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Reports until 16:23, Friday 30 March 2012
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:23, Friday 30 March 2012 (2514)
BSC6 ETMY ISI On stops and demassed
Once Doug IAS/TMS finished what they could with the LASER Fiber etc, SEI headed in to lock down the ISI and remove the Keel Mass.  We pulled cable from the Feedthrus back to the ISI on the West end to give access to pull the Mass down.  TMS was anxious to get back in to lock down so we'll complete cable securing Monday and continue Cartridge Install steps.

Once TMS is secure, SUS is on tap for lock down and vibration absorbers.

EE has pulled cables and is working their way to the chamber.  FClara wants all day Monday to get the cable to the Feedthrus so Cartridge flight may need to wait for that.
vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:04, Friday 30 March 2012 (2510)
Shield - BSC-ISI

Two weeks ago, we searched for ground loops on BSC6. We found some but we will really chase them after the cartridge installation due to the limited accessibility of the ISI on its stand at EY.

The ISI cabling drawing is D0901301.

At the feedthroughs, we realized that the pin 13 of the 25pin connectors were grounded (except T240 2 and 3 - Need to be rechecked). It seems the grounding is realized by the pods (see LLO alog 2822) We have to wait the cartridge installation to do measurements on our pods.
At the interface chassis, only the pin13 of the L4C 2-3 cables are grounded.

We opened 4 connetors on both ends of 2 in-air cables (L4C 1 and 3)

L4C - 1 cable (grounded at one end (by the pod)):
At the feedthrough connector: the back-shell is not connected to the shield and pin 13 is disconnected.
At the interface chassis connector: the back-shell is connected to the shield and pin 13 is disconnected

L4C - 3 cable (grounded on both ends - pods and chassis)
At the feedthrough connector: The back-shell is not connected to the shield and pin 13 is connected to the shield
At the interface chassis: The back-shell is not connected to the shield and pin 13 is connected to the shield.

The in-air cables are not identical (CPS in air cables used for the geophones? That's would explain why gender changers were installed).
If the shields are grounded at the pod:
- At the interface chassis, pin 13 should not be connected and the back-shell should not be connected to the shield
- At the feedthroughs, the shield should be connected to the pin 13 and the back-shell shouldn't be connected to the shield

douglas.cook@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:30, Friday 30 March 2012 (2513)
TMS alignment recheck and laser collimator testing
We projected the 808nm beam from the IR collimator with the latest adjustment to the collimator optics, but were not successful in propagating the beam through to the detectors. The beam expands out too quickly from the secondary telescope mirror. We need to more closely mimic the IFO beam waist size and divergence. I believe this will require a custom beam expander with an adjustable focus. The laser wavelength and power seem to be adequate. We got close, but no cigar.

I left the ETM lightly on its bottom stops only with First Contact in place and metal covers on.
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:21, Friday 30 March 2012 (2512)
Prep for BSC6 Cartridge Install
The following activities took place yesterday in preparation for cartridge install:
-BSC flooring hardware was installed
-Hand rails were removed from the work platforms
-Chamber cleanroom was lowered
-A manlift was craned across the beamtube for Dale's use
-Upper level garbing/staging cleanroom was moved into place
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:14, Friday 30 March 2012 (2511)
Removal of viewports and feedthroughs at HAMs1 and 2 continue. Dust barriers and tooling are finished in CNB. We plan on door removal Monday morning.
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:58, Friday 30 March 2012 (2509)
H2 IOP Sus watchdogs

Vincent ran his ISI transfer functions last night on the ETMY system, attached trends show that the SUS OSEMS were never close to their trip points.

I have finalized the IOP SUS watchdogs MEDM screens, and created a first draft of it alarm handler (images are attached). Also, the WD status is shown on the site overview screen.

Images attached to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:54, Friday 30 March 2012 (2508)
ITMy repair work
Yesterday, the second metal wire prism was glued to the ITMy.  It has been curing under room temperature since mid morning yesterday.  A heat lamp should go on it today.  We won't load the optic into the suspension until next week, as Margot is coming to help clean up the surfaces of the masses Mon-Tue.
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:22, Friday 30 March 2012 - last comment - 13:29, Monday 11 November 2013(2507)
H2 SUS ETMY impulse response measurements
The attached pdf contains plots of the accelerometer response from B&K impact hammer tests.  There were six locations on the ETMY sleeve structure selected for impacts.  Each plot displays the response in each degree of freedom (X,Y,Z) of the accelerometer.  The orientation of the accelerometer was such that the X direction is vertically up the structure, and the Y,Z directions in the horizontal plane of the optic.  Each measurement has five averages with 0.5Hz resolution.  


