels that cannot be turned off by the ISI watchdogs.

For the test I drove offsets on:
- HEPI outputs (valve drivers turned off)
- ISI outputs channels (cables unpplugged)
- The test channels of the ISI (not connected)

I tripped the stage 1 watchdog:
- The test channels of the ISI went to zero (DAQ_KILL part)
- The output of the ISI went to zero (Watchdogs + DAQKILL)
- The HEPI channels kept driving

The DAQKILL is working fine in the BSC-ISI model.

kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:30, Wednesday 04 April 2012 (2539)
Vented Y-mid
Removed existing viewports and replaced with blank flanges with the exception of (1) each 10" to 2.75" zero-length reducer which was needed to re-mount the gauge pair that was left over from the BSC6 removal.  I am pumping the Y-mid overnight and will leak test the new flange joints tomorrow.  

Expect pressures to rise in both the Y1 and Y2 beam-tube modules as neither have a means to pump hydrogen while in the current VE configuration
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:53, Wednesday 04 April 2012 (2538)
BSC6 ISI Optical Table Level Survey PartII
Got the Bench Mark Elevations from Scott(Apollo) and we can now put the numbers on the actual elevation.

Based on the end station zero datum being the middle of the B-nozzles on the BSC6 chamber, just as we've done in the LVEA (BSC2), the Optical Table is intended to be located at 1661.7mm (E1101071).  Our survey yesterday has the average elevation at 1661.8mm.  The reference bench marks we used were place at the end station last July when we rebuilt the External SEI, set the support tubes and installed the HEPI.

Very nice work Scott, Ed, Randy (Apollo); and GregG
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:56, Wednesday 04 April 2012 (2537)
Added EDCU channels to SEI test stand
Modified master file for daqd to include X1EDCU_ISIHAMX.ini and X1EDCU_IOPSEIBSC6.ini, restarted daqd process.
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:35, Wednesday 04 April 2012 (2536)
Restarted models on SEI test stand
For some reason not known, the IOP process on the SEI test stand was taking too much CPU time, running continuously at 17us with peak at 18us.  The x1isihamx and x1iopseibsc6 processes were restarted, the CPU time is now reasonable at 4us.
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