The last BS/FM settings are at /data/autoburt/2011/03/08/12:01l1qtsepics2011030812:01.snap . We are going to restore the quad set from a previous log entry.
Ran well pump to fill tank
CoreyG EricA HughR We drilled and Tapped the additional holes needed on the NE Pier at BSC7--pretty straight-forward. We ran into an interference between the HEPI Housing Frame and the Crossbeam Support Bracket. We are making some mods to the latter to deal with that. We got the Housing in place by hanging the Crossbeam from the Crane and then getting the Support Bracket out of the way. We used a 1/2" shim (D030700) between the Crossbeam and the Crossbeam Attach plate. These components where very level wrt each other but we were unable to get all the Pier Mounting hardware installed. So, we bolted the Foot to the Crossbeam and then released the Foot from the Caging Brace; we also released the Springs from the Foot. We then moved the Housing to allow all the Mounting hardware to be installed. Once the Housing was secure to the Pier, the Foot was recaptured by the Caging Brace and then the Springs re-secured to the Foot. The Foot 'Toes' don't have a lot of extra room between the Housing. We got some photos to document this. Tomorrow, Actuators and Stiffeners and Pier #2. 95 to go! Will attach some photos tomorrow.
- John Worden convened the morning meeting. - Jodi Fauver reports that the results of the Astro Pak cleanness tests were very good. - Terry Santini / Doug Cook declare that the LSB Fiber Lab area is now a clean (garb-required) area, and is signed accordingly. - Work at BSC7 on HEPI installation. - Surveying by H2:PSL area for HAM transfer. - Swagelok delivery for Hugh Radkins. - EX and MY are in a "rough vacuum" for BSC transfer. - New cubicles being installed in OSB, CAD workstations moved to the east cubicle farm in the OSB.
[Corey, Greg, Hugh, Jeff G.]
After Scott & Dave did some surveying of the Support Tubes of BSC7 this week, we were happy with the Support Tube elevation and ready to start installation work for HEPI. Today, we:
On Monday, we will drill holes on the NE Pier, install NE HEPI Assy, and then repeat this process for the other three HEPI locations.
Dale shot this curvilinear representation of the LVEA H2 diagonal section showing the absence both input and output mode cleaner tubes, as well as the (temporarily) relocated HAM11 chamber. HAM11 moves downsteam of HAM12, and is renamed HAM12, in aLIGO.
Bubba evened the wager count. HAM11 was weighed today with two 84inch doors and two 68inch temporary covers of 3/16 aluminum. There were no internal components for this measurement. Annulus ion pump and power supply were still mounted. Actual weight was 9200 pounds (winning number was 9210)
I have changed the holding time to 1 minute and the sampling time to 1 minute for all the dust monitors in the LVEA in an attempt to resolve a problem with them getting stuck on hold.
Seems to be working so far.
8:36 Unifirst delivery ~11:09 Praxair filled CP1 and CP2 Richard investigated the tripped breaker for the LDAS chiller Dave tested the vacuum system email alarms HAM 11 was picked up and moved next to the Y arm! (pictures attached)
HAM weight is reported in Thursday's alog.
Measured with the Optical Level the vertical distance from the TestStand Stage0 Supports to the top of the Optical Table. This gives us an idea of how tall the assembly is wrt design. Using the Wilde Optical Level we averaged the four ends of the HAM Adapter Bars Height. These sit between the Stage0 bottom and the Test Stand. This gave us an average height of the bottom of the Stage0 mount. We then shot the top of the Optical Table at four corners and the middle. The average height difference was 780.8mm; the design height given by DCoyne PerComm is 780mm. So not bad. Attached is the field note.
All aligo and iligo CDS machines with ports open to GC were patched this morning. If a reboot was required to complete the patch it was done so.
machines patched are: ruby,silverstar,ilog,apache,sugarloaf,strawberry,cdslogin,cdswiki
(Corey, Greg, Hugh)
In preparation for installing the HEPI Assemblies on an upcoming BSC, Greg & I set the HEPI Foot to it's "nominal position" for four of HEPI Assys (to be installed on BSC7). On the HEPI "Cage", there is a part/serial number marked on the base. The four we worked on were Serial #'s: 54, 77, 51, & 45.
I took (3) plastic containers from the ISC Optics cabinet near the H1 PSL into the Optics Lab (container ISC-18 (various optics), ISC-19 (1" and 2" newport mounts) and unlabelled with bases and posts). We will use these parts to set up the Reference cavity for the H2 One Arm Test (H2OAT). We will keep track on what we took from the containers, to keep the stock list up to date. Also, I took the 'spare' 21.5 MHz modulator from the cabinet from the cabinet labelled 'Camera', which has a list on the door with 'Who' took 'What' and 'Where' with 'Date'. So I listed the modulator and my name on it as well. I guess I will double check if we can use this modulator. Still not sure what the beam height on the table should be, as the RF diode is at ~3" height (unless there is a magic spacer). I guess the 'soon to come laser' will probably set the standard.
The aLOG will be rebooted tomorrow after some routine system maintenance. The reboot should happen at 10am Pacific time 1 Mar 2011. Please save any entries you may be working on before that time. The down time is expected to be a minute or two.
The system maintenance has been completed.
There is a fair chance that I will need to be elsewhere at 10 am Pacific. The aLOG will be rebooted around 8:15 am Pacific on 1 Mar 2011. Please be sure to save your entry before the reboot.
Attached are photos from yesterday's HEPI work. Tried to measure and take a photo of the HEPI Foot gaps, but it was hard to get a ruler inside the assembly, but hopefully these photographs will offer an idea of what sort of gaps we have. The gap on the right is the one which is closer, and we'll need to be mindful of this offset during any position moves with the assembly.