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Reports until 16:58, Wednesday 08 February 2012
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:58, Wednesday 08 February 2012 (2186)
H1 PSL installation

Mudding and drywall taping today.

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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:08, Wednesday 08 February 2012 - last comment - 13:23, Thursday 09 February 2012(2185)
ETMy SUS alignment work
This afternoon, Rod and Travis checked out the ESD cables, as post fixing and baking test had not been done yet.  Preliminary results indicate the cable is fine.

Then Travis and I worked to align the outstanding Top Main chain BOSEMs, and lower stage OSEMs.  All L0 (Tops) and L2 (PUM) are done.  We ran into issues with L1 (UIM) LR in that the signal is completely flat and the BOSEM is unresponsive to any shadow.  We will disconnect the cable to the problematic LR BOSEM and attach a new BOSEM to the cabling to identify where the problem is...  

Garcia is going to make a round of TFs (last nights were problematic) tonight via the Top BOSEMs.
Comments related to this report
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - 18:17, Wednesday 08 February 2012 (2187)
The OSEM signal for L1 LR has it's ADC counts at 32767, the maximum for the ADC counts range. The PD's output voltage is out of the range of the ADC, meaning we have either more light power from the LED than normally seen or a gain somewhere in the signal chain is set too high.  
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 13:23, Thursday 09 February 2012 (2193)
Richard confirmed this morning that the cable tested out OK.
jason.oberling@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:43, Wednesday 08 February 2012 (2184)
ETMy Test Stand Alignment Progress

J. Oberling

After yesterday's round of adjustments and letting everything settle overnight I measured the position of the ETMy and the position/pointing of both the ETMy and ERM.  As usual all yaw directions are reported assuming a top down view of the ETM/ERM and all position directions are reported using the local End Y cardinal directions.

I also measured the ETMy/ERM gap using the Keyence system at the two positions we initially measured yesterday.

The desired gap is 5mm.  The tolerance as listed in the IAS BSC06 alignment procedure (E1101071-v3, page 17) is ±0.5mm average center distance and ±1.47 mrad pitch and yaw (parallelism).  With that as the spec the gap is properly set and the ERM is properly aligned.

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:08, Tuesday 07 February 2012 (2183)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns.
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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:06, Tuesday 07 February 2012 (2182)
ETMy SUS alignment work
After slow progress yesterday, today Travis and I "knocked" it home.  We finished the yaw alignment of the main chain, and then worked on getting the reaction chain to hang with out "leaning" a bump stop into the main.  There is something going on with the bump stops between the chains that we don't fully understand - namely that although we verified that we are using the correct ones on both the PenRe and the ERM, the gap between the ERM-stops-and-the-ETMy and the gap between the PenRe-stops-and-the-PUM are not the same.  As well, there is some differential pitch between the ERM and the PenRe such that the bottom stop of the ERM touched the ETM while the top stop of the PenRe touched the PUM.  This was exacerbated by the fact that the ETM needs to purposefully pitch down by ~600uRad (IFO reasons), and then the ERM needs to follow PLUS account for the wedge on the back of the ETMy.  So the ERM needs more purposeful pitch and it is dragging the PenRe with it.  Confused?  Yeah, exactly.

Nonetheless, we pressed on to correct the reaction chain pitch and yaw such that no stops touched anywhere.  This let us fine tune the main chain pitch, and make another pitch and yaw round on the reaction chain.  Amazingly, we think we ended up within tolerances.  Jason and Doug then brought the Kentek gap apparatus in and measured the gap between the ETMy and the ERM to be ~5.2mm:

Location 1 - 12 o'clock position of mass, 3" down from edge, measured ~5.15mm
Location 2 - 10 o'clock position of mass, 1" from edge, measured ~5.25mm
(Note, the gap widens as you go across the masses because the yaw of the ERM is still a bit out from the ETMy.)

This measurement is a little strange in that when we crudely measure the gap with gauge blocks, we get 5.5-6mm of gap.  We like the reading better however, so on we go.  (How do you measure a ruler??)  While we chew on all this for a bit, we went ahead and put all of the Top OSEMs back on and roughly aligned to 50% OLV.  This is where Garcia picked up in order to take some quick health-TFs.

