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Reports until 16:39, Wednesday 24 August 2011
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:39, Wednesday 24 August 2011 (1289)
more Vertex gas load hunting
Pumped to rough vacuum the annulus volumes of HAM1,2 and 3 yesterday.  

Today I roughed down HAM4,5 and 6 annulus volumes.  Later, I continued pumping these using hung turbos (backed with aux. pump carts).

Turned on annulus ion pump controllers for HAM4,5 and 6.

Opened GV1 gate annulus volume to remaining GV1 annulus volumes such that all of GV1 annulus volumes are actively pumped by a hung turbo (backed by aux. pump cart).  


Expect and ignore annulus ion pump alarms for HAM1,2,3,4,5 and 6 over the next few days.    

patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:30, Wednesday 24 August 2011 (1288)
Ops Summary
HEPI installation at end Y
Work on portable building
In chamber cleaning in BSC8

.5 micron particle counts attached
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corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:43, Wednesday 24 August 2011 (1285)
BSC Assembly Status

(Corey, Eric, Jim)


Jim & Eric aligned and set gaps for the newly-installed Capacitive Position Sensors.


Completed our final subassembly:  Small Actuators are DONE

Staged and gathered hardware for other tasks (such as GS13, Rib, Gusset, Keel Installation).

james.batch@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:33, Wednesday 24 August 2011 (1284)
Power Failure for Staging Building Test Stands
Tuesday afternoon about 1500 PDT the 20A circuit that powers both seismic and suspension test stands tripped.  It appears that extra equipment had been plugged in to the circuit, overloading it.

The suspension test stand was powered up and the x1iop model was restarted.  The bscteststand computer (the old test stand) was left powered off to conserve power.  The NFS mount on the workstation (suswork1) for /bscteststand was removed.  If users find they need data from the old controls account on bscteststand, this can be restored, contact me.  

The seismic test stand computer was left powered down until it is needed.  

The iMac for the suspension test stand was configured to allow the medm, dataviewer, and diaggui tool bar icons to function for the cleanroom user account.
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 23:48, Tuesday 23 August 2011 (1283)
X1SUSBSFM OSEMs installed, centered
J. Bartlett, V. Brocato, J. Kissel

After restoring the functionality of the SUS BSC Test Stand, Jeff and Virginia installed new Flat Flags D1100573 on BSFM01 in the staging building, and then installed and aligned the already-cabled up OSEMs. We then centered the M1 flags both in the sensitive axis ("In and Out", to a 15k count offset) and together we ran through an OSEM diagonalization to align the flags perpendicular to the sensitive axis (using those pesky CAM Nuts). Though the M2 stage OSEMs were centered along the sensitive axis (again assuming 15k offset), we did not attempt to do any better perpendicular alignment than by eye.

OSEM diagonalization templates for a Test Stand BSFM live in 

Just because -- I took a high resolution version of the same thing, when the suspension has settled nicely for an evening, and is wrapped up in a C3 shroud, to see how good we can do. See attached .pdfs. As we have seen in the past F1 is the worst offender at about 10 - 15dB isolation from the drive degree of freedom when driving in both Vertical and Yaw (and it should not be sensitive to either). Other OSEMs (coherently) show 30 dB of isolation or greater, which is expected.
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jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:25, Tuesday 23 August 2011 (1281)
In-vacuum SRS cables received!
V. Brocato, J. Garcia, J. Kissel, A. Ramirez, R. Mittleman

We've finally received a load of Class A in-vacuum peek cables from Caltech (ICS Shipment-1998), in which were several lengths of Seismically-Responsible Suspension Cables (SRSCs), D1000225's. Suspensions had been waiting on these since the mate, such that we might have sufficient cable length to connect up the H2SUSITMY QUAD appropriately through the isolation stages of the BSC-ISI, as per the System's drawing D1101477. 

Upon receiving them, Virginia inventoried what was shipped (Drawing and Serial Numbers, see attached's first and second column) because we were informed that what was in ICS was not complete -- which has been confirmed. After identifying that we had a significant number of the needed D1000225s, we went though them to identify their lengths (see third column). D1101477 suggests that we need the 180" length for ITMY and 199" lengths for the FMY, but (as confirmed by Kate Gushwa at Caltech) there were none of the 180" lengths in this load. We did find six of 199" length.