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Comments related to this report
arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - 13:29, Monday 11 November 2013 (8461)

Locations are described as below (note from Jeff G left in folder containing original pulse files) :

location 1 : between test mass and tms. On tube side hitting cage corner towards roll up door

location 2 : on roll up door side hitting on corner of cage towards acceleromoter

location 3 : downwards on cross brace on test mass side in front of PUM

location 4 : upwards on cross brace on reaction side

location 5 : reaction mass, roll up door corner hitting inwards near the top

location 6 : cross brace on side of PUM by the roll up door

vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:37, Thursday 29 March 2012 (2506)

Today, we resumed testing on ISI-BSC6. After turning the coil drivers back on, we performed basic tests to quickly check the health of the ISI. (SUS-ISI watchdogs interactions, drive all actuators during few seconds, take spectra of all sensors).

Note: When we manually (gently) pushed the table to replug a cable, both ISI and SUS watchdogs immediately tripped but the CDS master watchdog didn't. However, indicators showed that it was closed from tripping. The CDS watchdogs thresholds seem appropriate.

Few tests were performed in the afternoon:

- Offset CPS table unlocked
- Static test in the local basis
- Spectra of all sensors
- Range of motion
- Linearity Test (SUS watchdogs tripped, why?)
- Check the pressure sensors
- Complete the transfer functions measurements (the 700mHz - 10Hz section). Other sections were measured on February 30.

It looks good. See attachment and links below.


Offsets CPS:

Range of motion:

Pressure sensors:



Transfer functions can be found at:

Comparisons with transfer functions measured in the staging building can be found at:

Main differences are:

- The DC gains (cables resistance)
- Resonances of the rigid body modes [1; 10]Hz (different payload)
- ST1-CPS resonances different in the staging building and EY (Teststand short legs vs long legs). Resonance at 53Hz on ST1 CPS V1.
- Resonance at 78.5Hz on stage 2 sensors (Payload)
- Similar at high frequencies


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LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:42, Thursday 29 March 2012 (2505)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns. The dust monitor at location 11 in the LVEA was removed yesterday due to a sensor failure.
Non-image files attached to this report
LHO General
filiberto.clara@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:52, Thursday 29 March 2012 (2504)
Triple Test Stand
Assembled Triple Test Stand (Electronics) in Staging Building mezzanine.

R. McCarthy, F. Clara
Images attached to this report
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:43, Thursday 29 March 2012 (2503)
Prep for BSC6 Cartridge Install
Yesterday, the north door and the dome were removed and soft covers installed. The regular soft roof was replaced with the SEI soft roof. Once those activities were complete, I entered the chamber to document conditions prior to any installation work beginning. (The last activity in this chamber was ICC.)The chamber walls showed little re-oxidation but the rim and the floor showed some re-oxidation and a few small, shiny bits. Please see pix attached. Then, the Apollo crew installed the walking plates and I did another inspection to see whether that activity generated any noticeable particulate in the lower chamber. Things did not look any worse after the walking plate installation.The BSC flooring was installed but without hardware since the hardware kit was incomplete.

The Apollo crew started installing feedthroughs this morning. They also continued with a few staging activities like stocking the in-chamber carts.

I re-arranged things slightly to mitigate the crowding issue in the lower level garbing cleanroom.
-I moved the shoe covers out into the buffer cleanroom so please make use of the bench and don shoe covers there. There is enough room for dedicated cleanroom shoes there as well. It makes sense to leave your personal items (Coats, jackets, beanies, stocking caps, etc.) on the shelving unit.
-I sorted through all the garb that was sitting around in bags and totes. All used items went into the laundry. The clean stuff went into the totes of back-up garb which are on the shelving unit in the change room. I will try to get those labeled today. There is some open space on that shelving units for personal items or stuff that you may need but don't have room for in the VEA.
-I rolled a shelving unit into the VEA to provide some off-the-floor storage space just outside the lower level staging cleanroom. There is still quite a bit of space open so please do not "store" things on the floor.
Please continue to bring your garb kits with you when you work at Y-end.
Images attached to this report
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:11, Thursday 29 March 2012 (2502)
First cleaning was completed yesterday and the chamber cleanroom was moved over HAM1-2. The staging and garbing cleanrooms were moved into place. Second cleaning was accomplished this morning, so Mark and Chris started de-install of viewports and feedthroughs.
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:27, Thursday 29 March 2012 (2501)
HAM3 Electrical FeedThrus Protected
Following the ICC/Feedthrus Installation, once the Cleanroom was moved, I installed the FeedThru Protection Shrouds aka LCP (Leak-Check Preventor.)
It is sort of a shame that the most vulnerable style FeedThru was located on top but it is now protected.  These are the 4" deep Shrouds and do shield the FeedThrus well.  These could be stepped on and I don't think they would move under most of us except for the largest of the staff.  However, since the top one is on the BNC style, best not to step on them in case they do slip.

