There will be a minor change to the aLOG tomorrow. However the alog will not be restarted, so there should be no downtime. A new color theme is being added, so that we will be able to differentiate between the sites. LHO will get a blue theme, LLO will get the default green theme This will be applied tomorrow during maintenance. There will be no scheduled downtime for this change.
Jim and I just did a renaming of the computers on the DTS. dtsfe0 and dtsfe1 have swapped names. So now the server machine you ssh into is now dtsfe0 (the router's mapping table accordingly changed). dtsfe1 is now the first of the true front end machines. Jim is using dtsfe1 for his seismic test stand clone. The original HDD was put aside, and a clone of seiteststand substituted. This frontend uses the top IOC chassis, which has the ADC, DAC and BIO cards necessary for the model.
Work continues to tune up the alignment of both the reaction and main chains of LHO Q1 (QUAD #1). Height, Yaw, and Pitch are coupled for various adjustments, so it is an iterative process to get everything correct at the same time. Yesterday, we discovered that during on of our "side shift" adjustments, we unseated a wire clamp on the UIM, so we had to do some minor dismantling and re-assembly to fix it. In fact, the clamp was a bit munched on one edge, so the Class B file came in handy.
As Fabrice and Corey eluded to in the LSU SEI logs 1762,63, & 65, the H3 GS-13 was not right. There was some statements that it was OK one week and then not the next. I believe this initial observation was only in the Table-was-locked state. Corey and Vincent may have mined some further data in that regard. Regardless, the observation that it looked OK when the table was locked but not when unlocked made me think of the internal pod clamping hardware. Never liked it and sure glad the BSC is different. Anyway, I thought maybe the sensor had shifted a little bit in the Pod and the Mass was just seated and would see the un-damped world when locked. But, when the table was unlocked, the stuck mass would have no 'power' in the low frequencies. I'm sure it doesn't matter why I thought anything but... So, we tilted the table such that the sensor would tilt down even lower, by adding a couple pounds, and observed no difference in the GS-13. Then we shifted the weight to the other side so that the GS-13 would tilt up--same weight shift. This time the time series looked good! I think Corey took a spectrum to confirm. We then swapped out that unit for the one spare Celine sent (thank you!) and it worked--without the tilting weight added of course. I believe Fabrice is suggesting we do a similar tilt test to confirm we are in the center of the likely small 'level' range of the sensor. JoeH has asked I send this unit back where he'll autopsy; so I can't offer any more info than that.
Reseated 10GbE card on h2daqfw1 (slot 5) which seems to have cleared up the bus timeout messages from dmesg. That should be fixed, unless issues return. I forgot to add in the previous report that disabling the option ROMs in the BIOS for all slots except 0 (the RAID controller), and removing the network cards from the boot list considerably improves the boot time. Counting memory on startup is still slow, as is applying power for the first time (the iLOM controller must boot first in that case). Will see if there is some setting for the iLOM that can get around this. Have also finished installing the cards in the H1 DAQ x4270s, and installed Solaris 10 so they are also ready to go (minus user accounts, iLOM setup, etc.). Did not see any glaring hardware issues. These two machines are now re-boxed in the MSR.
This is simply a test of the add report page. The author field is frozen now (mostly).
Just a quick reminder. The logbook will be undergoing scheduled maintenance today from 10am-noon Pacific time. If you have reports that will span that time gap, please save them as a draft or publish them before 10am. You can finish them after noon (pacific).
The software update is complete. The search page has been updated to add calendar support and an author list. The logbook is still in maintenance mode though, as I will be testing some system settings to ensure reliable configuration management. The logbook will be available for general use again at noon (pacific).
Logbook maintenance is done for the day. The change log is as follows: * Updated the search page to add a calendar to the date fields * Updated the search page to add a drop down list of users to search from * Made the author field read-only (except for a failure case which should not happen) - There is still a little work to do on this. * Checked all entries to ensure that the author name matches their username. This is to repair some issues that Corey had and to keep the search accurate.
Also: * updated the webserver config, so that alog/aLog/Alog/... in the url all work. * fixed a problem with the configuration management scripts where the main web server configuration file was not watch properly
On Thursday July 1, I modified the DAQ .ini file located in '/opt/rtcds/geo/g1/chans/daq' named 'G1ISIHAM.ini'. This new file has added some needed channels to acquire data and write frame files on the test stand front end. I re-loaded the DAQ and re-booted the framebuilder. The complete list of available DAQ channels that are currently writing frame files is attached.
- We have completed the set of Local to Local measurements - We have made a full of Modal to Modal measurements today - The attached document shows the transfer functions and summarizes all the parameters of data acquisition - We start analyzing the results. At least two things catch attention and need to be checked: the resonance at 24Hz in the GS13, and the phase of the CPS at low frequencies. - We are taking more data with a finer resolution and more averages.
- awgstream issues have been solved by the installation of the new version of awgtpman. - about the get_data issue, Dave has created some spare space and installed the wiper script to prevent the disk from being full again. - we run transfer functions this afternoon, everything went well. We have got a first complete set of transfer functions in the local basis. It is attached. Few comments about these transfer functions: - Low frequency data is noisy. We will increase the number of averages - Transfer functions are going to be compared with HAM 6 measurements - There is and undesired resonance at 24Hz We are preparing a set of measurements in the general coordinate basis for tonight.
