~10:30 - Cleaning by ham7 ~11:00 - Ground Water in to sample water well ~2:30 – Both doors off HAM12 ~3:00 – crew out to test new “scrubber” for in-vacuum cleaning. Work continues by 4:00pm.
Kyle, Ski, Joe, Chris -> Removed HAM12 North and South doors. This is the 1st time these doors have been removed since being baked out. O-rings completely stuck like "glue" for entire contact area. Much viton material "donated" from O-rings to compressing flange.
Jonathan, Patrick, Dave. On Tue 7th we ported the advance ligo wiki service from the old iligo wiki machine (called wiki on the 10.2 network behind the ruby NAT router) to a new GC machine dedicated to the advligo wiki. The new machine is a centos linux, using ligo.org authentication. The new machine uses the lastest moinmoin version, whereas the old wiki had a very old copy of moinmoin. The move required: Copying the data content (2.9GB of files) and porting from old to new wiki format. Transposing authors from the local accounts to the ligo.org equivalents Automatically redirecting access to the old advligo URL to the new URL The new wiki is at https://awiki.ligo-wa.caltech.edu Questions, Comments, Problems should be emailed to wiki-help@ligo-wa.caltech.edu
- Zach, Rodney, Cheryl Removed plumbing, including all copper pipe and hoses, between the H2 TCS tables and the chiller closets. Tables are only tethered by the card access system, since H1 and H2 TCS enclosures are tied together to one card-swipe box.
The Corner Station purge air compressor (Kobelco) has had a "Service Alert" ever since the power glitch a few days ago. The PLC memory battery failed and the various service parameters have defaulted to initial (not applicable) values. Operationally, the purge air is fine.
Kyle, Corey, Joe, Chris -> Hung West and East doors on HAM7
Annual site septic field inspection. Drain field was rotated
X-mid door installed not complete
Major work: - NSF Review Begins...Tour scheduled for 1330 - HAM7 passive stack extraction - aLIGO Wiki upgraded - Door on HAM7 still off - Praxair Delivery - Closing HAM7 and craning clean-room from HAM7 to HAM12 not completed at time of writing Times in PST: 0835 - Overhead doors arrive at MX 0847 - Corey out to HAM7 with Cheryl, Jeff, Rodney, Ski, to move MMT3 0905 - Squeezer on 0934 - Les Schwab arrives with tires 1131 - EX CP8 alarms, due to fueling by Praxair 1134 - Corey confirms that HAM7 is done 1331 - Jodi begins testing rotary tool at MX...disappointing results
[9:45 -11:15am] (Corey, Jeff, Rodney, Ski, Zach) After helping out with moving SOS's around, the HAM7 stack removal commenced. The procedure went smoothly. The hardware is piled on top/next to the HAM8/9 hardware. This pile of hardware will be moved out of the LVEA as soon as we receive recycling bins.
The old advligo wiki was transitioned to read-only mode at 8am. Its data content is being transferred to the new awiki server (latest moinmoin with ligo.org authentication). We hope to have the new server ready for use by end of business. Dave, Patrick, Jonathan H.
Today's major activities:
We have removed all the optics from HAM7. This includes: H2 MMT3 LOS -- to be transported out of LVEA by crane H2 MC1 H2 MC3 H2 MMT1 H2 SM1 H2 SM3 -- stored in the optics lab H2 old style Faraday isolator ~ 16 DLC mounts with mirrors ~ 2 Tanner mounts -- being packaged for shipping to the UF. Thanks to everyone for helping to make this operation go smoothly and efficiently.
Custom battery backups for MTP levitation worked correctly following power failure today for all spinning MTPS on site. All isolation valves "safety" valves worked correctly and isolated valved-in MTPs from foreline header at loss of power -> Restarted QDP80s and MTPs and resumed pumping (YBM, Vertex, XBM, X-end). Had to switch back to turbo for HAM6 and valve-out ion pump. Had to restart aux. carts pumping HAM1 and GV10 annuli.
Kyle, Ski, Jim, Rodney, Zack - Hung West doors on HAM9 and HAM8. Chris, Joe - Removed all but (4) "cracked loose" bolts from HAM7 East and West doors
Doors went back on HAMs 8 and 9, and HAM 7 was prepped for entry Monday (including removal of IOT7 and ISCT7 enclosures). We had a very brief power outage in the morning and appear to have recovered, except for the possible death of h0pemms. Richard has also installed a camera for outreach purposes along the Y-arm in the LVEA, looking towards the BSC8/HAM10 area, to catch the upcoming single-arm work.
We had a power outage of about a second at 9:41PST. We're still restoring some of the systems on site. H2 deinstall activities in the LVEA were only minimally effected.
The H2 BS LOS was removed. All the optics were removed from HAM10. fb0w was restarted and should be writing frames. Corey started cleaning up the seismic equipment removed from HAM 8 & 9.
The H2 BS LOS was removed. All the optics were removed from HAM10. fb0w was restarted and should be writing frames. Corey started cleaning up the seismic equipment removed from HAM 8 & 9.