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Reports until 18:58, Friday 10 February 2012
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:58, Friday 10 February 2012 (2208)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns.
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LHO General
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:19, Friday 10 February 2012 (2207)
MSR and control room upgrades

Work continues on the MSR and control room upgrades. Underfloor power and network are almost complete. The new aligo racks went into the MSR today for the H1 systems. Frontends for H1 are being built ready for MSR install.

Images attached to this report
LHO General
douglas.cook@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:46, Friday 10 February 2012 (2206)
Looking for a systematic error (possibly) with the total station EDM with respect to the longitudinal distance measurement of the quads from know monumenta
Jason and I pulled the chain on two monuments in the Y-END station and read it at 8536.5 mm.
We then setup the total station over one monument and the corner cube over the other.
We looked at four different corner cubes with and without the cross hairs and they all read consistently at 8536.0 mm (0.5 mm difference as measured by the chain)
We will next compare the other SET 1X total station using the same setup, but I don't expect to see much of a difference.

The distance from the TM HR face to the corner cube reference plate for the ITMy is 44.6 mm; and 43.9 mm for the ETMy so that shows consistency as well. The corner cube reference plate is 17.74 mm to the mounting surface that registers against the Quad face frame.

So far nothing glaring.
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:33, Friday 10 February 2012 (2205)
Ham Large Triple Suspension - H2-PR3
   The Ham Large Triple Suspension, H2-PR3 metal build is fully suspended.

   We dialed it in this afternoon by eye and ruler. The M2 mass required no adjustment to bring it into bubble level (see photo). It is showing a slight roll which is in sync with the roll on the M1 mass. M1 required a slight adjustment of the wire attachment point to bring it into level. Again it is showing a slight roll, but we do not have the flags installed and the high side of the mass has the two flags. If M1 responds to the mass of the flags the way the Quad UI mass does, I expect we will need little adjustment to bring it into spec. By eye, the blade tips look close to even.

   Monday we will start optical leveling and alignment. 
Images attached to this report
LHO General
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:31, Friday 10 February 2012 (2204)
LHO Sokkia Auto Level #102503 Adjusted
ISI Testing results highlighted a discrepancy for this level. Scott and I did a peg test and saw the horizontal crosshair was not normal to the vertical rotational axis by 40µrad.  This isn't much for a survey instrument but amounts to .003" over the 6' length of a HAM ISI Optical Table.

Hugo & I adjusted this to something less than 4µrad so we were pleased.  Even going from 40 to 4 was one of those measurement: put some pressure on the screw and when you think it might have moved, check because you might have moved too much.

We had this instrument for something approaching a year now and it has been around.  We have two others and they should certainly too be checked.  This one may have crept out of adjustment or it may be that the factory specs is only 100microrads.
Logbook Admin Feature Requests
richard.mittleman@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:49, Friday 10 February 2012 - last comment - 11:17, Monday 13 February 2012(2202)
Matlab files request

Could .fig, .mat and .m be added to the supported (matlab scripts, data and figures) be added to the list of files which can be up loaded?

Comments related to this report
jonathan.hanks@LIGO.ORG - 11:17, Monday 13 February 2012 (2215)
I have added .m, .mat, and .fig to the list of allowed attachment types.

Please note that the graphics library that the aLOG uses to create thumbnails does not support .fig files, so it cannot yet display the .fig files.

I have requested that LLO update their logbooks as well.
vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:25, Friday 10 February 2012 (2201)
Valve swap horizontal NW actuator - HEPI BSC8

In alog #2034, we mentioned an issue probably created by a malfunctioning actuator in corner 2 (Horizontal - NW). Two modifications were made since the issue was mentioned:

-          Disconnecting and reconnecting the actuators (Horizontals and Verticals separately)

-          Swapping the actuator valve of horizontal actuator in the NW corner

After rerunning the test (attached figure), you can notice that corner 2 (NW) behaves more linearly (not the case of corner 3 after the actuators reinstallation).

