Reports until 10:57, Monday 01 June 2015
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:57, Monday 01 June 2015 (18742)
DRMI displacement calibration updated

The calibration of DRMI (PRCL, SRCL and MICH in um, alog 14067) has been entirely moved to the CAL-CS model from the OAF model (alog 16698). In addition, I updated the optical gains so that they are accurate in full lock.

For those who remotely access the DRMI spectra, here are the channels that you can look at:

Also, be careful that all these channels have digital whitenings for preseving numerical precision and therefore need anti-whitening using zpk( [100; 100], [1,1], 1) for real data analysis.


The scripts to estimate the optical gains and compare the models with some measurements can be found in the calibration svn:


The scripts are named as:

To estimate the optical gains, I used the data from 2015-May-14th that Evan measured for me (alog 18487) in full lock.

BTW, since the OAF model is still running, one can still get some data out of it. The calibration in OAF have not been maintained at all and therefroe the calibration must be wrong.


Here are some plots for entertainment purpose:

Note that the MICH open loop measurement deviated from the model at high frequencies above 60 Hz or so. Not sure why.

Images attached to this report