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Reports until 15:59, Thursday 07 April 2011
H2 General
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:59, Thursday 07 April 2011 (696)
Ops Day Summary
Throughout the day:
cleaning at Mid-Y completed by 12:00
Jodi and crew out by HAM12 
Michael Rodruck and Gerardo Jr. cleaning on H2 PSL table

9:30 – M. Landry to EY to lock down GS-13s so initial alignment of BSC can begin

1:30 – Kyle out to X-End to replace a mechanical level gauge for CP8.
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:19, Thursday 07 April 2011 (695)
Repaired CP8 mechanical level gauge @ X-end
I discovered while attempting to replace CP8's magnehelic diff. pressure (mechanical level gauge) gauge that the recent reboot/overpressure episodes had caused a previously unnoticed soft rubber plug to pop out of the back of the gauge.  I reinstalled this plug and now the gauge is working normally and won't requre replacement.  Obviously, this device is designed to pop out and prevent damage to the measuring diaphram in the event of overpressure.  

patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:36, Wednesday 06 April 2011 (694)
Ops Day Summary
Delivery from Diamond freight
Drilling core holes behind HAM12
Cutting off of bolts from degrouting areas
PSL table cleaning
Dave attempted to restart h1awg0
Terry, Christina, Gerardo Jr cleaned at mid Y
H2 General
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:22, Wednesday 06 April 2011 (693)
iligo fb0w back up after LDAS work

LDAS have completed their work, so I restarted fb0w writing frames.

The data gap on nds0 is from 12:28 Apr 5 to 15:16 Apr 6. For archived data in this period please use nds2.

mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:08, Wednesday 06 April 2011 (692)
Quad test stand data moved
The historical quad and BS data was accessible on the workstation at /export/controls/data, but it was physically on the front end, at /home/controls/data . So I first renamed it to olddata20110406, and then copied it across to /ligo/svncommon/ (i.e., right next to the checkout of the SUS SVN at /ligo/svncommon/SusSVN ). Over the next few days I'll do a bit of tidyup on the files, then move them into the SVN and formally add/commit them. Please don't add any new data to either copy of olddata20110406. 

Rather, put new data directly in the SVN using the links I created:

~/X1QUAD -> /ligo/svncommon/SusSVN/sus/trunk/QUAD/X1
~/X1BSFM -> /ligo/svncommon/SusSVN/sus/trunk/BSFM/X1

Below those entry points, the directories are for quad number (e.g., QUAD01), build number (e.g., BUILD01), "sensor-actuator group"  (e.g., SAGM0). So an actual data file might live at 

H2 General
jonathan.berliner@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:11, Tuesday 05 April 2011 (691)
Tuesday Ops Log
- Deliveries from UniFirst, Diamond Freight (for Hugh), and Praxair in the morning.
- DaveB and KyleR worked on EX's vacuum EPICS system.
- RichardM worked on waking h1awg from its winter hibernation.  This led him to working on the GPS receivers as well.
- MichaelR, TerryS, ChristinaC, and Jr. were cleaning the H2 PSL table, hole-by-hole.  Efforts are now focusing on the holes in the rusted portion of the table.
- Apollo folks working around HAM7 area in preparation of linking its new neighboring HAM(8?).
- Winds very high today as cold front returns...snow expected Wednesday.
H2 General
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:39, Tuesday 05 April 2011 (690)
h0veex reboots, fb0w not writing frames

I did a further series of reboots of h0veex today to get more data on the problem of the PID controller opening the CP fill valve too much on startup.

LDAS are doing some upgrades to their fiber channel switch in the LSB, I have stopped fb0w from writing frames since its file system is down for the duration of this work. This means nds0 has no archived data for this period and nds2 should be used instead.

kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:38, Tuesday 05 April 2011 (689)
Vented Y-mid
Vented Y-mid after lunch today.  GV10 annulus ion pump current ramped up predictably as a result of the known leak between the outer O-ring and the annulus space.  Had to valve in aux. pump cart to help GV10 annulus ion pump match leak rate.  This signal is on scale at 10mA on local controller but "red" on CDS.  This will probably go "green" on CDS over the next day or so.  Note: GV10 annulus leak has never shown to communicate to PT-244.  Nevertheless we will utilize the aux. pump on this annulus during the aLIGO BSC chamber move/retrofit.  
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:10, Tuesday 05 April 2011 (688)
dust monitors on mic stands
The Met One 227b dust monitors at locations 4, 5, 7 and 9 were moved onto microphone stands at ~21:00 UTC April 5, 2011.
H2 General
jonathan.berliner@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:36, Tuesday 05 April 2011 (686)
Open Work Permits
A digest of all open work permits.  If your job is complete, feel free to sign it as such.
2530 - 2010 Aug 17 - Robert - Install infrasound at EX
2566 - 2010 Oct 19 - Dave - Remove H2 channels
2594 - 2010 Nov 01 - EricA - Run HEPI actuator flushing...
2642 - 2010 Dec 17 - Squeezers - Seismic tests on squeezer high legs, craning...
2645 - 2010 Dec 21 - Gerardo - Remove H2 OpLevs
2691 - 2011 Feb 15 - EricA - Pump HEPI fluid from ground to mezanine...
2699 - 2011 Feb 28 - Corey - Swap SEI support stack with aLIGO HEPI...
2719 - 2011 Mar 21 - Kyle - Vent RGA volume and remove RGA components from BSC6...
2725 - 2011 Mar 31 - Kyle - Investigate/correct pressure range drift
2724 - 2011 Mar 31 - Bubba - Welding/grinding outside of warehouse
2726 - 2011 Apr 04 - Jodi - Try propane stove for pressure-cooking Viton
2727 - 2011 Apr 05 - Kyle - Vent BSC6...
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:21, Monday 04 April 2011 (685)
dust and jack hammering
I have attached second trends of the .5 micron dust levels in the beer garden alongside the Z axis of the accelerometer installed on HAM6. One is during April 1, 2011 and the other is April 4, 2011. Using the accelerometer as an indication of the time that jack hammering took place, it seems that the initial spike in dust appears a few minutes prior to the beginning of work. This might be attributed to the powering on of the blower. On April 4, 2011, I have indicated the approximate times of when the blower was turned on and off: off at 8:40, on at 10:24 and off at 2:00 PDT.
Non-image files attached to this report
greg.grabeel@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:43, Monday 04 April 2011 - last comment - 10:47, Tuesday 05 April 2011(684)
BSC 7 HEPI Horizontal Actuator

