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Reports until 09:34, Wednesday 10 November 2010
H2 General
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:34, Wednesday 10 November 2010 - last comment - 15:05, Wednesday 10 November 2010(322)
Q2 M0 alignment
Yesterday we finished resetting height and pitch of the Main Chain on Q2 after the mega mass swap.  The TM is now sitting at at a hint over 22mm (21.7mm nom) from the LS bracket fiducial and the pitch error is 0.5mRad (2mm of beam displacement at the wall/4m lever arm from Q2 to wall) based on the optical lever.  So, we are within spec on both of these numbers.  We're moving on to the Reaction Chain and then will look at yaw and gap.
Images attached to this report
Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 15:05, Wednesday 10 November 2010 (323)
Moving to R0, we see that we are pitched out at the PenRe causing the lower bump stops to touch the Pen on M0.  Looking closer at both chains, it seems the pitch error is at the UIM/Pen stage on both chains.  

The R0 UIM needed 100g moved from front to back on the mass in order to be better leveled.  This was achieved by the following.
R0 UIM - took off:
25g + 100g on top front turret
25g on back top left turret
50g 1st from cntr of 3 on right front top plate

replaced it with:
37g + 37g on top front turret
75g on back top left turret
100g 1st from cntr on left back top plate

After all of this, we adjusted out the pitch error seen in the Top Mass with the course pitch adjusters.  We noticed that the R0 right adjuster looked off center compared to the left one, so we adjusted this one side which corrected pitch and looked more in line with the COM.

Next we saw that R0 hung low by ~2mm and was also side shifted from M0 by ~1mm to the right (viewed from back).  We added a 1.5mm shim set (total now = 3.5mm) to the left Top Stage Blade and a 0.5mm shim to the right (total now = 0.5mm).

A final tweek to one of the R0 Top Stage Blade cartridges to adjust out a little yaw left the TM and the ReTM with a nice 5mm +/- 0.5mm gap.

Tomorrow we will revisit M0 to adjust out some minor pitch error at the lower masses.  
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:13, Tuesday 09 November 2010 (321)
End Station Status'
Kyle, Chris (Apollo)-Installed BSC9 east door at X-end

Kyle, X-end - IP12 controller died last night as room was too warm with QDP80 and all (5) of the purge air compressors running (BSC9 door off soft cover on - typically purge flow is set to max when door and soft cover are both off then reduced when soft cover is installed)  Also, purge air drying tower had switching failure this morning and dewpoint measured -13C -> Investigation showed that "purge air valve" which dictates air pressure on tower which is regenerating dessicant was set at ~95psi -> corrected by setting value to 65psi - this alone will cause ultimate "dryness" to be poor.  Additionally, deduced that 1of4 gravity-style check valves was stuck open - this would be the source of the switching failure -> whacked check valve body with knuckles during portion of cycle when air flows "against the arrow".  This freed the stuck flapper and now ok -> Purge air system Ok now measure <-54C comming from supply but ~-17C when blowing back out of VE -> Don't have good means to dry-out VE other than filling with (now) dry air then decoupling purge connection and letting VE blow out into the room, reconnect purge and refilling VE to 1psi with dry air, decoupling etc... which I did several times throughout the day.  

Note: purge air was measured to be <-54C at time X-end was vented.  95psi setting at drying tower causes inefficiency but doesn't cause noticeable problem until demand becomes high for an extended period of time.  

Kyle, Y-end - Finally have good vapor pressure at Y-end LN2 dewar (new value is 6 turns ccw from fully closed economizer valve adjuster screw) -> no more "low N2 flow" alarm on QDP80 -> Resumed pumping Y-end.
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:32, Tuesday 09 November 2010 (320)
Ops Day Summary
8:03 - 11:34 Oscar patching mouse holes along the Y arm
8:34 - 8:57 Dani transitioning end X to laser safe
9:49 Unifirst delivery
10:19 Praxair delivery to mid Y
10:37 ISCT9 being moved to squeezer experiment
10:49 gravel truck arrives
? another gravel truck arrives

Other work:
Christina, Terry cleaning BSC8 and surrounding area
Sheila, Keita, Dani, Conor, Daniel assembling squeezer experiment
Filiberto continuing CDS deinstall
Rolf, Alex, Keith here to help H2 CDS install
Door is back on end X
Work continues on the foundation for the H2 electronics building
mark.lubinski@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:17, Tuesday 09 November 2010 (319)
site inspection
Completed site inspection tour, found no problems
Replaced battery for FMCS system.  FMCS is now restored to full operation.
richard.savage@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:50, Monday 08 November 2010 (318)
H1 ETMX Pcal laser shut down
JonathanB and RickS

We completed our work here at EndX and shut down the photon calibrator laser.

The EndX VEA is still, however, in the Laser Hazard condition.