Non-image files attached to this report
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 03:11, Friday 10 February 2012 (2200)
H2 SUS ETMY M0/R0 WhiteNoise TFs
The attached are WhiteNoise TFs taken last night and early this morning for the H2 SUS ETMY M0 and R0 masses.  For both chains, the Long, Trans, Pitch, & Yaw resonances are vivid above the white noise excitations.  The Vertical and Roll DoFs for both masses had very low coherence for various amplitudes.  A tuned matlab transfer function measurement is running since early morning for both masses.

DTT templates in SVN:


Non-image files attached to this report
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 02:50, Friday 10 February 2012 (2199)
H2 SUS ETMY M0/R0 Diagonalization
Diagonalization measurement results for H2SUSETMY M0 & R0 are attached. 

For M0, the Vertical DoF is at least 22dB isolated from the other OSEMs at 2.25Hz, which is excellent.  The M0 Yaw DoF,however, appears to be highly coupled to the F1 and SD OSEMs at 1.3Hz (the Yaw DoF consists of the F2 & F3 OSEMs) - the M0 TOP mass might need some adjustments to decouple Yaw.

For R0, the Vertical DoF is roughly 10-12 dB isolated from the other OSEMs - on the cusp of tolerance.  The Yaw DoF is about ~15dB isolated, which is good. 

Plots in SVN:

DTT templates:
Non-image files attached to this report
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:52, Thursday 09 February 2012 (2197)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns for yesterday and today.
Non-image files attached to this report
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:14, Thursday 09 February 2012 (2196)
H2 SUS ITMY L1 WhiteNoise TFs
The attached files are plots of the ITMY L1 WhiteNoise TFs measured last night.  The parameters were significantly different from previous measurements of the TFs from the L1 stage.  The drive amplitudes were tweaked for better coherence to distinguish the resonances.  Coherence is decent for the L DoF and good enough to see the resonance peaks.  The Pitch and Yaw DoFs have much better coherence, as expected.  The locations of the peaks coincide well with the models for the most part.  

DTT template files:


PDFs of Plots:

Non-image files attached to this report
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:20, Thursday 09 February 2012 (2195)
H1 PSL installation

More mudding, same as yesterday. Tomorrow the plywood will go up.

Images attached to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:09, Thursday 09 February 2012 - last comment - 22:11, Thursday 09 February 2012(2190)
Yesterday, we observed the UIM LR BOSEM to be railed.  Today, Filiberto swapped satellite boxes  - no change in the railed signal.  Then he swapped cables - again no change to the railed signal.  So, we swapped the BOSEM which apparently fixed the signal.  The original BOSEM s/n 480 was bad.  We switched in s/n 022 and Kissel reset the OLV offsets.  We then finished aligning it and the rest of the UIM BOSEMs.  All 4 UIM OSEMs are aligned, but with only 1 CAM attaching the BOSEM, due to range issues.
Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 22:11, Thursday 09 February 2012 (2198)
Pictures of the UIM BOSEM centering and PUM Flag mounts are on resource space:


Interestingly, my phone camera picked up the BOSEM LED light - shown as a purple dot on the flags.  A good metric to really "see" centering.  (Now, about that phone bill...)

Look at the "original file name" for a clue as to which one you are looking at.
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:05, Thursday 09 February 2012 - last comment - 12:08, Thursday 09 February 2012(2189)
Preparing H2 SUS ETMY for TFs
J. Garcia, J. Kissel

This morning, trying to figure out why Jeff G. has been unsuccessful at getting data out of overnight, Matlab TFs of H2 SUS ETMY, over the past few days I discovered a few things needing cleanup:

(1) BIO CTRL switches were set such that the Test/Coil switch was set to Test -- i.e. the coil drivers were not receiving DAC output. These channels,
H2:SUS-ETMY_BIO_M0_CTRL (12 bit word channel)
H2:SUS-ETMY_BIO_R0_CTRL (12 bit word channel)
H2:SUS-ETMY_BIO_L1_CTRL (16 bit word channel)
H2:SUS-ETMY_BIO_L2_CTRL (16 bit word channel)
need to be switched to at least "aaa" for 12 bit words, or "8888" for 16 bit words, in order for any signal get from the DAC out to the coils. I've switched M0, R0, and L1 to "aaa", "aaa" and "8888," respectively. L2 however, must have its driver or BIO chassis powered off, 'cause the monitor read backs are stuck (not important immediately, but should be fixed eventually).

