Sun Nov 24 10:10:08 2024 INFO: Fill completed in 10min 4secs
TCs only just went below -90C trip, so I have increased the trip to -80C for tomorrow's fill.
TCB started at 0C, hence the additional decades in the log plot.
H1 is now back to OBSERVING and it was painless--for the most part.
Had two separate VACSTAT glitches overnight (plots attached)
I'm not sure on how to run a reset (toggling the DISABLED/ENABLED removed red status for BSC3, but it changed to a purple color, so I'm guessing a restart for vacstat_ioc.service will be needed per alog); I sent a text to Dave.
This morning's VACSTAT false alarm was caused by two sensors randomly glitching within 2 hours of each other (Corner station BSC3 and EX BSC9).
Timeline (all times PST):
04:08 BSC3 PT133_MOD2 has one of its regular glitches, which puts VACSTAT into sensitive mode waiting for a coincident chamber trip.
05:47 BSC9 PT510B has a random glitch which exceeds the lowered delta-P trip level. Alarms are sent to the vacuum team.
08:48 VACSTAT restarted to reset
Attached 5 hour trend shows the BSC3 glitch (top row) and the BSC9 glitch (bottom row) 1hr 38min later.
Attached BSC9 7-day trend show it does occassionally have small glitches, but this morning's was larger and just enough to exceed the lowered delta-P trip level.
TITLE: 11/24 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Lock Acquisition
Wind: 4mph Gusts, 2mph 3min avg
Primary useism: 0.02 μm/s
Secondary useism: 0.30 μm/s
H1 had an almost 16hr lock with the recent lockloss (having some SQZ issues due to the ISS), but NO IMC or FSS tags (link). H1 has been having troubles with green arms (with repeated INCREASE FLASHES seen yesterday), so starting an initial alignment.
There is a RED VACstat box on the CDS Overview. It corresponds to: 1 glitch detected and "multiple" state--which I'm assuming is because it sees a glitch at LVEA's BSC3 and EX (see attached).
Environmentally, microseism is between the 50th -95th percentile and winds are low.
The SQZ OPO is struggling to stay locked. We've dropped Observing 7x so far in the last hour. So far it has been able to recover itself, but now it seems to be struggling. If it can't recover itself soon, I'll be calling for help.
On the bright side, H1 has been locked for over 13 hours.
Looks like the SQZ sorted itself out out at 1422 and has stayed locked for 15 min so far.
Since IFO was down, I tried to fix this. SHG output power dropped >30% overnight, and ISS ran out of range trying to follow (so not necessarily a pump iss alignment problem). See trends in first attachment.
1) I turned the pico-waveplate before the ISS AOM to sent more power to the fiber (aka reject less green power). This pico worked.
2) Adjusted SHG temperature from 35.95 C --> 35.3 C to optimize output green power, which is a surprisingly big move. See second attachment of trends to optimize temperature. Not sure why the setpoint temperature changed so much, and I wonder if it will change back to "normal" later.
Conservatively, even though 35.3 C was best for SHG green power, I set the SHG TEC setpoint inbetween at 35.5 C, and accepted this in SDF.
TITLE: 11/24 Eve Shift: 0030-0600 UTC (1630-2200 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 158Mpc
IFO is in NLN and OBSERVING as of 23:29 UTC
It has been a very quiet shift with no operator intervension whatsoever. We've been locked and OBSERVING for about 6hrs and a half.
We did drop out of OBSERVING from 05:26 UTC to 05:31 UTC due to the SQZ FC unlocking. However, guardian managed to automatically relock SQZ and get back into OBSERVING.
TITLE: 11/23 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 161Mpc
It has been a shift with a return to decent locking with H1 unlocked ~2.5hrs for the shift. Saturday Calibration was run (coordinated with LLO). Overall locking was fairly easy although the ALS took a bit of time (not bad), and DRMI locking was a little tough and needed PRMI/CHECK_MICH_FRINGES. But after that locking has been automated.
TITLE: 11/24 Eve Shift: 0030-0600 UTC (1630-2200 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 159Mpc
Wind: 8mph Gusts, 3mph 3min avg
Primary useism: 0.01 μm/s
Secondary useism: 0.25 μm/s
IFO is in NLN and OBSERVING as of 23:29 UTC
IFO has been behaving following the NPRO swap swap that took place Thurs and Fri.
Had to delay this measurement until 1pm locally due to a lockloss in the morning (coordinated with LLO [JoeH] to drop both H1 & L1 at the same time).
For this calibration, ran a non-standard measurement in that the simulines measurement was one Louis Dartez specifically requested be run for H1 (see below).
Measurement NOTES:
20:36:51- 20:37:40 Drop from OBSERVING
This was purely accidental. I had too many windows open on my Desktop, and was positioning a browser with GWIstat on it (so I could watch it during the next drop from Observing in a few minutes for the CALIBRATION measurement), BUT my fat fingers or bad eyes had my mouse accidentally click the ALS_XARM All-Guardian window's OFFLOAD_ETM_TMS_WFS state!
Since the arm is SHUTTERED, I don't think it did anything to ALSx (see attached LOG screenshot).
Immediately re-selected SHUTTERED, and returned the NODE to MANAGED & then H1 went back to OBSERVING.
Sat Nov 23 10:09:56 2024 INFO: Fill completed in 9min 53secs
Running with new trip temps of -90C, TCmins today -108C,-106C.
For this 2nd lock post-recent-NPRO-swap, H1's lockloss did NOT have an IMC or FSS tag: link
That's 2 for 2 so far!
TITLE: 11/23 Day Shift: 1530-0030 UTC (0730-1630 PST), all times posted in UTC
STATE of H1: Observing at 161Mpc
Wind: 4mph Gusts, 2mph 3min avg
Primary useism: 0.02 μm/s
Secondary useism: 0.31 μm/s
H1's been locked 5hrs. After RyanS's 1st Observing lock (which was about 1hr), the next (& current) lock was fully automated (w/ CHECK MICH FRINGES + PRMI).
Environmentally, microseism had a bump up about 12hrs ago, but has been trending down slowly since. Winds are almost nonexistant. There was a light rain on the drive in.
It is Saturday, so I am assuming a calibration is planned this morning for 1930utc (1130amPT).
926utc Lockloss was NOT an IMC lockloss btw. Woo Hoo.
H1 is back to observing at 161Mpc as of 08:34 UTC following a two-day NPRO swap.
Reached low noise at 08:21 UTC but couldn't start observing due to several outstanding SDF diffs. I made my best guess for some of these, so I encourage the appropriate people check on these changes and make updates as necessary. The models in question are:
Ryan had two locklosses from an oscillation just below 1 Hz that showed up in the SRCL error signal and CSOFT P (and a little less in yaw) this evening during the state TRANSITION_FROM_ETMX.
I had a look at the state and found that there was a step where we were clearing histories repeatedly while waiting for the bias to reach 0, this probably wasn't the problem but I added and increment to the counter to stop doing this.
Since the oscillation rings up very slowly, I lowered the bias ramp times from 60 seconds to 30 seconds. This worked once, although I'm not sure it always will.
We've now passed through that state and the guardian is waiting in OMC_WHITENING. I will set it to automatically go into observing when the violins are low enough.
While waiting for the violins I had a look at SDF.
There were a couple diffs from forcing the squeezer TTFSS to lock when the refernce cavity was unlocked, I've reverted those.
I am not sure what's going on with HAM4 ISI FF but I've accepted what's shown in the screenshot.
Vicky triggered on the SQZ ASC, she thinks it was working. We lost lock for some reason while waiting for the violins.