Jason may post more formal alignment numbers.
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:51, Tuesday 07 February 2012 - last comment - 19:04, Tuesday 07 February 2012(2180)
ETMY M0 Open Light Counts
ETMY M0 Open Light counts, offsets, and normalising gain values.  Offsets are calculated by dividing the open light counts by two and multiplied by (-1).  The gain values are calculated such that the open light counts are normalised to 30,000cts.


F1 = -12843
F2 = -14833
F3 = -13331
LF = -15466
RT = -13785
SD = -14965

F1 = 1.168
F2 = 1.011
F3 = 1.125
LF = 0.970
RT = 1.088
SD = 1.002
Comments related to this report
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - 19:04, Tuesday 07 February 2012 (2181)
The M0 OSEMs on the ETMY QUAD are now backed off completely to expose the full light beam on the PDs. The SUS crew will center these OSEMs so TFs can be made before the TMS install. 
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:03, Tuesday 07 February 2012 (2179)
BSC8 HEPI Actuator Parker Valve Replaced
The horizontal HEPI Actuator on the Northwest Corner of BSC8 was replaced under WP 3059.
We shut the Pump Stations off to zero the pressure.  Isolated the Actuator with the 4-way valve.  Swapped the Valve (4 screws).  Put the Actuator in Bleed Mode.  Put the Actuator back in the system and restarted the Pump.  We drop out of bleed mode tomorrow-Wednesday and look for improvement.
LHO General
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:33, Tuesday 07 February 2012 (2177)
Ops Summary

Dust Counts in Bake Out--have called to inform them (will email justin if it happens again)

8:30 Unifirst arrives

-- arrived early at MY's CP3
-- arrived at 841 & went down Xarm direction---maybe CP5 at mx?

* Ski informed that instrument air will be dropping off at EY today
* Kyle informed that he will be overfilling CP8 & turning off instrument air for other work

HAM1 Annulus Ion Pump Alarmed, but Kyle informed that only ones we worry about now are the Gate-Valve ones.

Start H1 MC degrouting (see work permit).  Will prop Southern Exit door for

Doug transitioning EY to Laser Hazard

H2 Alarms (Not sure what I'm supposed to do about these):



--H2 TCSL0---INVALID & MAJOR alarms

all of these alarms occurred toward the end of the shift

michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:43, Tuesday 07 February 2012 (2176)
PSL plots

200W beam

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corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:30, Tuesday 07 February 2012 (2175)
Closeout Photos For The BSC8 ISI

Before re-installing the BSC8 Dome, I took lots of photos of the BSC8 ISI.  These photos are from Stage0 up to the top of the Keel--basically anything which could be seen from the upper work area of BSC8 (so no photos of the Optics Table were taken).  Quite a few photos were taken, I tried to take pictures of everything with a flash & without (both have their benefits and issues). 

I archived photos according to ISI "corner" and also made an extra collection for the Keel Masses on top.  Here are the collections in ResourceSpace:

Corner 1

Corner 2

Corner 3

Keel Masses On Top

kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:22, Tuesday 07 February 2012 (2174)
ESD feed-through flange leak tests repeated today
Each 5-channel 4.5" CFF flange had at least one feed-through channel which did not leak but each flange had multiple feed-through channels that did leak (to varying degree).  The largest individual leak on flange "A" was 1.0 x 10-4 torr*L/sec.  The largest individual leak on flange "B" was 3.1 x 10-5 torr*L/sec.
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:53, Tuesday 07 February 2012 (2173)
H2 ITMY (BSC8) SEI State post chamber close-up partII
Due to the HEPI Vertical Actuators being left locked down by an Assembly Tech, the final position numbers for the BSC8 platform I report in aLOG 2150 are not accurate.
I removed the locks this morning and I see a little movement of the system.  The motion is still not large but best to report it.

I now see a 9mil tilt down from SE to NW.  This is a 60µrad tilt and on the BSC optical Table at 77"φ, this would be a 4mil or 0.1mm tilt, if it remained a rigid structure which it isn't when unlocked.  It is however in the same direction of the tilt of the optical table I observed on Jan18.  Result, a 0.2mm tilt has become a 0.3mm tilt.  Does anyone want me to attempt correcting this?

