Reports until 08:47, Wednesday 11 March 2015
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 08:47, Wednesday 11 March 2015 (17191)
CDS maintenance Summary

CDS maintenance summary, Tuesday 10th Mach 2015.

ODC work, WP5095

TJ, Ryan, Stefan, Daniel, Dave:

All three ODC models were slowed from 32kHz to 16kHz. Additional shared memory ODC IPC transmitter channels were added to the end station PEM, CAL and ALS models. Further ODC changes were made, please see the ODC team's alogs for details.

Shuffle of end station ISC models WP5095

Daniel, Jim, Dave:

The PEM and CAL models, which were sharing a single core, were split back into their own cores. The ODC model, which had its own core, was combined with the ISC model and given an RFM IPC sender. The original CAL DCU-IDs were used, and the new ones assigned to ALS were returned to the pool. The CAL core number was changed as it was conflicting with ISC

In the following table, each model's dcuid and core number is shown. Models which share the same core are color coded.

model was is now
h1pemex 84,2 84,2
h1calex 84,2 124,4
h1iscex 126,5 86,5
h1odcx 86,5 86,5
h1alsex 85,3 85,3
h1pemey 94,2 94,2
h1caley 94,2 125,4
h1iscey 127,5 96,5
h1odcy 96,4 96,5
h1alsey 95,3 95,3

The dcuids 126 and 127 are no longer used.

The data from the PEM models were slow in recovering, I eventually remembered that the ADC part in the model should be changed from ADC1 to ADC0 and all the internal bus selectors modified accordingly.

PCAL model changes

Rick, Sudarshan, Dave:

The PCAL common model was modified to give a more logical ordering of its inputs (in order of ADC channel number, PCAL signals first, Timing signals last). h1calex and h1caley were modified accordingly.

Attempt to pre-load the PSL ODC DAQ channel type change

Daniel, Stefan, Ryan, Dave:

It was suggested that the fix of the PSL ISS ODC DAQ data type problem (it is FLOAT, should be 32bit UINT) could be preloaded and applied whenever the PSL is next restarted. Well, in hindsight this is not possible since the new INI file was taken by the DAQ on restart. I backed out this change and verified that only the ODC channel was corrupted for a few hours when this was tried.

DAQ restarts were necessary to support the above work, a few more than originally intended due to PEM and PSL changes.