TITLE: 12/07 Owl Shift: 0600-1530 UTC (2200-0730 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Aligning
Wind: 9mph Gusts, 5mph 3min avg
Primary useism: 0.03 μm/s
Secondary useism: 0.28 μm/s
IFO stuck in initial alignment because SRM watchdog H1:SUS-SRM_M3_WDMON_STATE trip.
Watch dog tripped while we were in Initial alignmnet not before, and was not due to ground motion.
I logged in discovered the trip. Reset the watchdog and reselected myself for Remote OWL notifications.
SUS SDF drive aligh L2L gain change accepted.
Just commenting that this is not a new issue. TJ and I were investigating it earlier and had early thoughts that SRM was catching on the wrong mode during SRC alignment in ALIGN_IFO either during the re-alignment of SRM (pre-SRC align) or after the re-misalignment of SRM. This results in the guardian thinking that SRC is aligned, which results in saturations and trips because it's actually not. Again, we think this is the case as of 11/25 but still investigating. I have an alog about it here: 81476.
TITLE: 12/07 Eve Shift: 0030-0600 UTC (1630-2200 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 158Mpc
SHIFT SUMMARY: Currently Observing at 160 Mpc and have been Locked for 16.5 hours. Quiet shift where nothing happened and we were just Observing the entire time.
00:30 Observing and have been Locked for 11 hours
Currently observing at 155 Mpc and have been Locked for 14.5 hours. Quiet evening with nothing to report
J. Freed,
Update on Double Mixer Progress 81593, Proceded through step 2a of the double mixer test plan T2400327. Initial results are sugesting a possible noise improvemnt compaired to the other options in the area of interest for SPI.
DM_PN1.pdf Shows the phase noise test run in step 2a of the Double Mixer Test plan. While not a true 1-to-1 comparison of the phase noise performance of the double mixer compered to other options (step 2b is for that), it shows that adding the double mixer into this system (except for the peaks) improves phase noise performance by a factor of 2-5 from 100 Hz to 20 kHz. Of note, there is a large peak are centered around the 4096 Hz that is of interest to SPI. As there was only a cursory attept to properly phase match the signals in the internals of the double mixer for this initial test, the 4096 Hz sideband was not properly removed.
A possible cause of this phase miss match is our phase delayer inside the double mixer (ZMSCQ-2-90B) causes a phase delay of about 89.82 degrees at 80MHz and not the 90 degrees we are expecting.
Possible fixes
The very low frequency (<0.05Hz) contains DC noise caused by the external phase mismatch of the double mixer and the reference source for the phase noise measurments. It is not an indication of double mixer drift and there has not been yet investigations in drift.
TITLE: 12/07 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 158Mpc
IFO is in NLN and OBSERVING as of 14:14 UTC (11 hr lock).
Of note:
Start Time | System | Name | Location | Lazer_Haz | Task | Time End |
19:03 | PSL | Jason | Optics Lab | Local | NPRO Diagnostics Prep | 19:26 |
19:40 | EE | Fil | Recieving Door | N | Parts transport | 20:40 |
19:48 | PSL | Jason | Optics Lab | Yes | NPRO Diagnostics | 20:07 |
TITLE: 12/07 Eve Shift: 0030-0600 UTC (1630-2200 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 160Mpc
Wind: 6mph Gusts, 4mph 3min avg
Primary useism: 0.03 μm/s
Secondary useism: 0.23 μm/s
We're Observing and have been Locked for 11 hours. Winds are low and secondary microseism is not too bad.
Closes FAMIS#26345, last checked 81548
Corner Station Fans (attachment1)
- All fans are looking normal and within range.
Outbuilding Fans (attachment2)
- MY FAN1 accelerometer 1 has become a little more chaotic looking the past three days, but is still well within range. All other fans are looking normal and are within range.
The way that I used to run bruco didn't work for me today. With help from Elenna and Camilla I was able to run it, so here is what I did:
ssh into ssh.ligo.org, select 4 for LHO cluster and c for ldas.pcdev1
made a fresh clone of https://git.ligo.org/gabriele-vajente/bruco in a directory called new_bruco
cd /home/sheila.dwyer/new_bruco/bruco
python -m bruco --ifo=H1 --channel=GDS-CALIB_STRAIN_CLEAN --gpsb=1417500178 --length=400 --outfs=4096 --fres=0.1 --dir=/home/sheila.dwyer/public_html/brucos/GDS_1417500178 --top=100 --webtop=20 --plot=html --nproc=20 --xlim=7:2000 --excluded=share/lho_excluded_channels_O4.txt
The bruco now appears at: https://ldas-jobs.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/~sheila.dwyer/brucos/GDS_1417500178/
This is for a quiet time overnight last night.