The /frames file system was 100% full, which means no new frames
were being written by the daq.
I have written a primitive script to just delete the oldest full frame
and second trend frame directories if /frames gets bigger than 95%.
The script runs as a cron job, as user controls on seiteststand
# Every hour run script to keep /frames from filling
# check /tmp/daq_wiper.log for its logs
0 * * * * /home/controls/crontabs/
This would apply to all probes as in HAM, BSC etc. We found the MicroSense did not report the standoffs and when asked were surprised it was not 2mm. They do record them but don't list the number on the calibration sheet. I'm asking for them all but to-date only have a few that they told me. One was listed as 2.259mm (89mil) and four of the seven were greater than 2.16mm! They will 'mess' with them if they are too far below the nominal and I don't know all the numbers yet. This was a source of much of our confusion when we were jigging these in to get a noise spectra. Eric ended up using 6 10mil shims on the test jig to get the outputs near zero. Bottom line here is I wanted to post an email explanation given by MicroSense showing why our gaps are not exactly 2mm. Sounds like we could specify that if we think it is needed but apparently we did not do so. From Roy Mallory 1 July 2010: Hi Hugh, We calibrate to achieve a particular scale factor and to minimize linearity error, but don't attempt to tweak the standoff. The nominal standoff is determined by design parameters, but a number of things, like component tolerances, can cause it to be slightly different from unit to unit. It's also tricky to measure and define. For example, is the standoff the shortest line from the center of the probe to the target? Is it the distance between the point on the target and the point on the probe that will first contact if the two are translated until they touch? If the probe and target aren't perfectly parallel, the standoff will be affected, but is that the standoff to report? What we do--mostly because it's simple--is to run the probe and target together until they touch. The target, which is the back side of a mirror, is held to its mover by a light magnetic force. The front side of the mirror is monitored by an interferometer. We note the interferometer's reading with the mirror resting against the probe face, and then move the mirror until the cap gage is at the center of its range, noting the amount the interferometer reading has changed. This method will be affected by parallelism, by any nonflatness in the probe, and by any mote of dust on the probe or mirror. Our gages do have a front-panel zero control that allows the standoff to be adjusted, however most of our customers want incremental accuracy and aren't overly concerned about absolute standoff. Does the LIGO application require some particular accuracy in standoff? If so, we can adjust the zero control at the time of calibration to achieve your desired standoff. Roy
1) Alex has installed the latest code last night to get the new version of awgtpman going. We hope this solves the drive issue we were having. I did several quick tests (1 mn long). Everything seemed to be working fine. 2) I have started longer measurements (6 loops of 12 mn each). And I have been having issues with get_data. I have increased the number of attempts to 25. It helps but doesn't solve the issue. The run ends up to crash. I copied the error message below. ------------------------------------------------ WARNING: attempt #24 to get drive failed wait 3 sec and try again Getting data from nds0:8088... Data received! WARNING: attempt #25 to get drive failed wait 3 sec and try again ERROR: unable to get data for this drive segment after multiple tries! giving up the data FRD has the correct frequency vector, but The DATA and DATA QUALITY frds for this segment will all BE SET TO ZERO
It looks like we have been having two type of issues: 1- several attempts are sometimes necessary to get the data. That's what I was seeing during the quick tests. 2- The second issue is that the disk got full during the long test. Dave is fixing it. We should be back to system identification shortly.
Corey is still having issues with his name not being pre-populated in the author field of an entry. This does not happen all the time. He reports that it happened again last night/this morning. One of the details that he gives is that it happened with a browser tab that had been open to the alog for a long period of time. This may be an issue of the Shibboleth session timing out. This may be a bad interaction of lazy binding (which allows us to do anonymous read-only access) and the alog. If this is the case it would explain corey's issue. There are ways to mitigate this, by extending the session length for Shibboleth, or making the alog more Shibboleth aware. I will test this on gold, the test alog server. There I have the freedom to make the session timeout very small without interfering with others.
At 3:00pm Pacific time 1 July 2010 I will restart the Shibboleth daemon on the alog. This is an attempt to address the issues the have been seen by Corey Gray regarding an author field not being filled out. Restarting the Shibboleth daemon may require you to hit the login button again. However it should not damage any posts you are working on. However please save your posts to a draft just in case. I will be extending the Shibboleth session time to a large value. What is happening with Corey is that his Shibboleth session is expiring after 24hrs. However the alog still has enough information to identify him, so the posts are allowed, but the author name drops out. This change can be done very quickly, without requiring new code to be written, so we will try this first. Scott Koranda and myself are curious about how this will work out, ie will having a SP session that is much longer than the IdP session cause any problems. Interesting times.
The Shibboleth daemon has been restarted. This is a test entry. I realize I restart the wrong config value, the shib daemon was restarted around 3:30 with the proper settings. If you see a case where the author name is not filled out. Please fill it in with your name (including the @LIGO.ORG) and post (or save to draft) the entry you were working on. Then logout and log back in. This problem should not present itself again. Sorry for the hastle.