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Reports until 17:51, Wednesday 11 January 2012
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:51, Wednesday 11 January 2012 (2021)
H1 PSL installation

Table legs were filled with glass beads, o-rings and backer rods were set into place. Tomorrow we will hopefully set the table in place.

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LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:19, Wednesday 11 January 2012 (2020)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns. The repaired dust monitor that replaced the one in the clean room over BSC8 (H0:PEM-LVEA_DST15) has also reported an error, and is not included.
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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:32, Wednesday 11 January 2012 - last comment - 14:51, Friday 08 May 2015(2018)
QUAD Glass Mass measured weights
For the record, following are the measured weights of the QUAD glass penultimate masses (PUM) and test masses that are currently here at LHO.  Most of this data can also be found on the CIT optics Nebula we page.  Note the labels of the masses are slightly confusing as the optics have been coated specifically for the one-arm.

39,653g ETM02 (TM)    BSC8 ITMy
Didn't measure ITMy PUM because it was the first mass bonded and we were not wise to the need for weights.
39,626g ETM04 (PUM) BSC6 ITMy PUM
39,689g D050421-001 BSC6 ETMy PUM (was lasti mass)
39,613g ETM04 (PUM) 
39,641g ETM05 (PUM)
39,633g ITM01 (PUM)
39,621g ETM03 (PUM)

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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 23:30, Friday 13 January 2012 (2046)
We found more weight numbers and I made a typo in my original alog.  The correct table is this:

39,653g  ETM02 (TM)   BSC8 ITMy
39,583g  ITM04 (PUM)  BSC8 ITMy PUM
39,626g* ETM04        BSC6 ETMy
39,689g  D050421-001  BSC6 ETMy PUM (was lasti mass)
39,613g  ETM04 (PUM)
39,641g  ETM05 (PUM)
39,633g  ITM01 (PUM)
39,621g  ETM03 (PUM "holy mass" has extra ground recesses) 
39,650g  ITM08 (PUM)
39,616g  ITM05 (PUM)

* Mass weighed with ears/prisms after binding/curing.

- Bland, Barton, Moreno
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 14:51, Friday 08 May 2015 (18330)

I have reason to doubt the weight listed for ETM02 "TM" - I do not know where this number came from.

LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:17, Wednesday 11 January 2012 (2017)
plots of dust counts for yesterday
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns during January 10, 2012. The dust monitor in the clean room over BSC8 (H0:PEM-LVEA_DST15_5) was alarming with 'low battery', and was restarted. It then failed again later. It was replaced this morning.
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LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:10, Wednesday 11 January 2012 (2016)
replaced dust monitor in clean room over BSC8
I replaced the dust monitor in the clean room over BSC8. It was periodically reading 'low battery'.
X1 General
james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:35, Wednesday 11 January 2012 (2015)
Test stands restarted
Tuesday Jan 10 between 17:45 and 18:30 PST, bscsteststand2 and seiteststand2 in the staging building were rebooted and the models that had been running were restarted to correct timing.  This was done as a result of moving equipment that supply timing in the MSR, which interrupted the 1PPS timing to the staging building.  The timing signal is now supplied directly from the master fan out in the MSR.
anamaria.effler@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:16, Wednesday 11 January 2012 (2014)
ITMY R0 Measurement Failed - Matlab Crashed
I had set the ITMY R0 Tfs to be retaken because there wasn't enough time the previous night and the measurement ran into the morning. So people were already on top of it, tripping watchdogs left and right. I needed to leave it with a delay to run after Vincent's ISI measurements, so I wasn't here to see it crash right after the first few lines. Sad. WIll redo at next opportunity.
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:46, Wednesday 11 January 2012 (2001)
HAM ISI#1 Work From Tues

(Corey, Hugo, Jim)

Reinstalled H3 GS13

Previous one had issues and was removed.  This current one (S/N 66 of the pod), was a spare we happened to have available (it, like all of our GS-13's must not go into a vacuum system, since they are not acceptable for in-vacuum use).  After this one was installed, the door was re-attached.  On the GS13, I did not install the bracket which bolts to the base flange and "clamps" the cable in place (couldn't find its screw).

