Reports until 16:55, Tuesday 10 March 2015
H1 SYS (DetChar, ISC, SYS)
ryan.fisher@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:55, Tuesday 10 March 2015 (17183)
ODC Channel Additions and Model Updates
Ryan Fisher, TJ Massinger:

We added an ODC channel to the h1omc.mdl, requiring changes to the library parts: omclsc.mdl and omc.mdl

We added an ODC channel to the h1asc.mdl, requiring changes to ASC_MASTER.mdl
  (With Kiwamu and Stefan)  We also added a matrix to the ASC_MASTER.mdl to allow for selection between AS_A and AS_B for the AS45Q PIT signal used for test mass damping. The output matrix is called OUTMATRIX_TESTMASS_DAMP.

We changed the configuration of the LSC ODC to account for the LSC/OMC model restructuring from alog 16893.  These changes were made to the lsc.mdl common library part. Channels that no longer exist in the LSC model were terminated inside of the ODC block and the bits were set to default to 1. We also added the ODC_CHANNEL_OUT to the annotation block to automatically record the ODC channel to the frames.

We made several changes to h1odcmaster (with Duncan Macleod):
  All SIM (simulated) inputs were removed as they are no longer needed for testing.
  The IPC links for ASC, OMC and LSC ODC channels were added.
  The RFM links from h1iscex/ey for the X and Y ODC channels were added.
  cdsEzCaRead links were used to read in Guardian states from ISC, IMC and ODC.  
  The model was converted to using a common library part for the ODC MASTER channel calcuation.  This library part includes the use of the new cdsEpicsOutLong parts to record the EPICs values as 32 bit unsigned integers.

Duncan M. updated the ODC MASTER MEDM screens to agree with the changes made to h1odcmaster.