The horizontal actuator on the NE corner of BSC 7 has been temporarily installed. There is no official procedure for installing these yet so the horizontal actuator is there merely to help size the scaffolding for the BSC. It is now held in place with 3 angle brackets. The plans are to remove the horizontal actuator once the measurements have been taken.

Images attached to this report
Comments related to this report
greg.grabeel@LIGO.ORG - 10:47, Tuesday 05 April 2011 (687)

The horizontal actuator installed-dimensions were taken and has now been uninstalled.

H2 General
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:16, Friday 01 April 2011 (683)
iligo CDS disk system very slow

The old iLIGO CDS main file server (hanford2) is very slow. I did some diagnostics (error logs, network packet analyser) but could not find any errors. The raid itself is very fast when accessed by hanford2, only NFS clients are slow. I rebooted hanford2 ata 17:11, but that did not work. I killed the conlogger since that was started today, but that was not the cause.

We will have to suffer with a slow file system over the weekend (dont log out or close windows) and I'll take another look on Monday.

dani.atkinson@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:38, Friday 01 April 2011 (682)
Ops Day Shift Summary
  • The Apollo crew did some degrouting work at the old HAM8 site in the LVEA.
  • Patrick attempted to track down a source of dust with the monitors, possibly coincident with the degrouting or a maintenance problem with the monitors themselves.
  • A Reiboldt contractor removed sound-dampening padding from between the LVEA and the mechanical room.
mark.lubinski@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:57, Friday 01 April 2011 (681)
Well Pump
Filled well tank.  This caused a high level alarm on the well tank, but cleared later in the morning.  
Filters changed on RO unit Thursday
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:18, Friday 01 April 2011 (680)
X-end LN2 dewar vapor pressure increasing
Investigation of a decreasing LLCV %open value resulted in the observation that the X-end LN2 dewar vapor pressure was 43psi ( < 20psi is nominal) -> Discovered that the pressure relief circuit was valved-out! -> Opened valve and boil-off venting was restored. There had been a delivery to this dewar on Tuesday and I assume that the driver closed this valve for some reason?  

Also, backed out economizer valve adjuster 1/4 turn ccw on Y-end LN2 dewar (had been running ~30psi at this dewar). 
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:09, Friday 01 April 2011 (679)
X-end instrument air OK now
Exercising the "span" adjustment yesterday has negated the need for a parts replacement.  X-end "Lead" pressure switch operating between 65psi - 80psi.
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:59, Friday 01 April 2011 (678)
HEPI Pump Servo at LHO
The HEPI Pump Servo has been running on one of the pump stations at LHO for the last week controlling the motor speed to maintain pressure for the HEPI actuator fluid. The servo box contains a single board computer running CentOS for control via EPICS. We cabled everything up, booted and started the IOC with no issues.

Initially, voltages to each adc channel input were stepped from 0 until the adc counts were maxed at 32767cts. The specifications from the manufacturer of the pressure sensors (Honeywell) gives a calibration of 3000PSI/100mV for the readout. With a +10V input, the adc maxed out at 32768cts. With a sensor measuring attempting to measure 80PSI, this gives:

(80PSI) x (.1V/3000PSI) = .00267V x (32768cts/10000 V) =~ 9cts for a pressure of 80PSI.

As it turned out, their was not enough gain on the inputs to readout the output voltage above the adc noise, even after adding a “SMOO” field to the database file. Richard McCarthy added a gain of 300 to the pressure input channels so that now a voltage of 0.034V will max the adc at 32768cts.

Next, it was noticed the sample rate was affecting the CPU load when all sensors were attached, so the EPICS database file was modified to sample at 2Hz as opposed to the initial 10Hz.

The motor controller box was modified to allow remote control and voltage input.

The EPICS database file was modified to read out PSI units using a slope calculated from stepping through the range of voltages to adc counts and the manufacturer's calibration. The output voltage was stepped in counts via medm and recorded. Maxing out at 1000cts outputs ~5.11V for a PSI of ~100. The PID servo is now maintaining the PSI at ~60PSI without deviations larger than 1PSI.

The next step is to implement a way of writing EPICS data and monitoring the PSI levels over several-day periods. 
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:07, Thursday 31 March 2011 (676)
particle counts during scrubbing
I have attached the trends for the .5 micron particle counts per cubic foot from March 31 2011, 22:00-23:00 UTC, the approximate time that Gerardo said he was running the auto-scrubber.

Location 4 is outside the clean room around HAM 12.
Location 5 is in the beer garden.
Location 7 is the former location of the H2 electronic racks.
Location 8 is near the H1 electronic racks.
Location 9 is near the former location of the H2 PSL

I do not see counts as high at location 5 as when the degrouting was taking place earlier this week. I have attached a trend for the last four days for comparison.
Non-image files attached to this report
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