Thu Dec 12 10:04:12 2024 INFO: Fill completed in 4min 9secs
Gerardo confirmed a good fill curbside.
At 15:40:28 yesterday, Wed 11dec2024 we had another sensor glitch on the BSC vacuum gauge (PT132). This was another sharp 2 second wide spike in the pressure reading, which was detectec by VACSTAT as a delta-p trip.
VACSTAT went into SINGLE (sensitive) mode and the CDS ALARMS block on the overview went red because an alarm was sent to CDS.
This morning I cleared the alarm by resetting VACSTAT at 07:39 Thu 12dec2024 PST.
I ran the scheduled calibration measurements starting at 16:30 UTC following the wiki.
Broadband Start Time: 1418056220
Broadband End Time: 1418056588
Simulines Start Time: 1418056620
16:43:42 UTC EX saturation
Simulines End Time: 1418058008
Files Saved:
2024-12-12 17:00:28,850 | INFO | File written out to: /ligo/groups/cal/H1/measurements/DARMOLG_SS/DARMOLG_SS_20241212T163643Z.hdf5
2024-12-12 17:00:28,857 | INFO | File written out to: /ligo/groups/cal/H1/measurements/PCALY2DARM_SS/PCALY2DARM_SS_20241212T163643Z.hdf5
2024-12-12 17:00:28,862 | INFO | File written out to: /ligo/groups/cal/H1/measurements/SUSETMX_L1_SS/SUSETMX_L1_SS_20241212T163643Z.hdf5
2024-12-12 17:00:28,866 | INFO | File written out to: /ligo/groups/cal/H1/measurements/SUSETMX_L2_SS/SUSETMX_L2_SS_20241212T163643Z.hdf5
2024-12-12 17:00:28,870 | INFO | File written out to: /ligo/groups/cal/H1/measurements/SUSETMX_L3_SS/SUSETMX_L3_SS_20241212T163643Z.hdf5
ICE default IO error handler doing an exit(), pid = 900165, errno = 32
PST: 2024-12-12 09:00:28.919662 PST
UTC: 2024-12-12 17:00:28.919662 UTC
GPS: 1418058046.919662
Wed Dec 11 10:04:17 2024 INFO: Fill completed in 4min 14secs
Gerardo confirmed a good fill curbside. Late entry for yesterday's fill. Note Y marker on trend is displayed incorrectly as 70C, it is actually 65C.
TITLE: 12/12 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 153Mpc
Wind: 8mph Gusts, 4mph 3min avg
Primary useism: 0.03 μm/s
Secondary useism: 0.32 μm/s
I ran the coherence check and range comparison (Sheila said she's not sure if these plots are showing exactly what they should be though) comparing the better range at the start to now.
2ndary microseism also took a step up above the 90th percentile in the past 30 minutes and brough SEI_ENV to useism.
TITLE: 12/12 Eve Shift: 0030-0600 UTC (1630-2200 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 159Mpc
SHIFT SUMMARY: One lockloss this shift with an unknown cause, but otherwise a quiet evening with no sign of The Noise seen last night. H1 has now been observing for about 30 minutes.
Lockloss @ 04:00 UTC - link to lockloss tool
No obvious cause, but maybe a very slight ETMX glitch right before the lockloss. Ends lock stretch at 26:51.
H1 back to observing at 05:31 UTC. DRMI looked quite bad so I opted for an initial alignment, which ran automatically as well as main locking.
J. Oberling, R. Short
This afternoon, Jason and I started to look into why the FSS has been struggling to relock itself recently. In short, once the autolocker finds a RefCav resonance, it's been able to grab it, but loses it after about a second. This happens repeatedly, sometimes taking up to 45 minutes for the autolocker to finally grab and hold resonance on its own (which led me to do this manually twice yesterday). We first noticed the autolocker struggling when recovering the FSS after the most recent NPRO swap on November 22nd, which led Jason to manually lock it in that instance.
While looking at trends of when the autolocker both fails and is successful in locking the RefCav, we noticed that the fastmon channel looks the most different between the two cases. In a successful RefCav lock (attachment 1), the fastmon channel will start drifting away from zero as the PZT works to center on the resonance, but once the temperature loop turns on, the signal is brought back and eventually settles back around zero. In unsuccessful RefCav lock attempts (attachments 2 and 3), the fastmon channel will still drift away, but then lose resonance once the signal hits +/-13V (the limit of the PZT as set by the electronics within the TTFSS box) before the temploop is able to turn on. I also looked back to a successful FSS lock with the NPRO installed before this one (before the problems with the autolocker started, attachment 4), and the behavior looks much the same as with successful locks with the current NPRO.