Couple Photos for the record.
Images attached to this report
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:10, Thursday 29 March 2012 (2500)
Small leak in H1 input MC A-B annulus joint
There looks to be a small air leak in the annulus of the new H1 input mode cleaner A-B joint (Vertex vented, inner O-ring? outer O-ring?).  1.8 x 10-6 torr for 3 days at the aux. cart when backing a "hung" turbo.  I installed a 55 L/s ion pump to the annulus via a 2" x 40" flex line and it is able to easily match the leak rate (3 LEDs lit in equilibrium).  
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:14, Wednesday 28 March 2012 (2499)
ITMy repair work
This morning, Gerardo attempted to remove the gluing fixture from the prism/ITMy.  An oversight in the fixture design meant that part of the fixture was trapped between the prism and the bonded ear.  In order to remove the piece, considerable pressure was put on the prism and it popped off.  So, we cleaned off the glue from the ITMy and the prism and reglued it on - this time without the offending piece (somewhat unnecessary).  Redlines will go back to engineering.  The prism was glued around 11am, cured for ~4 hours.  A heat lamp was turned on ~8 inches away from the prism for additional overnight elevated temp curing.  The PETG cap was removed for the heating cure.  FC is on both surfaces.
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:53, Wednesday 28 March 2012 (2497)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns. I have also attached a plot of H0:PEM-LVEA_DST11_MODE to show when the dust monitor at location 11 in the LVEA (H0:PEM-LVEA_DST11_5) was removed due to a sensor failure.
Non-image files attached to this report
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:51, Wednesday 28 March 2012 (2498)
software SUS watchdogs

The bypass times for the DACKILL parts was reduced to 600 seconds (required restarts of all SUS/SEI IOPs). Some systems were also restarted to fix a naming problem in my model and to test the new state_word alarms. The H2CDS_SOFTWARE_WATCHDOGS.adl medm screen was completed, and a pop-up confirmation to manually panic (trip) the system was added.  safe.snap burt restore files for the IOPs are being modified to set all watchdog alarm levels.

patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:04, Wednesday 28 March 2012 (2496)
CDS FMCS code change
The code which collects the data from the FMCS system and makes it available to EPICS has been changed. It now runs as only an EPICS IOC (the perl script is removed). The following should be noted:

1. If a channel becomes INVALID it will turn white instead of changing to a particular number (I think it was -123.4).
2. The IP address of the FMCS system is now specified in the st.cmd file for the IOC. It is no longer recorded in EPICS channels.
3. The date and time stamp are removed. These were used to indicate that the perl script was running.

The alarm settings are stored in /ligo/lho/h0/target/h0fmcs/h0fmcs.snap.

The IOC is running on h0epics2, which is a Ubuntu Penguin computer in the H2 electronics building. The target directory is /ligo/lho/h0/target/h0fmcs.
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:56, Wednesday 28 March 2012 (2495)
Getting ready for flying

Cheryl, DavidJ and Craig did the fit check of in-chamber TMS restraint and they say it fits OK.

I have confirmed that we have all neccesarry parts for the TMS transport safety stop. I didn't actually install the thing (I cannot do that until ISI and initial alignment test are both done), but I checked the length of the hook-rod-turnbuckle-rod-pin assembly (there are three types) and they seem to be right. The hook is almost too small for the eyebolts we have. It's sometimes ridiculously difficult to fit correctly, but it's doable.

Unfortunately we couldn't test the ISC table cover. We need to talk to Joe to see if it's out of oven or not.

All in all, we're in a good shape.

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