Input jitter does have a contribution, as Robert suspected based on looking at the DARM spectrum. Jenne looked at cleaning, and plans to try out a new cleaning during Monday's commissoning window.
Note to Operators: During the CP1 fill (which starts daily at 10am) the CDS ALARM system shows RED because the LN2 Liquid Level Control Valve (LLCV) is ramped up to 100% open. The alarm system puts this channel into alarm when its value exceeds 50%. This alarm should clear within 1 minute of the end of the fill.
Fri Dec 06 10:07:29 2024 INFO: Fill completed in 7min 25secs
Gerardo confirmed a good fill curbside.
TITLE: 12/06 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 158Mpc
Wind: 2mph Gusts, 1mph 3min avg
Primary useism: 0.02 μm/s
Secondary useism: 0.19 μm/s
IFO is in NLN and OBSERVING as of 14:14 UTC.
Looks like we got to NLN at 13:30 UTC but IFO couldn't go to OBSERVING, which caused guardian to call OWLOperator (Tony) - alog 81643
FYI: the PRM camera (h1cam13) is offline for Robert's HAM2 viewport work. Its image is blue-screen on the FOM.
TITLE: 12/06 Owl Shift: 0600-1530 UTC (2200-0730 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Lock Acquisition
H1 called me to help with SDF issues.
These seemed like they were changed randomly in the night but also seemed like that may have unlocked the IFO if reverted so I accepted them.
But now that i'm looking back at Francisco's Alog I think some may have been intentional.
More than 1 IFO H1 call tonight:
H1 Called me earlier in the night and I slept though the calls because I did not realise my phone was not properly set up for this owl shift before I went to sleep.
Sheila, Camilla
Looking into last night's issues, there were two sets of sdfs that stopped us going into observing:
If we loose lock today we need to: load ISC_LOCK and ALS_XARM and ISC_LOCK and accept 198.6 as the H1:SUS-ETMX_L3_DRIVEALIGN_L2L_GAIN and the TRAMPs as 2s.
we don't loose lock by the end of the day we should drop out of observing, change the L2L and TRAMPS, reload guardians and accept sdf.
FRS Ticket Logging the 3hrs 30 mins out of OBSERVING
TITLE: 12/06 Eve Shift: 0030-0600 UTC (1630-2200 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 159Mpc
SHIFT SUMMARY: Quiet shift with H1 observing throughout; current lock stretch is at 7 hours.
FranciscoL, SheilaD
Changed H1:SUS-ETMX_L3_DRIVEALIGN_L2L_GAIN by 3.63 % using KappaToDrivealign.py at gps 1417450784.
Script output:
Average H1:CAL-CS_TDEP_KAPPA_TST_OUTPUT is -3.6267% from 1.
Accept changes of
H1:SUS-ETMX_L3_DRIVEALIGN_L2L_GAIN from 191.711517 to 198.664299
Proceed? [yes/no]
First figure (kappa2drivealign_ndscope) is an ndscope of the relevant channels. The the second plot (top to bottom) is CAL-CS_TDEP_KAPPA_TST_OUT with a verticar marker aligned at a time where the uncertainty from CAL-CS_TDEP_PCAL_LINE3_UNCERTAINTY (third plot) increased. This increase in uncertainty is expected from turning off lines before calibration measurement.
KAPPA_TST_OUT is around 1 from minute 5 to the marker, which is the objective of changing the drive gain.
LHO EndX measurement made today.
python3 generate_measurement_data.py --WS "PS4" --date "2024-09-23"
Reading in config file from python file in scripts
PS4 rho, kappa, u_rel on 2024-09-23 corrected to ES temperature 299.3 K :
-4.711436365635769 -0.0002694340454223 4.121866697713714e-05
Copying the scripts into tD directory...
