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Reports until 09:12, Tuesday 17 May 2011
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:12, Tuesday 17 May 2011 (830)
Yesterday the H1 RM was unlocked from it's earthquake stops:
The "surfboard" was used to give me access to the RM to unlock it from it's earthquake stops.  The earthquake stops on the RM are the iLigo style, with Viton tips.  These can come loose, and two EQ stops had this issue.  The in-vacuum fix is to gently tighten the EQ stop while the optic is fully on all EQ stops, to reseat the Viton.  This worked, and all stops were set to ~0.5 mm gap.  One EQ stop had a small fiber sitting between the Viton and the optic.  I used a polywipe with isopropanol to dislodge the fiber.  The fiber looked like other fibers I've seen in-vacuum, i.e. very thin, and almost transparent.  After removing the surfboard, I found a few particles on the optics table top.  One was yellow, reminiscent of the yellow boom we use to remove the door.  The others were not an identifiable color.  The film crew, that was here to film the BSC move, shot some footage of the in-chamber work.  I was able to see about 1/2 of the face or the RM, and it appeared to be free of any large particulate.  

- Cheryl, Dani, Apollo Crew, and a Film Crew
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:07, Monday 16 May 2011 (829)
BSC-ISI #1 Assembly Status

(Corey, Eric, Jim W.)

Optic Table Assembly

After reaming of dowel pin holes from last Friday, the top-facing plate of the Optics Table was lifted so (3) dowel pins could be pressed into the bottom-facing plate.  Also took this opportunity to install a set of Optical Table covers which would have been too tough to drop in with the big Optics Table plates assembled together.  When connecting the two Optics Table plates together, it seemed like we were caught up on one of the dowel pins (plates were only millimeters apart from each other).  The top plate eventually slammed down onto the bottom plate---just a tight fit for this connection.

Then (306) bolts were used to torque the two plates together (their torquing was double-checked by another wrench-turner).  We did not notice a preference for orientation between these two plates (the bottom-facing plate has an arrow on it, and this was only used to align the Optics Table to Stage0).  At this point, there were  a few (3) dowel pins, and helicoils which had to be inserted onto the top-facing plate from underneath, but it wasn't too tough. 

Stage2 Optic Table Moved On To Stage0:  Finally Starting To See A BSC-ISI!!

The newly assembled Optics Table was lifted via the forklift and taken to Stage-0.  Optics Table orientation was set such that the arrows lined up.  We then used our (3) Alignment Pin Assys to attach the Optics Table to Stage0 (the Alignment Pins definitely at a rotational orientation which was determined by a machined alignment washer.  Optics Table was lowered onto Stage0 with no problems.  The Alignment Pin bolts were all torqued to spec.

Actuator Sub-Assembly Work

Our 10-32 x 1.5D helicoils appear to be a little too long for our D0902310 part.  Started pressing pins into some of the Actuator parts.  For the 1/4" x 5/8" dowel pin, I followed the 3/8" & 1/2" pin preference of having 40% of pin sticking out (so for these 5/8" long pins that would be 0.25" exposed).

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H2 General
jeffrey.garcia@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:03, Monday 16 May 2011 (828)
Ops Day Summary
Activities throughout the day:

