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Reports until 18:27, Monday 14 November 2011
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:27, Monday 14 November 2011 (1723)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns. The dust monitor at location 11 in the LVEA (between the clean room over HAM 12 and the clean room over the ISI/SUS test stand) had stopped for an unknown reason. I went out into the LVEA and it had been moved several feet. It seemed fine after I checked the settings and hit run. The dust monitor at LVEA location 6 (in the H1 PSL diode room) had a sensor alarm and was removed. It looks like it may have occurred around Nov. 13 2011, 21:40 UTC.
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benno.willke@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:05, Monday 14 November 2011 (1720)
weekend trend

The high power laser and the premode cleaner locked stable over the weekend. Injection locking as well as the premodecleaner stayed in lock for more than 61 hours.
 A power drop as well as the oscillation of the HPL outputpower with a 40min period need further investigations. The transmitted power of the PMC does not show such an oscillation even though the ISS was turned off.

Images attached to this report
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:42, Monday 14 November 2011 (1722)
X1 SUS rebooted and burt captured
Rebooted the X1 Front End and IOP.  The "Load_MEDM_Values_X1.m" script was run to fill the X1 SUS QUAD matrix values.  The settings and values were then burt captured via the "burtgooey" to the following file:


james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:22, Monday 14 November 2011 (1721)
Changed dataviewer on suspension test stand
Installed newer dataviewer software in /ligo/apps/linux-x86_64 to correct "Word too long" error of dataviewer.  
benno.willke@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:03, Friday 11 November 2011 - last comment - 06:15, Thursday 08 December 2011(1718)
PSL instalation status
Yesterday evening the laser was shut down due to a lid violation error. During the attempt to install the rf-summation box inside the 35W front-end box, we had made a mistake in the activation of the lid-overwrite, which is required to safely open the FE box. As we did not completely understood what happened we decided to leave the laser in the off state overnight.
Today the laser was restarted and run the full day without any problems. The currents of the HPL diode boxes were adjusted to the following values:
DB1: 50.5A
DB2: 49.1A
DB3: 48.9A
DB4: 49.2A

We installed and tested the water flow sensors for the water cooled power meters. All three flow sensors were set to switch at 1.5 l/min. If the flow is too low , the shutter of the high power lasers is automatically closed. With this system in place we can now operate the PMC overnight.

We continued to work on the beam path from the PMC pickoff port to the reference cavity. With the PMC transmitting 142W at the IO interface we get 387mW in the FSS beam path (measured directly infront of the FSS-AOM). The AOM is aligned to a double path efficiency of 59% such that 225mW are measured directly after the PBS downstream of the double passed AOM. (VCO_MOD_LEVEL 32000 in FSS MEDM screen, all power levels measure with an OPHIR 10A-V2-SH power head). A WinCam scan of the single path pattern is attached. The modematching was adjusted to give a 75% dip in the reflected light while scanning over the TEM00 mode of the cavity. The transmitted peak of the largest higher order mode has about 10% of the peak heigth of the TEM00. 
Images attached to this report
Comments related to this report
oliver.puncken@LIGO.ORG - 06:15, Thursday 08 December 2011 (1862)
The pump currents we used before were:
DB1: 50.3 A
DB2: 48.3 A
DB3: 49.0 A
DB4: 49.3 A
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:06, Friday 11 November 2011 (1717)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns.
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LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:54, Friday 11 November 2011 (1713)
Ops Summary
Septic tank service

Dave, Cyrus moved h2boot, h2build and h2script0 into the DAQ rack in the computer users room

Changed light bulb for second projector from the left
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:54, Friday 11 November 2011 (1716)
ITMy Monolithic status
(Betsy, Travis, Jason, Mark)

Mark measured the violin modes of the UIM-PUM loop. 

Put the reaction lower suspension (CP) in a triple hang. We again had to move more weight front to back than expected on the mass, indicating something fishy with the UIM weight symmetry in general.  Or something else.

Revisited the main chain triple hang, this time adding the magnet payload.  We again had to make multiple iterations to move ~100g to the front to correct for pitch seen on the PUM.  We currently only have (2) 62.5g masses on the back (magnet side) and we are still pitched up by:

5.217mRad up the UIM (measured with auto-level over short front to back lever arm of UIM)
4.384mRad up at the PUM
5.796mRad up at the ITMy