Hoping to press forward, Jeff, Rich, and I began by re-arranging / de-tangling the cables that were coming off of the QUAD, and then assessed what we were missing in order to continue. We didn't get very far. After using the site-aside-because-they're-not-needed UIM Stop Plates as temporary optical table cable clamps, and merely draping the D1000225s over the ISI, we came up with the following list:

- Allen key for removing gender benders
- Cable Brackets (D1001346) and associated hardware
- Cable Clamps (peek / viton / metal / otherwise) and associated hardware
- Aluminum cable labels (made by G2 earlier in the week)
- Cross brace cable clamp hardware and instructions on how to use them
- Class B fake feedthrough
- 3/8-16 and 1/4-20 bolts of varying lengths

Also, upon reviewing / actually trying to implement the cable path up the BSC-ISI defined in D1101477, we noticed that the launch and land of the cables from Optical Table/Stage 2 to Stage 1 happens rather quickly. I think perhaps there is some confusion as to what is Stage 2 and what is Stage 1 (which is admittedly confusing with the nested structure of the BSC=ISI). First impressions from Rich and I would have guessed that the cable should make the transition from the optical table to running up the side of Stage 2, before making the important jump between isolation stages. As it is shown now, there is lots of slack on the cable, and the probability for rubbing / mechanical shorts are high. Further, though the D1101477 doesn't show it, that area is already crowded with BSC-ISI cables, making routing more difficult than what is shown in the SolidWorks rendering. 

Pictures attached!
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H2 General
koji.arai@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:38, Tuesday 23 August 2011 (1282)
H2 CDS Crash

K. Arai

H2 CDS freezed at around 9pm and any of the epics channels are currently white.
It seems to be a spontaneous crash as no one was working on the realtime codes itself.

We await for the restoration action by the experts for an hour and leave the site if not avilable.

hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:55, Tuesday 23 August 2011 - last comment - 12:25, Wednesday 24 August 2011(1280)
BSC6 EndY Support Tubes Jigged & Set
Dome is back on--Jimw GregG Scott Slim MarkD Hugh

We dropped the iLIGO Support Table into the chamber and it landed (in a very controlled way) onto the Support Tubes.  We bolted the Table to the Tubes to fix the Support Tubes' relative position.  We balanced the position of the Support Tubes wrt the Chamber and then secured them to the Crossbeam via the V-Blocks.  We then disconnected the Table from the Tubes and pulled it from the Chamber.  It was a little trapped between the Support Tubes suggesting we hadn't been as iterative in the torquing of the V-Blocks to the Crossbeam as we should have been.  We tweaked the a V-Block outward and the Table slipped out.

We wrapped up the day by replacing the Dome and the East Door Cover after we emptied the chamber of our detritus.

Some photo of the day: 1) The Jib Cranes holding the Support Tubes-there is one of these at each of the four corners.  2) The Support Table flying toward the Chamber.  3) The Support Table bolted to the Support Tubes.  4) GG hoping to not be forgotten!

Thanks Crew, good job!
Images attached to this report
Comments related to this report
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - 12:25, Wednesday 24 August 2011 (1287)
The Support Tubes were set horizontally wrt the Chamber D nozzles to < +- 1/16", maybe closer to +-1/32.
H2 General
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:05, Tuesday 23 August 2011 (1279)
Ops Day Summary
Usual deliveries in the morning:
Paradise water 
Swageloc delivery and rental pick-up

Patrick to take dust monitors to  End-Y 
In-chamber cleaning in BSC8 – finished just before 4pm.
Seismic work at End-Y station
filiberto.clara@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:05, Tuesday 23 August 2011 - last comment - 15:24, Friday 26 August 2011(1278)
H2 SUS PUM Monitor Channels
Had issues with the signal input selection monitor bits for the PUM. A test bit controls where the drive signal for each channel comes from. The PUM has two DB9 connectors, "DRIVE IN" or "TEST IN". See Jeff Kissel Alog - QUAD BIO I/O Simulink/MEDM Upgrade for further details.

This test bit controls a relay that selects from "DRIVE IN" or "TEST IN". Attached to this circuit are two transistors that output the state of the relay. When the relay was activated, it would respond by switching. The problem came from the rest of the circuit, where the input voltage on this bit was around 0.8V. This was enough voltage to keep the base of the transistor "on" regardless of the state. Jay Heefner recommended we switched out R111 on all four channels from 10K to 100K. Did modifications on PUM Chassis SN S102650. Unit is back in SUS rack and monitor channels are all working.

F. Clara, J. Heefner, R. McCarthy 

Comments related to this report
filiberto.clara@LIGO.ORG - 15:24, Friday 26 August 2011 (1310)
Correct SN of Chassis is S1102650.
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:57, Tuesday 23 August 2011 (1277)
Began hunt for Vertex gas load
Used aux. pump cart to "hog" out HAM1, HAM2 and HAM3 annulus volumes -> no change in vertex pressure -> will continue hunt tomorrow
H2 General
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:48, Tuesday 23 August 2011 (1275)
Vibrational Absorber tap tests
The Viton vibrational absorbers (VA's) were added to the sleeve of the mated Quad in the LVEA last Friday.  The VA's were clamped to each of the four posts of the sleeve of the Quad in a "spiral" configuration which means they were stepped up incrementally around the Quad. An accelerometer was inserted into each VA and tap tested using a B&K hammer.  The hammer's software plotted each impulse response and confirmed the hammer had not "double-hit" the surface.  