(2) The M0 chain's COILOUTF filter gains did not match the expected signs, with respected to T1200015 and/or E1000617. Further, (though in reality it didn't make a difference), FM2 and FM7 of R0's COILOUTF compensation filters were not clicked on, and should be, if the analog electronics are in State 1 (c.f. T1100507). I've fixed both of these.

(3) The band-limiting filters for the watchdogs had not been installed. These should be:
{IFO}:SUS-{OPTIC}_{ISOSTAGE}_WD_OSEMDC_BANDLIM_{DOF}_FM1 = 'LPF10'   = zpk([],[10],1,"n")
{IFO}:SUS-{OPTIC}_{ISOSTAGE}_WD_OSEMAC_BANDLIM_{DOF}_FM1 = 'bandLim' = zpk([0],[0.1;10;10],10.1504,"n")
{IFO}:SUS-{OPTIC}_{ISOSTAGE}_WD_ACT_BANDLIM_{DOF}_FM1    = 'bandLim'  = zpk([0],[0.1;10;10],10.1504,"n")
These are the same for all IFOs, all OPTICs, all ISOSTAGEs, and all DOFs. I have (by-hand) installed these into foton. I'll re-open the quest to get these automatically installed, using

(4) Some important channels are not included in the frame builder, namely all of the TOP stage inputs to the DAMP filters:
There are other lower stage channels too (but the above we need immediately). Jeff G is working on getting them stored.

As it stands now, after I've fixed (1),(2), and (3), the M0 and R0 stages can actuate, their coil driver frequency response is compensated appropriately, the damping loops close, they're properly protected by the watchdog, and I was able to get one or two M0 DTT transfer functions out (and the data made sense), though I was using test point read backs instead of frame builder read backs (a for the time being functional work around, but nominally a no-no because it overloads the system).

Comments related to this report
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - 12:08, Thursday 09 February 2012 (2191)
In regards to the M0/R0 input channels being written to the frames, the ETMY ini file was modified yesterday by myself (Jeff G.) to write the M0/R0 "*_OSEMINF_OUT" and "*_DAMP_OUT" channels.  This was different from the previous version in which the raw, unfiltered signals were being written.  Now, the filtered outputs of both of these filter modules are being written.  
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:30, Thursday 09 February 2012 - last comment - 14:32, Thursday 09 February 2012(2188)
After Jeff reported that L1 (UIM) LR OSEM was saturating the ADC while "open lighted" (see his comment here), Betsy and Travis went in this morning to swap it out with another. His now open light current (in counts) is

controls@cdsws1:Data 0$ tdsavg 30 H2:SUS-ETMY_L1_OSEMINF_LR_IN1
OL = 24151.6 [cts]

(Kinda low, but ... it's fine -- It's the UIM stage, not worth effort of finding another, and that's why we compensate for the gain difference in the OSEMINF banks.)

Speaking of, I've entered the corresponding offset and gain:
H2:SUS-ETMY_L1_OSEMINF_LR_OFFSET -12075    (OL / -2)
H2:SUS-ETMY_L1_OSEMINF_LR_GAIN   +1.242    (30000 / OL)
Comments related to this report
stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - 14:32, Thursday 09 February 2012 (2194)
Stuart A

To help guide the selection of BOSEMs, prior to making open-light measurements or installing them into the suspensions, please refer to the list attached below. This has been generated by cross-referencing open-light measurements made in Birmingham on the ATE, with the BOSEMs held in stock at LHO (extracted from ICS). For further details please refer to the LLO aLOG entry 2460

In summary, if the BOSEM serial number appears in the text file below, then you can be more confident that the open-light measurement will exceed Jeff K's 25k count goal. 
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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:08, Wednesday 08 February 2012 - last comment - 13:23, Thursday 09 February 2012(2185)
ETMy SUS alignment work
This afternoon, Rod and Travis checked out the ESD cables, as post fixing and baking test had not been done yet.  Preliminary results indicate the cable is fine.