So, it looks like we are on for another round of moving mass on Monday.
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:34, Friday 11 November 2011 (1715)
Although a couple of the regular crew members were out for training, we proceeded with ICC making good progress. The area of the chamber not brushed yesterday was completed today and the entire chamber got first vacuum. About half the chamber got wiped down. The balance of the wipe down, second vacuum and inspection should be completed on Monday: then we'll have to decide whether we reallyARE going to FTIR 100% of this chamber on exit.
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:29, Friday 11 November 2011 (1714)
Violin modes of wires supporting PUM
For more insight into the monolithic stage imbalance, I measured the violin modes of the wire segments supporting the PUM. The procedure was as for the fibre violin modes, except with the laser and QPD raised higher. The beam path was a few mm above the top of the mass and a few mm below the side shelves on the LSAT. The observed frequencies were

left front 415 Hz
left back 428.5 Hz
right front 414 Hz
right back 424 Hz
Images attached to this report
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 00:08, Friday 11 November 2011 (1712)
X1 SUS QUAD ini file change
The .ini file "X1SUSQUAD.ini" did not have the channels needed for measurements uncommented.  The file was backed up in '/opt/rtcds/tst/x1/chans/daq/archive/' and edited for data acquisition by the DAQ.  The DAQ was restarted and the channels confirmed.
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:58, Thursday 10 November 2011 - last comment - 22:38, Sunday 13 November 2011(1706)
QUAD 04 BUILD 03 - OSEM Diagonalization

Now that the QUAD 04 has become BUILD 03, OSEM diagonalization measurements were performed this afternoon on the M0 and R0 top masses.  Two degrees of freedom were used for excitations while the responses of the individual OSEMs were plotted.  

The first attachment is of the M0 "Vertical" DoF diagonalization measurement. The excitation was a sine wave at 2.25Hz with 100cts of amplitude. The OSEM isolation from "Vertical" is at about ~34dB.

The second attachment is of the R0 "Yaw" DoF diagonalization measurement.  The excitation was a sine wave at 1.3Hz with 100cts of amplitude.  The "F1" OSEM isolation is at about ~24dB.  All other OSEMs are more isolated from "Yaw".

The third attachment is of the R0 "Vertical" DoF diagonalization measurement.  The excitation was a sine wave at 2.25Hz with 100cts of amplitude. The isolation is at about ~38dB from non-"Vert" OSEMs.

The M0 "Yaw" measurement was also performed with the same parameters as the R0 top mass and produced results that indicate "F1" is ~24dB isolated from "Yaw".  The plot was lost during a DTT crash, but will be posted when re-measured.
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Comments related to this report
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - 22:38, Sunday 13 November 2011 (1719)
M0 Yaw Diagonalization tests were performed again on the QUAD 04 BUILD 3.  Results are attached.  The M0 F1 OSEM is about 24dB isolated from the Yaw DoF.  Excitation was a sine wave at 1.3Hz with 100cts amplitude.
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jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:50, Thursday 10 November 2011 (1710)
The ICC crew brushed about 80% of the chamber today after completing the usual round of pre-work wipe and FTIR samples. Dust counts were rigorously monitored due to the close proximity of the chamber to the test stand/fiber-welding areas. Drills were troublesome today (5 used) and one indicator that drills are having trouble is higher than usual particle counts. We were in touch with the control room a couple of times to report particle spikes in the chamber so that the information could be correlated with the dust counts being collected in the LVEA and adjacent cleanrooms.
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:41, Thursday 10 November 2011 (1709)
plots of dust counts
Attached are plots of dust counts > .5 microns.
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thomas.vo@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:17, Thursday 10 November 2011 (1708)
Analysis of 2011-11-10 Dust Monitors 3, 4, &11
Attached are the trend plots for the three dust cameras 3, 4, & 11.  Dust Monitor 3 and 4 were located in the clean room over the ISI/Quad Test stand. Dust Monitor 11 was located between the aforementioned clean room and the clean room over HAM 12 where ICC were using drills throughout the day.  The plots are intended to look for any high dust counts that could connect monitor 11 to 3 and 4.  This would indicate the effectiveness of the anti-contamination mechanisms which are put in place to prevent particles from affecting the ITM, such as the HEPA filters over the ISI and the filter on the various drills which are used for ICC.

Preliminary Analysis:
Dust Monitor 11 is located outside of the clean rooms so it is subject to high amounts of particulates leading to its count remaining high through most of the day but there were two relatively large spikes at approximately 18:00 and 23:00.  The first large spike could possibly be when the drills first started combined with a large amount of people walking past the monitor.

Dust Monitor 3 is relatively low in the morning but picks up around 19:00, attributed maybe to normal activities.  The largest dust counts come towards the end of the day but does not seems to be caused by the drilling as indicated by Dust Monitor 11. 

Dust Monitor 4 shows very high dust counts at 19:00 also as well as 20:00.  To be noted, at approximately 23:15 Dust Monitor was disconnected and adjusted so readings during this time are mostly likely invalid.