First, each VA was tapped individually parallel and perpendicular to the orientation of the accelerometer in the VA.  Each attached "vibration_absorber_##" pdf file has the parallel response on the first page and the perpendicular on the second.  The "##" corresponds to the S/N of the VA. Here we simply have images of the plots for analysis.

Next, 3 locations on the Upper Structure, 4 locations on the Lower Structure, and 4 locations on the Sleeve Structure were chosen for tap testing.  The impulse responses are plotted along with a picture showing their locations on the assembly.  The last image is a close-up of one of the VA's.

Each plot has each of the X,Y, and Z DoF responses of the accelerometer.  Exporting the data into text files was discovered after these tests were ran so we would not have to rely on images of the responses. The ability to process the data via MATLAB is currently in development. 
Images attached to this report
Non-image files attached to this report
jodi.fauver@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:44, Tuesday 23 August 2011 (1276)
Mark, Scott, Chris, and Carolyn worked out at the chamber today. Wipe down with isopropanol was completed and all of Rai's requested samples were taken. The floor was re-installed so that 2nd vacuum could begin early tomorrow.

Zack worked on air drill dis-assembly. Some of the tools for the dedicated clean assembly space arrived today.

Mark H. and I talked about safety concerns related to my "walk" down the beamtube to survey fiber content in the low spots. We agreed that I would only go a short distance down the tube (max. 5 ft) and that Safety will work on a Hazard Analysis for longer beamtube "walk-abouts".
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:53, Tuesday 23 August 2011 (1274)
dust monitor at end Y
I have put the MetOne 227B dust monitor with serial number 980500282 in the VEA (not in any clean room) at end Y. Both the sample and the holding time are set to 1 minute.
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:15, Tuesday 23 August 2011 (1266)
BSC Assembly Status

This entry covers work from last Fri-today.

(Corey, Eric, Greg, Jim)


Capacitive Position Sensors (CPS) were replaced on this assembly.  There was bad solder/flux on these CPS.  The new CPS were installed and need to be aligned and have their gaps set; will do this and re-balance the system when the SUS team is done with their work.


Stage1 Close Out Plate & Cover were installed & torqued down.  Inner Hex and Outer Walls have been installed for upcoming Keel Installation.  The Top-Facing Keel is getting helicoiled. 

hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:03, Tuesday 23 August 2011 (1273)
EndY BSC6 Dome Removed & SuppTubes Freed
GregG JimW Slim Kevin Ed & Hugh
Re-Work Permit #2875/E1100715

On Monday afternoon we pulled the East cover from BSC6 (Inner O-ring is missing) so Jim could go in and disconnect the Wire Straps holding the Support Tubes in place.  Then using the Jib Cranes mounted on the Crossbeams, we lifted the Support Tubes so the Chocks could be removed from the D-Nozzles.

The dome was pulled and crammed into place on the North side of the BeamTube.

Today we planned to install the iLIGO Support Table to the Support Tubes and then connect the Support Tubes to the Crossbeams via the V-Blocks.
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:00, Monday 22 August 2011 (1272)
QUAD BIO I/O Simulink/MEDM Upgrade
J . Kissel, K. Arai

Given that we have a more complete understanding of the QUAD's Binary Input/Output (BIO) switching (arising from conversations with Jay, Filiberto, and Richard, putting it together in T1100378, changing cryptic channel names, and using the monitor chassis), I've reflected the current state of knowledge by giving the BIO simulink block and BIO MEDM screen some TLC. Attached are screenshots of the results.

A few interesting points
- For every stage, there is a "TEST/COIL" control and corresponding "SIGNAL INPUT SELECTION", TEST or AI monitor bit. Having the control bits set to "TEST" (0) switches the input to the TEST inputs, a separate DB9 connection on the front of the Coil Driver Chassis. Nominally, the output of the Anti-Imaging (AI) Chassis is hooked up to the COIL DB9 inputs. Hence, if you want any drive signal to get from the digital system out to the OSEM COILs, one needs to control the TEST/COIL bits to 1, which corresponds to "AI ENABLED," or a 1 on the monitor bits. 

- Since have thing control bits set to "TEST" is rarely (if ever) a useful setup, I've colored the monitor bits of the SIGNAL INPUT SELECTION to show YELLOW / RED when the TEST bits are enabled, because it means that no digital drive signal is being received by Coil Drivers. (In the screen capture, the L2/PUM monitors demonstrate this color scheme).