Rough Balancing Of The System

With the system locked, I noted Dial Indicator(DI) values:
Corner A
H:  +0.001
V:  +0.001
Corner B
H:  removed
V:  0.000
Corner C
H:  +0.001
V: +0.001
Corner D
H:  -0.001
V:  0.000

Since we looked good in this locked state and were getting ready to balance, I zeroed all the Dial Indicators, and installed the Corner B Horiz Dial Indicator.  The system was then unlocked, and then I rebalanced the system to within 0.001" on all DIs.

Wired Up And Set Gaps for CPS

The Capacitive Position Sensors (CPSs) were then cabled up, and powered on.  The gaps were then set for all the CPS (generally able to get close to 0.000V, with our requirement to have them below 0.200V).

Dressing Cabling

The cabling for Sensors/Actuators were plugged in and dressed for performance.

Stage0 Level

With the optical level, Stage0 level was checked, and ultimately deemed acceptable.

Fine Balancing Of System

With running and gapped CPSs, the DIs were backed off, and the CPSs were used to finely balance the system.  Before a fine balance, the CPS Access Doors were installed.  The system was then balanced such that Vertical CPSs had values under 0.200V.

Document Checklist

While we were working on general items for the ISI, Hugo worked on checks for his Assembly document (measuring Actuator gaps, etc.).  He continued this work after we left him with a finely balanced ISI.

jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:47, Tuesday 10 January 2012 - last comment - 08:33, Wednesday 11 January 2012(2003)
H2 ITMY M0 & R0 driven transfer functions
A. Effler, J. Garcia

Measurements of driven transfer functions for the H2 ITMY M0 and R0 top masses were taken overnight for the suspension in the BSC8 chamber.  The ISI was locked for this measurement and both M0 & R0 masses were left undamped. The attached plots are of the M0 top mass transfer functions.  The R0 watchdog tripped during the final two DoFs and will be retaken tonight.
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Comments related to this report
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 08:33, Wednesday 11 January 2012 (2013)
This data looks great!

I'd like to have more monolithic QUAD data against which to compare before officially accepting the dynamics of this suspension (read -- H2 SUS ETMY, which is coming soon!).

Two points on model vs. measurement discrepancies: 
- The first pitch mode is lower (in frequency) than the model. I'll explore what this means regarding the parameters of the suspension (although we all know it's going to some break off that's ~1mm off from the model), but the real point of concern is control-ability. If the that pitch mode gets too close to the first longitudinal mode, then cross-coupling between L and P degrees of freedom makes control more difficult in that you cannot treat the DOFs as independent SISO loops. BUT for L and P, we'll have to do this anyways. 

- The DC magnitude of *all* degrees of freedom appears for be underestimated by a bit. This is indicative of imprecise calibration, not of anything physically flawed in the dynamics of the suspension. The calibration factor (60 [cts/m / cts/N]) was picked as a nice round number that scaled prior data to the model well. However, that prior data was taken on suspensions where the relative OSEM sensitivities we not well compensated -- at least not to the level of precision consistent with the level of discrepancy between model and measurement here. Nothing to worry about, and now that we have relative OSEM sensitivities better compensated, we should reassess this calibration factor (i.e scale it to the model with better precision).
anamaria.effler@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:37, Tuesday 10 January 2012 - last comment - 08:12, Wednesday 11 January 2012(2011)
FMY Transfer Function Results from last night
Last night we took FMY and ITMY TFs, but we didn't get to finish the reaction chain measurement because morning came. I am repeating that tonight, after Vincent is done with the BSC ISI.

Attached are the FMY transfer functions, compared with the new model tweaked by JeffK. All looks great except pitch is a bit off. I will check how it looks compared to the other measurements tomorrow.

JeffG will post the results for ITMY main chain, and we'll do the same for R0 once we get the data.
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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - 08:12, Wednesday 11 January 2012 (2012)
I agree, the results look fantastic. My guess is that the only discrepancy between model and measurement seen (Pitch2Pitch TF, pg 5 of attachment) is due to a variation in M1 blade-spring tip heights (and therefore suspension breakoff point d1). As we've mentioned many times before, these heights are set by-eye to the roughly +/- 1mm precision, and the magnitude of that particular transfer function is sensitive to such levels of precision.