All in all, judging from the graphs shown, it seems like the the amount of particles that are showing up between the two clean rooms are not correlated to the high dust counts that are indicated by the monitors 3 and 4 in the ISI clean room throughout the day. 

On Monday, the ICC team plans to continue and it'd be a good chance to re-apply a similar analysis.

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jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:42, Thursday 10 November 2011 (1707)
QUAD 04 BUILD 03 ready for testing

Today the latest Build of QUAD 04 was completed by Jeff B. and Andres R.  This work signifies the transition of "QUAD 04 BUILD 02" to "QUAD 04 BUILD 03".  The following is an excerpt from an email sent by Jeff Bartlett on 11/10/2011 to members of the LHO SUS group explaining the mechanical adjustments made to QUAD 04:    

   "We removed shims from the Reaction chain to correct optical viewed 
roll and fix optical viewed and ruler measured height. There are now 
zero shims on the left blade and 3mm of shims on the right side. The 
test masses for both chains are sitting at 21mm. This agrees with the 
optical level. I did not think the effort was worth the reward for a 
0.5mm height change. The optical lever shows a slight bit of pitch 
differential between the chains. However, as I will discuss later this 
measurement is suspect.

    There is differential yaw between the masses at L2 and L3. The 
measured yaw at L3 is almost zero in relationship to the frame. I trust 
this measurement because the frame gap is set by the 5mm spacing plugs 
and the frame is ridged at this level. The measured yaw for L2 is all 
over the map. To tune this out will result in the yaw at L3 going out of 
spec. Perhaps it was the wrong decision, but I though the gap at L3 was 
more important than at L2.

    There is still side shift between the two chains, which has been 
reduced but is not gone. The side shift, of around 1mm, is the most 
egregious at L2, but is still visible at all levels. We can tune it out, 
but doing so induces out of spec yaw problems at L3 and L2. We have used 
almost the entire swing range of the top stage blades to get it as close 
as it is. I believe this same problem was observed at LLO, although I 
don't know it's final resolution.

    Above I alluded to a lack of trust in the optical lever (laser 
reflection from mirrors attached to the centers of L3 masses) 
measurements of pitch and yaw. This mistrust comes from the surfaces 
machined into the faces of the dummy masses. The manufacturing 
tolerances for these masses are not that tight and misalignment between 
the dummy mass halves are known. Although these are small, they do not 
lend themselves to accurate pointing of the target mirrors. This is not 
as bad on the M0 dummy mass (D060355) because the center is drilled out 
and the mirror sits on a small shelf. However, on the R0 dummy masses 
(D060358 and D1002204), where the centers are solid, there is a bump 
left over from machining, right in the center of the mass. This bump is 
large enough to miss align the mirror by a considerable amount. On the 
Quad-4 R0 dummy mass, we removed as much of this bump as we could and 
used 0.010" shims as standoffs in an attempt to true the mirror. With 
this, we were able to put the bubble within the circle of the level but 
could not center it. As a result, yaw does not reflect true to the face 
of the mass. Pitch looks OK but not is certain. "

                                                 -Jeff Bartlett on 11/10/2011

betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:59, Thursday 10 November 2011 (1704)
ITMy Monolithic status
Adjusted UIM mass distribution in order to take differential pitch contributing from above and below the UIM.  Pitch alignment numbers and actual weight distribution to follow.  The monolithic was left clamped, shielded, and covered for the night.
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:46, Wednesday 09 November 2011 - last comment - 18:55, Thursday 10 November 2011(1687)
The north and south doors blanks were removed from the chamber and the O-ring protectors were installed. Everything is ready to start brushing tomorrow.
Comments related to this report
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - 18:55, Thursday 10 November 2011 (1711)
I just noticed that I had posted this as HAM-11 ICC (which is a correct iLIGO chamber number). It should really be HAM-12 and will be hereafter.
Logbook Admin Bug
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:14, Wednesday 05 October 2011 - last comment - 17:25, Tuesday 13 December 2011(1509)
Comments don't show up in search results
Comments do not show up as results of search queries for them (I've tested by searching for entry ID #, author name, and keyword search).
Comments related to this report
jameson.rollins@LIGO.ORG - 14:44, Thursday 10 November 2011 (1700)

I agree that this is a pretty bad bug.

jonathan.hanks@LIGO.ORG - 17:15, Thursday 10 November 2011 (1705)
I'll work on that after the NSF review.
jonathan.hanks@LIGO.ORG - 17:25, Tuesday 13 December 2011 (1904)
This is implemented in test test aLOG.  It will be moved to production in the next few days.
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