- Speaking of the L2/PUM bits, the signal input selection monitor bits are currently busted. The monitor AND ONLY THE MONITOR is stuck in the "TEST" state. Filiberto has discovered that this is because the TEST state corresponds to the "low" (0 V) relay state, and the circuit is still receiving some amount of voltage when switched low, just above the threshold (0.8 V, where the threshold is 0.7 V or something like that). We have confirmed through directly measuring output voltage, and indirectly measuring the outputs via the monitor I/O chassis, that the CTRL bits are working just fine.

- Of particular interest to the end users, the suggested states of operation (hexidecimal values entered into :SUS-__CTRL) are "hard-coded" written into the MEDM screen

- In the simulink model, the EPICs input channels that control the BIO CTRL bits are burried inside the QUAD_MASTER.mdl model, and given cleaner, self-explanatory names repesented on the MEDM screen. And the up-most level of the main diagram (h2susitmy.mdl) design philosophy of having only unique input and output parts on that level has been restored.

A few details of the upgrade:
The compilation process involved a great deal of excruciating guess and check work. Regrettably, the final design involves lots of notoriously flaky CDS_PARTS, including bus creators/selectors, tags, DIO blocks, bit2word and word2bit parts. In the end, the most painful discoveries were the following:
      (1) The interaction between what Simulink was designed for and the RCG requires the need for a unit delay *somewhere* in the DIO input / output chain. In reality, the DIO block represents 64 input bits and 64 output bits that are causally disconnected. However, its representation in Simulink appears as though it part of a linear system (like it's a filter bank or something). Hence when the signal chain is connected at the top most level in *what appears to be* a loop, the simulink/RCG compiler freak out when there is no clock-cycle delay between hooking up the output of this "system" to the input. Note that I specify it must be the top level -- I tested moving the unit delay into the subsystem, and it would not compile. This "freak out" is manifested in the compiler as immediately complaining that *all* the buses and tags could not be connected -- which of course lead to a red herring + wild goose chase of slowly implementing baby steps of including buses, then tags, then connecting and reconnecting signals, etc. etc. Moral off the story -- one needs a unit delay somewhere in the DIO signal in the top most level of the chain.
      (2) Something is terribly buggy with the cdsBit2Word and cdsWord2Bit parts. In the initial design Rolf put together, he had found the need to cdsBit2Word then immediately cdsWord2Bit each of the 4 monitor 16-bit words, before sending them to an epics variable. However, after finally succeeding in surmounting problem (1) I found that *3 of the 4 IDENTICAL connections were functional, but one was not.* Exact same parts, exact same type of input signal, exactly the same style of connection. After peppering the signal chain with test points, I had finally discovered that the cdsBit2Word -> cdsWord2Bit transfer was entirely unnecessary to begin with, so it is now completely removed.
Images attached to this report
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:28, Monday 22 August 2011 (1271)
J. Kissel, J. Garcia, V. Sandberg, F. Clara

Now that the BSFM has been suspended, we set out to turn on the OSEMs and read out the open light from them. We initially noticed there was simply bit noise on the medm screens. After power-cycling the SUS test stand rack IOP and FrontEnd processes, the input values read out bit noise after checking all physical cable connections.  Several reboots were in order but to no avail. It occurred to us to check the rack for any missing hardware, and lo and behold, our Anti-Aliasing chassis had disappeared from its seat in the rack. We went in search of what we knew was initially installed in the rack: the Version 1 style AA chassis (the ones with the old metal tags, as opposed to the fancy new bar code stickers) in the EE shop.  It was rumored this box had been transported to the LVEA for testing purposes, but was not found there either.  We eventually tracked it down under a pile of electronics boxes on a shelf in the EE lab. The serial number for this particular box is now S1104801 (old number was S080010, new number to be later added) with a drawing number of D070081-V1.   Functionality was confirmed and later installed in the SUS test stand rack.

After re-cabling the chassis, the IOP and FrontEnd processes were ran again. Input signals read out to our satisfaction and we rolled on to the next step of preparing the assembly. The "Prepare_BSFM_06272011.m" script was then run from the '~[SusSVN]/BSFM/X1/Common/Scripts/' directory on the SUS workstation.  With the appropriate medm screens open, we confirmed the script entered the offset, matrix, and switch values. The medm values confirmed we were looking at open light readout from the OSEMS.

michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:20, Monday 22 August 2011 (1270)
H2 PSL installation

Gerbig put up the framing for the diode room today, and added more wall panels to the anteroom and laser room.

The 200W laser arrived today and is now sitting in the large item access area, where it will sit until October. Please do not stack anything heavy on the box labeled 3. It is the only one that does not have a box stacked on top it.

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