Given this data we should consider the H2 SUS FMY mechanical dynamics accepted, and should be used as the reference data for this suspension for all future measurements. 

However, we're still fighting confusion over loop signs, so we can't yet accept the control system. 

Note -- this doesn't mean we're done with taking this particular measurement for all time -- it should be performed any time the mechanical system (specifically the suspended components, and/or its sensors and or actuators) is changed. This includes after an earthquake stop lock/unlock cycle.
LHO General
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:53, Tuesday 10 January 2012 (2010)
MSR and control room upgrades

We consolodated those system which will remain in the MSR into the far rack (which is the only rack which will remain in the MSR). This required powering down the timing systems, which stopped the H2 front ends, the H2 DAQ and the test stands in the staging building. We also rerouted the GC networking.

The timing master was upgraded at the same time. The DC power to the IO Chassis at EY was reconfigured such that one 24V supply feeds SUS and SEI, and the second 24V supply feeds PEM and TCS.

h2dc0 was power cycled, as well as all front ends and their IO Chassis as part of the recovery. All frontends were burt restored to 11:00am, except susitmy which was restored to its safe.snap file.

Yesterday the LDAS fiber optics panel, the Q logic switch and the tape robot cables were moved from the MSR to the computer users room.

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hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:29, Tuesday 10 January 2012 (2009)
BSC8 SEI Current State
The ISI is uncovered and unlocked.
The HEPI is also unlocked.
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:27, Tuesday 10 January 2012 (2008)
H2 BSC8 HEPI Actuator Attachment & Alignment Impact
As I noted in log 1989, we completed the attachment of the HEPI Actuators to the Suspended Structure Friday and made some corrections with the DSCW Springs to bring the dial indicators back to Aligned position.  We've managed to do this, mostly.
My current assessment of where I've moved the Cartridge is 3mils up, 10mils West, 12mils South, and 170urad CC from above.  According to IAS final numbers, this change, if my estimate is accurate, should not move the ITMY out of tolerable position.

We currently should be about:
120urad cc from ideal &
0.65mm South
0.7mm West
0.5mm High

Of course after the ACB goes in all these numbers will be revisited by IAS and we'll be happy to further dial it in.  The connection of the Actuator to the Suspension does complicate the moving and we may need to again disconnect the actuators from the Suspension if the move is excessive.  Alright, only 21 HEPI systems to go!

EricA & Hugh
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:03, Tuesday 10 January 2012 (2007)
BSC8 HEPI Actuator Clearance
We made tweaks to the Actuator Mounting and the Bellows shield to give us maximum available range.
There is one actuator-Vertical Pier1(NE) the range of which is just 0.045" in one direction.  All others are 50mils or above.

EricA & Hugh
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:42, Tuesday 10 January 2012 (2006)
H1 PSL installation

Table legs were grouted into place today, with help from Robert and Anamaria. Fans are running on top of the legs and drying out the hydrostone.

Additionally, table cleaning is making good progress. Christina and Terisha are in the final stages, blowing dust out of the tapped holes and vacuuming it up.

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kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:45, Tuesday 10 January 2012 (2004)
Moved pump cart from BSC10 annulus to GV18 annulus->"Burbed" GV18 gate annulus into pump cart
Rai may want to open GV18 during his visit this week.
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:43, Tuesday 10 January 2012 - last comment - 16:29, Tuesday 10 January 2012(2002)
H2 TCS 12 inch gold steering mirror was cleaned this morning:
The H2 mirror was cleaned this morning in the OSB optics lab.  The pictures show just a few of the steps involved.  The mirror is heading to the LSB optics lab to bake in the optics air-bake oven until Friday.

- Cheryl, Greg, Thomas, Joe
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cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - 16:29, Tuesday 10 January 2012 (2005)
The mirror is now in the air bake oven.
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