Translation: There is a .005" shift South & a .009" shift West.  As I page back through the aLOG for IAS notes, I'm pretty sure we are nowhere near hitting tolerances for position remaining within .2mm transverse and <1mm longitudinal.

Rotation (Yaw) We translated 10mils South on the East side and just 2mils on the West side for a 60µrad CW rotation.  In aLOG 2069, Doug reports a 10µrad Yaw but I don't know the direction so giving us either a 50 or 70µrad CW Yaw.  Does anyone want me to correct this?

The corrections with HEPI are not easy as the Actuators are attached and they invariably pull or push the system around at these mil scales.
john.worden@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:48, Tuesday 07 February 2012 (2172)
YEND Temperature excursion

This weekend the chiller for YEND tripped off on a fault. The second unit was switched on Monday morning. VEA temps are shown in the attached.

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kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:28, Tuesday 07 February 2012 (2171)
CP3 and CP5 level alarms due to deliveries-OK, CP8 intentionally overfilled to allow instrument air to be shut down today-OK
Apollo shutting down X-end instrument air supply for the day to reroute lines for QDP80 reorientation.  I will restore LLCV/PID control of CP8 before leaving tonight-but expect CP8 alarms tonight
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:07, Monday 06 February 2012 (2169)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns.
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keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:24, Monday 06 February 2012 (2168)

Measured the weight of ISC table + telescope. Using 320D-36, it was 78.2 kg. At first 320D-36 was totally crazy and we needed to recalibrate it using a smaller scale that is normally in the shipping area and about 60kg of aluminum weight.

After that, we brought a Genie with 5-axes attachement in the EY lab. Cube was successfully moved from the Bosch frame to the Genie, and we rotated it 180 degrees in preparation for the installation.

Now both the tele/table and cube are on Genie, and we're fully ready for transport and installation.

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hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:04, Friday 03 February 2012 - last comment - 11:11, Tuesday 07 February 2012(2150)
H2 ITMY (BSC8) SEI State post chamber close-up
The BSC8 HEPI was placed on the fixed stops during the Dome install as the crew can't help but stepping on the Crossbeams.  Once the Dome bolts had been torqued, I suspended HEPI again and read dial indicators for a final delta from last alignment time.

Of note, the before & after dial indicator readings captures the ACB swung back and in place and I saw a 2mil(.002") lower reading to the west while the ACB had a little more leverage on the system--may be within the noise of DI reading and robustness.

Anyway, post final alignment numbers on Jan 19:
Level--There is a 5mil tilt down on the northside.  Our Dial Indicators are essentially at the Support Tubes so I put this tilt in the small category: 0.005"÷60"=80µrads
Position: I see a <6mil shift to the South & <10mil shift West.
Rotation: The dial indicators imply a CW (from above) of no more than 60µrads.  This is worse case as the SE corner shifted South 9mils and the NW corner shift South 1mil.  Averages would reduce the rotation amount.

As this is a close out, I've attached 17 pages of my log book mostly showing dial indicator readings and elevation surveys while we adjust to IAS requests and install and center HEPI Actuators.  I know it is a bit messy but it is a logbook.  If you need clarification just ask.  A couple notes:
DI readings are in .001"(mils).
Corner 1 is NE, 2 is NW, 3 is SW & 4 is SE---This is different from LLO established pier numbering.  I'll try to conform to this in the future.
V T & L corresponds to vertical, Transverse(N-S), & Longitudinal(E-W)
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Comments related to this report
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - 11:11, Tuesday 07 February 2012 (2170)
Due to the stellar performance of an assembly tech, the final numbers I report here are actually with the Vertical Actuators locked down.  See a subsequent report on Tuesday 7 Feb that reports final floating position.
greg.grabeel@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:02, Friday 03 February 2012 - last comment - 16:50, Tuesday 07 February 2012(2144)
HAM3 HEPI Install
Greg G. Jim W. Scott L. Ed
	HAM 3 now has the housings and crossbeams installed. We used the spacers between the base clamp and the crossbeam this time and it worked really well, much better on the clearances. So well that HAM 2 should probably be retro-fitted with them.
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hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - 16:50, Tuesday 07 February 2012 (2178)
We (Apollo Scott, Devil Ed & Myself) retrofitted the HAM2 with the Clamp Spacers to raise the foot in the housing.
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