Then Travis and I worked to align the outstanding Top Main chain BOSEMs, and lower stage OSEMs.  All L0 (Tops) and L2 (PUM) are done.  We ran into issues with L1 (UIM) LR in that the signal is completely flat and the BOSEM is unresponsive to any shadow.  We will disconnect the cable to the problematic LR BOSEM and attach a new BOSEM to the cabling to identify where the problem is...  

Garcia is going to make a round of TFs (last nights were problematic) tonight via the Top BOSEMs.
Comments related to this report
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - 18:17, Wednesday 08 February 2012 (2187)
The OSEM signal for L1 LR has it's ADC counts at 32767, the maximum for the ADC counts range. The PD's output voltage is out of the range of the ADC, meaning we have either more light power from the LED than normally seen or a gain somewhere in the signal chain is set too high.  
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 13:23, Thursday 09 February 2012 (2193)
Richard confirmed this morning that the cable tested out OK.
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:33, Thursday 02 February 2012 - last comment - 12:59, Thursday 09 February 2012(2140)
H2 BSC8 FINAL chamber close-out
THis morning:

- The Apollo crew removed the walking plates at the dome flange.
- Travis and I entered the chamber to resume EQ stop setting
- Apollo craned the dome into place over the stack upstairs
- Covered the QUAD with it's C3 cover when the Apollo crew removed all of the C3 covers above us (the dome flange was now hovering ~2ft above the flange)
- Once the dome was mated to the flange and the "dust had settle for ~15 mins" we uncovered the QUAD and resumed prep work.
- Performed peel of FirstContact of ITMy-HR, N2 filter blow, swab wipe dab-removal of some particulate (see a subsequent alog for details of this)
- Removed most hardware and 2-step stool from chamber
- Betsy left chamber, Thomas and Lisa entered
- Travis, Thomas, Lisa swung ACB back into nominal position and removed stiffeneing hardware
- - Broke a witness plate in the process so a quick cleanup and replacement of new witness plate in the same location
- Took particle count samples from center of chamber
- People swap again, Betsy in, Lisa/Thomas out
- Removed balance of tools/hardware
- Betsy/Travis removed internal Fiber Guards
- Wiped floor from North-to-door, checking for tools/hardware - none found
- Exited chamber
- Leaned in and placed last 3 witness plates in center of chamber

Door replacement preps are underway.
Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 12:59, Thursday 09 February 2012 (2192)
First Contact history for ITMy while at LHO:

   Oct 10, 2012 - TCP-AR Painted - Horizontal application in lab

     Oct 11, 2012 - TCP-HR Peeled - for chain mating
     Oct 11, 2012 - ITMy-AR Peeled - for chain mating

Broken fiber

     Nov 8, 2012 - ITMy AR - Painted - after dab cleaning with Calum, including band-aiding 4 bump stop areas.
     Nov ~8, 2012 - TCP-HR Painted

     Nov 17, 2012 - TCP-HR Peeled - for chain mating

     Nov 17, 2012 - ITMy-AR Peeled - for chain mating, smudge remnants
     Nov 18, 2012 - ITMy-AR Painted
     Nov 18, 2012 - ITMy-AR Peeled - chains mated

Cartridge cleanup prior to flight
Dec 8, 2012 - ITMy-HR Peeled
Dec 8, 2012 - ITMy-HR Painted

   Dec 8, 2012 - TCP-AR Peeled
   Dec 8, 2012 - TCP-AR Painted

Dec 13, 2012 - ITMy-HR peeled partially for IAS - particulate observed:

In-chamber cleanup prior to door shut
   Jan 31, 2012 - TCP-AR peeled - FC marks left behind near center
   Jan 31, 2012 - TCP-AR painted
   Feb 1, 2012 - TCP-AR peeled

Feb 1, 2012 - ITMy-HR Painted
Feb 2, 2012 - ITMy-HR Peeled - particulate observed:

BSC8 chamber closed.
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