The update is completed. One change worth noting, it is possible to bookmark a search by section/task. Go to the 'Help' task and view the entry 'Filter Shortcuts' to find current bookmarks. Please note, the structure of the tasks and sections will change, so these bookmarks are temporary (for now).
By Mark Barton for Travis Sadecki and Sam Barnum We did a form/fit test of the ECD tooling designed by Sam Barnum. The tooling was assembled dirty and bolted to a clean LSAT using foil to prevent cross-contamination. All the adjustments had plenty of range and were easy to use. Next step will be to dismantle, clean to Class B, and test against a hanging three-mass system.
A work permit was pulled for moving cleanrooms and staging around HAM-7/8. Christina completed an assessment of cleaning needs. The Apollo crew will work on covering up the newly poured concrete in the area with Ameri-stat so that the exterior wipe down of the chamber can begin. Bubba and Hugh are making plans to remove the support table from HAM-7 because we cannot clean the chamber with the table in place. Staging of the compressor trailer and accompanying what-nots will start ASAP.
The crew started first vacuum and finished the upper chamber including the bellows and support tubes. They started on the lower chamber but did not complete it today.
Today's Activities: rotation of FMY in LVEA SEI team down at End-Y Vacuum work with Gate Valves near BSC8 - Kyle 11:30 - delivery from NorCal electric 1:30 - contractor to see Rick S.
Two medm .adl files were edited to correct a naming discrepancy in the "SUS_CUST_BSFM_M1_DRIVEALIGN.adl" and "SUS_CUST_BSFM_M2_DRIVEALIGN.adl" medm files that incorrectly labeled the channel names of the first column in each as: "H2:SUS-FMY_M*_DRIVEALIGN_M3L*" instead of "H2:SUS-FMY_M*_DRIVEALIGN_L2L*" These custom medm files are located in the directory '/opt/rtcds/lho/h2/userapps/trunk/sus/common/medm/bsfm/'.
The aLOG will be undergoing a minor update 10am pacific time tomorrow (13 Sept 2011). The update is expected to be done in a matter of minutes. If you are working on an entry please either post it or save it to a draft before 10am tomorrow. Users will be required to authenticate again after the outage to post entries. Summary of updates: * Bug fixes on the administrative screens * Some changes to how comments are displayed * Update to the paging display to make it easier to spot the current page * Some changes to attachment names * Initial support for CDS robo-posting scripts * Initial support for passing in search filters in the url. This will allow bookmarked filters (ie show only SUS ...)
The update is completed. One change worth noting, it is possible to bookmark a search by section/task. Go to the 'Help' task and view the entry 'Filter Shortcuts' to find current bookmarks. Please note, the structure of the tasks and sections will change, so these bookmarks are temporary (for now).
Report for 08-09 Sep 2011 The crew worked on the staggered lunch schedule on Thursday and Friday. They made such good progress both days that the brushing of the chamber was completed on Friday afternoon. That means vacuum-wipe down-vacuum can start Monday. Air drills continue to be problematic, with the success rate (running for 1/2 hour without issues)dropping below 50% on Friday. We made garb kits for the crew to use next week so that work can continue unimpeded. Planning and staging for the return to the LVEA has begun. Christina will assess cleaning needs around HAM 7-8-9 on Monday and report back. Apollo will move a cleanroom over HAM 7-8 ASAP. The crew will start bring the compressor trailer, etc. back from Y-end on Monday as well. *BSC-7 FTIR re-test results came in this week. ALL readings were at or below detectable! The consensus seems to be that the big hit on the first set of FTIRs was a false positive.
Cardboard container changed 2 deliveries for Richard TCS ring heater installation on lower SUS structure for BSC 8 Disassembling clean room at mid X Transitioned to laser hazard early for squeezer work on full locking of H1 IFO Plot of > .5 micron dust counts attached. Note elevated levels in Bake-out lab (H0:PEM-LAB_DST3_5).