Hopefully DaniA will transition us back to Laser Safe tomorrow morning.
richard.savage@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:36, Monday 08 November 2010 (317)
Lock down of H1 ETMx
JonathanB, PatrickT, RickS

Following Doug Cook's instructions, we locked down H1 ETMX (RickS) inside the chamber by screwing in the four rear earthquake stops until the touched the chamfer on the rear of the ETM and nudged the optic up against the earthquake stops on the front face chamfer.
richard.savage@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:33, Monday 08 November 2010 (316)
Photon calibrator measurements at EndX
JonathanB, Patrick, RickS

After locking down H1 ETMX, we proceeded to measure the optical efficiency from the photon calibrator output to the light incident on the ETM - basically just the viewport transmission.  Measurements were made about 35 cm upstream of the ETM using the Woring Standard power sensor (integrating sphere and InGaAs PD).  We did not use the TEC controller due to cable length issues.

We used the Pcal internal power monitor (PM)as a laser power reference.  We measured the PM voltage using a Keithly 2100 VOM connected to the Blue Box PD out.  The WS voltage was measured in the usual way.  Typical measurements were two minutes long with one sample every 25 ms.

The H1ETMx pcal beams do not cross, so the Pcal refl beam impinges on the mass on the -y (east) side.

For the in-chamber measurements, the WS/PM ratios were:
Pcal refl beam: 0.2788, 0.2781; avg = 0.2785
Pcal trans beam: 0.2828, 0.2831; avg. = 0.2830

Before going into the chamber, we measured the WS/PM ratios with the WS located inside the Pcal calibration box (just upstream of the vacuum window).  Note that the TEC was used for these measurements.  The ratios were:
Pcal relf beam: 0.3239, 0.3190; avg. = 0.3215
Pcal trans beam: 0.3253, 0.3201, 0.3176; avg. = 0.3210

After the in-vacuum measurements, we repeated the external measurements, but this time without using the TEC.  The results were:
Pcal refl beam: 0.3159, 0.3145; avg. = 0.3152
Pcal trans beam: 0.3168, 0.3176; avg. = 0.3172

Using the data taken wihout the TEC (we don't expect it to make a difference, but just in case ...) we get for the optical efficiencies:
Pcal refl beam: 0.884
Pcal trans beam: 0.892

The optical efficiencies, for slightlyl different positions on the ETM, thus slightly different incidence angles were measured in Oct. 2007 (just after S5) to be 0.902 and 0.912.
Thus the optical efficiencies measured today are almost 2% lower than what we measured 3 years ago.

kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:07, Monday 08 November 2010 (315)
X-end Vent
Kyle-vented X-end  

Kyle, Ski-removed BSC9 east door
dani.atkinson@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:13, Monday 08 November 2010 (314)
Ops Day Shift Summary
Work today included:

  • Daniel and Conor working on the squeezer setup in the east bay (no laser yet activated, should be a couple of weeks).
  • BSC9 @ EX was vented to allow for the optic to be locked down and some photon calibrator work. The area is thus still in laser hazard.
  • More electronics rack moving/sorting/packing/something at MX.
  • Initial setup for some of the future control room workstations, being initially built and tested in the computer user room.
  • Doug went to EY to see if he'd left teflon tape on the EQ stops in BSC10, which he didn't.
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:24, Monday 08 November 2010 (313)
dust monitor by HAM1
The dust monitor by HAM1 that was used during the lock down of the earthquake stops has been removed. Location 8 has been given back to the dust monitor behind 1x22, which has been turned back on. This dust monitor has a temperature and humidity readout.
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:03, Sunday 07 November 2010 (312)
*Did not stop Y-end rotating pumps Friday evening as logged.  Instead, I stopped the purge air and QDP80 pumps this morning*  

No flow out dewar exhaust line, pressure now on scale but still not high enough -> Backed adjuster screw on economizer valve 1/2 ccw and flow started -> I will adjust this 1/2 turn cw every 24 hours until dewar vapor pressure reaches 10psi then should be able to pump Y-end VE without "low N2 flow" warning.

mark.lubinski@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:10, Saturday 06 November 2010 (311)
Well Pump alarm
Received text message alarm about well pump.  Came out to site this morning.  Well pump not running and no tank overflow occuring.  FMCS still not operating correctly, but will investigate further.
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:02, Friday 05 November 2010 (310)
CP7 dewar vapor pressure

Thoroughly thawed Y-end LN2 economizer valve with heat gun then tapped with hammer, turned adjuster screw fully cw then backed out (7) complete turns ccw need to increase LN2 vapor pressure to nominal 10 psi.

~1815 - shut down rotating pumps purge air compressor at Y-end until LN2 vapor pressure problem is resolved.
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:57, Friday 05 November 2010 (309)
HAM1 doors
Kyle - Removed all but (4) bolts from HAM1 West door.  

Kyle, Ski, Jodi, Chris (apollo) - Removed then rehung HAM1 East then West doors
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:48, Friday 05 November 2010 (308)
Lockdown of HAM1 optics
(Chris, Corey, Jodi, Kyle, Mike L, Patrick, Ski)

This afternoon the crew went about clamping HAM1's optics....in a new way.  Generally, the IOT1 & ISCT1 meatlocker/table are moved out of the way and we install platforms to access the table.  This time we tried a new method:  keep everything in place, remove a HAM door (keep it out of the way and suspended from crane), work on HAM Table, re-install door, and then move to the other side of the chamber.

One thing we didn't plan was a platform to work on.  So reaching optics was certainly a pain. 

East Side
Worked on this side first (MC1, MC3 & "half of MMT3").  The belly bar was installed one set of holes higher than normal, and to reach these optics I did have to step on the Crossbeams ( generally a no-no), but not much weight was on the Crossbeams because my belly was on the belly bar.

For MC1, I was able to visually confirm contact of all EQ stops tips on the mirror.  For MC3, there was no way I was going to be able to visually confirm contact of all Stops, but I think it's secure.

While on the East Side, I went ahead and contacted the four EQ stops to the chamfer (this is for MMT3).  I did this because this side of the Optic will be a stretch from the west side.

West Side
I locked down MMT1 and the west side of MMT3, Mike locked down SM1.

On MMT3 I had good visual confirmation of contact on the west side and the east front bottom. The east front bottom needed further clamping from what Corey had already done, as I probably moved it with the other stops. I could not see the contact on the remaining three on the east side and did not touch them.

On MMT1 I used a 1/4" 20 Allen wrench to turn the front top and bottom east side stops through the baffle. I did not move the bottom west side, as I could not see the tip. These are viton tipped. I moved the back two springed stops by hand and confirmed that the optic was secure by pulling and releasing on the edge of the baffle.

I stole the cable from the dust monitor at location 8, and connected a dust monitor sitting in the cleanroom between HAM1 and the 4k PSL. I set its location to 8. For a while it was running outside of the cleanroom, but was inside before the doors came off. It should be trendable.
michael.landry@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:40, Friday 05 November 2010 (307)
HAM1 lockdown
(Corey, Patrick, Ski, Jodi, Kyle, Chris (Apollo), Mike)

We locked down HAM1 suspended optics MC1, MC3, SM, MMT1 and MMT3. In order to avoid moving IOT1 and ISTC1/acoustic enclosure, we first craned out the east door, locked MC1/MC3 and half of MMT3, replaced the door, craned out the west door, and locked the remaining MMT1, SM, and latter half of MMT3.

Corey has many more details, in particular from the East side:

This afternoon the crew went about clamping HAM1's optics....in a new way.  Generally, the IOT1 & ISCT1 meatlocker/table are moved out of the way and we install platforms to access the table.  This time we tried a new method:  keep everything in place, remove a HAM door (keep it out of the way and suspended from crane), work on HAM Table, re-install door, and then move to the other side of the chamber.

One thing we didn't plan was a platform to work on.  So reaching optics was certainly a pain. 

East Siiiide
Worked on this side first (MC1, MC3 & "half of MMT3").  The belly bar was installed one set of holes higher than normal, and to reach these optics I did have to step on the Crossbeams ( generally a no-no), but not much weight was on the Crossbeams because my belly was on the belly bar.

For MC1, I was able to visually confirm contact of all EQ stops tips on the mirror.  For MC3, there was no way I was going to be able to visually confirm contact of all Stops, but I think it's secure.

While on the East Side, I went ahead and contacted the four EQ stops to the chamfer (this is for MMT3).  I did this because this side of the Optic will be a stretch from the west side.
john.worden@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:04, Friday 05 November 2010 (306)
FMCS down
The FMCS appears to be broken - hopefully due to a dead/dying 12v battery which is measuring ~9v. Most systems will continue to operate but with no communication to the control room. As a result there may be many alarms generated. Ski and I will monitor from home if there is anything to monitor.
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:52, Friday 05 November 2010 (305)
HAM ISI eLIGO Test Stand moved from East Bay to South Bay
Mitchell and Jim moved the eLIGO HAM Test Stand (Support Tube style) assembly to the South Bay West wall.  Looks like pretty good compact storage mostly out of the way.  The old location cutouts were protected with some sheet metal and replacement vinyl.  The seem were taped.  See the attached for the location of the new home and the scars from the old.
Images attached to this report
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:39, Friday 05 November 2010 (304)
Removing H2 PSL optics
Removed optics for pointing into Ref Cav. Parts are stored in boxes temporarily on the PSL table, because the cabinet is full. The AOM and one BS cube are still bolted on the table, under ameristat, because I don't feel comfortable leaving them in boxes. Optics on the other side of the Ref Cav are still in place, but will hopefully be removed next week.
H2 General
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:14, Friday 05 November 2010 (303)
Ops Day Summary
Dani, Corey to build more laser safety walls

Kyle, Corey, Ski preparing to remove HAM1 door

Gerardo to Mid-Y

~12:15local - Jodi, Kyle, Corey, others to HAM1 for door removal and clamp down of optics

13:20local – Michale R. out to H2 PSL to remove optics

13:30local – Dani, Sigg to Mid-Y to add squeezer lasers 

13:40 – truck delivery for Dani – installed a new cabinet shortly thereafter

3:15 – Dani and Jonathan B. to End X to turn on the P-cal laser.  
End-X station is now the only laser-hazard area on-site

~3:30 – Mike L. and Patrick out to LVEA to lock down MMT1, MMT3, and SM in HAM1

The lockdown of the HAM1 optics continues at 4:15 local
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