Connected to nds.ligo-wa.caltech.edu
martel run
reading data at start_time: 1416675755
reading data at start_time: 1416676330
reading data at start_time: 1416676692
reading data at start_time: 1416677299
reading data at start_time: 1416677800
reading data at start_time: 1416678168
reading data at start_time: 1416678360
reading data at start_time: 1416679388
reading data at start_time: 1416679723
Ratios: -0.46161620922202573 -0.46631546727413287
writing nds2 data to files
finishing writing
Background Values:
bg1 = 9.175134; Background of TX when WS is at TX
bg2 = 5.161980; Background of WS when WS is at TX
bg3 = 9.165405; Background of TX when WS is at RX
bg4 = 5.151518; Background of WS when WS is at RX
bg5 = 9.191307; Background of TX
bg6 = 0.664785; Background of RX
The uncertainty reported below are Relative Standard Deviation in percent
Intermediate Ratios
RatioWS_TX_it = -0.461616;
RatioWS_TX_ot = -0.466315;
RatioWS_TX_ir = -0.456051;
RatioWS_TX_or = -0.461524;
RatioWS_TX_it_unc = 0.086881;
RatioWS_TX_ot_unc = 0.091151;
RatioWS_TX_ir_unc = 0.097094;
RatioWS_TX_or_unc = 0.089816;
Optical Efficiency
OE_Inner_beam = 0.988013;
OE_Outer_beam = 0.990086;
Weighted_Optical_Efficiency = 0.989049;
OE_Inner_beam_unc = 0.060350;
OE_Outer_beam_unc = 0.060428;
Weighted_Optical_Efficiency_unc = 0.085403;
Martel Voltage fit:
Gradient = 1636.718975;
Intercept = 0.130679;
Power Imbalance = 0.989923;
Endstation Power sensors to WS ratios::
Ratio_WS_TX = -1.077666;
Ratio_WS_RX = -1.392000;
Ratio_WS_TX_unc = 0.054228;
Ratio_WS_RX_unc = 0.043548;
============= Values for Force Coefficients =================
Key Pcal Values :
GS = -5.135100; Gold Standard Value in (V/W)
WS = -4.711436; Working Standard Value
costheta = 0.988362; Angle of incidence
c = 299792458.000000; Speed of Light
End Station Values :
TXWS = -1.077666; Tx to WS Rel responsivity (V/V)
sigma_TXWS = 0.000584; Uncertainity of Tx to WS Rel responsivity (V/V)
RXWS = -1.392000; Rx to WS Rel responsivity (V/V)
sigma_RXWS = 0.000606; Uncertainity of Rx to WS Rel responsivity (V/V)
e = 0.989049; Optical Efficiency
sigma_e = 0.000845; Uncertainity in Optical Efficiency
Martel Voltage fit :
Martel_gradient = 1636.718975; Martel to output channel (C/V)
Martel_intercept = 0.130679; Intercept of fit of Martel to output (C/V)
Power Loss Apportion :
beta = 0.998895; Ratio between input and output (Beta)
E_T = 0.993960; TX Optical efficiency
sigma_E_T = 0.000424; Uncertainity in TX Optical efficiency
E_R = 0.995060; RX Optical Efficiency
sigma_E_R = 0.000425; Uncertainity in RX Optical efficiency
Force Coefficients :
FC_TxPD = 7.886467e-13; TxPD Force Coefficient
FC_RxPD = 6.173183e-13; RxPD Force Coefficient
sigma_FC_TxPD = 5.464959e-16; TxPD Force Coefficient
sigma_FC_RxPD = 3.784130e-16; RxPD Force Coefficient
data written to ../../measurements/LHO_EndX/tD20241126/
Beam Spot
T1500062 procedure measurement and log
LHO EndX PD report
Git Link: https://git.ligo.org/Calibration/pcal/-/tree/master/O4/ES/measurements/LHO_EndX/tD20241126?ref_type=heads
Lab measurements:
PS4 PS5 measurement used for the above measurement were made on 2024-09-23.
The Measurements done in the PCAL LAB today 2024-11-26 were significantly different from the last set of measurements. Due to a drop in the voltage reported in the following plots.
And I will need review these further before re-running the ES data with these newest measurements.
This maybe due to some changes in the lab. More vetting time is needed.
Ratio measurements t20241126_144415_PS4_PS5_FB and t20241126_160713_PS4_PS5_BF agree with preceding measurements within 0.02%, as seen in the top plot of the attached figure.
Top plot show the mean of each responsivity ratio measurement distinguished by the power sensor position from the laser: device_1_front/device_2_back (FB, red) or device_1_back/device_2_front (BF, blue). The error bars indicate the standard error over the mean. The rest of the plots show the mean voltage of each measurement, also separated by FB from BF. Note the change in voltage by the OFS offset from 81135, as indicated by the vertical dotted line 2 weeks before the measurement. As expected, changes in laser power did not affect the final ratio.
We should use the lab measurements intended for this ES measurement.