I updated the TCS RH model to include calculations of the power as a V*I, as R_th*I^2 (where R_th is the measured resistance of the RH before it is installed = 35.8 Ohms per segment for ITMY) and R = V / I. The model was compiled and installed. I also updated the H2TCS_ITMY_RING_HT_CUSTOM.adl screen to show the new channels. All changes were added to the SVN. The medm screen is attached below:
Steve O'Connor, Aidan Brooks, Christopher Guido Wednesday night, we made a series of resistor changes to the S1103182 chassis(on both boards S1103183 and S1103184)which can be seen in yesterday's post, but today, we reverted the resistors back to the original values except for R44. These changes will be uploaded to the traveler. Afterwards, we tested the board (results attached as excel spreadsheet) and used the results to calibrate the H2TCS-ITMY_RING_HEATER screen. The changes to the gain and offset(in the filters) are listed below H2TCS_ITMY_RING_HTR_SEG1_I_MON Offset = -3.22 counts Gain = -0.0247 mA/count H2TCS_ITMY_RING_HTR_SEG2_I_MON Offset = -7.135 counts Gain = -2.456e-2 mA/count H2TCS_ITMY_RING_HTR_SEG1_V_MON Offset = -145.2 counts Gain = 1.281e-3 V/count H2TCS_ITMY_RING_HTR_SEG2_V_MON Offset = -129.9 counts Gain = 1.364e-3 V/count
Full details of ring heater calibrations. We noted that the measured current to the load was about 3.5% lower than the requested current. Once the ring heater is actually in place we plan on doing a more thorough calibration. H2:TCS-ITMY_RING_HTR_SEG1_I_MON_OFFSET = -3.22 counts deWhiten = zero at 0.4Hz, poles at 10 Hz, 1000Hz H2:TCS-ITMY_RING_HTR_SEG1_I_MON_GAIN = -2.47E-2 mA/count H2:TCS-ITMY_RING_HTR_SEG1_V_MON_OFFSET = -145.2 counts deWhiten = zero at 0.4Hz, poles at 10 Hz, 1000Hz H2:TCS-ITMY_RING_HTR_SEG1_I_MON_GAIN = 1.283E-3 V/count H2:TCS-ITMY_RING_HTR_SEG1_TEMPERATURE_MON_OFFSET = -16192 counts pole0.3Hz = pole at 0.3Hz H2:TCS-ITMY_RING_HTR_SEG1_TEMPERATURE_MON_GAIN = 1.6E-2 deg C/count H2:TCS-ITMY_RING_HTR_SEG1_LV_MON_GAIN = 1.235E-3 V/count H2:TCS-ITMY_RING_HTR_SEG1_AC_I_SET_GAIN = 40.96 counts/mA H2:TCS-ITMY_RING_HTR_SEG1_DC_I_SET_GAIN = 40.96 counts/mA H2:TCS-ITMY_RING_HTR_SEG1_ISQR_PWR_RAD_GAIN = 1E-6 W^2/(mW^2) H2:TCS-ITMY_RING_HTR_SEG1_MEASURED_R_GAIN = 1E3 Ohms/(kOhm) H2:TCS-ITMY_RING_HTR_SEG1_VI_PWR_RAD_GAIN = 1E-3 W/(mW) H2:TCS-ITMY_RING_HTR_SEG2_I_MON_OFFSET = -7.1 counts deWhiten = zero at 0.4Hz, poles at 10 Hz, 1000Hz H2:TCS-ITMY_RING_HTR_SEG2_I_MON_GAIN = -2.456E-2 mA/count H2:TCS-ITMY_RING_HTR_SEG2_V_MON_OFFSET = -129.9 counts deWhiten = zero at 0.4Hz, poles at 10 Hz, 1000Hz H2:TCS-ITMY_RING_HTR_SEG2_I_MON_GAIN = 1.364E-3 V/count H2:TCS-ITMY_RING_HTR_SEG2_TEMPERATURE_MON_OFFSET = -16192 counts pole0.3Hz = pole at 0.3Hz H2:TCS-ITMY_RING_HTR_SEG2_TEMPERATURE_MON_GAIN = 1.6E-2 deg C/count H2:TCS-ITMY_RING_HTR_SEG2_LV_MON_GAIN = 1.235E-3 V/count H2:TCS-ITMY_RING_HTR_SEG2_AC_I_SET_GAIN = 40.96 counts/mA H2:TCS-ITMY_RING_HTR_SEG2_DC_I_SET_GAIN = 40.96 counts/mA H2:TCS-ITMY_RING_HTR_SEG2_ISQR_PWR_RAD_GAIN = 1E-6 W^2/(mW^2) H2:TCS-ITMY_RING_HTR_SEG2_MEASURED_R_GAIN = 1E3 Ohms/(kOhm) H2:TCS-ITMY_RING_HTR_SEG2_VI_PWR_RAD_GAIN = 1E-3 W/(mW)
(Corey, Greg, Jim)
Unit#2 CPS Swap
Have swapped out the Capacitive Position Sensors (CPS) on Unit#2; originally-installed ones had bad flux/solder. All of the new CPS's were installed with the ISI Locked and we were able to get voltages (read off Voltmeter) under 0.2V [most were close to ~0V]; note: these voltages were observed to change when one touched various Stages and when the System was Unlocked.
When installing these Sensors, we observed that 1 of the 12 had issues (the voltage remained max-ed at ~13V no matter where the Target was located); this is a Fine-range Sensor. This one was swapped out for a spare & it was installed and operational.
After the CPS's were installed the system was Unlocked. Vincent will now check on the functionality of these Sensors.
Here is information for the CPS Probes & Boards/Gauges:
Location |
Gauge type |
Gauge S/N |
Probe type |
Probe S/N |
Master/Slave |
Phase |
Sensitivity |
ST1 - H1 |
8800 |
15881 |
2822-V |
13576 |
Master |
0 |
Coarse |
ST1 - H2 |
8800 |
15854 |
2822-V |
13583 |
Slave |
180 |
Coarse |
ST1 - H3 |
8800 |
13066 |
2822-V |
13180 |
Slave |
0 |
Coarse |
ST1 - V1 |
8800 |
12831 |
2822-V |
13572 |
Slave |
180 |
Coarse |
ST1 - V2 |
8800 |
13062 |
2822-V |
13620 |
Slave |
0 |
Coarse |
ST1 - V3 |
8800 |
15860 |
2822-V |
13577 |
Slave |
180 |
Coarse |
ST2 - H1 |
8800 |
15874 |
2822-V |
13415 |
Slave |
0 |
Fine |
ST2 - H2 |
8800 |
15864 |
2822-V |
13575 |
Slave |
180 |
Fine |
ST2 - H3 |
8800 |
12427 |
2822-V |
12901 |
Slave |
0 |
Fine |
ST2 - V1 |
8800 |
15865 |
2822-V |
13573 |
Slave |
180 |
Fine |
ST2 - V2 |
8800 |
15867 |
2822-V |
13465 |
Slave |
0 |
Fine |
ST2 - V3 |
8800 |
15863 |
2822-V |
13578 |
Slave |
180 |
Fine |
Unit#2 Cables Inventory:
Here are the drawing numbers used for Unit2 in-vacuum cables (except for the CPSs):
GS13: D1000221 -100
L4C: D1000221 -100
Trillium: D1000221 -100
GS13: D1000221 -100
L4C: D1000221 -100
Trillium: D1000221 -100
GS13: D1000221 -100
L4C: D1000221 -100
Trillium: D1000221 -100
The aLIGO TCS team has completed installing a pair of ring heaters on the lower SUS structure for BSC8. Electrical compliance testing was passed. Three of the four cable sub-assemblies (indentured to D1001517) are tied to the lower structure. The fourth cable sub-assembly (D1001521, indentured to D1001517) has been secured to the box frame that mates the lower to upper structures.
A collection of photos corresponding to BSC8 ring heater and cable installation can be found in ResourceSpace:
H1's Arms are now Full Open through the End Stations for Squeezer Work
- Lower 3/5's of SUS quad were coming off today, with Calum's crew from Caltech joining
- MX: BSC cleanroom frame moved or preparing to be moved to LVEA
- EX: BSC5 setting
- MY: OpLev work by Eric Black
- EY: ICC of dome in BSC6, HEPI fluid pumping in BSC6
- OSB Doors locked at 6:00pm
- H2:PSL - work on roof
- TCS crew from Caltech arrives to work on H1:TCS-ITMY (Cheryl/Aidan supervising)
- Delivery: Mount's Lock and Key arrives for work at CS (Ski supervising)
- Patrick revising dust monitor code, restarting h0epics1
All of the dust monitors being monitored by CDS in the labs and VEAs are now running with new code designed to interface with the new model of dust monitors. There are two major differences. The counting is started by the software instead of the front panel of the dust monitor. There is an array to keep better track of which types of commands caused error messages to avoid having an alarm be set, cleared and set gain repeatedly. I still have to test this code with the new model of the dust monitors.
The ITMy LS is off of the QUAD and has been rolled into the adjacent cleanroom. We utilized the lifting equipment which we erected yesterday under the care of Calum and Kurt. All went great and the equipment very easy to use and maneuver into the tight spots under the cartridge. Well done SYS/FMP. Pictures to follow. We still have to separate the chains and do a little work on the structure before handing off to the Ring Heater crew. Maybe one more hour.
It did take us another hour or two to split the chains and remove the metal test mass. Pictures of Thursday's activities are at: