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Reports until 16:09, Thursday 18 November 2010
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:09, Thursday 18 November 2010 (349)
Removed BSC7 east door
Others assited
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:12, Thursday 18 November 2010 (347)
Second quad test stand filter update
I updated the filter bank on the quad test stand again to capture a few corrections that had been made to LLO's /opt/rtcds/tst/x2/chans/X2SUSQTS.txt since it was generated from LLO's /cvs/cds/llo/chans/L1QTS.txt in the recent upgrade. (A few filters had names that did not match their functions.) I took the LLO X2SUSQTS.txt file, changed all the instances of QTS_ back to Q1_ and installed it at LHO /cvs/cds/llo/chans/L1QTS.txt. The L1QTS.txt file that was in place for a day is at LHO /cvs/cds/llo/chans/L1QTS_LLO_20101117.txt. I also went through the MEDM screens and made sure that the correct filters were enabled (some filters are in different positions relative to the old LASTI set).
jonathan.berliner@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:48, Thursday 18 November 2010 (346)
Squeezer Phone Extension is 223
It is using the 4K OMC line.
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:06, Wednesday 17 November 2010 (344)
YBM, XBM, Diagonal
Began pumping YBM.  Dewpoint of "blowdown" air comming from YBM after decoupling purge plumbing measured -16C (John elected to not repeat exercise previously done with X-end ((see recent entries))but rather to just pumpdown)*Combined Diagonal with XBM by opening GV4*Vented combined volumes*Removed all but (4) loosened bolts from BSC7 east door.  Engine hoist connected to door and taking some of the load.
H2 General
cyrus.reed@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:12, Wednesday 17 November 2010 (343)
Ops Day Shift Summary
Main activities for today:
  • Prep for BSC7 vent.
  • Move H2 PSL table/clean aLIGO legs.
  • Decommission ISCT10.
  • Oscar bailing tumbleweeds on the arms.
Other activities (presumably) documented by work permit, or in the aLOG by the responsible parties.
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:38, Wednesday 17 November 2010 (342)
Filter change on quad test stand
I updated the filters on the quad test stand ( /cvs/cds/llo/chans/L1QTS.txt ) with the set from the file of the same name and location at LLO. (Due to the recent upgrade at LLO, the working set there is actually /opt/rtcds/tst/x2/chans/X2SUSQTS.txt which is functionally identical but has been conformed to a new naming convention that has not yet been brought in at LHO.) The old filters are archived at cvs/cds/llo/chans/L1QTS_LHO_20101117.txt . The new filters correspond to the electronics at the sites, which is different from that at LASTI. Derek Bridges has summarized the filters as follows: 

Input filters (both chains, all OSEMs):
1. "10:0.4" - zero at 10 Hz, pole at 0.4 Hz - zpk([10],[0.4],1,"n")

Output filters (both chains, all OSEMs):
1. "1:31" - zero at 1 Hz, pole at 31 Hz - zpk([1],[31],1,"n")

DOF filters:
1. "0:15,15" - zpk([0],[15;15],1,"n") [the rest are similar with 15
replaced by 20 or 25]
2. "0.43Boost" - zpk([0.428;0.428],[0.1427+i*0.4035;0.1427-i*0.4035],1,"n")

1. "0:15,15"

1. "0:20,20"

1. "0:20,20"

1. "0:25,25"
2. "0.54Boost" -
3. "1.13Boost" -

1. "0:20,20"

1. "0:15,15"
2. "0.43Boost" - zpk([0.428;0.428],[0.1427+i*0.4035;0.1427-i*0.4035],1,"n")

1. "0:20,20"

1. "0:20,20"

1. "0:20,20"

1. "0:25,25"

1. "0:20,20"

Both chains, all DOFs:
10. "Ellip50"
richard.mccarthy@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:05, Wednesday 17 November 2010 (341)
H2 Electronics Room Concrete
It started early and fast.  Trucks arrived at 0700 and most of the heavy work done by 0745.  Slab for new H2 Electronics room done today.
Images attached to this report
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:47, Tuesday 16 November 2010 (340)
HAM ISI Unit3 Disassembly Commences
(Corey, Jim)

Today, the unit#3 ISI was locked, and we began disassembly.  Weights were removed from the table top.  Masses were removed off the Outer Walls.  Some walls have been pulled off.  Some cabling has been coiled up.
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:59, Tuesday 16 November 2010 (339)
BSC8 door installed
Kyle-installed BSC8 south door
H2 General
dani.atkinson@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:11, Tuesday 16 November 2010 (338)
Ops Day Shift Summary
  • BSC8 got its door back, and work was made preparing BSC7 for deinstall.
  • Squeezers are closer than ever to turning on their lasers.
  • Richard and Co. tested kill circuits in preparation for the squeezers.
richard.mccarthy@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:50, Tuesday 16 November 2010 (337)
Laser Power Kill Ckt Tested
With the removal of all H2 electronics and cable trays, moved the kill button from the H2 PSL area to the Squeezer setup area.  Tested all five of the kill buttons to ensure they remove power from the five locations lasers can be plugged into.  They are TCS X,Y,  Diode Room,  4kPSL, Squeezer set up area.  Everything worked as designed.  Will have to repeat this process when I install a power outlet by Ham4 for the squeezer install.
cyrus.reed@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:11, Tuesday 16 November 2010 (336)
High Bay Card Access Restored
Card access to the LVEA via the High Bay/Large Equipment Access door should (in theory) be restored.  See Richard if you continue to have issues with that particular door.
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:58, Monday 15 November 2010 (335)
summary of CDS work, week 8th - 12th
Rolf, Alex, Keith, Jim, Dave, Richard, Cyrus

The aligo CDS control room systems and the H2 front end
systems were installed during the week of 
Nov 9th - Nov 12th. Details can be viewed on the
network drawing D1002255 (last page)

Prior to this week I had installed a new rack in the
MSR to support the aligo CDS control room systems. This
rack has a network switch (for the OPS LAN, supports
control room and (L)VEA workstations), a NAT router
to the GC LAN, a new CDS wiki machine, a combined
NFS/DNS file server and an administration machine.
During this week we installed to routers between the
OPS LAN and the H2 FRONTEND LAN, these run the EPICS
gateway, the GDS gateway and the router.

We cloned the DTS boot server and created a new H2
boot server (called h2boot). We moved most of the
front end machines off the DTS system and put them
onto the H2 system. These machines are all located
in the Computer Users Room, next to the DTS.

We reracked the H2 DAQ system into its permanent rack,
but it is temporarily located in the CUR for testing, it
will permanently reside in the MSR.

We are running many H2 front end systems on these machines,
acquiring the data on the H2 DAQ.

We installed three new workstations on the OPS lan and
tested the major client code (dataviewer, dtt, medm)
across the networks.
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:14, Monday 15 November 2010 (334)
Ops Summary
Took over operator duties from Jonathan around 1:00.

Finished removal of all components from BSC8 (Cheryl, Jodi, Mitch, Jim, Patrick)
Richard, Cyrus diagnosing card reader access for the LVEA large equipment man door.
Gerardo to mid Y to move pallets into the lab area.
Assembly of squeezer experiment continues.
H2 General
jonathan.berliner@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:51, Monday 15 November 2010 (333)
Mid-Shift Ops Report
Times in PST:
0903 - Input violation, clean room roll-up door
0934 - Richard out to high bay roll-up door, swapping input/output card-readers to diagnose card-reader issues
1024 - Door Forced, LVEA
1050 - Oscar begins patching holes in the concrete on the top of the Y-Arm beam tube.
1103 - Gerardo out to LVEA to look at hole template for HAM chambers
1230 ~ H2 ITMY, H2 FMY removed to OSB clean room
H2 General
jonathan.berliner@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:12, Monday 15 November 2010 (332)
Open Work Permits
2608 - Kyle - BSC8 Vacuum work
2607 - Keita - Squeezer prep
2604 - Kyle - BSC9 remove east door install pump
2595 - Kyle - BSC10 vent
2594 - Hugh - HEPI Actuator flushing
2589 - Kyle - BSC6 work
2588 - Patrick - IOC work
2581 - Kyle - Remove BSC1 south door
2574 - Cheryl - Remove H2 TCS
2571 - Richard - Remove H2 electronics
1793 - Richard - Install temporary patch fibers at MX and MSR
2566 - Dave - Remove H2 Channels from frame
2530 - Robert - Infrasound at EX

When complete, please sign out the permit.
michael.landry@LIGO.ORG - posted 07:09, Monday 15 November 2010 (331)
BSC8 deinstall status
(Cheryl, Patrick, Mitchell, Jim, Jodi, Mike)

Status in BSC8 as of Friday 4:30pm: Once the BSC door was removed, the team locked down ITMY and FMY, removed OSEMs, and began extracting auxiliary components such as black glass beam dumps and associated (unwieldy) aluminum structures. Several of the latter had galled bolts which had to be snapped to remove.  Hardware for the removal of optics and LOS structures was staged in-chamber.  We expect to complete this work today Mon 15th.
H2 General
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:57, Friday 12 November 2010 (330)
Ops Day Summary
8:15 - Electrician out in the LVEA

Ski, Richard, Jodi, and others moving a clean room near the PSL

Patrick to End X to replace dust monitor cabling

11:31 – error entering LVEA - unnamed card (#508) 

12:00 - Gerardo arrives in 1 ton truck with delivery

~12:25 – card reader error – undeclared card into Large Equipment Main Door

~12:33 – card reader error – undeclared card into Large Equipment Main Door – 3 times within a 2-minute span

12:45 - Patrick returns from End X

~1:00 - beginning of staging and removal of BSC8 door and removal of optics.  This work continues at the end of the day.

kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:15, Thursday 11 November 2010 (329)
X-end & YBM
X-end air <-54C when measured with purge line decoupled and 1psig air blowing out from VE into the room, i.e. OK now -> began pumping X-end.

Pumped YBM+Y1 with YBM MTP for ~2 1/2 hours to partially remove ~3 weeks of accumulated H2 from CP3, Y1 and CP1 -> Vented YBM, removed all but (4) bolts from BSC8 south door.
filiberto.clara@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:46, Thursday 11 November 2010 (328)
Uninstall of H2 Electronics
R. McCarthy, C. Reed, F. Clara, Zack & Rodney (manpower)

Finish removal of cable trays around H2. Not all cable trays around BSC8, BSC4, BSC1, BSC2, and BSC7 were removed, since H1 / access system cables are still running on some cable trays. Moved H2 PSL racks away from the PSL table.
Images attached to this report
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