Reports until 11:34, Thursday 02 June 2016
H1 General
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:34, Thursday 02 June 2016 (27505)
Ops Day Update: as of 18:32UTC, all persons are out of the LVEA and H1 is locked and on it's way to Low Noise

State of H1: locked and in Engage ASC Soft Loops


16:13UTC - Gerard - LVEA cleanup, out at 16:45

16:20UTC - Evan / Tara - PI damping on ESD, ETMX and ETMY

16:49UTC - JonathanH - to and from H2 building throughout the day

16:50UTC - Chandra and John - donein LVEA, monitoring GV5, GV6, GV7, and GV8

16:59UTC  - Russ - to EX to join Evan and Tara

18:28UTC - RichA / Calum / Fil - all out of the LVEA

All persons are out of the LVEA and VEAs.