It seems that with this NPRO, for some reason, the PZT is frequently running out of range when trying to center on the RefCav resonance before the temploop can turn on to help, but it sometimes gets lucky. Jason and I took some time familiarizing ourselves with the autolocker code (written in C and unchanged in over a decade) to give us a better idea of what it's doing. At this point, we're still not entirely sure what about this NPRO is causing the PZT to run out of range, but we do have some ideas of things to try during a maintenance window to make the FSS lock faster:
As part of my FSS work this morning (alog81865), I brought the State 2 delay down from 1 second to 0.5, and so far today every FSS lock attempt has been grabbed successfully on the first try. I'll leave in this "Band-Aid" fix until we find a reason to change it back.
Starting from the somewhat strange RM1 spectra I saw earlier today (alog ), I have been looking at HAM1-related things. I don't think this is a strong correlation, and maybe this just means that the HAM1 FF is doing what it should be, but it seems that the TTL4Cs on HAM1 are qualitatively different between times of good range and poor range. However, the confusing thing is that the L4Cs seem bad at times when the range is good, which means that I don't really understand how they could be causing our troubles. Also, other times seem to not have this inverse pseudo-correlation. So, I'm not so sure that this is a sign of our troubles, or just something totally unrelated.
If one or more of the L4Cs is failing (which can be intermittent), that would change the effectiveness of the HAM1 TT asc ff. Turning off the HAM1 asc FF (as Elenna and I commented on earlier) would help narrow things down. I can try to do an assessment of the health of the L4Cs offline.
Sheila found that H1:TCS-ITMX_CO2_ISS_CTRL2_OUT_DQ stepped up from -0.2 to 0 on 2024/12/05 21:40:07 UTC (13:40 PST) Plot attached. This is of interest as this channel has ben a witness to our noisy/low range periods in DARM but is not connected to anything. I see no reason for this step up, the only person in the LVEA at the time was Robert setting up VP measurements (near HAM3 not CO2X) 81628, the CO2 laser remained l locked and we were not touching the CO2 chiller around the time 81634.
Since this step up, this channel has not been a good witness of our DARM noise, maybe the cable wasn't grounded and something changed to ground it on 12/05. Plot of it being a witness to the noise on 12/02 and not on 12/11.
Before and after the step up, this CO2 channel is still a witness to the CO2 rotation stage moving, attached. Both CO2X and CO2Y ISS CRTL2 channels see the rotation stages move, some crosstalk in chassis? CO2Y signal is orders of magnitude larger. Jason was looking into these channels and the chassis
I don't see any change in the H1:TCS-ITMX_CO2_RIN_INLOOP_OUTMON channel at that time, but the reason for the step in the CRTL2 output is from a turned off digital offset in the H1:TCS-ITMX_CO2_AOM_SET_POINT bank. I turned this off when we were looking at it and I forgot to alog it, apologies.
Curious that we lost sensitivity to whatever this is when an offset was removed, but I think this is a good clue.
I've just put the offset back in just to see if we get our "monitor" back. Accepted in safe and observe snaps, but only one screenshot.
It seems that with the offset on again, this channel is again a witness of the noisy times.
TITLE: 12/12 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 155Mpc
SHIFT SUMMARY: We stayed locked the entire shift, over 23 hours as of 00:30 UTC. Lost of investigations into the range drops today, range has been steady since the last occurance ~14hours ago. If the drop happens again there's a plan to investigate out of observing alog81774.
Start Time | System | Name | Location | Lazer_Haz | Task | Time End |
16:53 | OPS | LVEA | LVEA | YES | LVEA IS LASER HAZARD | 21:13 |
15:56 | FAC | Tyler | MidX | N | Crane inspection, FCES next (~10/11am?) | 18:24 |
16:07 | FAC | Karen | Optics lab, vac prep | N | Tech clean | 16:51 |
16:34 | FAC | Chris | Midx | N | Join Tyler | 17:01 |
16:51 | FAC | KAren | OSB recieving | N | Cardboard moving, door rollup | 17:02 |
17:01 | FAC | Chris | Midx | N | Driving a trailer | 18:24 |
17:02 | FAC | Karen | Woodshop, firepump room | N | Tech clean | 17:14 |
18:24 | FAC | Tyler | FCES | N | Crane inspection | 18:35 |
18:59 | PSL | Jason | Optics lab | N | Put away optic | 19:05 |
19:18 | VAC | Gerardo | OSB recieving | N | Loading and moving away parts | 19:22 |
19:21 | FAC | Chris | OSB recieving | N | Moving the van away | 19:25 |
21:07 | CAL | Francisco | PCAL lab | LOCAL | PCAL work | 21:38 |
I can't find the right alog for directions, so here is an easily searchable set of directions for HAM1 FF.
There is a master switch for the HAM1 feedforward, but it can sometimes cause problems to slam it on and off that way. Instead, you can ramp the input to the feedforward down to zero. From sitemap:
SEI > ISI Sensor Config > [middle of the screen, see attachment] HAM1 ASC FF > L4CINF
This opens a filter bank page with four filter banks. They each have a gain of 1 and a ramp time of 20 seconds. Set all of these gains to zero to turn off the input to the feedforward. Ramp them back to 1 to engage.
I put cli instructions in this alog :
This should turn the HAM1 asc ff off in a safe way.