Work at Mid-Y to prep for BSC chamber move

HEPI install work

Unlocking H1 RM at HAM3

H1 PSL chillers down due to a power outage – restarted by Rick S. at ~10:00

door coming off of HAM2

Tour group at ~1:00 pm

Work at Mid-Y completed by 4:00

cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:45, Monday 16 May 2011 (827)
H2 ETMX Earthquake Stop Pictures: Only two have chips.
Here are the pictures of H2 ETMX earthquake (EQ) stops before any work was done on the optic.  It shows that only two of the 8 stops have chipping where the EQ stops contacted the chamfer of the optic (though one picture is blurred, so no clear info there).  This info might be useful when looking at the optic now, because I created some chipping when raising the optic to remove the suspension wire.  As I recall, the SW Upper EQ stop site suffered the most chipping.
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H2 General
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:54, Monday 16 May 2011 (826)
site power glitch 1am Sat
The site experienced a 1 second power glitch at roughly 1am early Sat morning. The UPS system in the MSR reported switching to battery backup for 1 second at 0:59.
The ilogo wiki machine required several reboots to restart it. It was moved to UPS power since this machine is showing reboot problems.
The H1 PSL needed restarting, more details in the ops summary.
Other items which needed restarting: weather stations, dust monitors. May be more as we discover them.
aligo CDS is fully UPS'ed and was not affected.
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:52, Saturday 14 May 2011 (825)
H2 server rack in MSR rebuilt
	Dave, Cyrus and Jim.

We rebuilt the H2 server rack in the MSR. We adhered to the LHO CDS Computer Rack Standards
All the first article 1U servers were upgraded to 2U machines, which allows for cleaner cable and power routing. They also provide network management capabilities.
Three machines did not upgrade to the new hardware on the first try and were downgraded to their original computers for the weekend. We will work with Jonathan on upgrading these Monday. These are all administration machines and are not visible to the H2 users.
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:21, Friday 13 May 2011 (823)
Ops Shift Summary
GV 5 and 7 soft closed to crane forklift across beam tube.
HAM 3 east door removed in preparation for unlocking the H1 recycling mirror on Monday.
Suspension in place for removing the mid Y spool on Monday.
H2 CDS rack rebuilt with new 2 unit computers.
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kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:09, Friday 13 May 2011 (822)
HAM3 East door removed
Kyle, Nicole, Randy, Scott, others
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:02, Friday 13 May 2011 (821)
H2 PSL installation

Penetrations into the LVEA for duct work and condensate lines were caulked and sealed. Bob Rhodes will be onsite next week to tape duct joints and provide protection for outdoor condensate lines

corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:51, Friday 13 May 2011 - last comment - 17:56, Friday 13 May 2011(820)
BSC Assembly Status

(Corey, Doug, Jeff, Jim, Mitch)

HAMISI#3 Prep For Removal

Surgically removed all the cabling from the ISI (Actuator, & GS13 cables).  Installed the final Walls on the assembly.  This ISI is now ready for removal (just need to clean up the Storage Container).  Bagged up the extracted GS13's as well.

BSCISI#1 Work:  Optics Table Flipping & Top Plate Of Optics Table

Finally put the Optics Table Flipper hardware to use.  Unfortunately, there were some CG issues because the part hung quite a bit askew.  So, a wee bit of manhandling was needed for the flip.  The Optics Table was eventually flipped and we took a first round of checking/removing broken helicoil tangs. 

The top-facing Optics Table was then brought into the cleanroom and was laid down on top of the Optics Table.  At this point, Jim & Doug did some dowel pin hole reaming (basically two holes were missed by the machine shops). 

Photos:  include work from today and a big ole pile of broken tangs!

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Comments related to this report
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - 17:56, Friday 13 May 2011 (824)
Nice work guys.

The report I heard from Doug and Jim is that the hole reaming went very well and the gauge pins put the diameter exactly where we wanted.  When the special pins come out of the oven we'll determine if the holes need further adjustment.
jeffrey.bartlett@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:05, Friday 13 May 2011 (819)
Quad 2 Testing
The ITM Quad 2 is on the test stand has been optically aligned. The BOSEMs are installed and tuned as per E1000494. The Quad is now ready for testing. 
corey.gray@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:15, Friday 13 May 2011 (818)
BSC Assembly Status

(Corey, Jim)

Other than Mitch's never-ending background work of keeping us organized and handling tons of our parts, there was no BSC ISI Assembly work today (waiting for Optics Table Flipper hardware). 

HAMISI#3 Removal Work

Re-payloaded the ISI, Balanced, and then Locked.  At this point lots of grunt work occurred to get the ISI staged for removal:  Shipping Brackets installed, most Walls removed for GS13 access, all (6) GS13's removed, masses removed from Optics Table, and Walls were re-installed. 

Attached are photos of the weights on the Optics Table to balance it and the Shipping Brackets getting helicoiled.

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H2 General
jonathan.berliner@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:21, Thursday 12 May 2011 (815)
Thursday Ops Log
Highlights (PST):
08:50 - Mid Columbia Forklift arrives 
09:34 - Locksmith arrives to work on doors in outbuildings
10:10 - DaniA leads laser safety tour of LVEA
11:00 - Ski begins refurbishing locks at all outbuildings...alarms expected
13:45 - Kyle vents vertex.  He also turned off "ASC-HV."
14:39 - Monarch Metal arrives for Ski, delivered to warehouse
15:00 - Will Scott arrives for Richard
15:30 - Delivery from Mid Columbia Engineering to LVEA high bay
Morning drop-in and 16:00 tours today.
Dust Report (attached): #3 and #4 are ~flat-line.  Big spike at ~14:00-15:00 PST.
Intersection of WA-240 + Rt. 10: Jack-knifed tractor-trailer.
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greg.grabeel@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:20, Thursday 12 May 2011 (817)
BSC 4 HEPI Frame Install

The HEPI Frames have been installed on BSC 4.

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kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:52, Thursday 12 May 2011 (816)
Vertex+HAM6 Vent
Dumped GV3 annulus into aux. turbo cart

Vented Vertex and HAM6
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:22, Wednesday 11 May 2011 (813)
H2 PSL installation

Air conditioner units are powered and are running, set to 67. We can get air from the make up air fan, but the variable speed controller is not working properly, and not varying the flow. Outdoor units were bolted to their concrete pad.

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H2 General
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:59, Wednesday 11 May 2011 (810)
Ops Day Summary
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:42, Wednesday 11 May 2011 (809)
GV11 annulus passed vent test
Vented GV11 body flanges and bonnet annulus volumes and did not observe a pressure communication to CP4 -> disconnected flex line portion of plumbing connecting the to-be-removed-spool between GV11 and BSC6 and blanked-off line -> pumped out GV11 with aux. turbo cart and restored GV11 pumping back to the ion pump.
H2 General
vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:18, Friday 06 May 2011 - last comment - 17:15, Wednesday 11 May 2011(790)
We tuned the HEPI pump controller that will regulate the pump speed such that the pressure drop between the chamber inlet manifold and the chamber outlet manifold stays constant. Since there is no chamber hooked up, we controlled the pressure at sensor 4 (after 3 accumulators) on the manifold.
We identified the pump dynamic using a step response. Next, we approximated the pump with a simple model. Then, we tweaked the parameters of the controller using the model. Finally, we measured the closed loop response.
In attachment, you will find:
-	Amplitude spectral density of pressure at sensor 1 (after 1 accumulator) and sensor 4 (after 3 accumulators) for different revolution speeds of the pump.
-	Times series (Step response: Simulations vs measurements)
-	Bode plot (Pump, Open Loop, Closed Loop …). UUG=4.5mHz – Phase margin 60 deg. 
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Comments related to this report
vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - 17:15, Wednesday 11 May 2011 (812)
We tuned the HEPI pump controller that will regulate the pump speed such that the pressure drop between the chamber inlet manifold and the chamber outlet manifold stays constant. Since there is no chamber hooked up, we controlled the pressure at sensor 4 (after 3 accumulators) on the manifold.
We identified the pump dynamic using a step response. Next, we approximated the pump with a simple model. Then, we tweaked the parameters of the controller using the model. Finally, we measured the closed loop response.
In attachment, you will find:
-	Amplitude spectral density of pressure at sensor 1 (after 1 accumulator) and sensor 4 (after 3 accumulators) for different revolution speeds of the pump.
-	Times series (Step response: Simulations vs measurements)
-	Bode plot (Pump, Open Loop, Closed Loop …).
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