As several of us just talked about in the control room, if The Noise is happening when folks are on site and there's a plan of a thing to try, please feel free to drop Observing to check. I think we'll keep the list of things to try elsewhere more dynamic than the alog (probably the LHO commissioning google doc). Some examples of things that we're thinking of right now are (a) turning off the HAM1 FF, or (b) walking (gently) around electronics racks (CER, EX ESD driver area) to see if we can hear any electronics 'whining' or otherwise going bad.
Please do send me a mattermost message, which should audibly ping my phone, but this is causing such problems for our data quality that there is no need to wait for a response from me before trying something.
PCAL team went to End Y today with PS4 to do a regular measurement and a "long measurement consisting of 15 minutes of time in each position instead of 240 seconds".
PS4 rho, kappa, u_rel on 2024-10-25 corrected to ES temperature 299.3 K : -4.71053733727373 -0.0002694340454223 4.653616030093759e-05
Copying the scripts into tD directory...
Connected to
martel run
reading data at start_time: 1417885234
reading data at start_time: 1417885750
reading data at start_time: 1417886151
reading data at start_time: 1417886600
reading data at start_time: 1417886970
reading data at start_time: 1417887305
reading data at start_time: 1417887420
reading data at start_time: 1417888020
reading data at start_time: 1417888356
Ratios: -0.5346804302935332 -0.543306389094602
writing nds2 data to files
finishing writing
Background Values:
bg1 = 18.604505; Background of TX when WS is at TX
bg2 = 5.391990; Background of WS when WS is at TX
bg3 = 18.556794; Background of TX when WS is at RX
bg4 = 5.396890; Background of WS when WS is at RX
bg5 = 18.642247; Background of TX
bg6 = -0.202112; Background of RX
The uncertainty reported below are Relative Standard Deviation in percent
Intermediate Ratios RatioWS_TX_it = -0.534680;
RatioWS_TX_ot = -0.543306;
RatioWS_TX_ir = -0.527163;
RatioWS_TX_or = -0.534899;
RatioWS_TX_it_unc = 0.055923;
RatioWS_TX_ot_unc = 0.051445;
RatioWS_TX_ir_unc = 0.062749;
RatioWS_TX_or_unc = 0.054710;
Optical Efficiency
OE_Inner_beam = 0.986010;
OE_Outer_beam = 0.984479;
Weighted_Optical_Efficiency = 0.985245;
OE_Inner_beam_unc = 0.044504;
OE_Outer_beam_unc = 0.041112;
Weighted_Optical_Efficiency_unc = 0.060587;
Martel Voltage fit:
Gradient = 1637.914766;
Intercept = 0.150812;
Power Imbalance = 0.984123;
Endstation Power sensors to WS ratios::
Ratio_WS_TX = -0.927655;
Ratio_WS_RX = -1.384163;
Ratio_WS_TX_unc = 0.044122;
Ratio_WS_RX_unc = 0.042178;
============= Values for Force Coefficients =================
Key Pcal Values : GS = -5.135100; Gold Standard Value in (V/W)
WS = -4.710537; Working Standard Value
costheta = 0.988362; Angle of incidence
c = 299792458.000000; Speed of Light
End Station Values : /ligo/gitcommon/Calibration/pcal
TXWS = -0.927655; Tx to WS Rel responsivity (V/V)
sigma_TXWS = 0.000409; Uncertainity of Tx to WS Rel responsivity (V/V)
RXWS = -1.384163; Rx to WS Rel responsivity (V/V)
sigma_RXWS = 0.000584; Uncertainity of Rx to WS Rel responsivity (V/V)
e = 0.985245; Optical Efficiency sigma_e = 0.000597; Uncertainity in Optical Efficiency
Martel Voltage fit :
Martel_gradient = 1637.914766;
Martel to output channel (C/V)
Martel_intercept = 0.150812;
Intercept of fit of Martel to output (C/V)
Power Loss Apportion : beta = 0.998844; Ratio between input and output (Beta)
E_T = 0.992021; TX Optical efficiency
sigma_E_T = 0.000301; Uncertainity in TX Optical efficiency
E_R = 0.993169; RX Optical Efficiency
sigma_E_R = 0.000301; Uncertainity in RX Optical efficiency
Force Coefficients :
FC_TxPD = 9.138978e-13; TxPD Force Coefficient
FC_RxPD = 6.216600e-13; RxPD Force Coefficient
sigma_FC_TxPD = 4.923605e-16; TxPD Force Coefficient
sigma_FC_RxPD = 3.250921e-16; RxPD Force Coefficient
data written to ../../measurements/LHO_EndY/tD20241210/
Before beam spot looking a little oblonged but not too bad.
Martel Voltage Test plots
WS_at_RX plots
WS at RX Side with Both Beams
WS at Transmitter Module
PCAL ES procedure & Log DCC T1500062 ( Modified for long measurement)
The analysis for the long measurement is still pending.
This adventure was brought to you by Dripta & Tony S.
I forgot to link to the trends doc: